American Drama World Exorcism

Chapter 27 - Fight

A few people discussed whether Dean was innocent or not, but they didn’t discuss why.

After class, Sam was called to the office by the principal, and eleven five people followed quietly and squatted outside the door to eavesdrop.

Squeak —

Several people were listening attentively, and abruptly the door was pushed aside, and Sam walked out, just touching the opposite side.

The atmosphere is a bit awkward.

Sam glanced at the five people, walked away blankly, bypassing them.

At noon, in the cafeteria of Hawkins Middle School.

The school’s students were eating, and the whole canteen was noisy. Five people arguing over their lunch for a while, decided to vote whether to sit with Sam or not. In the end, with a four to one advantage, the 11 McJustinville four “convinced” Lucas and walked towards Sam.

“Hi, hello Sam, this is Mike, he is Justin, and he is Will, Lucas, 11. Can we sit here?”

Mike introduced it around and asked.

Sam looked up at the five people and nodded.

As soon as the five of them sat down, before they waited to speak, they saw several high school students pushing away from the crowd and surrounding the dining table where Sam was sitting.

“Boy, are you Dean’s brother?”

Kenny asked aggressively and loudly.

Although Dean only went to school for one day, he caused a lot of troubles at school. Yesterday, he put Steve down in the cafeteria at noon and killed half of the hockey team on the court in the afternoon. This ability to cause trouble is truly worthy. Yu Wen’s name for Shuangsha.

Compared to Dean, Sam is much more honest, taciturn in school, a friend does not have, and he is unwilling to talk to classmates, so he feels like he is very angry.

The news of Dean’s kidnapping had spread through the school in the morning. Kenny, the hockey team captain who was rubbed on the ground by Dean yesterday and beaten his nose and bruised his face, came to ask Sam for trouble. .

Sam put the last bite of the burger into his mouth, looked up at Kenny, and nodded.

“Boy, I heard that your brother was kidnapped?” Kenny exclaimed triumphantly, “He deserves it. No one wants him!”

“Have you heard? Deserve it!”

As he said, Kenny laughed with the players behind him.

At this time, the students in the canteen had realized what Kenny was here to do, and they stopped talking and watched.

“Hey, Kenny, what do you want to do?”

Mike asked loudly.

Since experiencing the things of the inner world, with 11 by his side, Mike has been too hard.

“Little guy, are you talking to me?”

Kenny asked with a sullen face.

With that said, he stepped forward and grabbed Mike by the collar, shook his fist fiercely, and frightened, “Nosy, be careful I beat your shit!”


At the dining table a little further away, Nancy grabbed Steve’s arm worriedly and called.

Nancy couldn’t stand Steve’s soft and hard bubbling. The two have reconciled, and Steve has reached a settlement with Jonathan, knowing that he and Nancy are just friends, not the kind of relationship he imagined.

Steve looked at Nancy’s worried expression, shook his head helplessly, took a deep breath, and stood up.

He is the bully of Hawkins High School, but Kenny is not so easy to deal with. He belongs to the hockey team, and behind him is the entire hockey team. Even if he was a school bully, he was a little bit shocked when he faced Kenny’s group of people.

However, his girlfriend’s brother was threatened, and even if he was afraid, he could only come forward when he faced his girlfriend’s begging.

“Kenny, let go of Mike.”

Steve stepped forward and spoke.

Seeing that Steve also joined in, the students in the canteen watched enthusiastically.

Kenny turned his head to look at Steve, and said with a gloomy expression.

“Steve, this is my business with Dean, you’d better not interfere.”

After speaking, Kenny let go of Mike, reached out and grabbed Sam’s lunch, and snapped it on his head.

Said triumphantly in the exclamation of people around

“Boy, blame your elder brother who is not raised by parents, he provokes me.”

“Maybe now your brother has been unloaded by the NPC, chopped up and fed to the dog.”

“It’s cheaper for him.”

Sam took off the trash one by one in the worried gazes of the eleven people, and finally took the dinner plate above his head, walked to Kenny with no expression, raised his hand,


The dinner plate slammed Kenny’s face hard.

Then, in the exclamation of everyone, Sam lifted his foot and stomped Kenny’s crotch, while Kenny bent over, grabbed his hair, pulled it to the table, and knocked on the corner of the table lifelessly. go.

The onlookers around were in an uproar, and then roared loudly.

Kenny’s face was bloodied, and the whole person was covered. Only then did the players behind him react and rushed to stop him.

Sam let go of Kenny and let Kenny limp on the ground, took a folding knife out of my pocket and I held it in my hand, looking at everyone fiercely.

“Fuck me! I’m going to kill him!”

Royce screamed while sitting on the ground, covering his blooming face with both hands.

The hockey team members swarmed up, and the table was instantly surrounded.

On the periphery, Nancy came to Steve at some point and yelled anxiously, “Mike! Mike!”

While shouting, Nancy was about to rush in.

Steve held Nancy helplessly, rolled up his sleeves and joined it.

There was a mess in the cafeteria quickly, screaming, crying, whistling, and roaring, almost flying the roof of the house.

The melee finally ended with the arrival of security.

Soon, two dozen people with blue noses and swollen faces were called into the principal’s office of varying heights and stood in a row.


Benny was painting the dining table in the shop. After receiving a call from the school, he hurried over.

By the time the office was full, Benny found 11 and greeted Lucas’ parents.

On the other side, Joey was fighting with Mike’s mother Karen. The two mothers were speechless to argue with the parents of the team.

The headmaster and team coach Bobby Fenstock stood aside with a headache and couldn’t speak.

Of all the students in the entire office, only Sam and Kenny were the two instigators who did not have their parents. The two protagonists of the gang fight were standing together now, enjoying the chaos of the whole room.

“No matter what you say, it’s wrong to bully a child!”

Joey yelled loudly, with his hands on his hips, his head held up high, and the general temperament of giving me someone else, and he came to the conclusion of the argument.

One of the team members’ father still had to speak, and Benny had already squeezed past.

“Hey! Lewis, do you think it’s right to bully classmates?”

When Lewis saw Benny, he shrank his neck and didn’t dare to speak.

Among the parents present, women are not counted. Men were bullied by Benny and Hope in high school. Although more than ten years have passed, the deterrence of Benny and Hope is still there.

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