American Drama World Exorcism

Chapter 41 - Santa he has a brother

Dragging John into the car, Hope tells the story of Lewis’ disappearance, hoping that John can give a satisfactory answer.

John frowned and thought about it for a moment, then took out a brown belted notebook from his arms and searched it.

“What’s that?” Hope turned his head to join Benny and asked curiously.

“It should be the Monster Encyclopedia.” Benny closed his eyes and made up, fooling Hope.

Hope was visibly stunned, and it took a long time to come back to his senses, and curiously asked, “There is this kind of thing? Where did you buy it? Is it not sold to ordinary people? You buy me a copy.”

Benny glanced at Hope helplessly. Why didn’t he find that Hope was so second?

Looking at Hope staring at John’s notebook intently, Benny bet that now Hope must have a complete supernatural world operating system in his mind, and its content is rich enough to produce more than 300 episodes. TV series.

“found it.”

John didn’t know that the hunting notes in his hand were almost snatched by Hope as a monster encyclopedia. He flipped through the notebook and showed it to the two of Benny.

“I think it might be a Christmas demon.”

“There are different anti-traditional Santa Claus images all over the world, such as Belsnickel, Krampus and BlackPeter.”

“Wait, wait!” Hope interrupted John’s narration and asked incredulously. “So, Santa Claus is a demon?”

John glanced at Hope, who was a little desperate. He didn’t understand why a man his age was so obsessed with Santa Claus, but out of his professional exorcist hunter’s qualities, John nodded. Explain to Hope dutifully.

“It might be.”

“It is said that Santa Claus has a brother.”

“Santa Claus has brothers!” Hope’s voice has become a bit sharp.

“Are you all right, Hope?” John asked with concern.

“No, oh, yes, I’m fine, go ahead.” Hope said incoherently.

“Santa Claus has a brother who often haunts around Christmas. He doesn’t give gifts to children, but punishes the wicked. Of course, these are just legends.”

Hearing the last sentence, Hope let out a sigh of relief.

“Anything else?” Benny asked.

John opened another page and pointed to the dense handwriting on it and said, “There is another kind of winter or Christmas related to the winter solstice god.”

“The **** of the winter solstice is the **** of winter that people worshipped a long time ago. It is said that the **** of the winter solstice can warm the cold winter. Of course, the price is to sacrifice a thousand humans.”

“Do you mean that every winter a thousand missing people are eaten by this guy?” Hope frowned, pointed to the stick figure in the notebook and asked, “Is this the stickman? He can make winter become warmth?”

“Man, you have to know, maybe most people living in modern times don’t think so, but our ancestors, relying on the shelter of these Ability Gods, survived the difficult hurdles.” Benny interjected.

“Yes.” John also nodded, agreeing to Benny’s words. “But now we don’t need the help of these Ability Gods, and their habit of cannibalism has not changed.”

“So, are we going to deal with the brother of Santa Claus, or the **** with a single recipe?”

Hope asked a word, and the cabin fell silent.

No matter which one is being dealt with, Christmas is over now, and the chance of catching the murderer is very slim. Moreover, these two are creatures that exist in legends, and one of them is even a god. This is a challenge with a human body. The feeling of the gods is really tense and exciting.

“Take me to the deceased’s house first. You’d better find any clues.” John put away his notebook and broke the silence.

Hope nodded, opened the door and got out of the car. He looked up at the street sign that said “Akins”, and asked in a mysterious way, “Don’t you say hello to her?”

John was taken aback and looked up in the direction pointed by Hope. Next to the window on the second floor, the blonde beauty was holding the child and looking down. The two eyes met.

“No. I have left Dean and Sam in the motel for three days.” John retracted his gaze and said in a low tone.

Hope stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, without saying much.

The three returned to the scene, and Hope followed John and looked around. Benny was so hungry that his chest was pressed against his back, his eyes were staring at Venus, and he simply sat on the sofa and waited for the result.

The operator had finished the transcript. The Lewis and his wife walked back to the living room sadly and sat opposite Benny. The wife was crying in her husband’s arms while the husband was stroking his wife’s hair, staring blankly at the fireplace in a daze.

“Cough, cough” Benny felt that the atmosphere was a little embarrassing, and after a dry cough, he tried to comfort the two of them. “Lewis, I’m sorry about Little Lewis.”

Lewis came back to his senses, turned his eyes to Benny, and shook his head lowly. “No, I heard the police officer talk about the shortage of manpower in the police station. You can come and help. I’m very grateful.”

“Just my little Lewis…”

“Blame me.” The wife got up from Lewis’s arms and said with a cry of self-blame. “Yesterday Lewis told me that he wanted a new game console. I even scolded him and blamed me…”

“No, my dear, you are not to blame.”

Benny looked at the embracing couple and felt more embarrassed.

“I’ll go help and see.”

Leaving a word, Benny ran away.

The Lewis house is a two-story building structure. The first floor is the living room, dining room, kitchen, storage room, etc., and the second floor is the bedroom.

Benny climbed the stairs embarrassedly, followed the sound to Little Lewis’s room, sat down on the bed, watching John search inch by inch.

“Have you found anything?” Benny sniffed his nose, then pulled a leaf from the wreath hanging on the wall and put it under his nose, asking casually.

“Not yet.” John replied.

“What is this? Why have I never seen such a fragrant wreath in Hawkins?” Benny asked, holding the leaf.

Hope looked at Benny, grinned, and was about to laugh at Benny, but his eyes were attracted by the wreath on the wall. He took off the wreath, examined it carefully, and asked suspiciously, “Have I seen this before?”

John took the wreath from Hope’s hand, glanced at it and shook his head and said, “You have indeed seen it, in my notes.”

Seeing both of them, John held up the wreath and said, “This is a wreath made of spiraea. It is said that when people worshipped the **** of the winter solstice, they would wear a wreath made of spiraea on the neck of the sacrifice. This fragrance It will attract the gods of the winter solstice and enjoy the tribute.”

At this point, John’s face changed slightly and he hurried downstairs.

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