American Drama World Exorcism

Chapter 359 - The memory of the holy killer

“You are Benny Hammond?”

Lucifer’s slightly smiling voice sounded, which surprised Benny a little.

Hasn’t this guy been kept in **** by Chuck?

How did he know him?

Ruby mentioned himself to him?

“Yes, I am.”

After such a hesitation, the holy killer had already gone far, and Benny nodded, acknowledging his identity.

Lucifer looked at Benny with interest and stopped talking.

“If there is nothing else, I will leave here.”

Benny pointed to Dean behind him.

Lucifer still did not speak.

Benny nodded, and turned to pilgrimage to the killer with Dean behind his back.

Crowley had already ran away, without the holy killer leading the way, he didn’t know how to leave hell.

Fortunately, the holy killer did not go fast, and Benny quickly caught up.

“How do we leave?”

The holy killer did not answer, and still walked in silence.

Benny is a little helpless, this guy is a dull gourd, I am afraid it is not easy for him to speak.

The holy killer took Benny back to the upper floor, walked through the half-collapsed corridor, and came to an office.

He kicked open the precarious door, walked into the office, and stopped at a desk.

The holy killer raised his hand and overturned the desk, revealing an iron door.

He directly ignored the lock on the iron door, raised his hand to open the iron door, and a dark hole appeared in front of him.

Jumping down, the figure of the holy killer disappeared.

After hesitating for a moment, Benny also jumped into the hole.

After a period of falling, Benny fell into a narrow room.

Familiar lights came on, the psychedelic colored lights began to rotate, and a series of fragmented and mottled projections appeared, pieced together to construct an illusion.

This is a desolate wilderness, in the wilderness, a wooden house stands abruptly there.

In front of the wooden house, an ordinary-looking woman stood beside the horse, hugging the man on the horse.

The man gently kissed the woman’s forehead, squeezing the woman’s hair tossed by the wind, his legs were clamped into the belly of the horse, and he ran toward Benny with the reins.

Getting closer, Benny could see that the knight was really a holy killer he knew well.

It’s just that the holy killer at this time is not as cold as the one he met.

He pursed his lips, wearing a cowboy hat, wearing a trench coat, and a pair of leather boots. He looked a bit heroic.

Except for that messy beard, Benny could hardly help the anxious man in front of him.

The holy killer rode through Benny’s body and quickly disappeared into the distance.

The projections around me changed for a while, and my ears became noisy.

The holy killer walked into a tavern. The atmosphere in the tavern was very warm, and the guests gathered in twos and threes to talk about something.

The holy killer still sat alone in the corner, looking sad.

After drinking the last glass of wine, the holy killer got up and paid to leave.

Walking out of the tavern, you can still vaguely hear the noise in the tavern. The holy killer stood beside the horse, reached out his arms, took out a few glass bottles from his arms and looked at them, his expression was rare and gentle.

After putting the glass bottles on his lips and kissing them lightly, the holy killer carefully took them back into his arms, turned on his horse, and ran towards the distance.

The horse had just begun to accelerate, when it ran into a carriage approaching.

The carriage is a couple driving, and in the carriage, a seven or eight-year-old boy is playing.

The holy killer glanced at the carriage, and after staggering the family, he continued to gallop.

Soon, the holy killer came to a wilderness.

In the wilderness, there were a few corpses lying on the yellow grass, and a few vultures pecking on the corpses. On the withered tree a little further away, groups of crows croaked strangely.

The holy killer grabbed the reins, turned his horse’s head after a moment of silence, and ran towards the tavern again.

When he came to the door of the tavern, he turned over and jumped off without tying his horse. The holy killer glanced at the familiar carriage, drew a knife and kicked open the door of the tavern.

The noisy tavern fell into a weird silence, and everyone looked at the holy killer.

The holy killer tightened the knife in his hand and grabbed the neck of a drinker beside him and asked loudly where is the house driving the carriage.


I don’t know where the gunshot came from, I don’t know whether it was a fire accident or deliberate.

The gunshot immediately plunged the entire tavern into chaos.

Alcoholic drinkers looked for shelter, or took out guns to shoot randomly at the surroundings.

The bustling tavern just now became the scene of a shootout.

The bullet was finished quickly, and the drinkers screamed and started fighting.

The sound of tables and chairs cracking, wine bottles falling, cries of pain, and screams intertwined together, playing into a gorgeous movement in this desolate wilderness.

The holy killers were outnumbered and were soon subdued.

The drinkers pressed the holy killer to the ground, and the child playing in the carriage hid behind his parents and looked at the holy killer in the crowd curiously.

The owner of the tavern took the knife, came to the holy killer amidst the noise of the drinkers, knelt down, cut off a piece of the holy killer’s scalp with the knife, and raised it up.

The atmosphere in the tavern reached its zenith, and all the drinkers raised their hands and shouted.

The little boy looked around, then raised his hand and cried.

The holy killer was thrown out the door.

He staggered and helped the horse stand up, shaking his hands into his arms.

The glass bottle did not break.

This made him breathe a sigh of relief.

The holy killer strenuously climbed onto the horse’s back, pinched his legs, and the horse took a step towards home.

The body of the holy killer sitting on the horse’s back began to sway. He wrapped himself on the horse’s back with a rein, got down and fainted.

The projection changed, and the first wooden house appeared in the distance.

The surrounding grass was still yellow, and the wooden house still stood there quietly. The difference was that the ordinary-looking woman did not come out to greet her, and there were croaking crows hovering in the sky.

The holy killer stumbled off his horse and pushed open the door.

There was no charcoal fire in the room. ,

Several crows pecking at carrion were frightened and flew out croaking.

The glass bottle held by the holy killer fell to the ground, and the potion inside was spilled on the ground.


A gunshot sounded.

The surrounding projections become mottled.

The projection shattered and turned into a psychedelic light again.

The lantern above his head is still spinning. Pieces of fragmented projections close and separate.


There was another gunshot, the colored lights above the head went out, and the surroundings plunged into darkness.


In the darkness, the sound of swallowing a large mouthful of sand sounded, and then the sound of leather boots.

Benny looked silently in the direction of the sound of his boots, and stepped to follow.

He had heard about the identity and experience of the holy killer, but this was the first time he had seen it with his own eyes.

According to Crowley, the illusion formed by this light is the most regrettable memory in the deceased’s heart.

Did the holy killer regret that he felt soft for a while and returned to the tavern to save the little boy who was not in danger at all?

Or does he regret that he has delayed his time, let his wife and children die of illness, and the corpse was pecked by crows?

Benny didn’t know.

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