American Drama World Exorcism

Chapter 332 - New visitor to hell

Crowley could not leave in the end.

Being blocked by a group of people, he had no choice but to explain things clearly.

“How did Sam get to the House of Eixing?”

Bobby frowned and asked.

He just remembered that when he just counted the number of people, he found that Sam and Dean were gone.

“It does not matter.”

Crowley’s eyes flickered.

“Now the Lord of Hell is dead, and the demons have no heads. As long as the gates of **** are not closed, there will be an endless stream of demons coming.

This world is about to become hell. “

“Why did Sam open the gates of hell?”

Benny asked, squinting.

He has played with Crowley several times and knows Crowley’s little moves very well.

“Athather is dead, is our agreement still counted?”

Crowley asked.

“Say! Why Sam!”

Benny hadn’t been fooled by Crowley, and asked sharply.

“Alright alright.”

Crowley glanced downstairs, where hundreds of gunpoints were aimed at him.

“Athather started a plan a long time ago. Few people knew about this plan, and he should have not told anyone. I also noticed it by a very accidental opportunity. It was a very ordinary time. Deal…”

“Talk about the key points.”

Bobby yelled and held the gun to Crowley’s head.

Crowley was taken aback, and immediately jumped to the main content.

“Athather trains soldiers in secret.

He feeds the chosen babies with his own demon’s blood. Give them super powers. In addition to Sam Winchester, there are many goals, but he is most optimistic about Sam.

As a warrior who has been fed by his demon blood since childhood, Asathir can control them and disrupt their thinking.

Sam is the fighter he finally chose and his successor.

With the help of the confusion of Sam’s thinking, Yasather’s rescue allows Sam to unconsciously open the door to hell. “

“The devil is coming!”

After finishing talking about the main content, Crowley pointed to the black smoke outside the window and screamed loudly.

“There are still seven minutes.”

The holy killer who had been silent suddenly spoke.



A chrysanthemum-faced boy carefully pushed open the door of the room and walked out.

“anyone there?”

Chrysanthemum shouted tentatively.

His voice echoed back and forth in the long corridor, and no one responded to him.

Chrysanthemum tentatively walked out and checked one by one, and he found that the other rooms were locked.

His name is Eugene, and he is a very unlucky boy.

Eugene lives in Jesse’s home town, and his father is the sheriff of the town.

He has a crush on the captain of the cheerleading team in the school, and because of a misunderstanding, the cheerleader has become a vegetable.

Since then, Eugene has been criticized by the townspeople.

Finally, Eugene, who could not bear the huge pressure of public opinion, gathered courage and prepared to commit suicide with a bomb.

But he did not die. Instead, he turned into a chrysanthemum face because of a gunshot wound.

Eugene, who had turned into a chrysanthemum face, was even more squeezed out.

Until he heard that a priest had come to town.

Eugene summoned the courage to find Father Jesse, confided his troubles to him, and confessed his mistakes.

Jessie first gained Genesis at that time, it was a period of self-expansion. Jesse decides to help Eugene and is forgiven.

He used the power of the Holy Word to force the mother of the cheerleader to publicly announce his forgiveness for Eugene.

At the beginning, Eugene was very happy, but soon, Eugene felt that it was wrong to do this. Rather than forgiving inexplicably, he wanted to continue to let everyone blame him in order to calm his deep guilt.

Eugene finds Jesse and begs Jesse to withdraw his forgiveness.

The annoyed Jesse shouted in anger, “Go to hell!”

This was an angry word, and it was expected that the power of the Holy Word was launched, and Eugene was thrown into **** on the spot.

In hell, Eugene was forced to repeatedly experience the day when the cheerleader turned into a vegetable, and the day when he committed suicide by drinking a bomb.

This is a masterpiece of hell. After the soul of the dead is thrown into hell, the first thing is to experience the most painful day in the heart. Repeated experiences are used to distinguish whether this soul is qualified to be a demon.

This book is nothing, but the soul of **** has been secretly used by Arthur as an experiment. The energy is already stretched. Suddenly there is a soul that does not belong to **** like Eugene, and **** almost ceases on the spot.

In recent days, apart from the opening of the gates of **** planned by Yasather, the biggest thing in **** is to find the extra soul of Eugene that does not belong to hell.

At this time, all the demons in the **** ran to the world along the gates of hell. No one was careful to maintain it. Some of the machines in the **** had been shut down, and Eugene was able to get out of the cell.

Eugene walked around and finally let him find an open room.

Sitting in the room was a mustache about the same size as him.

“What is this place?”

Eugene asked tentatively.


The mustache does not look good.

“What about the rest?”

Moustache sat on the ground and rested for a while, then asked.

“other people?”

Eugene was taken aback, not understanding what the mustache meant.

The mustache shook his head, and stood up to look around in the corridor.

The corridor was empty, and there seemed to be no one else except the two of them.

“Why did you go to hell?”

Moustache asked.

Eugene was silent.

He didn’t know why he was still in the church with the priest in the last second, and he ran to **** in the next second.

“You are the soul that does not belong to hell, right?”

Mustache asked again.

The demons of **** are looking for souls that do not belong to hell, and the souls who live a little longer know this.

The mustache’s eyes shone slightly, he walked up to Eugene and asked slowly

“what’s your name?”

“My name is Adolf Hitler. What is your name?”


Eugene knew Hitler, such a demon-like figure, going to **** was a matter of course.

What he thought was: So I’m really in hell.

“Let’s go, let’s get out of here.”

Hitler patted Eugene on the shoulder and said softly.

Compared to leaving alone, it will be easier to leave **** with this soul that does not belong to hell.

Seeing Eugene’s silence, Hitler put his arms around his shoulders, spreading knowledge of **** to him as he walked.

Shortly after the two left, the lights flickered, and Eugene’s room closed again, and the light on the top of the room turned on, casting colorful spots.

The stain spins, getting faster and faster, and quickly becomes blurred.

Suddenly a person came from another place in the empty room.

The man was still looking around blankly, and suddenly, the light did not pass the figure. There was a twist around. Turned into a house.

“It’s you–“

There was a shout from the room. Then, thick smoke billowed, and the house burst into flames.

With the help of his father, a little boy hugged a baby, cats on his waist, and finally escaped.

As soon as the picture turned, the surrounding fires, houses, and police cars all disappeared and turned into an empty wilderness.

“John is dead!”

“It’s all because of you! Benny! You killed John!”

A crazy-looking woman shouted.

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