American Drama World Exorcism

Chapter 11 - National Laboratory

Except for the “post-mortem” Hope and Joey, who is considered to be insane, everyone else thinks Will is dead, which casts a shadow over the peaceful Hawkins town.

Nancy was lying on the bed in a daze, replaying Will’s body from the water.

She hasn’t seen Barbie for a day, at school, at home, she has asked, no one has seen Barbie.

This made her very disturbed.

Before finding Will’s body, she had gone to Steve’s house to search for it by herself, but she was scared away by a dark figure rushing out of the woods.

Thinking of the dark shadow, Nancy shuddered, and shook her head quickly, trying to throw the memory out of her mind.

She got up and opened the schoolbag, and a few pieces of paper fell out.

This was picked up during the day, the picture of Barbie sitting by the pool taken by Jonathan.

Nancy rubbed Barbie in the photo, her eyes moved down, and she was gradually attracted by a fuzzy shadow in the shadow.

She took out the tape, put the photo together, looked carefully at the light, still could not see what the shadow was, only vaguely recognized that it seemed to be a personal shadow, but it was a little too tall. It is vaguely similar to the dark shadow encountered in the backyard of Steve’s house.

After thinking about it, Nancy made up his mind, put the photo in her bag, jumped out of the bedroom through the window, and ran towards Joey’s house.

She wanted to ask Jonathan to find out what it was.

When Nancy arrived at Jonathan’s house, just as Jonathan had just finished arguing with Joey, he ran out of the house angrily.

Jonathan persuaded Joey to sign and prepare the funeral for his brother, but Joey insisted that it was not Will. Will was still alive and was in the house. He held the lantern and said that Will talked to himself yesterday. He also said that there are humanoid monsters emerging from the wall.

From Jonathan’s point of view, Joey couldn’t stand the blow and was insane.

Nancy persuaded a few words and saw that the effect was not great, so she took out the photos in the bag.

“Jonathan, are your negatives still there?”

Jonathan looked at Nancy’s hopeful eyes, pressed his sadness, and nodded.

“What is this shadow?”

Jonathan shook his head.

“This looks like perspective distortion.”

“Are you sure you haven’t seen anyone there?”

“No, she was still there a second ago, and I left after taking this photo.”

“I went to Steve’s house this afternoon to look for it, and then I saw something. Some man, maybe some kind of animal.”

Speaking of this, Nancy suddenly felt a little stupid and got up quickly.

“Sorry, I shouldn’t have said this. I think I should go.”

With that, Nancy got up and left.

Jonathan thought of the faceless monster Joey mentioned, and his heart moved.

“how does he look like?”

“I don’t know, I think he doesn’t look like…”

“No face?!”

“how do you know?”


Benny fast food restaurant.

As the night was getting dark, a figure appeared at the top of the stairs, gently walking down the stairs, and when he arrived on the first floor, the lights in the dining room suddenly turned on.

“Hope, I knew you wouldn’t let it go.”

Benny’s voice sounded.

Hope lowered his arms and gradually adjusted to the light. In front of him, Benny was sitting on the opposite side of the stairs with his legs up.

“Let’s go.”

Just as Hope was frustrated, Benny stood up and shook his head.

“You’d better hurry up, it’s less than three hours before dawn.”

Benny’s voice came from afar, and Hope quickly followed.

This time I changed to Benny to drive, and Hope was in the passenger seat.

There was a long silence, just when they were about to arrive at the national laboratory, Hope finally couldn’t help but ask

“Are you sure you want to go with me?”

Benny parked the car from a distance and took out a pistol from his arms. It was the spoils of the red name.

“You, the sheriff, are not afraid. I have nothing to fear. Besides, didn’t you guess it a long time ago?”

Speaking of this, Benny grinned at Hope, jumped out of the car, and walked towards the National Laboratory with cat waist.

Hope shook his head and followed.

The two came to the door, and while the guard was not paying attention, they crossed the door and entered the laboratory directly.

The laboratory at night is very different from the daytime.

During the day, this place is no different from a normal institution, with people coming and going, and occasionally researchers holding information in low voices, but at night, it becomes very gloomy.


Just as Hope was looking for the map, Benny had slipped to the elevator and was waving at him.

The two swiped their cards and got on the elevator, feeling the slight weightlessness caused by the elevator’s descent.

“How do you know how to go?”

Hope finally couldn’t help but ask.

“And this card, how did you get it?”

When the elevator stopped, Benny raised his hand and shot two “poof” and “poof” shots, bringing down the two security guards guarding the elevator, and whispered while walking down the corridor.

“Last time you came, you were watching the video, I was looking for this.”

The two turned around along the corridor, moving surprisingly smoothly. When they passed a narrow room, Benny paused for a moment, reached out and tore off a stick figure on the wall, stuffed it into his arms, and continued to walk forward.

“Look at what I did? I only stole the elevator card on the upper floor. We haven’t been to this floor.”

The two stopped in front of the elevator. Seeing Hope had been staring at him, Benny shrugged and explained.

“All right.”

Hope retracted his gaze and raised his hand to the ceiling with two shots.



The loud gunshot shook Benny’s ears.

Soon, a team of well-armed security personnel swarmed around the corner.

Benny hid behind Hope, raised his pistol and knocked down the front one. Hope was short, and quickly fumbled the card from the corpse, turned and pulled Benny while running.

I swiped the card and got on the elevator, and the elevator door finally closed before the security personnel arrived. Hope looked around, raised his hand and shot another shot at the controller in the elevator.

“How do we get up?”

Benny looked at the electric spark controller and asked silently.

“Fly up? Or, do they take us up?”

Hope shrugged and said he didn’t care about it.

During the conversation, the elevator stopped and the two walked out of the elevator.

This is completely different from the above. Although the above is gloomy enough, it is because of the small number of people. The atmosphere here, Benny believes, is the same gloomy no matter how many people are there.

The air was filled with gray flocculent dust, the emergency lights flashed constantly, and the crackling electric sparks came from nowhere.

Everything here is perfectly in line with the layout of the ghost film shooting site.

At this point, Benny also became nervous.

He remembered that according to the plot, the current national laboratory has lost control of this layer, and monsters have run out of the inner world and are raging on this layer.



Just thinking about it, suddenly hearing Hope’s voice, Benny looked up and was also stunned.

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