American Drama World Exorcism

Chapter 53 - The power of legend

“Yes, the Gévaux monster, a four-legged monster that resembles a wolf. It was distributed in Auvergne and southern Dordogne, France between 1764 and 1767. It was notorious for killing hundreds of people. Emperor Louis XV ordered the dispatch of his men. The best hunter hunts it, guess what, what is the name of the last warrior?”

John pointed to a string of words in the center of the notebook.


“Yes, Akins.” John put away his notebook and said with a smile. “Akins means silver in French. So, you know why there is a legend that werewolves are afraid of silverware.”

This story deeply shook Benny and Bobby, making them unable to return to their senses for a long time.

This story shocked Benny as much as the first day he opened his eyes in this world.

What an honor it is for a family name to become a weapon that can truly restrain the werewolves!

It’s like if someone with the surname Qian kills a powerful ghost, then from then on, money can really make the ghost retreat, and even kill the ghost.

This is incredible!

“From then on, the Atkins family was only responsible for the werewolf, a supernatural creature. They have studied werewolves for centuries, and their understanding of werewolves is even deeper than most werewolves themselves.”

John’s voice was low and flat, pulling Benny back from the shock.

“If they encounter other supernatural creatures, they will notify the corresponding family to deal with it.”

“So, we need to find a family that specializes in hunting vampires?” Bobby asked.

“No, it’s not that simple.” John shook his head and said solemnly. “There are too many legends about vampires. It is said that the vampires originated from the **** demon Lilith in the “Vampire Bible” mastered by high-level vampires. Rumor has it that vampires originated from the thirteenth century Duke of Piercing, or the first child of Adam and Eve, the murderer Cain.”

“But we all know that the existence of vampires is very ancient, even before the Duke of Piercing and Lilith.”

“Wait.” At this point, Benny raised his hand to stop John’s popular science. “I don’t know about this.”

Bobby rolled his eyes with John.

“There are too many legends of vampires, but there are very few that can withstand research. Even the holy water, cross, and garlic that can kill vampires are rumored to cause no harm to vampires.”

“Then what can hurt them?” Benny asked.

“Sun.” John spit out a word slowly.

“Vampires are evil spirits in the night. They cannot walk in the sun, but there are rumors that there have been daywalkers in history.”

“Prick their hearts, or tear off their heads, either.” Bobby added.

“Then can they become bats?”

“It is said that there are powerful vampires that can be transformed.”

“What about the corpse?”

“You have to tear off your head. There are also rumors that powerful vampires can still be resurrected even if they pierce their heart or tear their heads off.” John replied

“Why are all rumors?” Benny asked.

“Some people speculate that this is a smoke bomb released by vampires in order to better protect themselves. Because their existence history is too long, and may even be longer than the history of human existence. They are often active in the human world and participate in In human history, this has caused many rumors to be unable to distinguish between true and false.”

“In other words, there is no family that specializes in hunting vampires?”

John nodded, “Yes. They exist far beyond human history, so there are no natural enemies like the Atkins family.”

“Wait.” Benny sensed that things didn’t seem quite right, and he asked suspiciously, “Vampires were transformed from human beings. Before real blood appeared, vampires had been relying on human blood for their livelihoods. That was before humans appeared. What did they change? How did they survive?”

John shook his head and said regretfully, “It’s a pity, Ben, this answer has been searched for thousands of years by mankind, but it still hasn’t been found.”

“Vampires are powerful, ancient, mysterious, reproducing extremely fast and threatening humans, but they are not completely invisible. This is simply the most suitable pawn.” Benny counted with his fingers and sighed. .

“That’s right. Although vampires are mysterious and powerful, they are not completely invincible. Most vampires can be killed by piercing their hearts with sunlight, wood, or tearing their heads off. While this group poses a threat to humans, it is not completely invincible. Overwhelm humanity.”

John solemnly said, “I am more worried than vampires. It is the race that came up with this step.”

These words made Benny have many bad associations.

With the previous experience of cooperating to hunt down the gods of the winter solstice, plus the vampires that are now making a lot of noise, can the legendary elves, gnomes, dwarves, and all kinds of messy gods be far away?

After seeing the gods of the winter solstice, Benny will not have any beautiful illusions about the gods in the Western gods.

And the legends about them, in the human record, are much less than vampires.

Elves, dwarves, gnomes, etc., are even completely in fairy tales and online games. Their character characteristics and physical defects are completely invented by humans. Humans understand them even less than vampires. one.

“So, the Vampire Rights Act must not be passed.”

John said categorically, summing up the whole bunch of things he said tonight.

“Forget it, let’s talk about it tomorrow, it’s three o’clock, I’ll go to bed first.”

After a moment of silence, Benny got up and said hurriedly, turned and ran back to his bedroom.

“Is he really okay?”

In the restaurant on the first floor, the two stared with big eyes and small eyes for a long time, and Bobby asked softly.


John replied in the affirmative, got up and started to pack the things on the table.

“Except for vampires, all kinds of supernatural creatures have not been very stable recently. I suspect it is all related to the man behind the scenes who pushed the vampire to stand in front of the stage.”

“But we have all investigated, the Hammond family was completely ordinary people before Benny.” Bobby said hesitantly.

“This page says nothing.

Hasn’t any family in history started out of nothing and came out step by step? The Hammond family was just an ordinary family before, but it will no longer be ordinary. “

“But what is he?” Bobby still hesitated. “It’s not a wizard, it’s not a demon, it’s not an elf, it doesn’t fit the description of a god, we haven’t figured out what it is.”

“It’s too late.” John scratched his hair irritably, and his eyes staring at Bobby were bloodshot.

“They have already started to act, we are too late. Just make sure that he is on the side of humans.”

“He can definitely succeed!”

“He must succeed!”

After speaking, John threw the leftovers into the trash can and left the restaurant.

“But we haven’t asked himself yet.”

For a long time, Bobby sitting in the dark said softly.

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