American Drama World Exorcism

Chapter 117 - lounge

Before telling Benny that he wanted to be a hunter, 11 had secretly formed a team with a few friends, in order to appear more professional, and to make up for their lack of knowledge of ghosts, they even Sam came here specially.

Sam wasn’t happy at all. He finally didn’t have to follow his father and brother to run around, so he could stay in one place to go to school and live an ordinary life. He didn’t even bother to pay attention to the pranks of a few little kids—even though he himself was still child.

But after all, Sam’s will did not defeat the hard and soft blisters of the eleven people. After a month of tracking and’persuading to surrender’, Sam finally couldn’t hold on. In order to make his ears clean for a while, he nodded helplessly. Promise it down.

It is precisely because of this that these few guys who could not have played together got together.

After the establishment of their small group, they originally planned to get some equipment from the adults, but after successively experiencing the refusal of Benny, Hope, Greck and Bill, they could only choose to make it themselves.

Fortunately, Justin in the team is a small craftsman, and all the things they need temporarily have been replaced by Justin trying his best to make up or choose other items.

After experiencing the turmoil of being rejected by the adults, not only did they not disband, but they aroused their desire to do something ‘big things’.

Today is a good opportunity for their Hawkins Junior Exorcist team to show their talents!

I believe that as long as they solve Bob’s troubles, they will surely explode the eyes of the adults who rejected them!

Thinking about this, Mike and Lucas became more confident.

The three of them are walking in front of Sam, who has light footsteps and agile movements, and he has begun to look like a good hunter. After choosing to leave his father and brother and stay with Hawkins to lead an ordinary life, he not only did not leave behind what he learned when he was a child, but even became more proficient.

All this is due to Kate.

Kate didn’t train Sam like John did, she just took Sam and Adam when she was exercising. Her reason is that practicing these is not necessarily to become a hunter. You can also exercise. You can also defend yourself when you are in danger. You can use it best. It doesn’t matter if you don’t. In short, you should be prepared.

The three of them sneaked out of the lounge hallway behind the hockey stadium, and found that the lights inside were on.

Sam gestured to Mike and Lucas behind him, quietly drew the dagger from his arms, and carefully opened the door of the lounge.

“Bob must be in there!”

Lucas clutched his nose and whispered

“I can smell him! How come he smells worse than it was at noon!”


With that, Lucas couldn’t help it anymore and retched against the wall.

Sam ignored the two teammates behind him. He listened attentively to the movement inside, holding a dagger in his hand, ready to deal with emergencies at any time.

“Why is there no movement inside? Is Bob dizzy by them?”

Mike asked in a low voice.

Sam shook his head, retracted half of his body, and said quietly, “I’ll go in and see the situation in a while, you two are here to guard.”

“No! I want to go in too!”

Lucas said with an ugly face after vomiting.


Before Sam could persuade them, there was a sudden crash of cabinets, followed by the sound of glass breaking.

Sam’s face changed, and he turned over and rushed in, regardless of persuading the two of them.


Lucas yelled and rushed in.

The three little guys stood in the middle of the lounge, looking dumbfounded at the mess.

The lockers fell scattered on the ground, the faucet was on, water was splashing, and the wisps of bright red flowed down the water into the drain hole and disappeared. In the bathing cubicle, half of the hockey team members were exposed. They were lying on the ground, motionless.

Sam rushed to the broken window, only to see a figure flashing past, rushing towards the school gate. Lucas and Mike ran to the bathing cubicle, then vomited.

Sam walked up to the two of them, and the scene in the compartment came into view.

The big guys of the hockey team were twisted abnormally, like a few big pieces of human flesh and twisted together. Several players lying on their backs had big holes in their stomachs, and the internal organs were taken out and put on them. The intestines even swayed back and forth slightly under the impact of the water. The tiles on the wall of the compartment also shattered to the ground, and the scattered dross was hit by the water and moved slowly towards the drain.

Sam’s face was a bit ugly, suddenly remembering the 11 people at the door, his face changed drastically.

“not good!”

Sam roared, before he could take care of Lucas and Mike, he turned and ran outside quickly.

“Hey! Wait for us!”

Lucas vomited once outside, and now he can’t vomit. He and Mike were pale and helped each other, chasing after Sam.


Opposite the entrance of Hawkins Middle School.

The three little guys squatted decently behind the trash can, quietly observing the situation inside. Suddenly, the radio on them rang.


“Bob is going to you! Run!”

“Sam?” Justin picked up the radio and said, “Please confirm the message, please confirm the message again! Over!”

“Bob is going to you!”

“Received! You guys pay attention to safety! Over!”

After finishing speaking, Justin reported to the two companions with a look of excitement, “Sam has news, and Bob is coming towards us.”

Eleven and Will also had a look of excitement. The three dropped their schoolbags, walked out from behind the trash can, and walked towards the school entrance.

Book! Watch it, I will surprise you!

11 Thinking like this, there was a burst of expression in his brown eyes.

Justin and Will also seemed to have thought of something, and smiled on their faces.

The three of them walked to the gate of the school. Before they could take a posture, a black shadow smashed through the iron gate at an extremely fast speed. The wind passed by the three of them and disappeared into the corner of the street.

The three people’s gazes became sluggish, and they were speechless.

“You—are you all right?”

Sam rushed out of the school, saw the dull-eyed three people, and asked breathlessly.

“It’s okay,” Justin replied blankly, “but it’s okay.”

With that, Justin pointed behind Sam. Sam turned his head and saw an iron door hanging diagonally on the wall. When the wind blew, the iron door was overwhelmed with a toothless squeak, and it fell to the ground with a bang and splashed. dust……

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