American Drama World Exorcism

Chapter 100 - The first big order is complete!

The two of them were in a dark space, and dark green light bands floated around the space, and the light bands rotated back and forth, like an aurora, dazzling and charming.

Benny walked over to Greck, who was scorched and crouched down.

“This space can only last for one minute. Next, I say, listen. After one minute, if you still persist in committing suicide, I will not stop it.”

“Your wisdom is really great, you have already developed such a profound spell.”

Greak didn’t seem to hear what Benny was saying, he raised his head and looked around, exclaiming.

“You think that humans and vampires can live in peace. I don’t comment on that, but since you think so, you shouldn’t give up until you get the answer.”

“Isn’t the answer obvious enough?” Greak asked with a wry smile.

“This is just a failure.” Benny shook his head and said, “You always say that you don’t think like a vampire anymore, you are becoming more and more like humans. But humans will not give up after a failure. You say you Without evolution, human beings are constantly evolving. But the evolution of mankind has come out of this failure again and again.

You want your race to evolve. Why did you give up after a failed attempt? “

“Pioneers are always painful. Not only do they have to **** in the dark, but they also have to endure the blows of countless failures. Greck, the pioneers are great not entirely because of the benefits they bring to future generations. What people admire is the unyielding spirit of pioneers.”

“Do you want to be a pioneer or a loser on the road to success?”

Greak was silent.

“What I said, you must understand the truth better than I am. As a vampire who has lived for more than two thousand years, you have seen too many and experienced too much, I guess you must feel in your heart that I am wasting my tongue now. ?

Grecker, have you ever thought about it, because you have experienced too much, so you are numb. Your seemingly transparent thinking is actually your numb experience.

Do you want to know why you tried to integrate into human beings but failed in the end? “


Mentioned his ideals, Greak was no longer silent, he looked at Benny hopefully.

“Because you are too far away from mankind for too long.” Benny sighed and said, “You seem to have been integrated into the human world, participating in every change of mankind, but that is not true integration, it is just participation, it is hidden.”

“Do you know what humans think? Do you know what humans want most?

You said that you understand humanity better than humans. I think you are wrong. There is no race that understands humanity better than humans. there has never been.

Because of human nature, even humans themselves have not yet figured it out. How can other races understand something that changes at any time and has not yet been finalized? “

“Greek, if you want to integrate vampires into humans, you should first understand humans, see what humans are thinking, what they fear, what they like, and what they can accept, and then think about how to integrate vampires into humans.”

After speaking, the surrounding green light band slowly dimmed, the black space disappeared, and the two gradually retreated from the space.

“Now, follow me.”

Benny said sincerely

“If you haven’t figured it out yet, you can go with me first, calm down, think carefully, and wait for the day you want to understand. If you think I’m wrong, then it’s not too late to commit suicide.”


Eric saw the two reappear and slowly walked out of the shadows.

The sun fell on him, big and big blisters began to emerge, the blisters continued to burst, his skin quickly ulcerated, and the whole person turned into a rotting zombie.


Greak looked at Eric, who was enduring the pain and kept walking towards him, and nodded at Benny.

Benny smiled, dragged Greak into the shadows, turned around and brought Erica back.

The suicide of Grek quickly spread throughout the vampire hotel, and his subordinates rushed to hear the news and soon filled the room.

At this time, Greck and Eric had replenished their blood, and their bodies burned by the sun had fully recovered.

“Greek! Your behavior is so stupid!”

Several subordinates close to him sat around him, frightened, and cursed loudly.

“I’m fine.”

Grecker didn’t care about their rudeness, and comforted them with a good-tempered smile.

“Thank you, Benny.”

Eric pulled Bennella into the corridor and said twitchingly.

“No thanks.” Benny waved his hand. “Don’t forget, you paid for it.”

“In view of my previous promise, a 10% discount for seven million is 6.3 million. For Greck’s sake, I will charge you six million. As for your life, just forgive it. If you give me this old woman next to you, I can consider it.”


Pam rolled his eyes, cursed in a low voice, and walked away on high heels.

Benny saved Grek, and Grek’s importance to Eric is self-evident. Pam can’t afford to offend Benny, and it’s not a good time to be stunned. She can only hide from Benny and save herself.

“I will send you the money.”

Eric said seriously, not being fooled by Benny’s joke.

“I will pay you the other one million.” Eric glanced at Greck who was surrounded by the crowd, and said softly, “Grek wants to live with you, please take care of him.”

Benny nodded and did not decline.

This has been said long ago. It is also one of Benny’s purposes.

Of course, even if Benny didn’t say anything, Eric would take the initiative to let Greak live with Benny.

He was really scared of what happened this morning, except for Benny, Eric couldn’t find a second person who could be Greck’s opponent. What if Greak can’t think about it anymore and wants to commit suicide in a few days?

It’s better to simply let Greak follow Benny, at least Benny has a way to stop it.

What’s more, the experience of the past few days has also made him see that Benny is different from other hunters. He is not the kind of person who is only profitable and opens his eyes to money.


The school bus of the “Summer Camp” slowly drove into the campus, and a group of students chirping out of the bus, standing on the empty playground with a blank face.

The school’s glass was tattered and shattered on the ground, sheets of paper were flying around the campus, the fountain was full of books, and the twisted strange statue fell aside.

It was quiet all around.

It doesn’t look like the Hawkins Middle School they are familiar with.

“Are we entering the inner world again?”

Justin stabbed 11 and asked in a low voice.

11 shook his head and looked out the door vigilantly.

There, a large group of disheveled townspeople bounced towards them.

Unidentified students came forward to ask about the situation, but some 11 people slowly retreated back.

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