American Drama World Exorcism

Chapter 18 - 10 hours?

With the science popularization of the three of Mikes, the Benedict finally had a basic understanding of the world.

The inner world is the reflection of the real world, everything in the real world, the inner world has, vehicles, buildings, geographical environment, everything, the inner world and the real world are like twin brothers.

The reason why the real world such as the school becomes the appearance of the inner world is that the underground gate of the national laboratory together with the two worlds makes the inner world begin to spread in the real world. It seems that the school and other places have become gateways. But in fact, there is only one real gateway, and that is the door underneath the National Laboratory.

Closing that door will cut off the connection between the two worlds, and the changes in other places will naturally subside.

Benny didn’t know how the three little guys knew this, but according to his memory, the plot seemed to be based on the ideas of these little guys and successfully prevented the disaster.

“Guys, you better wait a while and discuss middle school physics.”

Hope made a sharp turn and almost drove the people out of the car.

Everyone looked around, only to find that many monsters appeared around them at some point.

These monsters are constantly approaching, surrounding them.

“They are hunting! We are the prey!”

Justin screamed.

“Quick! Lord Sage.”

Lucas grabbed Benny by the arm and shouted.

Benny withdrew his arm, grabbed the handle with one hand to fix his body, and raised the other hand high, a ball of basketball fireball appeared out of thin air, and fell suddenly following the trajectory of Benny’s arm swing.


The fireball burst, turned into a raging flame, and swallowed two monsters that hit the car.

Hope reacted quickly, slammed on the brakes, the car made a sore noise, and the wheels dragged four long marks on the ground, avoiding the monster dangerously and dangerously.

Then, the car bypassed the two flames blocked in the middle of the road, and continued to rush forward.


Hope yelled while driving the vehicle.

Knowing that it was not time to save effort, Benny raised his arm again, and another fireball smashed down, engulfing a monster.


“Good job!!”

The three Mikes were yelling and excited from behind.


Hope was also interested. He drove the vehicle accurately, and he made an unexplained shout with a look of excitement.

“Man, wait until everything is over, you have to teach me!”

Hope drove the vehicle excitedly to avoid the attack, and yelled to Benny in time.

Benny twitched at the corner of his mouth, but did not respond.

He feels that this flag is not very auspicious.

“You better hurry up, I don’t have that much energy anymore.”

Benny shouted after getting rid of the monster blocking the way again.

Seeing everyone looking at him unclearly, Benny rolled his eyes.

“What’s the matter? In your world, the sage doesn’t need to rest when performing magic?”

The three of Mike shook their heads together.

Benny took a long breath and took the time to pull out the property panel to view it.

MP: 19101.

Counting the increased MP limit of the few monsters just killed and the amount of MP recovered in the past hour, he has only 19 MP, which is only enough for 3 fireballs, 1 gravity restraint or thunder.

“Go directly to the National Laboratory!”

Gritting his teeth, Benny ordered directly.

Hope nodded and yelled “Sit down!”

Immediately, the car turned on the low-altitude flight mode amidst the screams of the crowd and “flyed” toward the national laboratory.

Soon, everyone came to the national laboratory.

At this time, the place was already in darkness, and the roar of monsters sounded from time to time in the building, and occasionally a dark shadow ran out of the building and disappeared into the woods. That is the monster that came out of the gate.

With the roar of the engine, Hope directly broke the railing and plunged into the lobby on the first floor of the National Laboratory before stopping.

“Quick! Quick! Get off the car!”

Benny hugged 11 and greeted Hope to get out of the car, and then ran towards the weapon storage in the direction in memory.

He has insufficient mana now, and 11 has not woke up, he must get enough weapons to protect himself, waiting for him to recover MP.

As long as his mana is restored, he and Hope, who have enough firepower, can **** 11 to the ground and close the gate.

When things have developed to this point, Benny can no longer care about the MP limit for harvesting. His life matters.

Fortunately, his memory is pretty good. After encountering a few monsters, everyone arrived in the weapon arsenal safely and closed the door smoothly.

The price is that the body is overdrawn, and his MP is only 4 points left.

“how long it takes?”

Hope sat on the ground and asked quietly.

“10 hours.”

Benny wiped the sweat from his forehead and replied breathlessly.

“10 hours?!!!”*7

“Master Sage doesn’t need to be so long.”

Lucas shook his head and said.

“Then go to your sage, kid! I need to rest now!”

After Benny finished speaking, he leaned on the wall holding 11 and closed his eyes to rest up.

Hope sat for a moment, then stood up again, and he began to move his handy weapons to his side in case of a rainy day.

Time slowly passed, except for the occasional echo of monster calls in the empty corridor, and the weapon arsenal was quiet.

After such a short escape, the little guys are too tired. At this time, they are cuddling together and falling asleep. Nancy holds Mike and pats his back lightly. Jonathan and Joey are taking care of him. Will.


Joey was taken aback for a moment, then he was overjoyed when he reacted.

“Will, Will, are you awake? Mom is here, mom is here. My poor Will, don’t be afraid…”

Joey hugged Will and wept in a low voice. Jonathan held back his tears, holding Joey and Will in his arms, thanking God constantly in his mouth.

“Mom, it’s hot.”

Will whispered.


The moment Will spoke, Benny also opened his eyes. Seeing Benny staring at Will, Joey gave a cautious cry.

Benny was still staring at Will, ignoring Joey.

Will, who was still named in blue just now, is now in a strange state. His name turned red for a while and blue for a while, switching between the two colors repeatedly.

There is only one reasonable explanation that Benny can think of-Will is still parasitized!

Benny was about to move when he noticed that 11 in his arms woke up, and stopped again.

“11, how do you feel? Is there anything uncomfortable?”

Benny asked with concern.

11 smiled at Benny and shook his head slightly.

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