America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 105 The Current Situation of the American Newspaper Industry 910

Arthur Carter, the original owner of the New York Observer, was mainly engaged in real estate.

The national conditions of Lao America and China are different. Real estate developers here can produce rich people.

But there is no richest man, not even among the top 100.

There are no national real estate companies in the United States.

No matter how successful a real estate businessman is, he usually only works in a few big cities.

Or simply have influence only in the state where he is located, and no one will know about it outside his own territory.

Except for D. Ted Lerner.

This person loves to show off, except for this real estate developer.

He is also a TV businessman, and he especially falls in love with the show as a judge.

This is because the national conditions of the two countries are different.

The result is that real estate developers are really nothing here in the United States.

After all, the real estate industry in the United States has been around since the Gilded Age.

It has developed for more than a hundred years and has gone through all stages.

Over in China, it was time for the real real estate industry to emerge.

Not even thirty years had passed before Abel was reborn.

Immature markets and distinctive markets naturally tend to create different situations.

So don’t think that real estate developer Carter is rich. In fact, Arthur Carter’s capital chain has always been tight.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have been wanting to sell the New York Observer, and the price is getting cheaper and cheaper.

Arthur Carter, his money is tight.

Looking at the two editors-in-chief, Abel said: Your boss is me now. You no longer have to worry about funding.

Although you are right, Dylan. But I think the New York Observer needs to make some changes.

For example, how about adding a [Celebrity Interview] column to each issue?

What do you mean? Dylan asked uncertainly.

As the name suggests.

Abel said, In every issue of the newspaper, find a celebrity to interview and publish the contents of the interview.

In the United States, where the media industry is particularly mature, celebrity interviews are not new.

It appeared more than a hundred years ago.

The New York Observer has had a similar column before, but it was not a permanent column.

Occasionally, some celebrities will be interviewed by the New York Observer.

And most of them are real estate businessmen, and a few are other celebrities.

What Abel means now is to make this column permanent.

Use celebrities from various industries and their exclusive interviews to enhance the appeal of the New York Observer to social elites.

Mr. Smith, I know what you mean.

Editor-in-Chief Dylan smiled bitterly: But this may not be that easy. We don't have that many celebrities to visit.

The New York Observer is still somewhat famous in New York, but only somewhat.

It has not reached the level of the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal.

Many people will be willing to accept an exclusive interview with the New York Observer, but there will also be many people who don't really care.

However, those who are willing to accept it are only mediocre in terms of status and reputation.

The New York Observer doesn't like that one.

For example, D. Ted Lerner doesn't matter which newspaper interviews him, as long as it's not an unknown tabloid.

This gentleman who knows everything agrees and is very cooperative.

As time goes by, there are no real media outlets that are willing to interview this understanding gentleman who loves to shoot off fireworks.

Abel also understood the difficulty the New York Observer had with Dylan.

If this trick worked, Arthur Carter would have used it long ago.

Let's do this first. I will give you a list, and I will specially invite the people on this list.

After I invite them, there is a high probability that these people will be willing to accept interviews.

Abel thought for a while and thought that if he made a good start, the situation might be better later.

He plans to let the New York Observer conduct an exclusive interview with Bloomberg first.

Bloomberg is now preparing to run in next year's New York election, just when he needs the most exposure.

Although Bloomberg himself has a powerful Bloomberg

But for politicians, the more positive exposure the better.

Coupled with a little favor between himself and him, Bloomberg should not refuse.

After Bloomberg, you can look to the NRA’s LaPierre.

LaPierre now wants to donate because of Abel, and the donation is large.

Probably won't refuse.

After LaPierre.

Aren’t there still those giants from big companies?

For example, if Charlie Scharf and others ask Smith Capital to come forward, they should be able to invite a few of them.

Later, you can also ask someone like the chief of the New York Police Department.

Like LaPierre, for the sake of so many donations.

Presumably he won't refuse.

There are several big bosses from the IRS behind you, and you can also find opportunities to invite them.

By the time these interviews are completed, it will be almost ten issues, or even longer.

By that time, the New York Observer's exclusive interview column should have gained a reputation.

At that time, inviting celebrities from other industries also had a certain appeal.

This virtuous cycle can continue as long as it begins.

It will get better and better in the future, and most programs are like this.

For an elite newspaper like the New York Observer, Abel can currently think of no other solution.

That's it for now.

He is not an elite publisher and is not familiar with this industry.

In the future, we can go to the Internet, but that will probably be next year or the year after that.

The U.S. Internet industry is now in dire straits, with numerous bankruptcies and bankruptcies.

Those future giants are still falling.

It won't be until the middle of next year that this plummeting posture will get better.

Next September, there is a high probability that that special event will happen again.

Two big hits in two years.

The Internet in the United States will not truly recover until 2003 or even 2004.

In other words, the current Nasdaq has not really bottomed out.

This is also the reason why Abel hasn't taken action against them yet.

The best time is the end of next year.

After talking about the New York Observer, next is the daily New York Sun.

The Sun needs to change its name first. Looking at Editor-in-Chief Louis, Abel said directly: Cancel the word New York and change the name of the New York Sun to the American Sun.

There are many newspapers with this name around the world.

For example, there is a Sun newspaper in the UK, a Sun newspaper in India, and a Sun newspaper in Australia.

Even Spain has a Sun newspaper.

In the United States, there are actually several Sun newspapers.

It's just that most of them are regional newspapers like the New York Sun.

Among them, the New York Sun is already relatively famous.

Faced with Abel's request, editor-in-chief Louis was not too insistent.

The name New York Sun has not been used for more than 20 years.

It was only used a few years ago, but it didn't have much effect.

Louis doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with changing his name now.

No problem, I can ask someone to change it later. Lewis answered simply.

In addition to this, the new American Sun, in addition to the main newspaper. I demand that another tabloid be added, and that this tabloid must be free.

Abel came up with another idea of ​​his own.

That's a free newspaper.

The United States is the largest newspaper country in the world, but the earliest free newspapers did not appear in the United States, but in Sweden.

Although free newspapers in the United States existed before 2000.

However, most of these free newspapers are small newspapers with small circulations and are oriented to the community, and have not formed a climate.

Looking at Louis who was hesitant to speak after he proposed the free tabloid.

Abel said directly:

I have data here. The data comes from Wall Street and is real and reliable. This is some data about the American newspaper industry.

These data show that in 1999, the proportion of people aged 18 to 34 who regularly read a daily newspaper dropped to 28% from 36% three years ago.

And the proportion of people aged 18 to 29 who read newspapers every day fell from 47% to 18%.

In an era where circulation continues to decline, any newspaper is worried about the decline in its readership.

Even newspapers like the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times are no exception.

If even these giants are like this, how can The Sun stay out of it?

Louis, tell me, young people are becoming less and less interested in reading newspapers. Don't you know this?

Faced with the boss's questioning, Louis was speechless.

As an old man in the industry, how could Louis not know about this.

This is a concern across the industry.

It's just that Lewis is a humble person, and the Sun is just a small and medium-sized newspaper.

He thinks it's better to let giants like Dow Jones worry about this kind of industry crisis.

But now, the boss directly presents the data and makes the crisis clear.

Lewis couldn't get through it, and he couldn't stop answering.

So boss, do you mean to provide free newspapers? Louis asked.

Abel nodded and said, As I said, add another free newspaper in addition to the main newspaper, The Sun.

This free newspaper must first target the target group. The target readers are young people between the ages of 18 and 25.

In the early stage, it can be set as a weekly magazine. The content and themes must all focus on things that suit the tastes of young people and interest them.

Such as sports, entertainment, outdoor sports, fashion, etc.

Unlike the New York Observer, Abel made this request for the New York Sun, which is about to change its name.

It was not a method that he came up with just by patting his head, but he asked Smith Capital to conduct relevant investigations.

And in his last life, he happened to have read an article about free newspapers in the United States.

Whether it's investigation data or memories from a previous life.

All show the emergence of a new generation of free newspapers in the United States.

The momentum of development is very strong, and the giants in the newspaper industry follow.

Such as Gannett Company, New York Times Company, Washington Post Company, Tribune Company, Nat Reed Company, etc.

The largest newspaper companies in the United States have successively launched their own free newspapers in the next few years.

These giants can do this, and there is no reason why the newly established AB Smith newspaper cannot.

Faced with the boss's request, The Sun editor-in-chief Lewis had no intention of persisting.

Understood. BOSS, we will start research immediately and will definitely add such a free tabloid before next month.

Anyway, the company is not your own, and having one more tabloid will also increase some funds accordingly.

This is not a bad thing for Louis, the editor-in-chief.

Abel nodded and put forward his last idea for The Sun.

This idea surprised both Lewis and Dylan.

Because in history, no newspaper in the United States has ever done this.

Lewis and Dylan both expressed doubts on the spot.

But Abel insisted on his command and told them to carry it out.

He also said that even if he loses money, it is still his business.

Dylan and Louis had no choice but to go down and make preparations.

Then Abel sent the two men out to work, leaving him and Melio alone in the office.

After there were no outsiders, Melio showed a slightly flattering smile that didn't make people feel sick or greasy:

“BOSS, I didn’t expect you to have such expertise outside of the capital market.

I believe that these two newspapers will definitely surprise the market.

Okay. Melio. Abel liked Melio quite a bit. After all, there must be one or two courtiers who can flatter the emperor, right?

David Mellon is capable and can joke.

But Mellon doesn't suck up. Melio does it, and is good at it.

Still has the ability to make the person being photographed happy with just a simple tone of voice and movements without making a move.

This can be regarded as Melio's specialty and his ability to survive in the workplace.

How is the contact with you about what I asked you to do yesterday? Abel asked seriously.

Seeing the boss's expression, Melio quickly became serious.

Just like I told you yesterday.

The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the big newspapers, they all said no.

However, the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, and several other major newspapers outside of New York have indicated that they will provide a relatively remote corner.

Besides these big newspapers, the small and medium-sized newspapers are very interested. It's just that these guys need reprinting fees.

Abel nodded in approval, We have to hire someone to do the work, and of course it will cost some money. As for the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, it is normal for them to refuse.

Their headquarters is in Manhattan, within the area that Robert Morgenthau can influence.

Although these giants are not afraid of Robert, they must give him some face.

It is normal for them not to cooperate when the interests are not great.

If the benefits are relatively large, it will be attractive.

Not to mention Robert, even they who live in the white house do the same thing!

Capital is pragmatic, and favors only depend on whether the interests are sufficient.

That's what I mean too. So I've already contacted editors and columnists who are better at writing.

Many of them said they had already written articles, Melio said.

Just wait for my announcement and they will post the article.

It's done well. Abel expressed satisfaction with Melio's way of doing things and the speed of doing things.

Wait for two more days. Wait for feedback from Caroline, and then we can release it together. Abel said.

Understood, everything is up to you. Melio said respectfully.

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