American Drama World Exorcism

Chapter 86 - plan

“Why didn’t Bill come out to send us?”

On the pickup truck, Su Qi had eased from the quarrel with Pam, and asked suspiciously.

“Maybe he still has someone to see.”

Benny responded casually, thinking of the densely packed names he had just seen, and secretly guessing in his heart.

Su Qi nodded, no doubt there was him, and then asked

“Ben, do you have any plans?”

Seeing that Benny didn’t answer, Su Qi exclaimed, “You don’t really intend to rush in directly, do you?”

“Then what are you going to do? Do you have any good ideas?”

Su Qi thought for a moment, her eyes lit up and she said


“Isn’t the Sun Church recruiting members? We can pretend to join the members and mix in.”

“The review of members of the Sun Church is very complicated. If Grek was really caught by them, it would be many years before Grek was first entered into the Sun Church to a sufficient level.”

Su Qi nodded disappointedly, just as a billboard flashed by the side of the road outside the window.




Benny had to pull the car over to a stop. Watching Su Qi get out of the car and run back, she slowly backed the car back.

“I think, I figured out a way!”

Su Qi stood in front of the billboard, pointed at the billboard and said with a smile.

Benny raised his eyebrows and looked at the billboard. Above it is a huge bird’s-eye view of the church. A couple of newlyweds walked along the aisle in the center of the church with smirks. Bunches of light golden sunlight shone from above and spilled into the church, filling the whole church. Holy taste.

“Sun Church, listen to God’s blessing!”

At the bottom, a series of addresses and contact numbers are written.

“We can pretend to be married couples!”

Su Qi said excitedly.

“you and me?”

Benny pointed at Su Qi, then pointed at himself. Seeing Su Qi nodded, he asked silently.

“Do you think anyone will believe it?”

This body of Benny is thirty-four years old this year. He is middle-aged. In addition, he is gluttonous and delicious. He doesn’t exercise much. Even though he had a good foundation, he is now a little blessed. Fortunately, he pays attention to his hair. Maintenance, hair that has been in danger recently has a trend of recovery.

Looking at Su Qi, Su Qi is twenty-five years old this year, at the age of Ming Yan. Counting the birthdays, the two are nearly ten years old, and no one would think that they were lovers.

“And the rent for this church is expensive, I don’t have that much money.”

Su Qi smiled

“It doesn’t matter, you can ask Eric for money, they are very rich!”

“I learned from those accountants.”

“As for age, I think you need to take good care of it.”

“Maintenance now? Is it too late?” Benny murmured, reluctantly jot down the contact information of the Sun Church, and turned the car around.

After returning to the Fantasia Bar, after spending a lot of talking and getting the funds for the event, the sky was already shining.

After resting for a few hours, Su Qi took Benny out to buy a lot of cosmetics, and when she came back, she started to tinker with Benny’s face.

After the tinkering, I called the Sun Church again. After explaining the situation, I decided to go to the church this afternoon and then hung up.

Church of the Sun.

It has been transformed into a secret training base by Pastor Newlin.

At this time, a group of people outside were undergoing rigorous military training.

“Newlin, a couple just made an appointment to visit the church in the afternoon. They are going to hold a sacred wedding here!”

Sarah said excitedly.

“Really?” Newlin said with a light smile. “You go and receive them. I’m going to prepare for the performance in a few days. I’m afraid I don’t have time.”

Sarah stood beside Newlin, with a hesitant expression on her face, and finally nodded her head in silence. Her gaze crossed the iron fence and looked at Jason, who was sweating in the training ground, unexpectedly recalled in her mind. From the madness of the two in the church last night, their cheeks flushed.

Newlin didn’t notice Sarah’s abnormality, his gaze also closely followed Jason’s figure, his eyes sparkling brightly.

“Jason is really great! What do you think?”

Newlin said with some excitement.

Immediately, without waiting for Sarah’s response, she walked towards the iron fence, “I want to take Jason to a special training. He will definitely become God’s best warrior!”

Jason was sweating on the training ground. Here, he seems to have found the true meaning of life. The people here are honest and friendly, helping each other, and sharing their unbearable past and candidly exchange experiences.

No one looked down on him because of his previous turbulent behavior, and no one sneered at him because of his muddled life. Here, his life is no longer confused!


Pastor Newlin yelled Jason aside with a smile on his face, and after some encouragement, he pulled Jason through the forest and stopped in front of a wooden house.

“You are the best of all, I am very optimistic about you!”

Newlin led Jason into the wooden house and leaned closer.

“You have the potential. The potential to be a leader.”

Jason was a little unaccustomed to hiding behind, “Pastor Newlin, you’re overwhelmed.”

Seeing the amiable Pastor Newlin in front of him, Jason felt a little ashamed.

Pastor Newlin was so kind to him, but he couldn’t control himself…

Thinking of the incident with Sarah in the church last night, and earlier, the behavior of the two in the bathroom of Pastor Newlin’s house, Jason became more guilty.

Pastor Newlin turned around and took out a bag of guns and handed it to Jason.

“Now, you need special training as a leader!”

Jason suppressed the guilt in his heart and loaded the gun into the car.

The life here is very good, he doesn’t want to lose, and he doesn’t want to go back to the life he used to be muddled.

Pastor Newlin took Jason to a target in the forest all morning, then mysteriously led him back to the Sun Chapel.

“Aren’t you always curious about what the outside stage was built for? I’ll show you.”

The two opened the basement door and went all the way to the innermost.

The basement of the church has been transformed into a miniature prison, with narrow compartments lined up at both ends of the aisle.

The two walked to the end of the passage. Pastor Newlin pointed to the innermost prison and excitedly introduced Jason.

“This is a very powerful vampire. It is said to be the king of Indiana. It is more than three thousand years old.

Think about it, under the eyes of everyone, the morning sun gradually shines, and the holy sun gradually spills over the earth. The ancient vampire nailed to the cross on the stage turned into a raging flame under the shining sun, burning all his sins! “

“What a holy scene!”

“Think about it and get excited!”

“I really want to see that scene sooner!”

“Jason, this is war! It is our signal to declare war on vampires!

Jason! are you ready? Are you ready to fight for God and become the leader of the jihad? “

Pastor Newlin looked at Jason with his eyes full of greed and fanaticism.


When I first graduated, my abdominal muscles were still well-defined. After a year, there were only two rows. Now I can’t see it or touch it. There is only soft flesh on the belly! )

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