America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 114 An actor’s highest achievement (810)

At the Fort Worth-Dallas Airport, Abel got into the back of a Cadillac Escalade in the middle of the motorcade that came to greet him.

The Escalade is one of Cadillac's most successful flagship models and is currently the most recognized SUV among Americans.

The few times he came back before, he always took the F350.

But in fact, cars like the F350 are very average in terms of comfort.

It is just a high-end tool truck, a little better than the F150, but not much better.

After the previous two ups and downs, Abel decided not to take the F350 this time.

The car was not suitable for the terrain of the Sunnis Mountain Farm and other places he was going to next.

Just let the bodyguard buy a few other cars here in advance.

From now on, in the city, I will just take Cadillac and Lincoln cars.

If you need to leave the city, go directly to the Escalade.

Compared to last time, his convoy had more people and vehicles this time.

There are five cars in total.

Two F350s, a Land Rover, a Toyota Sequoia, and his own Cadillac Escalade.

The small accident he encountered last time made him take his security work more seriously.

This time, we directly organized such a large convoy, and two of the vehicles even had the highest level of weapons allowed by Texas law.

Mainly just in case, and Rock Security also sent a group of people over in advance.

It just happens to be used to protect the boss.

The convoy did not stop at the airport and quickly started heading to Fort Worth.

In downtown Fort Worth, Abel found Alexander's office.

On his father's side, he already knew he would come.

Alexander and Dwayne were already waiting for him in the office.

David Jones, who had been staying here for the past few days.

Then he ran to the airport early to meet his boss.

And he sat in the back compartment of the Escalade with his boss, and finished introducing the things here to Abel halfway.

Good afternoon, Mr. Dwayne. And daddy. After seeing the two of them, Abel smiled and waved hello.

Dwayne was very polite, he was sitting there drinking coffee.

Seeing Abel's arrival, they even stood up.

Alexander didn't, he just waved back to his son and continued to drink his coffee.

Huh? Colombia? Give me a cup, too. Abel walked to his father unceremoniously, picked up his coffee, smelled it, and said directly with a smile.

Alexander ignored him, but a female bodyguard who had been working beside Alexander for a few days smiled and went to make coffee for the boss.

Has the matter in New York been resolved? Alexander spoke softly after Abel sat down opposite him.

Abel nodded, It's a small matter, it's OK.

Dwayne watched the interaction between father and son with a smile.

After a while, when the two of them didn't speak again, one of the current Tarrant County congressmen said:

Abel, I have good news for you. Alexander won a big victory in the latest poll.

On the American side, it’s up to the general election.

When it comes to the election of a certain district in a city, everyone likes it, and there are corresponding media to conduct opinion polls.

This kind of public opinion polls are often used by the media to attract attention.

But sometimes, it often symbolizes the possible outcome of the election.

Oh? Abel asked with a smile: How about a big victory? The election season hasn't even started yet.

The survey shows. Dwayne said with a smile: Alexander's approval rate in the first survey was 63%!

Okay. Abel said with a smile.

Good news indeed, news worth celebrating.

After watching the interaction between the two, Alexander suddenly said: Alex asked you to go to Houston. He has something to ask you.

Abel, who was talking to Dwayne, paused after hearing what he said.

He looked at his father and found that the latter was also looking at him.

What is it? Abel said softly.

Don't you know what you did in New York? Alexander lowered his voice, When I heard my father say this, I was shocked.

Abel shrugged, Calm down. It's just a meeting, it won't do any harm. Trust me, dad, it might be very helpful to you.

Dwayne could not understand the meaning of the conversation between father and son.

He didn't know that Abel and Alexander were no longer discussing the Tarrant County election at this time.

Dwayne didn't understand and could only look at the father and son with a smile.

Alex said the same thing. Otherwise, I would have given up this time. Alexander breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Abel and said.

Abel couldn't help but shook his head. It seemed that the Texas consortium really had a huge influence in his hometown.

Even his own father had such a big reaction when he heard this.

Don't worry, Alexander, I'm sensible. He said seriously.

Seeing his son like this, Alexander finally ended the topic.

The three of them then chatted about the Tarrant County election.

Basically keep going, Dwayne said.

Alexander was stable this time.

Because none of his competitors can match him in terms of support in all aspects.

Abel thought to himself, if his meeting with those old guys goes smoothly this time.

Alexander's side is really stable.

Before this, it was hard to say whether it was stable or not.

When it was past four o'clock, Abel directly asked to leave.

I'm going to go back to Smith's Farm and go to Houston tomorrow.

Dad, do you want to go back with me?

Alexander nodded, I haven't been back for a week. I'm just on my way, let's go.

The father and son said goodbye to Dwayne and walked out of the office.

Alexander was in Abel's Escalade, and the motorcade quickly disappeared from Dwayne's sight.

Looking into the distance, one of the current representatives of Tarrant County could not help but shake his head——

Oh, it would be great if I also had such a son.

Escalade, in the back compartment.

When only father and son were left, Alexander looked at his young son.

He still couldn't help but said: Abel, are you really okay?

Texas Consortium, otherwise fine.

But in Texas and several southern states, the influence really touches all aspects.

Precisely because of the knowledge of how terrifying it is, even for a character like Alexander.

At this moment, I feel a little worried.

What's the problem? Dad, have you heard of Peter Lynch and Buffett. Abel said.

Buffett has it, and you can often see it in the news. Peter Lynch doesn't have it, but I remember he is similar to Buffett. They are both Yang guys who are good at playing with money.

That's it. Abel said, These locals in Texas think that I have potential similar to these two people, and they want me to be their cash cow.


As long as I can make money for them, then I am the most important treasure in their minds.

After Alexander heard this, he was silent for a while.

Then he gently patted his son on the shoulder and said:

But I don't really like this. Son, why don't we all go back to Smith's Farm? It's too complicated outside.

Seeing Alexander say this, it was Abel's turn to be stunned this time.

He looked at the concerned expression on his father's face, as well as the traces left by years and time, as well as the sun in the countryside.

After a few seconds, Abel sighed softly.

Then his tone became firm:

Dad, I know what you are worried about. I also know that you are concerned about me. But I also ask you to believe me, I will not be a dog.

Even after that, I will become their leader, even their master! !

I don't know exactly how to tell you, but that's it.

This is why I came back last time and asked you to help me.

You see what I mean, Dad.

Alexander said: “I didn’t understand it before, but now I understand.”


Can I really do this?


Abel said firmly: Look at Li Gen. He was just an actor before. What about now? He is one of the most successful leaders in the history of the United States.

You can't do what an actor can do? You don't want to be laughed at by your son, right? Dear father.

Uh Alexander was speechless.

That's it. Abel patted his father on the shoulder and said with a smile, In the worst case, we can go home and raise cattle together.

Alexander slapped Abel's hand away and ignored his smiling son.

Alexander chose to sleep the rest of the way.

Abel stared out the window in a daze.

The team arrived back at Smith Farm just before the sun was setting behind the horizon.

Emily received the news early and ran outside to greet her husband and son when the motorcade appeared.

After the car stopped, Abel pushed Alexander with such force that the latter was knocked down.

They were all pushed down, and Alexander naturally woke up.

Then he jumped out of the car, greeted Emily with a smile, and gave his mother a big hug.

FXXK! I was dreaming about Marilyn Monroe, and you woke me up!

Emily held her son in her arms and smiled very happily as she watched her husband get out of the car cursing.

That night, Abel once again had a Texas-style dinner prepared by his mother.

After dinner, John Jr. and his son John IV came over.

Alexander wondered: What's the matter with them?

Emily, who had just come out of the kitchen and packed her things, said: They should come to find me. I asked them to come to me tonight.

What's wrong? Alexander asked, What's the matter?

Emily nodded and pressed the automatic door opening device of the outermost door of Smith Manor to let John and his son in.

While saying to the father and son here: It's about the Mexican wolf.

Mexican wolves? Abel asked, What happened to them?

Mexican wolves are no strangers to Abel.

It should be said that farmers in the southern United States are no strangers to this wild animal.

The Mexican wolf is a subspecies of the gray wolf. It is a predator at the top of the food chain and usually moves in groups.

They are mainly found in the mountains and ridges of the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico.

They are also the largest members of the wild canine family in the world.

This swarm of wild animals used to be one of the most troublesome pests to rural farmers in Texas and several other nearby states.

They are much more of a threat than coyotes.

The combined size of two coyotes is barely equal to that of a Mexican wolf.

They attack livestock and like to attack young livestock.

Also, their size, coupled with their habit of traveling in groups.

Even for humans, encountering them is sometimes troublesome.

Unless you happen to have a gun on hand and your marksmanship is good, you should not be too timid.

In a hundred or two hundred years, this kind of wild animal has been almost hunted down.

Among them, the Texas wolf, which is almost the same species as the Mexican wolf, was declared extinct decades ago.

Killed to extinction by Texans.

But in the past ten years, with the rise of animal protection concepts.

They were given a new lease of life, their population grew, and they once again became pests to farmers.

Farmers in rural Texas are not so easy to talk to.

In addition, Texas has its own laws, and it is not illegal to kill this animal.

Therefore, farmers often join forces.

When traces of such large pests are found nearby, we will set out to clear them up together, killing as many as they can.

Just like everyone kills coyotes regularly every year.

Facing the doubts of her son and husband, Emily said: Have you ever heard of the Druid Peak Wolf Pack?

Abel shook his head blankly. He had only heard of Druid, not Druid Peak.

Are the Druid Peak wolves a pack of wolves transformed from druids?

Obviously not, Alexander nodded and said: You mean, Little John and the others are going to clear out the wolves at Druid Peak?

Yes. Emily explained her son's confusion. The Druid Peak Wolf Pack is the name given to this group of wolves in the newspaper. It seems that there are more than thirty adult Mexican wolves, which is the largest number on record. Wolves.”

So the risk was higher, so nearby farmers banded together. Everyone used guns and men, and hired several hunters to either kill them all or drive them away.

All right.

Abel nodded, he understood.

Another typical Texan favorite, a group of people go out to kill wolves.

This is probably one of the few joys in the boring life of American farmers.

For similar fun, there are all kinds of weird competitions that are held every year.

For example, mud fights, cowboy gun games, moving rocks, moving tires, imitating the sound of wind with armpits, spitting out watermelon seeds, grabbing pig feet, etc. are boring or interesting competitions.

At this time, Little John and his son walked in.

Little John was Alexander's godson, even though he was actually only fifteen years younger than Alexander.

Had Abel not been born relatively late, he would have been only nine years older than Little John's youngest son.

It is estimated that he will also become the godfather of John Jr.'s youngest son.

After all, it is outrageous to ask a nine-year-old child to be the godfather of a newborn child.

Only then did he give up.

The main blame is Alexander's late marriage and late birth of children.

Just like John Jr.'s father, John, is Alex's godson.

To put it bluntly, John’s family is the most trusted people in the Smith family.

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