America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 125 Future Business Planning

Just answer my question.

Abel responded to David Mellon this way.

But he didn’t say that he was looking for K Street because he wanted people from K Street to put pressure on Sony.

Then I would go to the door again and find a way to buy Spider-Man back from Sony.

If you say it.

Even if this thing is indeed profitable, David Mellon will definitely say that he is not doing his job properly.

From David's perspective, Abel should work hard on Wall Street.

A random investment on Wall Street can earn several times the profit as in other industries.

It’s also easier and cleaner.

With Abel's ability, there was almost no risk.

It’s so easy to make money, so don’t make it.

Go to other industries to make those meager profits.

David Mellon just can’t figure it out.

Abel disliked David Mellon's verbosity in this regard, so he did not say it directly.

Okay. David Mellon didn't know what Abel wanted to do.

He had to think about it and then said on the phone:

You don't have to look for me at all. LaPierre, didn't you just have dinner with him not long ago?

This guy is an excellent lobbyist. The reason why he is able to rise to the top is because he is excellent in this aspect.

After being reminded by David Mellon, Abel felt like he suddenly understood.

That's right, there is no need for me to find relevant channels indirectly through David.

Isn’t this country’s largest lobbying group closely related to itself?

The National Rifle Association has always been K Street's top customer.

Oh, right. Abel, who was sitting on the sofa, couldn't help but pat his thigh.

Thank you, David, for reminding me. Abel said with a smile.

LaPierre is LaPierre. If you still need it, I can find a few more for you. After all, in this field, each of them is good at different angles.

David Mellon said: Like LaPierre, he is obviously not very good in the financial field. If you need lobbyists in the financial field, there are better ones on Wall Street.

What if what I need is external or related to the entertainment industry?

David Mellon was silent for a while.

Probably David was muttering to himself that Abel was not doing his job properly.

But David continued:

Okay, I will send you an email later. You can ask Melio or Jones to contact the other party directly.

There are two Davids around Abel, one is David Jones and the other is David Mellon.

David Mellon is Abel's right-hand man in finance and capital.

David Jones, Abel's assistant in other areas of life and less important business.

Although the two Davids have not met yet.

But both men already knew that there was another David beside Abel.

And it's important.

In this regard, Abel thought that Melio or David Jones might be better at it.

Especially Melio, this guy has been working on Wall Street for nearly two decades.

His main job has always been not investment and finance, but rather assistance in related aspects.

Got it. Abel responded to David Mellon:

Then you can send it directly to Melio. I will ask Melio to contact these people later.

OK~ David Mellon said.

That's right. Before hanging up the phone, Abel spoke again:

What's the price of oil now? I'm talking about international oil prices.

Let me take a look. David said.

Then David reported a piece of data on the phone.

After Abel heard this, he immediately gave the order:

A good number. So, next, David, we're going to start shorting.

Abel noticed that after hearing his words related to financial investment.

David on the other side of the phone sounded obviously excited.

Say, my BOSS. I am happy to fight for you again!

Abel smiled, held up his mobile phone and said:

Three billion US dollars, the ratio is still 1:1, the leverage is 6-8 times, short international oil futures at the current price.


David said decisively over there.

Abel hesitated for a moment, and then he spoke softly:

By the way, please contact Mr. John J. Brown of the New York Branch of Texas Commerce Bank.

After hearing the name Abel said, Abel noticed that David took a few seconds before replying: What do you mean?

That's what it means. In the future, Smith Capital will add a Texas Commerce Bank as an intermediary.

As soon as Abel said this, he heard David chuckle over there, and his tone sounded more cheerful.

Dear Abel, it seems that you have gained a lot from your return to your hometown this time.

Talking to smart people is as simple as asking David to contact John J. Brown.

The N generation, who was born in Mellon, immediately thought of many things.

Abel smiled and said:

It's too early to say harvest. But there should always be one more choice, right? Just like I chose you, David.

Got it. David Mellon said with a smile.

Okay. That's it. Abel said, Let's talk next time, bye.


Abel hung up the phone first and put the phone on the table next to the sofa.

Wearing only a pair of spacious pajamas, he stood up and walked to the huge floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room of the Embassy Suite at the Four Seasons Hotel, overlooking downtown San Francisco below.

Looking down from the top, you can’t see the figures of Brother Ni and the homeless people on the bottom floor.

You can only see a somewhat cyberpunk, but at the same time extremely beautiful, beautiful and prosperous steel jungle.

It's not as good as New York, but downtown San Francisco is still very prosperous.

Abel is thinking about his next business plan.

To be honest, it was because he was not a business elite.

Just a street writer.

He turned out to be a high-level redneck with a strong artistic talent. In other aspects, he was only good at walking dogs, herding horses and doing some American farm work.

After the fusion of two souls like this, it would be really strange if they could suddenly become business elites.

If he didn't have a talent in finance, Abel estimated that at most he could only use some spare money to invest in some listed companies that would become popular in the future.

If you hold on to it, sell it in about ten years.

In this way, it is estimated that you can earn more than ten or even billions of dollars.

It is enough for me in that state to live happily in the United States.

The key is that he was not only reborn, but also brought such a talent.

And he also came to Wall Street.

The happy life on Wall Street for more than ten months has made him no longer satisfied with the life of a rich man.

He wanted more.

It's just that these more are not so easy to get. Anyway, you can't get them by relying on Wall Street alone.

Relying solely on Wall Street may be risky.

He had no choice but to launch a grand business plan for himself.

As a result, the layout has only just begun.

He himself felt a little confused and couldn't control it.

Thinking about it, he felt a little headache, so he patted his forehead.


Alas, after all is said and done, virtue still doesn't match up.

He could only tell himself this way and try his best to grasp the key points.

Don't think of yourself as a business elite, and don't think of others as fools.

The rest can only be said to be done step by step.

Fortunately, he also knows that he is actually the two strongest areas.

One is his talent in the financial field.

There is also a family background that can become stronger under the influence of his own financial talent.

To keep these two, Abel felt that even if he failed several times in business, it would be nothing.

Thinking about it this way, Abel felt much more relaxed.

He no longer thought about his somewhat complicated business layout.

That's it. Let's deal with media and entertainment first! But the focus should be on energy and industry.

In terms of media and entertainment, there are currently CAA, AB Smith Entertainment, Marvel, AB Smith Newspapers, and Isha. Isha can't be counted. It's just a toy park. That's brokerage business, film investment, film companies, and print media. .”

After much deliberation, in this business chain.

It also lacks film distribution capabilities and TV stations.

It's not easy to deal with theater chains, and the Paramount Act may be triggered by then.

After much deliberation, in terms of media and entertainment, Abel feels that he will focus on TV stations and film distribution next.

Among them, movie distribution is not very important.

As long as there is money and the movie is good, there is no need to worry about not having a good distribution company.

The key is still the TV station.

Abel, who was in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, returned to the sofa.

He searched a few nearby drawers and found paper and pen easily.

He wrote the words of the TV station on the paper.

After clarifying this field, Abel focused his attention on energy and industry, which he actually valued more.

The media is just a mouthpiece and personal entertainment, while energy and industry are the backbone of whether one can stand straight.

In terms of business, Abel honestly has no clue.

Not bad on the energy front, and now he's the owner of Alaisvas \u0026 Electrical in Texas.

Although Alais Company is only a small and medium-sized energy company, it can be considered an entry point.

Later, you can use it to strengthen yourself through capital injection or directly annexing other peers.

Thinking of this, he wrote Energy - Annexation on the other corner of the paper.

After confirming these two key points, he breathed a sigh of relief.

That's it for now.

Abel put down his pen and picked up the A4 paper with a few simple words written on it and looked at it.

At this time, he heard soft footsteps behind him.

It was the sound of bare feet on the soft carpet.

Abel turned around and saw the dim light.

Anne Hathaway, who had less than a strand of hair on her body and was gleaming white, rubbed her eyes dimly and limped towards him.

Unlike Jessica, this girl didn't like to wear clothes when she was around him.

Honey, what are you doing? Anne Hathaway squinted for a nap, but couldn't find Abel when she woke up.

Hearing a noise in the living room, he walked out to find Abel.

It's nothing. I was afraid that I would forget something, so I wrote it down to strengthen my memory. Abel responded with a smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, Annie had already walked to him.

Then she was not polite at all and sat directly into Abel's arms.

Abel was wearing pajamas, but inside his pajamas was also the most primitive state of human beings.

Anne: Σ(°△°|||)︴

Abel: (→_→)

Oh, I suddenly remembered. I'm hungry. I'm going to eat something. Annie stood up and said.

Abel pulled her over and took off his pajamas.

What's for dinner?

When the two of them came out of the room and wanted to find something to eat.

It was already around twelve o'clock in the evening.

To be honest, Anne Hathaway didn't want to come out at all.

Her hands and feet were weak at the moment, and she relied entirely on her boyfriend for support.

Now he is a pot-bellied man, and one person can eat as much as several rednecks over two meters tall.

It takes time for the hotel staff to tidy up the room.

Just go out to eat, since the Four Seasons Hotel also has a restaurant.

And it's open 24 hours a day, dedicated to serving customers.

Anne, whose hands and feet were weak, not sleepy but trembling with exhaustion, was followed by Edward and a few others.

Abel took the elevator, aiming for the fourth floor of the building.

There is the VIP restaurant at the Four Seasons Hotel in downtown San Francisco.

When he got out of the elevator, the first thing Abel saw was a rock security staff member.

He nodded at the other party, who was flattered and quickly responded to his boss.

This staff member came down ten minutes early.

This staff member's job is to wait until the boss arrives.

Arrive early where your boss is going and check the safety conditions.

Three of the rock security staff who were accompanying me came down.

With the direct relocation of the Rock Security headquarters, coupled with Abel's long-standing attention.

This security company is getting bigger and bigger, and it is becoming more and more professional in related aspects.

Edward didn't stop himself from coming down. Abel knew that this meant that Rock Security had confirmed the safety here.

He walked out of the elevator, half supporting and half holding Anne Hathaway, and walked into the restaurant.

At twelve o'clock in the evening,

VIP restaurant at Four Seasons Hotel, with other guests.

Abel noticed that there were three tables of guests in the restaurant, which was about two hundred square meters.

Counting his table, there were four tables in total.

He soon discovered that the guests at another table closer to him were not guests at all.

It was played by rock security personnel, probably a protective post set up to facilitate support in the restaurant.

For the other two tables, one had only one guest and the other had three guests.

Seeing this scene, he nodded with satisfaction.

This level of security work is not worth the tens of millions of dollars he spends on rock security every month.

After sitting down, the bodyguard brought the menu from the restaurant. Abel ordered a bunch of meat and then handed the menu to Anne.

The milk pudding here looks good in the picture. I remember you like milk pudding the most. Do you want one?

Abel asked softly.

Anne Hathaway took it subconsciously. After hearing what Abel said, her eyes fell on the picture of milk pudding on the restaurant menu.

On weekdays, she really likes to eat this dessert.

I still won't eat it, she whispered.

I'll just order a lemonade.

Just drink something to relieve the tiredness, Anne thought to herself.

Abel nodded. He didn't think too much and handed the menu directly to the bodyguard.

They have their own bodyguards who deliver the menus to the restaurant and supervise them in cooking.

At this moment, Annie's body was sore and numb, the kind of tiredness she felt after overexercising.

She is in better spirits. I came all the way from Los Angeles and slept in the car for two hours.

Just at night, I squinted for about an hour.

She just couldn't sleep and felt exhausted. She talked to Abel:

Dear, look at what you said to Ovitz today. Did you really buy Marvel?

Abel smiled and nodded, I arrived in San Francisco yesterday. I didn't ask you to come over because I was negotiating with Isaac Perlmutter from Marvel yesterday.

The negotiation took half an hour, and the rest of the time was used to do other things.

As of noon today, 63% of Marvel's shares are owned by AB Smith Entertainment.

This ratio is close to absolute control, which basically means that this company will belong to me.


Relying on her own ability and IQ, Anne was admitted to New York University and was not a pure academic scumbag like those in Hollywood.

Know and understand concepts such as relative holding, safe holding and absolute holding.

So is it true that you want to buy back the copyrights of Spider-Man and X-Men? Anne Hathaway asked curiously again.

Of course it's true. Abel smiled and stretched out his hand to pick up the sideburns that drooped when she was speaking back to her white and delicate ears.

This little gesture made Anne feel very happy, and she smiled sweetly.

Do I really have a chance to play the role of Mary Jane or Gwen? When I was a child, my favorite superhero was Spider-Man! The woman I wanted to be the most was Mary Jane. But then I thought Gwen was pretty good too!

Anne Hathaway said happily.

Then I will make your dream come true. Trust me. Abel laughed.

Dear~ You are so kind. Annie's mood became better and better. Even though her hands and feet were sore and her waist was numb, she still couldn't help but want to throw herself into Abel's arms and squeezed into Abel's arms.

Abel held her with one hand and rubbed her soft and slender waist with the other.

I have to say that the Ocean Horses are in good shape in all aspects when they are young and in the best shape!

He sighed in his heart.

At this moment, Abel suddenly noticed Edward beside him and leaned towards him.

Then Lin and Johnson, who were further to the side, also blocked his left side, blocking the view in that direction.

These very well-coordinated actions of the bodyguards made Abel slightly startled.


He thought to himself——

You can't really be so unlucky. You just went out for a late-night snack when you were hungry. Did you encounter any shooting incidents?

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