America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 27 Profit of 195.4 billion

Chapter 27 Profit of 1.954 billion

David Mellon has been working on Wall Street for seven years.

It took three years to work in a top financial company like Goldman Sachs.

In fact, he himself has a good investment ability.

It's just that his ability is only in the relatively outstanding range among normal people.

It can't be compared with those super geniuses, and it can't be compared with the wall hanging.

But this ability is enough for him, after hearing Abel say these two data.

Quickly understand the possible changes in the international foreign exchange market.

It turns out that the black swan has fallen, and the yen has fallen! Our short position has started to make a profit!!

David, who understood, his expression became very surprised.

In the two minutes between them talking.

Due to the madness of international giants, the exchange rate of the yen has continued to fall.

JPY/USD has fallen to 108.3010.

JPY/EUR also fell rapidly to 98.2180.

Smith Capital's short-selling order in the market has resulted in a floating loss of 64 million U.S. dollars not long ago.

Turned into a floating profit close to 100 million.

The market obviously did not end so quickly.

In other central banks, in order to save their own Japanese debt.

More or less, when they reacted a little.

The unresponsive neon central bank has not moved at this time.

If the Neon Central Bank decides to rescue the market, this wave of decline may come to an end.

But if the Neon Central Bank decides to ignore it, it is estimated that it will continue to fall.

In the middle of this is the game between the major international financial giants and the central banks of various countries.

The complexity and excitement of the game here is definitely enough to write a novel with more than one million words.

But such a wonderful game cannot be said to happen every day.

But it happens once a month, or more than once.

So nothing to write home about.

David Mellon was completely excited. He ran into the safe room without drinking any coffee.

in the safe house,

The eight traders who have worked hard and anxious for a week are also staring at the market intently.

Compared with the anxious David Mellon, Abel is much more leisurely.

After all, hang on to one.

But he also followed David Mellon, walked in.

After he came in, he immediately said: Let's choose to close the position. First close one-tenth of the order, and first close the contract on Mitsubishi UFJ.

This is to choose to take one tenth of it, and it will be safe first.

Hearing the boss's order, the eight traders immediately started to operate under David's coordination.

Soon in the international foreign exchange market, there were 2 billion US dollars of short-selling contracts.

at the same time,

In the Empire State Building not far from the Woolworth Building.

In the safe house of Merrill Lynch Foreign Exchange Investment Company, a subsidiary of Merrill Lynch Securities, which is mainly responsible for foreign exchange investment.

The trader raised his head and shouted to his immediate boss, George Sen: BOSS! There is a two billion liquidation contract, and the yen exchange rate has risen by one point!

George Sen is a Japanese-American, but blood does not limit capitalists.

Or capitalists have no blood.

So for shorting the yen to make a profit, George Sen has no pressure at all.

At this time, the whole audience is carnival. Everyone is shorting, how can there be such a large amount of empty orders to close? Is this a test by the Neon Central Bank?

Check which bank and which company it is.

The trader quickly operated, and immediately shouted loudly: It's a contract with Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group!

Mitsubishi UFJ?

It should be a middleman, who is behind it?

George Sen couldn't help talking to himself.

Then he made his own judgment, Small, 500 million U.S. dollars for hedging. A little lower yen exchange rate is far from what we expected!


The subordinate immediately shouted loudly, and then began to operate.

There are quite a few capital consortium traders who made the same judgment as George Sen. As a result, it didn't take long after Smith Capital's 2 billion contract was drawn out.

The exchange rate of the yen fell some more.

This caused Abel to close out 2 billion contracts and cash out a profit of 20 million US dollars.

For the remaining contracts, the floating profit did not decrease but increased.

From more than 80 million US dollars just now, it has become a floating profit of 230 million US dollars.

And the floating profit is still rising rapidly.

Because the exchange rate of the yen continues to fall.

This result left David Mellon dumbfounded.

David originally thought that as someone began to close short positions.

The exchange rate of the yen should rise a little bit.

Unexpectedly, it has now fallen instead.

He couldn't help turning his head to look at Abel, and Abel was smiling at this time.

At this time, David actually wanted to ask how could this be.

He didn't ask.

Because it would appear that he, a top student at Wharton School of Business, is very uneducated.

In fact, if he asked, Abel didn't know how to explain it.

Because I chose to close one-tenth of the order just now, and I chose the contract of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group.

This choice is not a judgment based on his financial ability.

It's his hook, let him operate like this

Fortunately, David didn't ask, and Abel didn't need to rack his brains to answer.

He just continued to issue orders one after another, instructing David and the traders to sell, buy, and close positions one after another.

that's all,

An hour and a half later.

In Smith Capital's account, there are no foreign exchange contracts for yen/euro and yen/dollar.

However, Smith Capital's figures in several intermediary margin accounts.

But it has changed from one billion US dollars at the beginning to 2.954 billion US dollars.

Floating profit becomes real profit.

In the one-week layout, there was a floating loss of 64 million US dollars in the middle.

But now, in two hours, a profit of $1.954 billion has been made from the yen exchange rate.

Even after deducting the commission and interest to middlemen, there is at least a profit of about 1.95 billion.

The pleasure brought by this kind of achievement is far from comparable to that of buying stocks on dips.

He shook his head, telling himself not to go up.

Although the hanging force is powerful.

But if it is up, some big players can directly pull out the network cable.

Even play physics for you to disappear.

Now it's time for everyone to cut neon and yen together, of course it's fun.

But if the gun is aimed at this side, someone will turn their face in a minute.

And now, I haven't developed to the point where I'm not afraid of turning my face.

to what extent?

At this time, Buffett has not yet reached the level.

David Mellon roared excitedly beside Abel.

FXXK! God, the Virgin Mary! God the Son, shitFXKK!! Abel, you are too good! You are too good at FXXK!

While shouting frantically, this guy kept walking around Abel to vent his excitement.

The eight traders who finished their work were even more red-faced, and each of them burst into heart-piercing roars.

Quiet, behave normally.

Abel Versailles calmed down, and began to tell him what to do next.

Gradually withdraw the funds from the middlemen. The interest and commissions that should be given are as much as they are.

There is also the taxation process that should be followed, and it must be foolproof.

I don't want the company's tax returns to attract a long-winded IRS.

Those guys are afraid of selling fans. I'm afraid too.

After listening carefully, David Mellon nodded solemnly: I will do these things.

Abel thought for a while, and it seemed that there was nothing important to explain.

Suddenly remembered something, pointing at the trader, he continued:

Eight of them, each of them gave them a check of 200,000 yuan to help them make up for the personal taxes they should pay.

David smiled: No problem!

The eight traders who stayed in the room for a week, where they ate, slept, and went to the bathroom, all smiled happily.

A frantic burst of thanks to their boss.

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