American Drama World Exorcism

Chapter 319 - Naomi\\\'s ambition

“How did he say?”

Seeing Cassidio hang up, an angel next to him asked.

Cassidio did not answer. He stood there with a painful look on his face, and the phone in his hand was squeezed to pieces by him.

The angel’s face changed slightly.

The next moment, Cassidio appeared in a pure white room.

He was lying on a chair with a dazzling shadowless lamp above. Before he could finish looking at the surroundings, Naomi appeared in his sight.

“Cassidio, you can’t resist it.”

Naomi said

“This is God’s test of you.”

“You have to try to accept it. Accept it from the heart.”

“We are your family, we are brothers, sisters, and fighters created by the Father. The Father gives us life. We declare loyalty to the Father on the day of birth.”

As Naomi said, she winked at the angel on the side.

Several angels immediately started to operate and put a weird metal circle on Cassidio’s head again, and the metal rods outside the metal circle aimed at the hole on Cassidio’s head, and slowly drilled into the depths.


As the metal rod deepened, Cassidio immediately let out a scream.

Naomi hugged Cassidio and pressed her face lightly.


Cassidio actually gradually calmed down.

“Cassidio, you are doing things for your father. In order to eliminate the evil wizard, you are a natural warrior. I believe that even if your heart is confused now, you can still make the right choice.

Cassidio, this is the test given to you by the Father, and it is also given to us. We cannot let the Father down.

Go ahead, complete the task, pass the test of the Father, and restore the Father’s holy name to its former glory. “

Cassidio was sent away.

Naomi wiped her hands, dropped the handkerchief, turned and walked towards the door of the treatment room.

“I got news that Arthur in Hell has already achieved something in the soul. We must speed up the progress and not fall behind in this regard.”


An angel in a white coat hesitated

“Father has warned the world that the soul is the most holy and holy, and no one can snoop on the soul or play with the soul.”

When the angel came into contact with Naomi’s cold eyes, his voice became smaller and smaller, and finally couldn’t speak.

“Athather has already begun to study. This is not what we want to study. Asather was the first to initiate it. This is also a war, a war without gunsmoke, but very dangerous.”

Naomi grabbed the angel’s shoulder.

“I believe that the father will forgive us and understand us. Even if the father is not missing, he will allow us to study after receiving the news that Arthur studies the soul.”

“Your task is to catch up with Asather’s research on the soul as soon as possible, and tell me before Asather, why the purity of the soul is so high!”


On the other side, Hawkinstown is outside the film. Cassidio reappeared. Looks indifferent.

“When Dean finds Benny Hammond’s wizard notes and sends it over, we can go through the guardian’s protection and directly enter Hawkinstown.”

“According to the news, the most frequent place for Benny Hammond is here, Benny’s Restaurant.”

Cassidio took a map and spread it out and pointed to the location of Benny’s restaurant.

“Don’t worry about other places, just attack here and capture Benny Hammond.”

“Naomi’s order is to kill, kill all these heretics, and bring the soul back.”

The angel said before.


Cassidio glanced at Yuriel indifferently. This was a male angel with long light blonde hair and a sunny appearance. It should be the last group of angels born before the disappearance of his father not long ago.

“They are not yet infidels. It’s just that their faith in the father is not strong enough.”

“Then what is a heretic?”

Yuriel asked with interest.

Beside Yuriel, an angel with some freckles on his face also showed interest. Cassidio remembered that the angel seemed to be called Anna or Elena.

Most of them in this operation were born recently, and they basically stayed in heaven before the operation, and they hadn’t seen any market at all.

They were excited for a long time when Naomi announced that they were about to participate in the action.

After coming here and seeing Cassidio, one of them secretly told them that the angel in front of them was an experienced warrior.


Cassidio chewed on the word, fragments of the past tumbling in his mind, and his head started to aches.



“Are you all right?”

Yuriel asked with concern.

Cassidio shook his head, his expression returning to indifference.

“get ready.”


Dean hung up the phone with a strange face, sat on the ground, leaning on the door and thinking for less than a minute, he decided to ask Benny.

Dean knew what Hawkinstown was facing now.

Hawkinstown’s situation is not good.

Although he didn’t know the news from Margaret, Dean also knew that if he was not careful, Hawkinstown would be forever.

At this juncture, the embarrassing angel who can only shine is obviously not comparable to Benny here in Dean.

Dean casually grabbed a vest and ran to the door of Benny’s bedroom barefoot. He was about to knock on the door. When the wind blew, the door opened automatically, revealing the empty bedroom inside.

After a daze, Dean came back to his senses and went straight downstairs.

When Dean ran to the landing on the first floor, he happened to encounter hunters and soldiers walking in.

“Oh! God! Dean, you bastard, just ran out like that! You are so rude!”

A chubby huntress shouted, her eyes widened.

“Mary. Take your eyes off Dean before you speak!”

Beside Mary, a hunter with a thick beard smiled and shouted.

“Go away!” Mary rolled her eyes. “If you don’t look at him, let me see you?”

With that said, Mary glanced at the hunter’s bulging belly, with obvious contempt in her eyes.

Mary’s words immediately aroused the ridicule of other hunters.

“Where is Ben? I have something to do with him.”

Dean didn’t care about the molesting of the crowd. If it were before, maybe he would have a few words with Mary, but now he has very important things.

Mary pointed to the entrance of the basement. Dean nodded and thanked, and ran towards the basement entrance.

Three steps in two steps across the stairs, opened the door, broke into the meeting room, there were already a lot of hunters sitting inside. Dean looked round and quickly found Benny sitting at the top.

“Ben, Cassidio just came to me.”

Dean hurried to Benny and whispered.

“Looking for you?”

Benny was shocked and stood up.


Dean nodded and told the story again.

“How to do?”

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