America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 107 Ikana’s Crisis (110 please subscribe)

David Mellon felt it was unnecessary, mainly because of the cost.

It is expensive to get any law firm on the Vault ranking to take action.

Not to mention the cost of getting so many families to act together.

But from Abel's perspective, he felt that it was necessary to do so.


It's really expensive.

The cost of completing the whole process is probably enough to buy one or two more villas in Long Island.

But he felt it was necessary.

There are two reasons.

One is that he wants to vent his anger.

After more than ten months of rebirth, wealth and freedom.

It can be said that he was not angry at all and enjoyed all kinds of freedom.

The enjoyment during this period of time has developed a kind of mentality in him.

Robert Morgenthau and those behind him did this to him, and he would not come back in revenge.

He couldn't swallow this breath.

Even in fact, due to some scruples and there is almost nothing wrong with him.

What Robert and the others did did not actually hurt him at all.

He was just as angry.

It can only be said that people's ambitions and tempers have always been influenced by their environment.

And the resources you own are constantly changing.

The current Abel is no longer the Abel who was just reborn and was cautious in everything he did.

The second reason is that he believes that doing so can also be a deterrent in a sense.

To deter whom?

Robert Morgenthau, and the people behind him.

All the while, Abel in New York. They all acted harmless to humans and animals, and looked like they were doing good to others.

Never got upset with anyone and never showed aggression.

Except on the battlefield of capital.

Over time, it may have given people the idea that he has a weak character.

This time, Abel didn't intend to just give up.

He plans to spend tens of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars.

It must also be understood that Abe Smith was an impulsive young man.

It is very likely that you will do some irrational things on impulse that will waste and burn money.

Even if you do this, you may not be able to avoid the covetousness of certain people and forces.

But at least it can make them somewhat apprehensive.

Even if there is only a trace, it is enough.

This is what Abel can think of, and currently under the restrictions of the rules, is the best and most damaging way to counterattack Robert.

In the rules, face his counterattack.

Anyway, Abel never thought that Robert Morgenthau would have any way to counter him.

Knowing that you get value for money is also a rule in the capitalist world.

There are reasons why these law firms and lawyers are so expensive.

Either they are extremely capable, or they have someone behind them just like Caroline.

After receiving the money, these people wanted to target Robert even if it was just a pretense.

And the better you do, the more money you can receive.

In this way, even if some of them have a good relationship with Robert.

For the sake of money, he would probably put in some effort to keep Robert in a hurry.

Abel felt that this was within the rules of the game.

My best way to fight back against the Manhattan District Attorney.

The main reason is that now, there is no staff group or think tank around him.

If no one gives him advice, he will do it himself.

And a 20-year-old art graduate from a prestigious Texas university, and a 30-year-old Chinese Internet writer.

The overlapping of two souls combined in this way, and he had only experienced the life of a capitalist for ten months.

Everything you can think of and the resources at hand that you can use.

That's all, so that's all he can do.

These are things that David Mellon doesn’t understand, and Abel doesn’t want to explain.

Seeing his persistence, David Mellon quickly ignored the topic.

Okay. As long as you like it. In short, Robert Morgenthau may be very embarrassed this time and will hate us in the future. David shrugged.

I didn't ask them to love me. Abel said nonchalantly.

Within the rules, he was really not afraid of Robert messing around.

Was his Texas background with the Rifle Association fake?

If he really wants to mess around, it's Robert, a gay guy, who is afraid of Dixie like him messing around.

Okay. David said, and then he stood up and said as he spoke: Now, you said it last time. You will often participate in social activities in the future.

In the past half month, many people have sent many invitations.

David went to the cupboard in his office and opened a beautiful drawer.

A thick stack of things was taken out from inside, and it looked like there were more than twenty sheets.

There are all kinds of invitations and cards with beautiful appearance.

I have actually selected these. They are valuable and worthy of your invitation to participate.

David put these things on the table in front of Abel.

“Actually there are more, at least more than two hundred letters.

But those that I thought were of little value or significance were placed in the Secretariat.

If you want to see it, you can also find Katherine Jones.

Katherine Jones is the beautiful girl who successfully came back to interview and officially joined Smith Capital.

After a few days of internship, she was recommended by Zeta to work in the company secretariat.

Smith Capital's secretariat is mainly responsible for the company's external contacts and public relations work.

This is because Smith Capital currently does not have any operations or management work.

Well done, how can I see through so many? These are all too much for me.

Abel stood up and picked out an invitation letter at random.

When I opened it, I found it was a New York congressman.

The other party invited Abel to attend the congressman's birthday dinner invitation.

Abel felt that he didn't know the other party, so there was no need to invite him to the other party's birthday dinner.

But this is Laomei. Laomei is a place where you can invite your neighbors to have a party even if you buy a new pet.

Birthday dinners are a good excuse to have a party openly and expand your social circle.

If possible, these political creatures, like Hope and the people of China, would probably be able to celebrate two birthdays a year.

David Luke, his name is the same as yours. I remember he is a donkey? Is he a congressman from Brooklyn? Abel said uncertainly.

There are really too many people named David in the United States.

As much as John, Jack, Robert and the like.

Your memory is correct, that's it. David said: But he will run again this year, and the district is assigned to Manhattan.

If he succeeds, he will be one of Manhattan's congressmen.

Not interested. I am an elephant party and will not attend the donkey party's banquet. Abel shook his head.

David shrugged, Come on. Don't I know you yet?

To you, elephants and donkeys have nothing to do with each other. You're just an Abe Smith guy.

Abel laughed, Sure enough, you understand me, David, you are really my good partner.

As he spoke, he took out another invitation letter.

When he opened it, he saw that the person who invited him was named John J. Brown is the general manager of the New York branch of Texas Commerce Bank.

Texas bank, Texas people. David looked at him studying the invitation letter and explained:

You're a Texan too. I thought you'd be interested in this invitation.

Holding the invitation letter, Abel nodded, I'm indeed interested. I'll see if the time happens to be tonight.

Well, let's take part in this.

Understood. David Mellon said: But this is a charity banquet, and it is required to bring a female companion.

Who are you taking with you? D. Ted Lerner’s daughter?

Also, the other party didn't invite me, so I won't go tonight.

Hey, you reminded me. Abel said with a smile: Then I'll take her there. It's just a date. Let's see if we can find a chance to win her over.

Seeing Abel's playful smile, David Mellon shook his head.

Then David became serious and said: Abel, D. Ikana Lerner is different from other women.

She has great self-control, ambition and endurance.

I don't think you are suitable to provoke her, because your personality and your hobbies are what she hates the most.

If you really want to pick up a celebrity, I think Paris Hilton is better.

Oh? Abel was curious as to why David thought so. Let's not talk about the issues you mentioned about my hobbies and personality.

Abel said: As far as I know, Barry Hilton is far more authoritative than D. Ted Lerner, right? Why can he provoke Paris but not Ikana?

David shook his head, This has nothing to do with Barry Hilton and D. Ted Lerner.

Paris is just a spoiled rich girl who doesn't understand anything and is easy to deceive. At most she has some cleverness.

Abel complained: It sounds like you can deceive me.

Ahem - don't change the subject. said single David.

Ikana's entrepreneurship has some merit. But her IQ and ambition have no merit.

If you always abandon Paris, the most she will do is cry and scold you in the media.

If you continue to give up on Ikana, then she may cause you real trouble.

Faced with David’s evaluation, I thought about the future experiences of Paris and Ikana in parallel time and space.

Abel felt that what David Mellon said made sense.

He was caring about himself, so Abel said: Your suggestion makes sense. But the more this happens, the less I like Paris.

Isn't Paris beautiful and in bad shape? David was curious.

Paris, who is only 19 years old this year, has not yet started her romantic career.

With youth and a well-to-do tutor, his appearance and figure are both good.

With the addition of Ikana at this time, the magic of time becomes even more attractive.

At this time, if a normal man is asked to choose Paris and Ikana, the result is really hard to say.

Of course.

If Abel hadn't appeared.

In two or three years, Paris will begin to become disabled.

But Ikana began her most charming period.

If given the choice at that time, no one would choose Paris.

No, it's not a question of whether she's beautiful or not. It's a question of being right, and it's a question of challenge. Paris makes me feel like there's nothing worth challenging.

Ikana has.

Abel said, So tonight, I will invite Ikana to go with me. Unless she refuses me.

David rolled his eyes, It's up to you. Anyway, I've given you my advice. If you fall into the pit in the future, I won't help you. I will just stand on the edge of the pit and laugh at you loudly. !”


Abel gave David a middle finger and said, Let's go, I'm going to get ready for my date in the evening.

David returned the same international gesture, shook his head and ignored him.

Six p.m,

As night falls, the lanterns come on.

The brilliant lights illuminate the entire Manhattan exceptionally beautifully.

The bright neon lights everywhere make it feel like a paradise in the steel jungle.

A black specially made Lincoln limousine was escorted by several other cars covertly and covertly.

Driving on the somewhat congested streets of Manhattan.

Even if it costs as much as three hundred thousand dollars, it will still be stuck in traffic.

The back compartment is as spacious as a bar counter.

Abel, who was wearing a black suit, was sitting lazily, next to Ikana, who was wearing a gorgeous evening dress.

That's the bad thing about Manhattan. When the time comes, there will be traffic jams. It doesn't matter if you are rich or civilian, that's fair.

Who's to say it's not the case? If there weren't such traffic jams, Manhattan would be even more beautiful at night.

The two communicated quietly, and the atmosphere was very pleasant.

By the way. Abel suddenly said: I saw a report in the New York Times yesterday, which said that MISS Ikana has encountered some troubles and the capital chain is very dangerous. Ikana, this is true. ?

Reporting on the Miss Ikana clothing brand, the reporter who encountered a crisis was named Thomas.

Unofficial New York history says that this senior New York Times reporter had a feud with D. Ted Lerner.

The reason is because Thomas got divorced five years ago.

It was because of Thomas's wife that she joined D. Ted Lerner's real estate group at that time.

Moreover, he was D. Ted Lerner's secretary.

In addition, Thomas's wife is a beautiful blonde with big waves and a standard Ocean Pony.

After that, the famous journalist.

It is said that he especially likes to report bad news about D. Ted Lerner, his company, and even his family members.

Ikana heard Abel mention this.

She was startled and smiled bitterly, looking elegant and beautiful.

Abel, perhaps you have heard of Thomas Jones's feud with my father.

If you have heard of it, you must think that it is natural for him to make such a report.

Hahaha~ Abel laughed, I only read it in the tabloids. Mr. D. Ted Lerner seems to have done something that is sorry for this reporter.

No. But I don't know what the truth is.

Ikana probably didn't want to mention this matter, it was considered a scandal for her father.


Ikana changed the topic and said softly: Thomas is not all nonsense.

My company did encounter some problems in terms of capital chain.

Ha~ I finally admitted it.

Abel thought.

On the surface, he said: I would like to hear the details.

Ikana paused, as if considering her words.

Then he said: It's mainly a problem with my father.

He encountered some loan troubles, so he transferred funds from me. This resulted in YKM's current situation.

In fact, the real situation was similar to what she said, but it was far less relaxed than what Ikana said.

The real situation is that D. Ted Lerner discovered that MISS Ikana’s secondary financing seemed to be undeceiving.

His real estate group is in urgent need of funds for repayment.

Without other funding channels, he had no choice but to withdraw his investment in MISS Ikana.

D. Ted Lerner felt that MISS Ikana would fall down as soon as it fell down.

In the future, when I have money, I can buy another one for my daughter.

If he goes bankrupt again, MISS Ikana's survival will not be of much use.

Which one is more important and which one is less important? D. Ted Lerner made it very clear.

Then only Ikana would be unlucky.

Originally, the second round of financing was not going well, but now even the most important core assets, the properties that support the most important market value of MISS Ikana, have to be taken away.

MISS Ikana can be said to be facing the biggest crisis since its establishment.

Abel actually knew all these things.

Because of D. Ted Lerner’s enemy, reporter Thomas.

In yesterday's New York Times report, it was clearly stated.

In the news, Thomas said that he followed MISS Ikana for three years.

I have a very clear understanding of the situation of this clothing brand, and the article even exaggerated Ikana's experience in establishing this brand from scratch.

Some may be true, some may be false.

But Thomas finally concluded that YKM was a scam by Ted Lerner and his daughter.

This scam is now going bankrupt, and Thomas gloated a lot in the article.

Ikana probably also knows that Abel read yesterday’s report and has a deep understanding of MISS Ikana.

After saying the above words that put the responsibility on her father, she said again:

It's just a crisis, the situation is not as dangerous as Thomas said.

Even if my father withdraws all the funds, the market value of MISS Ikana will be more than 100 million US dollars.

Abel smiled and nodded, and suddenly said: So, does MISS Ikana welcome new investors?

Ikana's beautiful big eyes lit up, and she was a little confused.

On the last date, she hinted several times, overtly or covertly.

Abel has never been interested in MISS Ikana.

Unexpectedly, she didn't even hint much today.

In the end, he said so himself.

Ikana wanted to say it right away, of course she was welcome.

But she felt that she should be more reserved about this kind of thing, otherwise she would be short of breath if she waited for Abel to bargain.

She considered her tone and was about to speak.

But at this moment, the motorcade, which had been blocked by traffic for half an hour, happened to turn around a street.

After entering here, the traffic flow is not so dense and there is no congestion.

Outside the streets, there were New York police officers maintaining traffic order.

Behind these policemen, a large number of reporters gathered together.

The reporters were all taking pictures of the scene at the entrance of a hotel not far away.

John J. The hotel where Braun held a charity banquet arrived.

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