American Drama World Exorcism

Chapter 102 - Changed alive

The group stopped at the door of the restaurant, and Benny stood in front of the door, frowning while looking at the dark restaurant.

“Hey, you better hurry up.”

Jason urged nervously, he always felt that something would suddenly rush out of the silent darkness.

Benny recovered from his thoughts, opened the door and turned on the light, and he was relieved to see that everything in the store was normal and there was no trace of damage.


Su Qi yelled and pointed to Bill and Grek who were standing at the door.

“It turns out that no matter how powerful vampires are, they can’t come in without the invitation of the host!” Benny shrugged. “Well, come in, Greak, and Bill.”

Greek walked into the restaurant, looked around, and nodded in satisfaction from time to time.

“It seems that this place hasn’t been breached yet.” Benny said as he was about to take everyone up to the second floor to fetch weapons. Suddenly, a bright beam of light shone from a distance, followed by the harsh sound of a horn.


A khaki-colored school bus plunged into the dining room amidst the exclamation of everyone, ran over the tables and chairs in the dining room, and hit the wall until it stopped.

The Benedict clinging to the wall, dodged the collision of the school bus dangerously and dangerously, looked at the smoky school bus right in front of him, still in shock.

“Now you can come in without being invited.”

Jason said with his back against the wall and raised his hands.

When the school bus door opened, several students coughed and staggered out.


11 yelled happily and rushed towards Benny.

Benny smiled and hugged 11 and kissed her on the cheek.

“Well, before you say that you miss me, which one of you will explain to me first, what is going on.”

Benny asked seriously, pointing to the school bus pretendingly.


As soon as the voice fell, Justin the little fat guy raised his hand and yelled.

“The monster in the inner world is back.”

“You mean, the town became like this, did someone open the door again?”

Benny asked suspiciously, “Isn’t the lab side sealed?”

“It’s not made by the monsters in the world.” Lucas rolled his eyes and said disdainfully, “Ben, I know, it’s a witch. I saw people in the town have black eyes.”


Greak said calmly

“Human eyes change to other colors, and the most common way is to be possessed by demons.”

“Yes!” Lucas said excitedly. “We just got off the school bus after returning from the summer camp, and the group of people possessed by the devil rushed towards us. Several of us ran into the classroom and escaped. , The other classmates were all taken away by the devil.”

“It should be something abnormal in **** that caused some demons to run out.”

Greak reasoned.

Several people were discussing, and a familiar shepherd dog ran over from a distance.

Benny’s eyes lit up, and he knelt down and beckoned to the collie.

The shepherd stopped at the hole punctured by the school bus and looked at the crowd.

“Don’t be afraid. This is Sam raised, and he often goes to play in the back forest.” Benny turned around and explained. He was about to call the shepherd dog to his side. When he looked back, he found a naked Sam facing him. come over.

“Hey! Dude!” Benny was taken aback, and quickly blocked his eyes. “There are children here, you are not in a good habit!”

Sam grabbed an apron and placed it under him. “Ben, Su Qi, I know it’s difficult to explain, but it’s urgent now. You’d better follow me first.”

“Transformer.” Greak’s face was still calm, and he said Sam’s identity.


Several people looked at Greck.

“A shapeshifter can become any animal except humans. Benny, your friend is a shapeshifter.”

“Well, now tell me what happened in town.”

Benny feels that today is really pleasant surprises and good luck.

Sam recounted what Marianne had done in the bar and the lake.

In fact, Sam only met Marianne by chance a long time ago. That was the first time he deformed and turned into a puppy in front of his adoptive parents. Not only was he terrified, but his adoptive parents were also terrified.

It was also from that time that Sam never lived with anyone for a long time.

Sam, frightened by his condition, wanders around and lives by stealing. After a theft, he broke into Marian’s house and was caught by Marian on the spot. But Marianne didn’t punish him, but instead took him in.

At first Sam was very scared, but as Marian showed Miao Man’s body in front of him, he gradually indulged in the love of the bed, temporarily forgetting the fear.

After a short and happy few days with Marian, the fear in Sam’s heart resurfaced. This fear reached its peak after he accidentally broke Marian into a tauren. He took advantage of Marianne’s absence, packed a bag of jewels and left quietly.

Since then, Sam has never met Marianne again. Until a few days ago, Marianne walked into the bar, and his teenage nightmare came again…

“So, what the **** is she?”

After hearing the story, Benny asked suspiciously.

“I don’t know.” Sam shook his head.

Everyone looked at Greck.

“It may be some kind of god, it may be a tauren or cannibal, or it may be a demon.” Greak thoughtfully said, “There are many creatures that fit the situation described by your friend.”

“Wait. You mean the gods? They really exist?”

Su Qi asked suspiciously.



“Guys, isn’t the devil a legendary existence?” Jason asked in horror.

“Vampires also exist in legends, Mr. Stackhouse.” Grecker glanced at Jason and said, “The legends are not all false.”

“Okay. No matter what she is, we all have work to do now.” Benny interrupted the large supernatural biology science class in front of him and began to assign work.

“It was intact before here. Of course, before these little guys drove the school bus into my restaurant, Lucas, I’m going to send a bill to your parents after the matter is over.

In other words, my previous intimidation took effect. “

“Don’t look at me like that. Some of them were abducted by Marianne. I went to find her, Bill, you know.”

“Bill, you go find where this bullhead woman is, Su Qi and Jason, you two stay here with these little guys, and I will go to Kate’s house with me. Grek, they will ask you. “

“Sam, you stay here too. As you said, Marianne has been looking for you. It is safer for you to stay here.”


Kate Atkins home.

Sam knelt on the ground to help Hope bandage the wound, put his arms around his dozing brother, and watched Kate walk out of the room with his body full of bullets and chains.


Hope coughed out a mouthful of blood and yelled hard.

“Don’t worry, the gate of the Atkins family is not so easy to enter.”

Kate kicked the corpse on the ground and said firmly.

Just now, two idiots knocked on her door and were about to pour the nauseating soup on her, and she shot them to the head.

As for Hope, Kate didn’t know how he did it. When she was about to dispose of the body, she just opened the door and saw Hope lying outside.

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