American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 319: The devil never regrets

Chapter 319 The Devil Never Repents

The black and blue Rolls-Royce Journey 4 parked in front of Tommy again. The young girl who had previously lifted her bra to try to intimidate her climbed from the driver's seat to the passenger seat, cowering in fear. looked at Tommy who was standing there drinking Coke.

Tommy threw away the Coke he drank and explained seriously to the frightened girl: "Don't worry, Girl, I'm not a trafficker or a gangster."

The girl's tears had stained her makeup, leaving two lines of black marks on her face. She was looking at Tommy tremblingly, not knowing what to say.

She felt that the most wrong thing she had ever done in her life was to take that motorcyclist's car. The idiot had a hothead and robbed the car. The luxury car shut down automatically before driving a hundred meters. He couldn't hit anything, and then, two off-road vehicles suddenly appeared, and two strong men with automatic guns got out. He and the man raised their hands for the first time, and then saw the strong men throwing him in like stuffing suitcases. He got into the back seat of the off-road vehicle, and the other one searched him all over, took away his mobile phone, and then gave himself two choices, either to be stuffed into the back seat with the man, or to get into the **** luxury car by himself. Get into the driver's seat and drive back the way you came.

It’s not that I didn’t think about jumping off the car and escaping halfway, but the other party obviously expected that he would do this. During the time when he jumped off the motorcycle and walked to the luxury car, he had already read out his name, home address and other information. , telling her they knew where to find her, or her poor family.

Who did you provoke?

 With a cry in her voice, the girl promised Tommy, who had returned to the driver's seat and was wiping the dashboard and steering wheel with disinfectant wipes: "Sir, I won't say anything to the police. As long as you let me go, I promise."

"You can say anything to the police if you want, girl. The Page who just arrested you, his father is the Los Angeles Police Chief. I mean, although he can't directly handle the cases that happened here, he should be able to give some professional opinions. Tommy made a quiet gesture to the girl, and then said to his watch:

“Page, where is that nice young man who is kind and generous and is willing to let me, an old guy, touch his girlfriend’s tits?”

There was a crackling sound and a scream from the opposite side, and then Page's voice came: "He generously owes you more than three thousand yuan, but his file shows that he has criminal records such as injury and sexual assault. In order to For your safety, I plan to leave him to the professional debt collectors outsourced by KeyBank at the next stop."

Now we are passing through a canyon, with cliffs on both sides. There are birds of prey circling in the sky. As the car drives in, the large and small animals on both sides of the canyon are also alarmed. From time to time, they run and jump beside the road, briefly appearing in the pan.

"He's a good boy, not old Martin! What's wrong with you? Can't electric shock Martin make the Page family feel happy anymore?" Tommy complained to Page after hearing the electric shock and screams: "Martin My white wife Louise called me last time and asked me to pay for Martin’s medical bills. She said that Martin’s ability had declined since he was in his sixties, which led to her eventual cheating and their divorce. All losses should be regarded as work-related injuries. It’s your grandfather, your father, your brother and you who have always found various reasons to shock his waist over the years! Let me say it again, if you shock anyone other than the direct descendants of the Martin family, you will not get any bonus! "

"The woman's KeyBank balance is three times that of the man." John Page changed the topic without any fluctuation.

"It's not good, but it's not bad either. From the time she was born to the time she became an adult, I was busy with work, but I didn't actually neglect my company. It's just... So, how is your relationship with your father?" Tommy looked at the road. The scenery next to it.

"Shit, my daughter is also named Jenny, but she is much older than you. She has married a German husband, has a son and a daughter, and now lives in Germany." Tommy took his hands off the steering wheel and handed it over to the automatic driver, while he He took out a cigarette and lit it, and said with some regret.

"May I have your name?"

"I was just giving him a ride, I'd only known him for a few hours, and I... I was a dancer, but Barstow didn't have a job, and luckily I got an audition at a theater in Fort Smith, Arkansas, and if If I pass, they are willing to give me a performance job for three months." Seeing that Tommy didn't mean to hurt herself, the girl tried to calm down and explained seriously.

"I paid for the ride. I wanted him to take me to Nidos in front of me. I checked online and found that the flights departing from the airport there are cheaper and I can save nearly half the cost." The girl explained that she just If you want to take a discounted flight to Nidos Airport, which is more than 100 kilometers away, you are not planning to ride a Harley for 6,000 miles to hook up.

Tommy clicked his tongue: "You can buy a plane ticket. It's not cost-effective to sleep with the driver in exchange for kilometers. With your beauty, I mean you can find a room in a hotel and earn the money for a round-trip ticket in one night, Smith." Fort, nearly three thousand kilometers, girl, if you rely on free rides, I guess you will be infected with all the X diseases before you reach your destination."

Tommy hung up the phone, started the car, and looked at the girl: "Okay, let's chat casually. I'm curious. Your generous boyfriend can only owe me three thousand yuan, but your limit is so much more than him. , does this mean that you and him are not the same person, a love story about the elopement of a rich girl and a poor boy?"

Jenny observed Tommy’s expression from the side and asked cautiously: “She doesn’t have a good relationship with your father and daughter?”

 “Jenny, Jenny Albertson.”

"Not bad. He and my mother divorced and started their own families, but he still cares about me. I call him several times a year to check in on him. He is a blues singer and sings in a bar in his hometown in Ohio. He can sing a lot. Classic old songs, I have been held by him and sang on the stage as long as I can remember." Jenny said: "When I grew up, I left home and came to California to find a job and fall in love, and then I began to reduce contact. My childhood was not lacking in the company of my parents. , they divorced when I was sixteen, because my mother didn’t want to continue living the same life in her hometown, she wanted to go to a big city.”

"If his father makes a mistake, will you, as a daughter, choose to forgive your father?" Tommy retracted his gaze and looked at Jenny.

At that moment, Jenny Albertson, even if she was not a psychiatrist, could see that the old man was not actually asking himself, but his daughter named Jenny, who was far away in Germany. She did not have the qualifications or courage to answer for others, so she could only choose the most conventional answer: "It depends on what the mistake is."

“I taught her bad things, turning an angel into a devil.”

"Have you ever taken her hunting or hunted animals? Have you ever peeled off animal skins to show off the prey in front of her?" Jenny tried hard to think of the behaviors she had taught her daughter, and chose the one she had seen. The most serious one I've ever experienced.

Many fathers will take their children to hunt under the pretext of cultivating courage, and then they will kill animals and skin them nakedly in front of their children. Generally, those scenes will become children's nightmares and seriously affect their physical and mental growth, even when they grow up. There is no way to undo that childhood damage later.

"Absolutely. When she was seventeen, she participated in a hunting trip. I helped her adjust the weapon and aim it, and she was responsible for pulling the trigger. I feel that after that incident, the father-daughter relationship between me and her became a little cold. Before, She always thought that hunting was just playing house. It wasn't until she participated that she realized that the father she had always admired was an out-and-out devil. She didn't want to be like her father at all, but it was already too late, because she had been growing up since childhood. Under the teachings of her eldest father, she has become the best devil and can no longer look at problems with normal human thinking." Tommy said sadly.

Jenny thought for a while and gave a suggestion: "Perhaps you can invite your daughter to participate in activities such as animal protection as a confession or atonement. She should like your changes."

"Maybe your daughter doesn't hate you as much as you thought. Now she may not care about whether she is an excellent hunter or how many animals she has killed. What she cares about in her heart may just be her father who loves her the most. Take away her ability to choose her own life, after all you said she had a chance to become an angel.”

After hearing what the girl said, Tommy nodded with a smile: "I really hope she is what you said. Thank you, girl. Although it is not true, your words make me feel a lot better. You said you were Dancer, there’s an audition and a three-month acting job in Fort Smith, right?”

"Yes, sir."

Tommy dialed the phone: "There is a dancer named Jenny, Jenny Albertson. If possible, help her arrange a long-term job in your theater. Your worries are a bit unfounded. Do you think I am the kind of **** worker?" After all, women, do you want unscrupulous capitalists who exploit them to create value for me? ... Yes, I admit, I did touch the child’s vagina, but I guarantee it was forced. When you see the girl, You know it's a fact. If you weren't forced, who the **** would be willing to do this kind of thing on dry Route 40 under the sun? Of course it was forced, just like I was forced to do with you for 700,000 !”

"What kind of job is she good at? How do I know? Why don't she sit on the other side of me and chat with me when I accompany Otilia or Sophia to the opera to prevent me from dozing off again? This girl is very good at comforting people. That's it. Goodbye. By the way, let that **** Archie come back from Canada as soon as possible! Pack up and report to Stanford on time! Don't say that he is like me back then. I was bringing free software to the poor. What did he do? ? He learned about free movies from his father, and movies from his mother. He represented the children himself, and then he combined the three characteristics to create free short movies on the P station? "

"Also, remember to tell him that his website needs to add some high-definition videos of beautiful blonde girls, starting with at least 4K. Every time I lie in the bedroom and occasionally want to entertain myself, turning on the free videos he provides on the TV will ruin my mood. The screen was full of mosaics, and I thought it was the little pixel man in MC performing."

"That's it." Tommy hung up the phone and looked at Jenny next to him: "Niles in front of you, you can get off the car, girl, but I don't recommend you go to Fort Smith. There is a Lyceum Theater on Broadway in New York. You can Go to the manager there and say Carlo, Carlo Leone asked you to go and they will offer you a permanent job."

 Jenny looked at Tommy with a dull expression: "The Lyceum Theater? The Lyceum Theater on Broadway? You're kidding, that's the cabaret theater of the famous movie star Diane Lane."

"I know, I'm a shareholder of the theater. If you think I'm joking, just search the theater's phone number online and call to see if it's true. If it's false, you can go to Fort Smith again." Tommy parked the car in the small town Nils looked at Jenny on the roadside and stretched out his hand:

"Thank you for your words. Just consider this job as a reward for chatting with me on this road. If you feel bad about it, you can find another man next time I accompany others to watch a musical at the Lyceum Theater. Forcing you to continue to warm the palms of this old guy like me with Naiko."

Seeing Tommy park the car, John Page caught up from behind, returned the woman's mobile phone and other belongings to her, and said expressionlessly:

"Your ride-hailing driver voluntarily borrowed money from KeyBank to help you pay for your first-class ticket to New York. The credit limit was originally not enough, but KeyBank thoughtfully helped him increase his temporary credit limit. Next time you choose to take a ride, remember not to choose This low-cost rider, he has a criminal record of forcing himself on women.”

Jenny looked at the off-road vehicle behind her. The unlucky Harley rider was still in a coma with foaming at the mouth. She then looked at Tommy's outstretched hand and held it with both hands: "Thank you, sir."

Tommy took back his hand and started the car. Jenny stood on the roadside and suddenly asked him: "Sir, you actually went to see your daughter and say sorry to her, right?"

“No.” Tommy said without looking back, and then Dangerous Path 4 roared forward:

 “The devil never repentes.”

 (End of this chapter)

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