American Drama World Exorcism

Chapter 22 - Bad Student Dean

There was a customer named Dean that did not attract much attention from Benny. Although Dean was not as many as John, he could still find half a million.

After Dean led his younger brother to get Nancy’s name, he quickly finished the meal and left.

The last two guests left, and the fast-food restaurant ended its business day and officially closed.

Benny closed the doors and windows, led 11 back upstairs, took out a bottle of beer from the refrigerator, kicked off his boots, lay on the lazy couch, and watched TV leisurely.

The cold winter wind blew outside the window, lying in the warmth of the room, drinking beer, watching boring TV shows, Benny gradually fell asleep.


The next day, 11 was sent to Hawkins Middle School. As soon as Benny returned to the fast food restaurant, he saw Hope break in with a refreshing spirit.

“Wait a minute, your burger hasn’t been made yet.”

Benny shouted listlessly in the kitchen.

He is still thinking about how to improve the restaurant’s dishes, and he still has no idea about Zuo Zongtang’s unexpected failure.

“Hey! Man! Guess where I slept yesterday!”

Hope asked mysteriously, lying on the counter.

Benny looked up at him.

The face is full of spring, the eyes are bright, the clothes are wrinkled, and the hair is greasy.

Hey, he doesn’t care for his hair so much, how can he not lose his hair and become bald!

It’s not fair!

Benny touched the pitiful circle of hair on his head and thought inwardly.

In the past few days, maybe because of the winter, his hair started to fall again, which is really sad.

“Where else can you be. You didn’t even change your clothes and didn’t shave your beard, and you were here so late, Joey kept you in.”

“Haha! That’s right!”

Hope clapped his palms and yelled, then went into the kitchen and started chattering behind Benny.

“What do you mean Joey?”

“You know, since my daughter passed away, my wife and I have divorced.”

“Can he accept me?”

“Will Jonathan and Will dislike me?”

“What if they bully me and Joey’s children?”


Benny threw the burger with three steaks into Hope’s arms and said angrily

“Don’t be like a peacock, there is only me, a big man.”

Hope didn’t mind, he folded the scattered burgers randomly, bit a big bite and chewed in his mouth, vaguely authentic.

“The woman who often comes to eat and drink with you is pretty good, that figure, tsk tsk.”

Benny rolled his eyes and began to wash his hands.

“You slept with her, don’t think I don’t know.”

Hope was taken aback, as if thinking of something, his face changed, he quickly threw the hamburger on the table, raised his hands and shouted

“Hey! Hey! Man, you can’t say that.”

“That was all a year ago.”

“Now I have nothing to do with her, I already have Joey, maybe you can develop a wonderful love with her.”

Seeing Benny still speaks behind his back, Hope frowned.

“Man, what’s the matter with you?”

“Before you were not like this.”

“How come you have been so clean since a few months ago?”

“Could it be…”

With that, Hope detoured in front of Benny and swept between his legs.

“Hurry up and eat you!”

Benny stuffed the towel into Hope’s arms, walked around him to sit down at the table, and said

“I don’t think about it now, I have to think about how to make money. You know, 11 is the time to grow your body.”


Hawkins Middle School.

The winter sun is very bright, and today’s Hawkins Middle School welcomes two transfer students.

“Did you bring everything?”

Dean asked while standing in front of the school.

“Lunch? Books? Oh, and your folding knife?”

The short man silently bypassed Dean with his big schoolbag on his back and walked into the school building.

As the class bell rang, Scott led the short man into the classroom.

“Let us welcome new students.”

Twenty little guys clapped and looked at the taciturn short man.

“Sam, can you say something?”

“No, no.”

Sam shook his head, dragged his big schoolbag to the empty desk behind the classroom and sat down.

“Okay. Then we have class.”

Scott picked up the chalk and turned around to write on the blackboard.

“Yes, this class is a writing class.”

At the same time, Nancy and Jonathan are in the class. Dean was taken into the classroom by the teacher.

“Let us welcome new students.”

It was quiet below.

The teacher was a little embarrassed and turned to ask

“Dean, do you have anything to say?”

“No, no.”

Dean shook his hands, walked to sit down at the empty table, and winked at Nancy.

“Dean, where’s your book?”

Dean sat on the seat with his chest leaning on him and said lazily

“No, sir, I will leave in a few days.”

There was a burst of laughter in the classroom.

At noon, Nancy was talking to Jonathan when she was suddenly pulled out of the crowd by Steve.

“What are you doing?”

“Let go, Steve!”

Nancy struggled and was pulled all the way to the corner before Steve let go.

“Nancy, you can’t mix with that freak!”

“Leave me alone?”

Nancy replied, rubbing her red wrist.


“Hey! Man, are you bullying Miss Nancy?”

Dean emerged from nowhere, walked over to Nancy, put his arms around Nancy, and looked at Steve.

“I advise you not to be nosy.”

Steve glanced at the arm around Nancy’s waist and warned with a sullen expression on his face.

“What do you want to do? Beat me up? Or go home and find your mother crying.”

“Wow—Mom, I was bullied at school, wow—Mum, someone bullied me.”

Dean learns weirdly, looking at Steve provocatively.

“Boy, are you going to die?”

Steve pushed Dean against the wall and shouted viciously.

“Wow! The crying baby doesn’t plan to go home to find his mother.”

Dean continued to provoke.

Just when Steve couldn’t help but punched Dean’s unbeaten face, Nancy suddenly yelled at the side.


The two stopped and looked at Nancy together.

“Steve, that’s enough. You don’t have the power to control me. We have broken up.”

After speaking, Nancy glared at Dean and turned to leave.

Steve looked at Nancy’s back in disbelief, unable to recover for a long time.

“Wow! Crying baby, is this going to cry? Cry, cry!”

Dean’s owing beating sounded from his ears.


Steve turned around and punched Dean in the face.


There was a resounding exclamation from the students watching the theater around, and they surrounded them one after another.

Dean wiped open the corners of his mouth and spit out **** sputum.

“Crying baby, are you able to bear this?”

As he said, Dean raised a kick, kicked heavily under Steve’s crotch, and then stretched out his hand to puck up Steve’s hair with a violent hammer.

Finally, it ended with a kick of Steve to the ground. Dean stepped on Steve’s chest, looked condescendingly at Steve, who was covered in blood, and mocked.

“Crying baby, go home and cry bitterly in your mother’s arms. Bah.”

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