America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 364 Smith in Seoul

Seoul Shilla Hotel has always been the supreme representative of Hanguo Hotel.

It has a history that Hanguo people are extremely proud of, as well as word-of-mouth service that is well-known by everyone.

The key is that it is located in the city center of Seoul, but it is built on the mountain. Behind it is the largest and most beautiful Nanshan Park in the city center of Seoer.

It's really like a mountain, with thick green trees. It's extremely beautiful in the summer. Various birds and small animals also make the park lively.

It is in the city center, surrounded by the largest park, and is a brand of the Samsung Group.

There is no doubt that it has naturally become the state guesthouse for Han people to visit the outside world.

The penthouse suite where Abel stayed was on the 23rd floor.

The hotel's VIP executive lounge is also on this floor.

The next day, Dang Abel brought two sisters, Li Fuzhen and Li Xinyu.

In the executive lounge of the Shilla Hotel.

Through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, looking down at the snowy scenery outside, I was eating breakfast.

The sisters' father and brother, namely Li Zaixi and Li Rongzai, came.

But when they want to get closer.

He was stopped by Lincoln and Johnson far away.

The 23rd and 22nd floors of the Shilla Hotel are now occupied by Li Fuzhen.

The people who live here are currently from Abel.

Rock security guards guard the elevator. If they don't give permission, no one can pass.

It's dad, and brother!

Li Xinyu whispered to her pregnant sister.

Li Fuzhen nodded, looking at Abel with her gentle eyes.

Abel shrugged and said to Edward standing next to him: Let the two Mr. Lis come over.

Edward nodded and called to Lincoln and Johnson.

It was the first time that Li Zaixi and Li Youngzai were restricted like this in their own hotel.

Only then were they able to get close, and the other Suiyuan who followed the two were not allowed to get close.

Only the father and son came over.

Abel was looking at the famous head of the Li family and the invisible economy of Han State.

At least financially yes.

Li Zaixi just turned 60 this year.

His appearance is definitely one of the handsomest among the men of Han Dynasty.

This makes his four children look almost the same.

Like the only son standing next to him, Li Xinyu and Li Fuzhen's brother Li Rongzai.

Li Rongzai can definitely be said to be a handsome guy among the original men of Han Kingdom.

At this time, these two good-looking father and son walked up to Abel.

I saw my beloved father and my brother, who made me a little in awe, walking over.

Li Xinyu stood up subconsciously. After standing up, she found that her sister had not stood up.

Li Xinyu looked at her sister a few more times.

Li Fuzhen just smiled at her and said hello to her father and brother who came over:

Dad, and brother. Good morning.

Li Xinyu reacted and quickly said hello to his father and brother.

Li Rongzai responded to the two sisters.

His eyes fell on Abel and then back to his father.

Li Zaixi spoke.

He speaks pretty good English and doesn't have much of a Han accent.

Mr. Smith. Good morning. The world's richest man comes to Seoul and can stay at the Shilla Hotel. This is simply the greatest honor for our Li family. You are very welcome, Mr. Smith!

Li Zaixi's tone is sincere and he sounds easy to like.

After contacting so many business leaders, Abel has discovered one thing.

That is, many business leaders, most of them can give ordinary people a kind and amiable feeling with their tone of voice or their demeanor when they talk to others.

This may be a trait of successful people.

It is more likely that these people have undergone special training in grooming.

Like Abel knows now, in the top service industry, or business courses.

There are people who teach rich people these skills.

Whether Li Zaixi is the former or the latter, he has done it very successfully.

If he were an ordinary person, he would see the chairman of the Samsung Group and the patriarch of the Li family, the most powerful family in the Han Kingdom, speak to him so gently.

Then this ordinary person will most likely be surrounded by Li Zaixi for a long time.

It's nothing more than the courtesy of a virtuous corporal.

Hello, Mr. Li. Good morning. How about we sit down and have breakfast together, and then we can talk?

Abel smiled and motioned to Li Fuzhen and Li Xinyu to come and sit next to him so that their father and brother could sit opposite Abel.

Li Fu is really obedient, even if her father and brother are in front of her, even if she is still a widow in name.

She behaved like Abel's little woman. She sat up from her seat obediently and sat down next to Abel opposite.

Li Xinyu hesitated for a moment, not knowing whether to sit next to her sister or sit with her brother and father.

After Li Fuzhen sat down next to Abel, she suddenly said:

Xinyu come over here and sit next to my sister. My sister is a little tired, please lean on me.

Li Xinyu looked at the eldest sister whose belly was already round.

She looked at her father and brother again, hesitated a little, and then Li Xinyu nodded and stood up.

She walked around her father and brother and sat next to her eldest sister.

Li Zaixi and Li Rongzai sat down where they had just sat.

But before Abel or Li Zaixi could speak again, Li Fuzhen suddenly said:

Ah, I can't see the heads in the snow here. My dear, I want to sit over there. I want to sit by the window. Is that okay?

Abel was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, Okay, just be careful.

He stood up, held her waist and shoulders, let her go around him, and sat by the window.

So Li Xinyu, who was originally sitting next to Li Fuzhen, now sat with Abel.

Abel sat in the middle, with Li Fuzhen by the window on the left and Li Xinyu near the aisle on the right.

It seems that he is hugging each other and enjoying the two beautiful daughters of the Li family.

Li Rongzai, who was opposite him, clenched his fists as he watched.

Only Li Zaixi kept smiling, and his eyes didn't change much.

Li Fuzhen also seemed unconcerned.

It seemed that she really sat there to enjoy the snow scenery.

Abel also looked generous.

On the other hand, Li Xinyu didn't know what to do.

She felt that if she continued to sit here, it would look like she had betrayed her father and brother.

But if you sit next to your brother and father, it seems to make your sister unhappy, and you are not giving Abel face.

She felt like nothing she did was good.

He simply lowered his head slightly, not making eye contact with his father and brother, and acted like an ostrich.

After the seat-swapping episode.

Just as Li Zaixi was about to speak, he opened his mouth and heard Abel speak first.

Mr. Li, this is my first time in Hanguo and my first time in Shou'er. I haven't had breakfast yet. Just now I wanted Anna and Jessica to recommend some local specialties for breakfast. Now Mr. Li, you are here, How about you guys recommend it?”

Hearing what Abel said, Li Rongzai looked at his father subconsciously.

Recommend Hanguo’s special breakfast to foreigners?

Li Rongzai thought to himself, his father would never recommend various kimchi to this ghost guy...

After all, the only classic foods with Hanguo characteristics are kimchi and stone pot barbecue.

Other sandwiches and the like that Han people like to eat today are all Western-style breakfasts from the West.

I am an American, and this is what I eat in the United States.

When I come to Hanguo, I can’t recommend these. Then I say that these are also the characteristics of Hanguo.

When you steal from your country, steal things, and steal culture, you always only steal from your father’s country.

Facing their adoptive father who is now holding a big stick, they have never dared to be filial.

I don’t dare to steal anymore.

Li Zaixi smiled and said softly:

Ah, I'm sorry about that. The Kingdom of Han is a food desert. We didn't even have enough to eat in ancient times. As for delicious food, only barbecue can barely count.

But Mr. Smith, you are a Texan. Texas barbecue is famous all over the world, and we Chinese people can't talk about barbecue in front of you. I'm sorry...

The father of the Li sisters said that these Han people were about to jump after hearing the words.

His tone was relaxed, his attitude was sincere, and he seemed to be very generous, directly admitting that there was no delicious food in Han State.

This look made Abel couldn't help but improve his impression of him in his heart.

Sure enough, those who can succeed, even the second generation, are still outstanding.

The second generation of the Shrub family is like this, and as the second generation of the Samsung Group, Li Zaixi is the same.

Okay. Abel said with a smile:

Then let's serve some barbecue and sandwiches. Oh, I almost forgot that I brought a chef.

Abel looked at David next to him, who smiled back at him:

David, ask Stephen to help me grill some steaks. I want Texas style, um... grill some more, and let the two Mr. Lees have a taste of our Texas flavor.

After the explanation, Abel looked at Li Zaixi again, Mr. Li, is it okay to have barbecue in the morning? Oh, and Mr. Li.

I eat steak in the morning, and Gui Lao is just like that.

Li Rongzai was thinking in his mind, but like his father, he smiled and nodded in agreement.

After deciding on breakfast food.

Li Zaixi finally found the opportunity to speak.

Mr. Smith. Li Zaixi said.


You just happened to be here. Li Zaixi said with a smile: There is one thing, I would like to ask you to give me some reference.

What's up?

It's like this.

Li Zaixi seemed to be considering his tone and thinking about it. He paused for more than ten seconds.

Under the watchful eyes of his two daughters and only son, as well as the Americans present.

Li Zaixi said: As we all know, there are many families with long heritage in the United States. Like Mr. Smith, your Smith family, or the Bush family, the Walton family, etc.

Especially the Walton family, where the founder has many heirs. Then I would like to know what kind of arrangements a family like them makes when dividing their inheritance or making a will. Mr. Smith, can you give me a suggestion? ?

Abel looked at Li Zaixi and wondered why the old man suddenly mentioned such a thing.

For a person of Li Zaixi's level, the Walton family's will and the method of dividing the family property should be easy to find.

Sam Walton, who founded Wal-Mart, died less than ten years ago.

When the Walton family divided their inheritance, many newspapers reported it in great detail.

If you look for it now, you can easily find it.

I really want to study how to divide family property and make a will.

Then just let people look for it. Why do you look for yourself?

But after all, the current Abel is no longer the one who just traveled through time.

Except for two talents, he is an ordinary former Chinese Internet writer in other aspects.

After listening to Li Zaixi's words, it took just a few seconds.

Abel already understood why Li Zaixi suddenly raised this question.

Unlike Li Zaixi, Abel said directly and politely:

Mr. Li, looking at you like this, do you want to make a will?

Facing Abel's directness, Li Zaixi was a little uncomfortable.

Li Zaixi faced more traditional Han businessmen in the Han Kingdom.

Hanguo was in the East Asian Confucian cultural circle, and the merchant culture here was still closer to that of China.

Reflected in negotiation and speaking skills, it is more tactful and graceful.

Not as direct as European and American businessmen.

Seeing Abel being so direct, and seeing his son beside him, his body suddenly collapsed when he heard the will.

The two daughters opposite him looked at him.

Li Zaixi sighed inwardly and nodded slightly.

Yes. I'm already thinking about it. After all, after this year, I will be 60 years old next year.

I always have to consider my posthumous affairs, so making a will and distributing my inheritance need to be put on the agenda.

Abel looked at Li Zaixi and then at Li Rongzai.

The latter looked at him and himself, and gave Abel a friendly smile.

Abel smiled and spread his hands directly towards Li Zaixi, I can't help here. First of all, I'm not a lawyer or an accountant. I don't understand the law, let alone the laws of Han State.

Secondly, this is Mr. Li's family's private matter after all. It's not easy for me to manage, and I'm not qualified to do so. Mr. Li, if you want to make suggestions, maybe I can recommend Mr. Dakning from PricewaterhouseCoopers to you?

Li Zaixi felt secretly resentful. He was like many of the old men and guys Abel met in the United States.

At this time, I was also lamenting Abel's slipperiness in my heart.

Although he looks so young, his actual age is less than twenty-two years old, yet he looks like this.

After thinking about it, Li Zaixi also decided not to be so verbose.

The old man looked at his two daughters, then turned to look at Li Rongzai.

I have actually drafted the will.

Li Zaixi suddenly revealed a piece of news that the Li brothers and sisters had heard.

All of a sudden, the three siblings looked at Li Zaixi.

Even Li Fuzhen, who originally seemed very calm, and Li Xinyu, who had been acting like an ostrich just now.

Mr. Smith, can you ask your people to get it for me? The lawyer is right behind me.

Li Zaixi pointed at several followers of the Li family who were blocked outside.

Abel nodded, and Lincoln over there took a file bag from a Han nationality in a suit.

At Abel's signal, Lincoln handed the file bag directly to Li Zaixi.

Li Zaixi remained silent, pulled out a few documents, and handed them to his three children at the scene.

Take a look. Xu Xian didn't come back from New York, but I also asked someone to send her a copy.

Li Zaixi said to his children

Xuxian is the name of his second daughter Li Xuxian.

Like Li Xinyu, they both studied in New York.

But Li Xuxian studied at Parsons School of Fashion Design.

In parallel time and space, after returning from school, the second young lady of the Li family was mainly responsible for clothing and textiles in the Samsung Group.

Now the three children of the Li family, after receiving the document, all started reading it in unison.

Even Li Xinyu, who cared the least about interests, like her brothers and sisters, turned over the will and inheritance documents handed over by her father.

Only Li Fuzhen suddenly stopped after turning two pages.

She smiled softly and handed the document to Abel.

The obstetrician said that after I am pregnant, I should not read too much as it will hurt my eyes and be bad for the baby.

Dear. She gently hugged one of Abel's hands and acted coquettishly to her lover in front of her father and brother, Please help me watch.

Abel looked at Li Zaixi, who smiled at him and indicated that he could look.

Originally, if it passes, it can be made public. Li Zaixi said.

Abel nodded and opened Li Zaixi's will.

In fact, there is nothing interesting to see, because Li Zaixi looks super majestic in the Han Kingdom, even more majestic than the commander of the Han Kingdom.

The total assets he owns, as of the end of 2001, amount to just over US$6 billion.

In an era before smartphones exploded, Samsung Electronics, the most profitable company in the Samsung Group, had not yet grown into a giant with annual profits of 10 to 20 billion US dollars.

Li Zaixi's net worth certainly did not grow along with it.

After all, the Samsung Group owned by Li Zaixi and the shares of its various subsidiaries are not very large.

The Li family is the same as most of the Hanguo chaebols and consortiums.

They are just high-end wage earners from Wall Street or foreigners.

Most of Li Zaixi's net worth of more than 6 billion US dollars is still in shares.

This kind of wealth is already an astronomical figure that is beyond the reach of most people.

But to Abel, it was nothing.

The document is thick and the text is very thin. It even went as far as the distribution of a car and a luxury item in Li Zaixi's name.

The copy given to Li Fuzhen was in English, so Abel could understand it.

If it was in Korean, he really couldn't understand it.

I don’t know if it was specially prepared or if all three of them were in English.

If it was the former, combined with Li Zaixi suddenly saying this in front of him today, Abel would understand what Li Zaixi meant.

Thinking of this, Abel turned his head and looked at the document next to Li Xinyu.

As a result, he discovered that Li Xinyu's copy was in Korean.

Then... Abel looked at Li Zaixi, he already knew what the old man meant.

He threw the documents directly on the table and said softly:

Mr. Li, Anna and her children will not ask for a penny from the Li family. I hope you can understand this. If everything goes well, Anna's children will inherit and receive most of my property in Han.

For example, I hold shares in Samsung Group, LG Group, Xiandai Group, SK Group, etc.

Abel's words attracted everyone's attention to him.

Li Zaixi's father and son were looking at him, and so were Li Fuzhen's sisters.

Li Fu really reacted the fastest. She fell directly on Abel's body softly, her expression and movements could be described as gentle as water.

The three Li family members next to her had never seen her like this before.

Faced with Abel's attitude, Li Zaixi opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

At this time, Li Zaixi heard some footsteps and conversations coming from behind him.

This just alleviated his embarrassment.

Li Zaixi quickly pretended to look back and looked behind him.

He saw that the lawyers and entourage he had brought with him were pushed aside.

It's not the people on Abel's side who crowd it.

It was another group of ghost guys in coats who did it.

After his people were pushed away, the ghost guys were talking with Abel's people.

Li Zaixi was surprised who this was, what he was doing to see Abel, or what he was doing here.

His son Li Rongzai immediately whispered in Korean next to Li Zaixi:

It's the four-star general Leon Laporte, the commander-in-chief of the U.S. Command in Johnstown, and the commander-in-chief Walter Sharp!! Why are they here too??!!

Lee Young-jae uses Korean.

It’s not like Li Zaixi didn’t know these two people.

Fortunately for Walter Sharp, Leon Laporte, the great emperor of the Han Kingdom.

Li Zaixi even had dinner with him several times.

It's just that Li Zaixi is old and his eyesight has declined. At such a long distance, the other party is not wearing military uniform.

Li Zaixi didn't expect that the other party would come here, or come to a place like Shilla Hotel.

He didn't think about it for a moment.

His son wore glasses and knew these two people, so he recognized them immediately.

Li Rongzai was reminded like this.

Li Zaixi felt much more energetic and stood up all of a sudden.

He heard Abel, who was sitting opposite, saying to the tall, big, white bear-like bodyguard:

Go and fetch Mr. Laporte and Mr. Sharpe.

The bodyguards in front had already let them over after confirming the identities of the two US military bosses.

But the two military bosses brought so many people.

Most of them were also stopped, and only Leon Laporte, Walter Sharpe, and two other followers who looked very strong at first sight followed.

Edward being ordered and David Joan Jones walking back.

The two people also came over to welcome the two big bosses from the United States stationed in South Korea.

Wait until Walter Sharpe and Leon Laporte, who are smiling, come close enough.

Li Zaixi found that Abel also stood up for the first time, passed Li Xinyu, walked out of his seat, and took two or three steps.

He and Leon Laporte, who came up, shook hands and said, Huh, Mr. Laporte? I have seen your photo. I was so surprised to hear that you were coming. You are so busy at work, I’m so sorry to bother you!”

Leon Laporte has a typical Ansa appearance, with rough skin, blond hair and blue eyes, and the iconic inverted triangular eye sockets.

He actually looks a little younger than Walter Sharp.

Leon Laporte, who looked about 50 years old, laughed and said:

It's not very busy. There is still time to see you, Mr. Smith.

Then I should go to the military camp to meet you. Abel said with a smile.

It doesn't make any difference. I came here very close. It's all the same.

Leon Laporte looks approachable, more like a businessman than a general, and he is cheerful and amiable.

People who don't understand the special national conditions of the United States will be surprised to see him like this.

After all, no matter what, Leon Laporte is also a 4-star general and a boss of the US military.

A big boss in the military treats the top businessmen in the country like this, which makes many people outside the United States confused.

But in the United States, Leon Laporte's reaction is considered normal.

In addition to the fact that some Abel has hooked up with the Texas consortium, he may soon become one of the important members of the military-industrial complex.

It’s also because of the revolving door system with American or European and American characteristics.

Let alone a four-star general, even a five-star general will retire.

With the advanced longevity medical technology in the United States, the generals who are superior to others will still live a long life after retirement.

Most generals also have many descendants, or relatives and friends, who need to live a good life.

What to do?

Of course, when the generals were in office, they had to build a good relationship with people like Abel and become good friends.

This allows generals to help out in the companies of good friends after they retire.

Is this easy to understand?

Or when relatives and friends of generals need work or need some financial help.

If the general himself is unable to do anything, then these good friends can help them.

Over time, which American general would not want to be good friends with big businessmen and capitalists?

Anyway, regardless of national conditions or laws, this is allowed and has no restrictions.

This is something with low risk and many benefits.

So what else is there to be afraid of?

After chatting enthusiastically with Abel, Leon Laporte seemed to finally see Li Zaixi, whom he also knew, next to him.

Ah, Jerry, you're here too?!

Leon Laporte called out Li Zaixi's English name, and he said with a surprised smile.

Li Zaixi nodded quickly, and the smile on his face was much more sincere and touching than when he faced the commander of Han Kingdom.

Ah, yes. Mr. Laporte, yes, I am here. Oh, I came over to have breakfast and see my daughter.

Li Zaixi carried out Li Fuzhen, who was standing next to Abel, looking like a little woman.

Only now did Li Zaixi truly realize what the name Abel Smith actually meant to Americans.

To be honest, before this, Li Zaixi's impression of Abel was only data and intelligence on paper.

Li Zaixi knew that Abel was very powerful.

But he didn't expect that Abel would be so powerful.

Even the owner of Han Guoqing's house, Leon Laporte, always ignored him.

But facing Abel, Leon Laporte had this attitude.

Li Zaixi finally knew Abel's influence in the United States.

The old man was already a little regretful now, regretting the trick he had just played.

It seemed that Abel had noticed it just now, otherwise he wouldn't have reacted like that.

At this moment, Li Zaixi hasn't thought of a good solution yet.

Then he saw the two daughters, standing next to Abel with a meek look.

Li Zaixi took notice and directly targeted his two daughters.

He directly said that he came here to see his daughter Li Fuzhen, not to prevent Abel from seizing the Li family's property.

Oh. Leon Laporte looked at Li Fuzhen.

The general noticed that Li Zaixi's daughter had a chubby belly.

Leon Laporte thought again about some rumors about Abel Smith in the United States.

Leon Laporte immediately understood and said with a smile: That's it. But...

The invisible emperor of Han Kingdom suddenly changed the topic——

Ms. Anna Li is a good friend of Walter and I. But I heard that she was suddenly attacked yesterday morning. A group of gangsters rammed her car and poured acid on her.

Leon Laporte looked at Li Zaixi:

Jerry, this is your daughter. You are a big shot in Han State no matter what. How did you do it?

If it hadn't been for the place where Ms. Anna Li's accident happened. There happened to be two of our SEALs who happened to pass by during their vacation and acted bravely. Then things would have been troublesome!

A word from Leon Laporte

Let everyone present understand the level of speech and behavior of the four-star generals in the United States.

High, that's called a high.

Even Abel was thinking about it and couldn't help but give Leon Laporte a thumbs up.

This four-star general was too responsive and quick.

With these few words, he directly helped Abel and solved Abel's biggest trouble.

The SEALs who passed by, were on vacation, and met by chance, and Fakshit’s bravery...

Where can the people of Han go to reason?

At most, it can only be said that the members of the SEAL Team who act out of righteousness are a bit too much.

Abel couldn't help but smile and said:

Yes, Mr. Laporte, you are knowledgeable! This matter is actually that simple. Those hateful gangsters, I heard that they are the so-called violent people in Han State? Oh, they are the gang members in the United States. Then they are even more hateful.

The commander-in-chief was in front, and Walter Sharpe, who was doing the background board, had not spoken much. At this time, Walter Sharpe interjected:

But in our United States, gang members don't dare to attack upper-class people. I didn't expect that gang members in Han State would even dare to attack Mr. Li's daughter. I won't be surprised if they say they will attack our military camp next time.

Li Zaixi was speechless at the words of these three Americans.

But at this time, the economic leaders of Han Kingdom also knew the attitudes of Walter Sharpe and Leon Laporte.

That was the invisible emperor of Han State, and they stood behind Abel Smith without hesitation.

This has no solution for the Han people.

Even the owner of the Blue House is the same, unless a call comes from the north...

You also have to be able to win.

Thinking of this, I was able to abolish my brothers and seize power in the Samsung Group.

As the youngest son of the Li family, Li Zaixi, who became the boss of the Li family, is not a good person.

At least when facing the Han people, Li Zaixi's backbone was stronger than any Han people.

Li Zaixi immediately expressed his position:

Mr. Laporte, Mr. Sharpe, Mr. Smith.

You are right, this matter cannot be settled like this. I must find Fuzhen's person, and I will definitely avenge her!

Please rest assured, this is a father's promise!

When saying these words, the chairman of Samsung Group spoke firmly.

The eyes he looked at Li Fuzhen were also full of love.

He looks like a man who loves his daughter, loves his family, and is devoted to protecting his family.

But it was clear that it had been more than 24 hours since his daughter was attacked.

If it weren't for the statements made by several Americans today.

Even now, he has not even expressed condolences to his daughter.

Is such a person really a good father?

From beginning to end, Li Xinyu watched her father change.

She had such doubts in her heart at the moment.

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