America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 129 Big Fat Sheep Smith

To be honest, I feel uncomfortable being in such a scene.

Abel was a little surprised.

Today he left San Francisco and flew directly to Los Angeles——

Yes, even if it was just over two hundred miles, he still took the plane.

Since the last time, driving from Tarrant to Houston.

He no longer had the slightest interest in traveling long distances by car.

After Abel arrived in Los Angeles.

There were rock security and service professionals like David Jones who came in advance to arrange food, clothing, housing, transportation and security measures for him.

On the way, he called Jessica and Anne respectively.

Two girls,

One has gone back to New York to promote Dark Angel.

One went to Orange County, California to film.

Another long-time employee, Liv Tyler, also returned to New York.

Liv expressed a certain interest in Abel's Elizabeth Back Garden company.

This is a Hollywood actor with a model figure and experience as a model.

May appear on Isa's runway.

in other words,

After Abel found out that he came to Los Angeles.

There may be no girls around to accompany you.

Thinking about it,

He called Michael Ovitz.

The original intention was for Ovitz to make another guest appearance as a pimp.

As a result, Michael Ovitz immediately slapped his thigh hard at the beginning of the reception.

Half an hour later,

His boss showed up here.

After the warm welcome at the beginning.

Abel was accompanied by Michael Ovitz and two of Ovitz's cronies in CAA.

Surrounded by a group of Hollywood executives who were extremely interested in him.

Everyone came to the outdoor buffet.

That is Michael Ovitz, in the garden of this villa.

Because of their arrival, the entertainment industry practitioners who were originally chatting here.

Whether it's a big star or a small actor.

They were all very conspicuous, and they all left voluntarily to avoid causing dissatisfaction among the big bosses.

.Ha, hello.

Faced with these Hollywood executives who regard themselves as the God of Wealth, they all have extremely enthusiastic attitudes.

Abel didn't act very cold either.

Everyone is carrying the sedan chair. Even if Buffett appears here at this time, he must have the same attitude.

Without waiting for Michael Ovitz to initiate the introduction.

in the presence,

A white man about fifty years old took the initiative to introduce himself to Abel:

Mr. Smith. Hello, I heard Jessica mention your name a long time ago. Maybe you also know me, I am James Cameron.

Upon hearing this man's self-introduction, Abel couldn't help but look at the white man.

Hello, are you Mr. Cameron? That Cameron? Abel said softly.

James Cameron, this name is not only well known to every household in Hollywood, but it is also well-known.

The Terminator series made Cameron appear in the public eye.

Titanic directly made Cameron the world's top director.

That's right. It's me. The white man, who seemed a bit proactive, admitted with a smile.

Abel looked at Michael Ovitz, who nodded slightly to him.

With Michael Ovitz's confirmation, Abel finally believed in this proactive guy.

It’s the same Cameron who will make Avatar in the future and create a miracle at the box office of movies on earth.

At this moment, he only felt that Cameron seemed a little enthusiastic.

Passionate and proactive, the way he looks at himself is a bit like a butcher looking at a little white sheep.

Abel speculated that Jessica Alba may have told James Cameron about their relationship.

But even with Jessica's relationship, James Cameron doesn't need to be so enthusiastic and proactive.

You are one of the top directors in the world, and you dare to show off at the Oscars and claim that you are the king of the world.

He is so enthusiastic now, like an insurance salesman.

Abel was murmuring in his heart, doubting that he had more than just physical fitness and financial talent.

Are there any other cheats that I don't know about?

Fortunately, when he was about to have some doubts about life, Michael Ovitz intervened at the right time.

The CEO of CAA said: James, if you have anything to say, you can talk about it later. There are so many friends here and they all want to get to know my boss. You should give them some time.

James Cameron wanted to say something, but another middle-aged man next to him immediately said:

Michael is right. James, Mr. Smith is not your guest tonight. He is Michael's guest, and he is also everyone's nobleman.

Several other executives from Hollywood companies around him also spoke at the right time:

Yes. James, let's talk about it later.

I guess you want to talk about your alien planet movie shooting plan again, right?

Hello Mr. Smith. I'm Shirley Lansing from Paramount Pictures. Nice to meet you.


I saw many executives from Hollywood companies expressing their opinions like this.

Even if I go my own way like James Cameron, I have to endure it first.

Fortunately, Abel turned to him and said, James, we can talk about it later.

This satisfied James Cameron and stepped aside.

Abel was smiling, and with the help of Michael Ovitz, he got to know the executives of Hollywood companies present.

For example, Shirley Lansing, the president of Paramount Pictures, brought Paramount Pictures to new glory.

and Universal Pictures Vice President, Conradyn Thiessen.

Warner Bros. Director of Photography, David Garcia, and more.

There are more than a dozen people in total, basically all the top eight company executives in Hollywood.

But with so many people put together, Abel only remembered one Shirley Lansing.

First of all, Shirley Lansing is the first female head of eight in Hollywood history.

At the same time, Shirley Lansing is a famous and excellent filmmaker.

It was under her management that Paramount achieved its current glory.

After she leaves, Paramount Pictures will start its road trip again.

Secondly, among the Hollywood executives present, she also has the highest status.

He is the CEO, and everyone else is the vice president, director of the photography department, director of the logistics department, etc.

Furthermore, Michael Ovitz also secretly told him.

Shirley Lansing and her Paramount Pictures have always been one of the eight major Hollywood companies with the best relationship with CAA.

When Paramount Pictures and James Cameron were filming Titanic.

The brokerage company that contributes the most is CAA, and the brokerage company that makes the most money is of course CAA.

It was the most successful collaboration between Michael Ovitz and Shirley Lansing.

After that, the two formed a good friendship.

This time Michael Ovitz returns to CAA.

The happiest Hollywood executive is probably Shirley Lansing.

With this relationship, Abel naturally took a high look at this old woman.

It was only after getting to know each other that Abel figured out the top people in the Hollywood food chain.

Why are you so enthusiastic about an outsider like yourself?

He discovered that these guys regarded themselves as big fat sheep.

That's right, a Wall Street financial capitalist.

Show up in Hollywood and be a little nicer to Hollywood.

And the attitude he can get in Hollywood is the attitude of the people in front of him.

After discovering this, Abel was speechless.

Come to think of it, these people want to reenact the scene in which the entire circle jointly defrauded Wall Street investors.

What's more, before this, Abel already had an AB Smith Entertainment, which sprinkled coins in the circle.

Combining these factors, he is really a pure fat sheep in the eyes of these people.

This discovery left Abel speechless.

Let him have no patience to fight with these people.

He had no choice but to hint to Michael Ovitz and use various excuses and methods to drive these people away.

In the end, only Michael Ovitz and Shirley Lansing, who had the best relationship with Ovitz, remained.


Abel breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at Shirley Lansing and then at Michael Ovitz.

I always feel that these guys regard me as a big fat sheep. They always want to get some oil on me. Madam, you have the same look.

He said the latter words to Shirley Lansing.

Shirley Lansing was stunned for a moment, and then the old woman laughed without hiding it.

Haha~ What you said is really interesting, Mr. Smith. But you are right. If there is a suitable opportunity, we are indeed willing to cooperate with you and investors like ab Smith Entertainment!

It's so straightforward. No wonder she is a woman who can be in charge of one of the top eight companies in Hollywood.

When you are serious about striving for interests, you don’t have to worry about face at all.

Abel smiled and shook his head, Okay. If you have a chance, you can try it.

Abel remembers that Paramount Pictures still had a few good years ahead of it.

At this point, if Paramount Pictures doesn't mind giving it a free ride.

Then it doesn't matter to him,

Invest some money in the films that make money for Paramount Pictures, strengthen your relationship with it, and make some money along the way.

While talking, James Cameron, who had just left.

Within a few steps, the three people appeared next to them.

Oh~ Shirley Lansing saw James Cameron's appearance, and she lightly patted her forehead:

You are really persistent. But perhaps Mr. Smith will be happy to provide you with support.

Abel looked at her, then at James Cameron, and finally at Michael Ovitz.

The latter spoke helplessly, speaking to James Cameron.

James, do you want to talk about your alien blockbuster again? You know, you want too much and no one can get it!!

Not a lot. James Cameron said softly:

As long as $200 million is enough. With $200 million, any of the Big Eight in Hollywood can afford it.

Haha. Michael Ovitz smiled but said nothing.

Shirley Lansing said nothing, but looked at James Cameron with a look like you're lying.

They are cheating money, no, I should say cheating the budget.

James Cameron is famous.

Back then, when he first started filming Titanic, he said it would only cost $60 million.

Later, more and more were added, until it reached almost 200 million US dollars.

At that time, Paramount Pictures really almost ran out of money to support Titanic.

Abel next to him was a little curious.

Another alien planet, another war.

he thinks,

James Cameron seems to be talking about the record-breaking Avatar.

What exactly is going on? Abel asked, Would someone mind telling me?

James Cameron moved his lips and immediately wanted to use his deception skills.

But Michael Ovitz wants to stay in CAA for a few more years.

Ovitz was afraid that his boss would fall into the trap before James Cameron could speak.

Michael Ovitz said in advance:

What James probably wants to say is that he had a filming plan a few years ago. At the end of Titanic, he had such a big plan.

That's right. James Cameron admitted frankly.

Michael Ovitz ignored him. Ovitz continued:

From the beginning, all the companies in Hollywood were rushing to get James' filming plan, and everyone believed in him.

Abel nodded.

James Cameron just finished filming Titanic.

It would be strange if the eight major Hollywood companies don’t rush to get it!

He continued to listen quietly to Michael Ovitz's explanation.

Michael Ovitz continued:

But... when everyone saw James' shooting plan and budget, almost everyone was so scared that they ran away on the spot!


Abel couldn't help but look at James Cameron and found that the latter didn't look embarrassed at all.

His original shooting plan required a total budget of $400 million.

Michael Ovitz said helplessly:

That's 400 million U.S. dollars! The profit from the entire Titanic box office, after deducting costs, is only this much, right?

But he wants to take so much money and make another movie.

No one in Hollywood would be willing to go crazy with him like this!

After listening to Michael Ovitz's explanation, Abel understood this time.

This also made him realize that James Cameron was going to shoot this movie.

It should be that groundbreaking 3D masterpiece, which evened Fox Pictures' 2009 loss-making Avatar with just a 10% share of profits and distribution revenue.

But all he knew about Avatar was that the movie was probably released in 2008.

The box office was very exaggerated, and it was indeed quite good to watch.

Other things, including today’s inside story.

He really doesn't know.

All he knows is that James Cameron's movie has made investors huge profits.

Even its final total pre-sales amounted to about $500 million.

It seems like a movie like this can’t be missed?

Thinking about it this way,

Abel smiled at James Cameron.

Then he said: James, I'll just call you James. Maybe you can give me a copy of the business plan?

BOSS Michael Ovitz said worriedly.

Abel shook his head at Ovitz, indicating that there was no need to worry.

James Cameron smiled for the first time during this conversation.

Ah~ of course. Where should I send the planning document? Mr. Smith.

Abel smiled: You can send an email to Jessica directly, and I'll just check with Jessica. You know, James.

James instantly understood that the relationship between Jessica and Abel was not hidden from him.

And Jessica,

Or the daughter of James Cameron's father's godson/daughter.

This is also Jessica who is young and has nothing to do with her.

But it is the reason why he can star in the large-scale American drama Dark Angel produced by a celebrity like Cameron.

OK! After several years of running around, I now have a good answer, and I am still a rich and fat sheep in everyone's eyes.

James Cameron gestured cheerfully.

Then the great director hurriedly expressed his intention to leave.

No one wants to keep him.

Now because of his outrageous shooting budget requirements.

The executives of the eight major Hollywood companies were too late to hide from him!


Unless James Cameron says tomorrow that he is willing to make movies that cost less than $200 million.

If this is the case, it is guaranteed that a large number of executives from the top eight Hollywood companies will flock to James Cameron's door soon.

Hollywood is such a reality, adapt or leave.

Shirley Lansing looked relieved after James Cameron left.

She saw that because of her action, both Abel and Michael Ovitz looked at her.

Shirley Lansing explained:

You know. Because of our cooperation on the Titanic, we were the first people James looked for. We were the ones he looked for the most after that. Now we are the ones who are most afraid of him looking for us.

Haha~ Michael Ovitz laughed.

Abel smiled slightly, picked up the red wine glass, and took a sip.

Strictly speaking, he is only twenty years old this year.

Not yet old enough to drink alcohol legally in the United States.

But in reality,

Unless there are police nearby, or in front of cameras and cameras.

Otherwise not many people would comply.

The slightly sour and sweet red wine swirled on the tip of his tongue, then slid down his throat and reached his stomach.

At this moment, Abel, who was holding the red wine glass, looked up again and saw a woman dressed up with flaming red lips walking slowly towards him and the others.

At a glance, he felt that this woman was very beautiful.

The figure is also sexy, but the mouth is a little bit big and the lips are very thick.

The flaming red lips refer to this kind of woman.

he thought to himself.

Mr. Ovitz. Ms. Lansing, and Mr. Smith. Good evening.

The woman had already arrived in front of the three of them, and she spoke very familiarly after she came over.

I'll give you a toast~

As she spoke, she poured a full glass of liquid, whether red wine or foreign wine, directly into her own throat.

Then Abel recognized it.

This beauty with flaming red lips is Angelina Jolie.

He looked at Shirley Lansing and Michael Ovitz and found that neither of them had any intention of raising their glasses.

They all just smiled and nodded at Angelina.

Angelina Jolie, on the other hand, did not show any irritation on her face because they refused to give her face or drink.

The hierarchy is clear and the status is strong.

Abel felt,

I realized another unspoken or explicit rule of Hollywood.

Although it's useless.

Julie. Good evening. After all, she is a client signed by the company and one of the most popular second-tier actresses in Hollywood.

Michael Ovitz, the CEO of CAA, is still willing to give some face.

Michael smiled and said: I played tonight.

Before he could finish his words, another Angelina Jolie appeared.

It's Charlize Theron,

The South African beauty walked directly to Abel with a glass of red wine in hand.

Angelina Jolie was surprised and a little bit embarrassed,

Shirley Lansing was surprised, and Michael Ovitz was slightly displeased.

The South African diamond smiled and said to Abel: Thank you very much for what happened last night, Mr. Smith!

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