American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 4: small business for wealthy students

  Chapter 4 Small business for wealthy students

  Tommy also lit a cigarette: "Aren't you curious about what kind of business I do?"

   "Not curious, but if you dare to be caught by the police, tell me to pay the bail, and I will kill you." Tony grinned: "Don't do stupid things."

  Tommy nodded slightly: "It's just some gray temporary small business, targeting rich students, the police are not interested."

   "Have you brought your driver's license?" Tony didn't continue the conversation, but changed the subject.


"Be careful driving. The clutch of this car is a little loose. It hasn't been adjusted yet." Tony patted Tommy on the shoulder: "I walked back to the garage by myself. See."

   After speaking, Tony turned and walked towards the way he came.

   "Tony!" Tommy yelled.

  Tony bit his cigarette and turned to look at Tommy. Tommy pursed his lips: "Yesterday, my attitude towards you was a bit...excessive."

   "We are family, boy. My mother often said that there is never such a word as excessive among family members, only tolerance." Tony smiled, turned and continued to walk forward.

Tommy Hawk didn't waste any more time to appreciate Tony's brotherhood. He started the car, rushed along Jefferson Boulevard to Interstate 95, and then drove to Rhode Island, which is more than ten kilometers away. The capital is Providence.

  Providence, which is only 19 kilometers away, is no stranger to most people living in Warwick. Many people in Warwick live in Warwick and then work in Providence, driving to and from get off work.

Tommy drove directly to Johnson Wyden University in the Bay Area of ​​Providence, parked the car in the parking lot, and pretended that he was going to enroll in the school for the next academic year. The freshmen who came to learn about the school in advance, to several college students After chatting for a few words, Tommy got the information he wanted to know.

  Walking out of the campus and walking across two streets, I saw an old-fashioned two-story building with a banner hanging between the two windows on the second floor, and the same three characters as on the banner were sprayed on the wall: ΔΣΦ.

  Generally speaking, buildings with prominent Greek characters on the wall and close to the university indicate that this place belongs to a student organization, that is, a famous or notorious university fraternity or sorority.

  Tommy is going to do business with the North American fraternity at Johnson & Wyden University.

The reason why he did not choose Brown University Providence Campus, Rhode Island College, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence College and other universities, of course, is that the fraternity of Johnson Vuitton University is more likely to patronize his business. big.

  Brown University, needless to say, is a top university, a member of the Ivy League, and its students are all elites cultivated by private high schools in the United States. Doing business with those smart students is very troublesome, so keep them at a respectful distance.

   Rhode Island School of Design, Rhode Island College, and Providence College have too many local students in Rhode Island, and they might meet high school seniors.

  Only Johnson Vuitton University has more than 3,000 students, and the students are mainly from overseas students from overseas countries, as well as white high school students in Virginia.

  Why do you want to specifically state that they are white high school students in Virginia, not American high school students, because white people in Virginia are called white garbage in New England, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and other states in the northeastern United States.

Moreover, the white people in Virginia enjoy an exclusive title "cracker" given by Benjamin Franklin, the founding father of the United States, who was printed on the hundred-dollar bill. He called the white people in Virginia "the descendants of British prisoners who are as barbaric as Indians." , refugees."

The white people in this state have been treated as white trash by the northern states for decades. It is not without reason. Even after World War II has ended and Broadway in New York has been able to tolerate black actors on stage, the state is still strictly enforcing the "Racial Integrity" The Anti-Miscegenation Act, which means that if a white man dares to marry a black man in the state, the end result is that both parties will be confiscated and forced to sterilize.

  The white people in the state were able to spend a lot of money to amend various bills on race and descent, and maintain the racial purity of the state until the 1960s, when they were forced to cancel under the pressure of the US government.

Until now, in 1982, many comedians still make jokes about Virginia. If an American doesn’t know what his blood is, it’s very simple, just tan his skin a little, and live in Virginia for three days, and he can get it from the state government. When you look at the bloodline investigation report, it is so detailed that only one-sixteenth of Indian or black blood can be found out, and then threaten you, if you, a colored person, dare to marry a white woman in this state, they will castrate you .

   So why do Virginia high school students choose to study at JWU? It's simple and practical.

In the eyes of white trash in Virginia, public education expenditures are fraudulent. Even in 1983, nearly 40% of students in Virginia still drop out of school after the eighth grade and go to work on the family farm or other businesses. Students from other states Maybe at the age of seventeen, he didn't even graduate from high school, and someone of Virginia's age might already be the parent of two children.

  The remaining people who continue to study in high school are likely to declare themselves adults after high school graduation, and go to work as a skilled worker, a farm worker, or open a restaurant, a motel, a truck house bar, and the like.

  In the eyes of the white trash or most of the lower-level white people in the United States, college is useless. It is a means for the U.S. government to deceive them into taking high loans. Only idiots go to college. It is better to be an apprentice than to go to college.

But as more and more people think this way, Virginia is now full of restaurants, motels, and truck house bars, and the involution is serious. Johnson Wyden University, which has no sense of existence in the United States, has encountered the crisis of closing its doors several times. The university found a way to make money from the eyes of these deeply introverted Virginians.

They focus on promoting culinary colleges to white high school students in Virginia. To those white people who are graduating from high school and preparing to open restaurants and bars, they say that culinary colleges teach all kinds of secret cuisine. If you learn it, it is guaranteed that your future restaurant business will prosper. It is far more than other local restaurants, and it only needs to study for three years, instead of four years like other universities, which can save one year of tuition fees.

  Can you learn the skills you think are useful, save a year of high tuition fees, and become a college student again? White people in Virginia feel that this kind of cheapness can be considered. As for whether the diploma is a degree or an associate degree, they don't care.

  The Virginia parents who have money at home and don’t need their children to help the family work immediately, under the flicker of this university, send their children to this university that they think is more practical to absorb nutrition.

  So the proportion of 3,000 students in this university today is half of international students from Europe, South America and Virginia high school students.

  As for why Tommy Hawke knows the situation of this university so well? That’s because the teacher at his Lincoln High School, who is responsible for providing college application counseling guidance, has seriously warned them that as locals, if they want to apply for college, they should never consider this college, cherish their own reputation, and stay away from white trash.

Walking to the door of this fraternity building and ringing the doorbell, a young man with hair and beard almost intertwined, wearing a jacket with the North American fraternity logo on his upper body, and a pair of beach shorts on his lower body opened the door, with sleepy eyes Looking sleepily at Tommy Hawke, he frowned and said impatiently:

   "Boy, can't you see the sign outside? Secret societies, non-members are not allowed."

   "Excuse me, sir, do you need a doctor's certificate or prescription drugs? Delivery to your door, cash on delivery." Tommy Hawke said with a smile on his face.

  (end of this chapter)

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