America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 112 Ikana is drunk (610 please subscribe)

The party ends at nine o'clock in the evening.

Such banquets usually don't last long.

If the guests themselves are interested, they can do so after the show.

You can choose to chat in private or find another occasion.

Maybe we can chat, or maybe we have something we need from each other.

Then a cooperation can begin.

Abel's biggest gain tonight was from John J. Brown.

He learned about the attention and favor given to him by the Texas consortium.

The secondary gain is Ikana's attitude.

He always felt that after tonight.

Ikana's attitude towards her was obviously much more affectionate than the previous two times.

He had a guess as to why.

Maybe today is the third date. After the first two, the relationship always improves on the third date.

The so-called once raw, twice familiar.

Or it could be this smart girl.

In the name and identity of John J. Brown.

He guessed that he had a close relationship with the Texas consortium.

Apparently between a newly rising Wall Street tycoon and a large conglomerate.

It is the latter that is more terrifying, more awe-inspiring, and also makes people want to get closer.

Abel felt that maybe she had misunderstood that if she was close to herself, she might be close to the Texas Consortium.

In addition, it is also possible that he was at the banquet just now.

Amanda Hearst's appearance and initiative brought about this change in her.

Just now, Amanda Hester didn't just chat with Abel once when they were at the same table.

But during the buffet later, I came over and chatted with Abel twice.

One came with her mother, Anne Hurst.

Fortunately this time, Amanda was only responsible for being beautiful and smiling by herself, and didn't say much.

At the same time, Ikana was also nearby, and sixteen-year-old Amanda chatted a few words with 19-year-old Ikana.

Naturally, they knew each other, after all, they were both celebrities in the same circle in New York.

They seemed to be having a great time chatting, and people who didn't know would probably think they were good friends.

The third time, when Ikana went to the bathroom, Amanda slipped over again.

When Ikana came out, she saw Amanda Hurst blooming beautifully next to Abel, smiling very happily.

That smile probably irritated Ikana.

It may be these reasons, or it may be other reasons.

Before Ikana got into the car at the end of the game,

The relationship and distance with Abel,

It seemed that I was getting a lot closer without realizing it.

At least at the banquet, she did not refuse Abel's physical contact many times.

Even at certain times, she would take the initiative to get close to Abel.

She appeared to be drunk when she got into the car.

Under the dim light of the rear compartment, Ikana's face was rosy and slightly drunk, and the broken bangs on her forehead were fluttering in the cold wind of the air conditioner.

Those flaming red lips are especially tempting to kiss.

Especially, she even had her eyes closed.

Such beauties with thick faces usually become more charming when they are drunk.

What is a wine and beauty?

Maybe this is it.

.Ikana, Ikana, are you drunk?

Abel called softly.

After calling several times, Ikana opened her dim eyes and looked at Abel blankly.

Huh? she murmured.

Haha~ Abel smiled softly, If you don't wake up, I will kiss you and send you to the hotel.

A flash of shyness flashed across Ikana's face, and she whispered drunkenly: You can't do this, Abel.

Obviously I didn't do this. Abel shrugged, But you have to tell me where you want me to send you. Otherwise, I can only send you to the hotel or to my home.


Ikana sat up straight, smoothed her thin bangs on her forehead, and then said:

Okay. Abel, please ask your driver to drive the car to Wall Street 40.

Is it the Bank of Manhattan Building? Oh, by the way, it now has a new name, the Ted Lerner Building. Abel said with a smile.

Ikana smiled and nodded in response.

The Bank of Manhattan Building, or now the Ted Lerner Building, is a skyscraper located in New York City, United States, located between Nassau Street and William Street in Manhattan, at 40 Wall Street.

The skyscraper was originally known as the Bank of Manhattan Building.

In 1995, Ikana's father, D. Ted Lerner, bought the building and changed its name to the current name, which it still uses today.

This building has a total of 70 floors. It was completed in 1930 and took only 11 months to build. It was the tallest building in the world at the time and was later surpassed by the Chrysler Building.

Currently, it is the 20th tallest building in the United States.

This is a symbol of D. Ted Lerner's current strength and wealthy status.

At the same time, the top floor of this building is still the home of D. Ted Lerner.

After giving an order, the driver Dix took his place in the convoy.

The black motorcade slowly drove into the crowded streets of Manhattan.

There was a brief silence in the spacious and quiet rear compartment of the specially-made black Lincoln sedan.

Probably because he found this atmosphere strange.

Abel spoke first. He said, How about continuing our previous topic, Ikana.

The previous topic? Ikana was stunned, You mean to discuss what Miss Amanda Hurst should do to perform well in the university's business internship?

This was the last topic the two discussed before leaving the scene.

Another participant was Amanda Hurst.

It happened to be Amanda Hearst at that time, taking advantage of Ikana's time to go to the bathroom.

Come over and talk to Abel, and then Ikana comes out.

A topic for three people to talk about together.

Ha~ Not really. Abel looked at Ikana's expression and couldn't tell anything.

This smart woman is very good at hiding her emotions.

I am not familiar with Miss Hurst. The topic I want to talk about is the topic before we enter the banquet.

It's about YKM. Ikana said.

YKM is miss Ikana, which is the English abbreviation of Miss Ikana brand.

Yes. Abel nodded, Maybe if you need it, I can try to become a shareholder of YKM.

But before that, Ikana, I need you to convince me and convince me to become your shareholder.

When Abel said this, Ikana had an obvious micro-expression on her face that boosted her spirits.

Okay. She said with a smile.

For the next half hour,

That's Miss D. Ikana Lerner,

Use the theoretical knowledge she gained during her three years of entrepreneurship or at Wharton Business School.

To Abel, explain YKM’s next development path and a picture of a bright future.

In short, it is obvious. Even if YKM has encountered some setbacks now, these setbacks cannot defeat YKM.

I have always believed that one day it can grow into a Gap for American women, and even for women around the world!

“In this way, its investors can also gain huge reputation and benefits!!”

Maybe it was partly due to drunkenness, or maybe I talked too much tonight.

By this time, Ikana's pleasant voice sounded slightly hoarse.

She looked at Abel, So after listening to these business secrets of mine. Dear Mr. Smith, what do you think?

Very good. But I need a more complete, written plan.

Abel smiled: Besides, the Tedlena Building has arrived. Ikana, you are home.

Ikana turned to look out the window, and sure enough she found that the convoy had arrived outside the door of Tedlena Building.

Huh~ Ikana breathed out softly, she turned her head and smiled and said to Abel:

Okay, no problem. Abel, I will prepare the planning document and have it sent to your company. Also, thank you very much tonight, thank you for sending me back.

Abel made an OK gesture.

Ikana started packing her things and getting out of the car, mainly picking up the small bag she had brought with her.

Abel saw that she had drunk some wine and her movements were a little less flexible.

He shook his head, got out of the car early, and walked to Ikana.

After she opened the door and came out, he held her with one hand and covered the top of her head with the other hand to prevent her from hitting her head when she was drunk.

Be careful, Ikana, don't hit your head or fall.

Sorry. I had a lot of fun tonight, so I drank a little too much. Ikana gave him a beautiful smile, her face was rosy and she was so charming in her drunken state.

I don't usually drink much, she said.

Understood. How about I help you in? Abel said.

It could not be better.

Ikana responded with a smile.

Abel began to support her with a smile, and walked with her to the door of Tedlena Building.

Not far away, Edward and several colleagues had come out early.

They spread out their positions and occupied every corner of the street, aiming at Abel.

It was guaranteed that even if someone fired a cold gun from behind at this time, unless the bullet could turn, it would not be able to hit Abel.

As for Abel, he felt that Ikana might be really drunk.

At the banquet just now, she drank a lot of red wine.

As we all know, red wine usually makes you drunk late.

But when it attacks, the stamina is also very powerful.

While walking towards the Ted Lerner Building.

He could feel that most of Ikana's weight was pressing on him.

Between the soft scarlet silk evening gown and Abel’s own suit sleeves

If you stick it on directly, it will feel good.

he thought to himself.

Coupled with the smell of high-end red wine and the smell of the special perfume sprayed on Ikana.

Abel felt that his hormones were beginning to mobilize for her at this moment.

In a short while,

The two men had arrived in front of the Ted Lerner Building.

Miss Ikana? A woman's voice sounded.

Then Abel and Ikana,

Then I saw a woman about forty years old, wearing the clothes of a hotel lobby manager, running out of the door.

It was Jessica, the lobby manager at the Ted Lena Hotel in the Ted Lena Building.

What Abel and Jessica didn't know was that the moment Jessica ran out.

A flash of disappointment and anger flashed deep in Ikana's eyes.

Perhaps Ms. Jessica’s future career may be turbulent.

That's it. Abel, Jessica can send me up. Ikana exhaled a drunken breath and said with a smile to Abel, who was supporting her.

Abel shrugged and readily handed Ikana over to the lobby manager of her hotel.

Okay. Then I won't go in. I also need to go back and take a shower. He said.

Okay. Goodbye, Abel, I had a lot of fun tonight.

Me too.

Abel waved to him, smiled and turned around, walking towards his car.

On Ikana's side, the lobby manager Jessica was in a nearby building.

As soon as he entered the building, the hotel lobby manager felt light on his body.

She looked up in surprise and saw Miss Ikana who seemed very drunk just now, and her expression suddenly became relaxed.

Okay. Just get here, Jessica. Ikana said.

You look drunk, I think.

I'm not drunk. That's fine, Jessica. I'm in good shape, thank you.

Ikana was neither salty nor salty, changing her previous state of being a drunken girl in front of Abel.

She at this time.

No matter what he said or the expression on his face, there was a resolute and resolute temperament.

It looks very much like her in YKM company.

Okay. Jessica, you have nothing to do here. A middle-aged man's voice appeared in front of the two of them.

The two ladies looked ahead,

One discovers that he is his boss, and the other discovers that he is his father.

It was D. Ted Lerner, a tycoon who had a moderate reputation in New York and was also famous in the United States. He said to the lobby manager of his hotel: Go and do your business, Jessica.

The boss appeared, Jessica nodded in fear and left quickly.

This hotel lobby manager in his forties always felt as if he had done something wrong when he left.

Otherwise, how could Miss Ikana be like this just now? She would never be like this normally.

Jessica felt uneasy.

Looks like he drank a little. D. Ted Lerner looked at the child he was most satisfied with.

A lot? Even you can get so drunk. Did those guys make you drink?

D. Ted Lerner is curious.

He knew that his daughter had a good drinking capacity, and he could not drink her in terms of drinking capacity alone.

Even many drunkards may not be able to drink from her.

Unless someone attacks her at the drinking table, it is difficult for anyone to make Ikana drunk.

No, no one made me drink. Besides, Papa, I'm not drunk either.

Ikana changed her drunken state in front of Abel, and was not as resolute as she was in front of Jessica.

She smiled like a good baby and said to D. Ted Lerner, I drank a little, but I'm not drunk.

D. Ted Lerner nodded, and then he said: Go over there and talk, my daughter.

Looking in the direction of my father's finger, I saw a corner of the hotel lobby with several rows of sofas.

There were even a few hotel guests over there on the sofa.

Okay. Ikana said.

The father and daughter arrived at a corner of the hotel lobby under the watchful eyes of D. Ted Lerner's personal assistant.

Tell me, how was your harvest tonight? After sitting down, D. Ted Lerner changed his somewhat exaggerated behavior in front of outsiders.

His voice was gentle, like a father and a calm businessman:

I heard that the initiator of this banquet was a little-known Texan. But the guys who co-organized it were people like Murdoch. There must be a lot of participants in the banquet, and they all have high status, right?

Ikana nodded first, then shook her head slightly.

Then this D. Ted Lerner was most satisfied, and when she was a child, she often lamented that it was a pity that she was not a son's daughter, and said:

A few media tycoons are indeed coalition partners.

But dad, let me be clear, that primary instigator, that Texan, was not some unknown guy.

Oh? What do you mean? D. Ted Lerner raised his characteristic eyebrows.

John J. Brown, this is the name of the Texan. Ikana said: Dad, does this name remind you of anything?

John J. Brown

D. Ted Lerner frowned, The first name is very common. But the last name, I seem to have heard it somewhere.

Ikana did not show off, she said directly:

“Dad, this man is the branch general manager of Texas Commerce Bank in New York.

In fact, this person is probably one of the representatives of the Texas Consortium in New York.

The Texas Consortium? D. Ted Lerner said in surprise.

That's right, Ikana said.

Next, Ikana told her father some of what she had witnessed at the banquet.

And most likely, what she cared about the most.

Abel's involvement with Texas syndicate John J. Brown.

Of course, she didn't tell everything.

First, Ikana felt it was unnecessary.

Secondly, D. Ted Lerner was not the only child of hers, and she felt that she also needed to plan for herself.

After listening to what his daughter said, D. Ted Lerner was surprised and a little regretful.

It's a pity that I didn't get the invitation and couldn't attend tonight's event.

It seems that this kid has more background than he appears. In other words, his talent has attracted the attention of large financial groups. D. Ted Lerner said.

Ikana nodded, indicating that her father was right.

Okay. D. Ted Lerner said gently: You look very tired, Ikana. Go back and take a rest first.

Okay. I think I really need to take a rest. Father, I'll go up first.


Ikana then got up, picked up her small bag, and walked to a corner of the lobby of the building.

There is a private elevator that goes directly to the top floor, which is exclusive to the residence of D. Ted Lerner and his family.

Before taking two steps, Ikana heard her father's voice behind her.


She stood still, turned around, and looked at her father in confusion.

Then she saw his signature smile on her father's face, and she also saw him giving her a thumbs up.

You were very good outside just now.

But Jessica didn't mean it. Don't hold a grudge against her.

She's just trying to make a good impression on you.

Ikana bit her lip, and some of her lipstick stained her white teeth.

If Abel were here,

You’ll probably want to taste it.

Okay. Father.

she says.

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