American Drama World Exorcism

Chapter 6 - MP + 4

It was late at night, and it was quiet all around.

On the second floor of Benny’s fast food restaurant, the light in 11’s room was still on. 11 was lying on the bed and was asleep. There was a slight smile on her mouth, and it seemed that there was no nightmare intrusion.

Hope was full of clothes, lying on the bed in the guest room, already snoring, his gun, keychain, and police badge tucked under the pillow, and a corner was accidentally exposed.

Benny was lying on the bed, not sleeping, he opened his eyes, quietly watching the red name getting closer and closer outside.


There was a very slight noise from downstairs, and the three upstairs breathed together.

11 Suddenly opened her eyes, a trace of panic flashed in her eyes. After seeing the environment clearly, the panic gradually dissipated. She remembered Benny’s request during the day, turned over, covered her head with a quilt, and continued to sleep.

Hope’s grunt disappeared, and he rolled over slightly, putting his hands under the pillow intentionally or unintentionally.

Benny listened to the approaching footsteps, motionless.

This time, there are five red names, one of them is guarding the stairs downstairs, and the other four have reached the second floor.


The door of Hope’s room was suddenly pushed open, and Hope rushed out, shirtless holding the gun.

“Hey! Hold up—”

Hope didn’t finish a word, his expression changed, and he flinched back.

At the same time, the four red names standing at the top of the stairs on the second floor took out their pistols and started shooting towards Hope.


Hope cat cursed secretly behind the wall.

He didn’t understand how Benny, who had always been honest after he came out of school, got into this group of people. But now is obviously not the time to pursue these.

Benny looked strong, but he was actually just an ordinary person. There was a teenage **** the other side. In the whole shop, he was the only one capable of fighting. If I don’t solve it as soon as possible, I’m afraid it will be Hurt the little girl.

Hope is not afraid of hurting Benny. Anyway, when they were in school, Benny was often injured…

Thinking of this, Hope took a long sigh of relief, quietly listening to the sound of footsteps, and suddenly opened the door of the room when someone walked to the door of the room.

In the corridor outside the door, the two red names could not dodge and were shot behind by the door.

Hope seized the opportunity, rushed out of the room, raised the gun and shot.



Two gunshots hit two red names.

Then, without waiting for the red name, who was shot behind by the door, to react, Hopra opened the door with two more shots.

“What happened?”

Seeing the red name fade, Benny rushed out of the room and asked in a panic.

Hope looked up and saw the red name downstairs appearing from the stairs.

“Get down!”

Hope yelled at Benny, rushed up with a stride, knocked Benny down, and raised his hand to the top of the stairs for two shots.

Unfortunately, it did not hit.

The red name saw that the situation was not good, and turned around and ran away.

Hope didn’t give an explanation, so he ran after him.

Benny stood up, picked up the red-named pistols that had fallen to the ground, and took advantage of the four of them to fill the guns one by one.


After doing this, Benny dropped the pistol and went to Room 11, waiting for Hope to return.

Hope returned soon.

The red name’s car stopped at the door, the car did not turn off, and finally the red name rushed out of the store, jumped into the car, and ran away without a trace.

“Who are these people?”

Hope asked while looking at the corpse, looking for identity features.

“How do I know!” Benny yelled with 11 in his arms. “It was in the middle of the night and rushed to my shop with a gun, Hope, you shouldn’t ask me about this.”

Hope glanced at Benny, who was frightened, and stood up and said, “Don’t pretend to be a woman, Ben, you haven’t seen a dead person.”

Benny smiled awkwardly.

Before Hope became a police officer in Hawkins Town and Benny became the owner of a Benny fast food restaurant, the two of them had the experience of participating in the war outside.

“What should we do now?”

Benny asked.

Hope went into the room and put on his pants, dragging the body downstairs.

“Hey! Be careful! Don’t stain my carpet!”

Shouted Benny.

The two took a lot of effort to transport the four bodies downstairs. Hope called the police station and said

“They look like they are looking for something, not a simple robbery. Think about it, if you have found something.”

Speaking of this, Hope paused and looked up at 11, who was standing at the top of the stairs.


Benny was shocked and shouted.

“You know my situation, I can’t send 11 away.”

Hope took another look at 11, who was wearing pink pajamas, and his heart gradually softened.

Although he didn’t know where these people came from, and what trouble 11 had gotten into, he couldn’t bear to persuade Benny to send her away when he looked at 11 who looked so like his own daughter.

“Well, I’m living with you during this period. Don’t go around with 11, but follow me until I find out the origins of these people.”

After speaking, the policeman on duty at the police station has arrived, Hope stopped talking, and went out to negotiate with the police.

Because Hope was there all the time, after Benny explained that he was afraid to fill the gun after seeing the four of them not dead, he and 11 were taken to the police station to make a transcript, and the matter was over.

After tossing most of the night, when I came back from the police station, it was wee hours again.

He slept for a while, got up, had breakfast, and went to the police station to continue the task of searching and rescuing Will.

Hope originally wanted Benny to stay with 11 in the police station, but Benny refused. His reason is that it is safer to stay with Hope.

After searching all morning, I still found nothing.

At noon, Benny returned to the town to rest and received an email.

It’s the adoption procedure!

“It just happened that I was going to deliver the materials yesterday, and I will help you handle it together.”

The information officer of the police station said with a smile.

“Oh! Thank you so much Mary! Thank you!”

Benny stepped forward and hugged Mary, and kissed her gently on the cheek.

“Okay, Ben, open it up and take a look. From now on, 11 will be your daughter.”

Benny opened the email and showed everyone the big seal on the document, which drew a round of applause.


After making a fuss with everyone, Benny led 11 to Hope’s office.

“Yesterday, I called Hawkins Middle School and agreed to let 11 go to school after the adoption procedures are completed. So, I might take 11 to go through the enrollment procedures in the afternoon.”

“I will let Mary go with you.”

“No, there are so many people during the day, they should not dare to act at will.”

Hope thought for a while, felt that what Benny had said was reasonable, and stopped insisting. But he still told, “Okay, I’ll go there first, and after you have completed the formalities for 11, remember to come over.”

Benny nodded and led 11 away.

Drove to Hawkins Middle School and came to the principal’s office.

“Hi! Old guy.”

Benny greeted the principal.

“Little Benny!”

The principal stood up in surprise and hugged Benny.

The principal is a former teacher of Benny, and the two have a very good relationship.

“This is 11?”

“Yes, the adoption procedures have just been completed. I heard that Scott teaches physics at school. Can you arrange 11 with him?”

The old principal smiled and nodded.

“I knew that you used to bully Scott when you were in school, and you didn’t expect you to become friends after you left school.”

Scott, also a classmate of Benny and the others, is a nerd. He was often bullied by Benny, Hope and others when he was in school, but they gradually became friends after graduation.

Another point is very important.

Scott is the teacher of those little kids in the protagonist group.

11 In the Scott class, one can let Scott take more care of him, and second, he can become friends with the protagonist group to facilitate future actions.

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