American Drama World Exorcism

Chapter 113 - Affection?

Limited by the reality, Benny can only sign a contract with this construction unit, which is known as the “fastest on the surface”. When the man with glasses smiled and said, “Happy cooperation! Mr. Hammond, you did not choose the wrong one.” Benny looked unrequited, and he didn’t even ask for a beer, so he sent him away.

Sending away the man with glasses, Benny rubbed his cheeks and began to think about making money.

The seven million he had just received hasn’t been warmed up yet, it’s gone, he still has to save money bitterly!

Just as Benny frowned, thinking about ways to make money, Su Qi came to the table.

“Ben, someone is looking for you.”

“Who is looking for me?”

Benny raised his head and looked around subconsciously. At this time, it was just the afternoon, except for the waiters in the bar, only a few old people in small towns were chatting leisurely.

Could it be that these old people are looking for me? It doesn’t look like it, no one looks at me.

“There is someone standing beside the pile of ruins in your house. I think he has been standing there for more than an hour. He may be looking for you.”

As Su Qi said, she pointed out the door.

Benny nodded at Su Qi, got up and walked towards the door, thinking about who was looking for him.

Bobby and John?

They should go to Kate’s house first. When they go to Kate’s house, they should know that he is in the bar. They can’t stand foolishly by the ruins and wait.

Sophie Anne’s people?

It’s daytime, vampires should be sleeping, right? Even if Sophie Anne invited humans, shouldn’t she go to Bill first?

Sam’s person?

Not right. If Sam asked to deliver the letter, he should come directly to the bar, or it would be impossible to wait anywhere.

Which stupid is it, waited for an hour and still stood there stupidly?

When Benny walked out of the bar, he saw no one other than the workers cleaning the rubble.

Benny thought it was the man who couldn’t wait and left by himself, but when he stepped forward to ask the workers if he saw a person standing by the roadside, the workers gave negative answers.

Since they came here in the afternoon and started to work, there have been quite a few people passing by, and none have stopped and watched.

Maybe I can’t wait to leave.

Thinking about this, Benny returned to the bar and continued to plan his own moneymaking career.


Before you know it, winter comes quietly. The cold wind entrained the heavy snow, and it fell down, decorating the earth into a silvery white color.

Sam sat in the driver’s seat, breathing in his hands constantly, looking out from time to time.

In the place where he parked, his adoptive parents lived.

Sam has been quietly observing for several days, only to see the adoptive mother, but not the adoptive father.

Sam’s adoptive mother was sitting at the dining table alone.

Sam didn’t know if he should go up and ring the doorbell, and rush to interrupt. Regarding this question, he has hesitated for several days.

“FUCK! This **** weather!”

Sam cursed in a low voice, planning to start the car and warm himself up with the heater.

As soon as he started the car, he heard the sound of knocking on the window around him, and he stiffened there.

Stiffening and turning his head, Sam lowered the car window and looked at the familiar face in front of him, not knowing what to say.

“You—are you Sam?”

Mrs. Mallot looked at Sam carefully, then asked in surprise.


Sam squeezed a sound from his nose and remained silent.


Mrs. Mallot screamed with a trembling voice, and reached out her hand to gently hold Sam’s cheek.

“Why don’t you come in?”

“I’m afraid to disturb you.”

“Come in, it’s so cold outside. It’s freezing out.”

Mrs. Mallot said distressedly, and dragged Sam into the house.

When he entered the house, Sam was still a little at a loss who was placed on the sofa. Mrs. Mallot poured a cup of hot tea and handed it to Sam. She sat down and took Sam’s hand and asked kindly.

“Why haven’t you come back to find us all these years?”

“I’m afraid to scare you.” Sam took a sip of the tea, and the familiar taste made him slowly relax. “I still remember the way you looked at me that day…”

“NO—” Mrs. Mallot shook her head, tears streaming down slowly. “I was terrified at that time. I was very scared. When I recovered, you were gone. We found you. For a long time, I haven’t found you. Then we moved here to live.”

Mrs. Marott now lives not far from her home, which is why Sam can find her so quickly.

“Is he okay?”

Sam asked hesitantly.

“He has cancer and has been dead for seven years.

After getting lost in the mud, he kept complaining about me, and blamed me for not taking you well. If he could see you now, that would be great.

Sam, we have always been very proud of you. “

There was another silence.

Sam drank all the tea in his cup, and looked up and asked, “I’m here to check the affairs of my biological parents. Do you have any news about them?”

Mrs. Mallot fell into the memory and slowly said, “We picked you up at the door of our house. At that time you were not two fists big. I remember that it was like winter. You were just thrown into the ice and snow. We When I picked you up, your body was already stiff.

We only found a piece of paper with your name on it under you. “

With that said, Mrs. Mallot got up and rummaged in the cabinet for a while, then walked back with an iron box.

Opening the iron box, there was a yellowed piece of paper with jagged edges, and the writing on it was also blurred, and only the name of “Sam” could be recognized vaguely.

“Sorry, Sam, I only know so much.” Mrs. Mallot said apologetically. “When we saw you were too pitiful, we took you back home. I didn’t expect you to really survive…”

Sam looked up at Mrs. Mallot “I can…”

“Of course, of course, this is yours in the first place.”

Mrs. Mallot handed Sam along with the box.

“Thank you. Thank you”

Sam got up, hugged Mrs. Mallot, and walked outside.


As he was about to drive away, he heard Mrs. Mallot’s shout. He looked along the car window. Mrs. Mallot was standing at the door, looking at him apologetically.

“I’m really sorry about what happened back then. Sam. I was too scared at the time. I’m really sorry.”

Sam was stunned, a smile appeared on his face. He waved his hand at Mrs. Mallot.

“It’s okay, if there weren’t for that day, I might never know what I was.

I’m leaving, Mrs. Mallot, take care of yourself, goodbye. “

After speaking, Sam started the car and gradually disappeared into the snowy night.

Mrs. Mallot leaned on the door frame in a daze, looking at the direction of Sam’s disappearance, unable to return to her senses for a long time…

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