America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 374: Great achievement of magical power or death by explosion

Abel finally understood that tonight's cocktail party was not a party specially hosted by Soros for him.

It was probably a special internal cocktail party held by Soros at the end of the year.

It is similar to a financial company and an end-of-year investment reception.

Strictly speaking, it might even be just an internal end-of-year party with Soros, the group of Oilers with whom he has the closest relationship.

This can be seen from the fact that the number of people at the entire cocktail party was not large, and they were generally the Oilers' financial elite.

As the only male guest in the entire cocktail party who is not an Oilman.

Abel obviously attracts more attention than Li Xinyu and little Laura.

Like Alan Greenspan, and Leo Melamed, and David Rene Rothschild.

You can tell by the fact that these three old men have been surrounding him.

Compared with these three people, even Soros's status within the Oilers seems to be inferior to them.

Mr. Smith, you did a great job in Korea this time. You were clean and tidy, and the preliminary preparation was perfect. It was really an extremely successful raid.

David Rene Lochier said softly with a smile.

Leo Melamed is also talking about South Korea, The bad thing is that South Korea is too small and too thin. Even if it can be operated perfectly, the profits that can be extracted will not be too much.

Alan Greenspan said nothing, holding a glass of wine and smiling next to him.

Abel also smiled and looked very reserved, This is not my success. Without George's help and the local people's contribution, there would be no need to talk about it.

That's not what it says. David Rene Rothschild continued:

Mr. Smith, your ability to take advantage of the situation is also very important. Without you, George would not believe those local people. Those local people would also not believe George.

Without you in the middle, it would be impossible for them to work together and cooperate. Mr. Smith, your role is obviously very important.

Okay. Abel raised his glass, Then I finally have some merit. Come, cheers for everyone's health!

The three old men all smiled and raised their wine glasses and took a very honorable sip.

After drinking red wine, the three old oil men forgot about each other.

Alan Greenspan and Leo Melamed both nodded slightly towards David Rene Rothschild.

Abel soon heard David Rene Rothschild's very concerned question:

Mr. Smith, I wonder what Smith Capital's plans are for next year?

Abel thought it was finally here.

These three fat guys were surrounding him. He didn't believe that they just wanted to drink and chat with him.

It can be said that this sentence represents most of the Oilers' character.

Abel smiled and replied: Of course it is to earn more profits. I am working hard to earn more money for my investors and my shareholders.

Seeing what he said, David Rene Rothschild also expressed his attitude directly.

So... Smith Capital, are you interested in adding a few more shareholders?


Abel looked at the three of them, wondering what these old men meant.

Because according to Abel's thoughts.

These three old men should have some shares in their own companies.

It is part of the 4% owned by Soros in Smith Capital.

The total value of Soros's 4% stake is nearly US$20 billion.

Soros doesn't have that kind of money. Even with all his wealth, he could not get 4% of Smith Capital shares.

But Soros took this share.

It is obvious that the oil people behind him asked Soros to hold the shares on his behalf, and then jointly invested to acquire these shares.

Given the status of these three old men in this circle.

Among these shares, they should be able to occupy a relatively large number.

In other words, these people are already shareholders of Smith Capital.

Now that he said this, Abel was a little curious.

Judging from Abel's appearance, David Rene Rothschild also decided not to be tactful.

In the hearts of these Oilers, they also know that they should be more direct when talking to Ansa.

Obviously, the guy in front of me is young, successful, and financially powerful.

But he's also an Ansa guy.

People think that it is more direct to talk to him and just talk about interests.

David Rene Rothschild puts it straight to the point:

Too little. Even if you add in Bloomberg's 4% and Soros's 4%, the number is still too small. It's only 8% in total. Mr. Smith, we want to cooperate with you better. I hope you will I understand.

This time the other party spoke directly enough, and of course Abel understood it.

He asked calmly: Then... what do you mean by these gentlemen?

Take that 8%, add another 12%, and you get a total of 20%, said David Rene Rothschild.

Abel understood what these oilmen meant, and he couldn't help laughing.

This is too little.

So far, Smith Capital has four shareholders: Buffett, Soros, Bloomberg, and PNC Financial Services Group.

And the Bush family, and Abel himself.

The Texas consortium is still discussing the details.

This part of the work is not expected to be completed until next year.

A collaboration between two huge consortiums. When making the initial decision, it is relatively simple.

As long as the leader nods.

But all the details below, as small as 0.1% of the shares of a company controlled by one of its affiliates, must be negotiated to avoid wrangling after the merger.

This part of the work, even with the help of elites such as PricewaterhouseCoopers and Ernst \u0026 Young, will take a long time.

Like the cooperation between Rockefeller and Morgan. That is, the merger of Morgan Chase and Co., which has been discussed since the 1980s.

Speaking of the middle of last year, it may have been after a mutual decision was made.

Only then did the two parties disclose to the public that they might merge.

At first, the market thought it was a joke.

But by the end of last year, they actually merged.

Not counting the negotiations that the two sides may have involved in the previous ten or twenty years.

Just counting the time from the announcement in the middle of last year to the actual merger, the total time took more than half a year.

Therefore, the Texas Consortium and the Smith Consortium have in-depth cooperation.

If you want to find out something, it will be at least April or May next year until the detailed discussions are completed.

Prior to this, the Texas consortium was not considered a shareholder of Smith Capital.

Among the original shareholders, Soros and Bloomberg’s shares.

In fact, it was Abel, specially reserved for the Oilers.

The two people's combined total of 8% of the shares is the position and voice of the Oilers within this consortium.

Abel knew that the actual shares of Smith Capital held by these two people may not even add up to 3%.

The remaining shares should have been divided among other Oilers.

See what these Oilers mean.

They want to continue to add chips and increase the Oilers' share in this joint consortium.

After thinking about it, Abel did not refuse immediately, but he also had no intention of agreeing.

He said with an ambiguous smile:

If it's this question, I can't decide now. I am not the only shareholder of Smith Capital now. If a new shareholder wants to join, other shareholders will need to nod.

Of course. He changed the topic and said with a smile: I personally welcome you all to join. Because I have always believed - You can never have too many friends. You are all my friends, just like George Same as Michael.”

Hearing Abel's friendly attitude.

The three Oilers bosses present started laughing, even if they didn't get a satisfactory answer.

There was a period of time from last year to this year.

The Oilers are very wary of the rise of Abe Smith, and even wanted to suppress him for a while.

But before these people could reach an internal consensus, they discovered that this Ansa man was also a target that could be fought for.

For example, Abel has many Oilers elites under his command.

Like Robert Iger, the first CEO of Smith Media, the Oilers.

Abel's two most trusted Michaels, Michael Ovitz and Michael Lyle, are both Oilers.

Melio, the original deputy manager of Smith Capital, is now one of the presidents of the Oilers.

There are also a large number of Oilers employees in Smith Capital's companies.

This is Abel's elite.

One of Abel's best friends, Michael Bloomberg, is also an Oiler.

Abel Smith can be said to have contributed a lot to the appointment of the first Oilman mayor of New York...

There is another Soros behind him, also an Oiler.

Invisibly, Abel has given himself a thick layer of paint.

This makes it difficult for the Oilers to raise hostility against him even though he is a Texan with the most standard Ansa origin.

This is like the pheromone used by bees to identify friends and foes. In the eyes of most Oilers, Abel Smith is their good friend even if he is not one of their own.

After that, Smith Media's development in the media industry became increasingly smooth.

At this point, the Oilers no longer think about suppression.

They now want to win over Abel and make him accept the Oilers' existence like other Anzacs.

Just like the original Morgan and Rockefeller, Jean Oil can last in the United States for thousands of generations.

Now we see that the Smith Consortium hopes to merge with the Texas Consortium.

The merger of the two parties may result in the emergence of a Smith \u0026 Texas consortium or a Texas \u0026 Smith consortium in the United States.

One has a complete financial system and core capital channels.

At the same time, it also controlled military industry, as well as some energy and industrial behemoths.

The oil man who smelled this smell couldn't wait to get involved.

They want to have more say within this consortium...

This is what David Rene Rothschild’s statement today means.

Abel did not refuse clearly at this time, but acted so tactfully.

The three Oilers bosses were satisfied enough with this statement.

They felt that what was missing next was the bargaining chip to make Abel tempted.

When it comes to bargaining chips, the Oilers Group has never been short of it.

They have the smile they have now.

Abel was smiling on the surface, but secretly he planned to go find Peggy...'s grandfather, Robert Morgenthau.

He wanted Robert to ask the other two families.

Go ask those two guys who had obviously been in contact with me earlier, but now have no voice.

Those two guys were Morgan and Rockefeller.

The first thing to explain is that these two families are not oily at all.

At most, they have had very close cooperation with the Oilers.

For example, Morgan's family has been a British banking family for a long time. Their blood relationship is very clear and has never been mixed with Oil people blood.

This family is a merchant family whose ancestors immigrated to the United States during the gold rush in the New World in the early 17th century and initially settled in Massachusetts.

It was not until John Pierpont Morgan's grandfather, Joseph Morgan, that he sold his farm in Massachusetts and settled in Hartford.

Hartford is the capital of the state of Connecticut in the United States. It is located in the north-central part of the state and stands on the Connecticut River. It has a large number of giant insurance companies. It is the headquarters of the world’s insurance industry.

It can be said that he is an extremely pure Ansa guy, one of the symbols of the traditional strength of the East Coast of the United States.

Then there's Rockefeller.

Rockefeller is not oil either.

Like Morgan, Rockefeller was also said by many gossip media that they were all Oilers.

This lie has been repeated thousands of times, so much so that it is mistaken for truth by many people.

But the fact is that the Rockefeller family is not the Oilers at all.

They neither believe in the Oil religion nor have the blood of You.

The religious belief of the Rockefeller family is the Protestant Baptist Church, not the Oilman Church.

The ancestry of the Rockefeller family is of English, German, Scottish, and Irish ancestry, with no Oil ancestry.

The reason why there are rumors that these two families are oil.

In addition to the Oilers' consistent habit of bringing talented people to their own race.

It is also because these two families were suspected of being rebels who backstabbed Oilers Financial Capital and became financially independent in North America.

Abel didn't know the story very well either.

He only heard part of it as his grandfather chatted with Herbert.

But all in all, Rockefeller and Morgan are not only not oil people, but they are the existence of the Angsa people suppressing the oil people in the financial field.

This can be seen from the very successful merger between Rockefeller and Morgan.

Abel wanted to ask them, now these oil people are so active in wooing his new Ansa.

As old Ansa, don't you have any statement?

To put it simply, he wants to jump left and right again, or wait for the price.

Just like what he did when facing the dispute between Soros and Norway in the Norwegian krone incident.

Throughout the evening, Abel had been chatting with David Rene Rothschild, Alan Greenspan, and Leo Melamed.

With these three here, even George Soros only came here once.

It is very obvious that these three are the bosses within this small group.

Judging from their identities, it is understandable.

Like David Rene Rothschild, his surname Rothschild is Rothschild in English.

This word has two translations in Chinese, one is Rothschild, the other is Rothschild...

And Leo Melamed’s identity is not simple. He was once the chairman of the Chicago Mercantile Futures Exchange.

He is the founder of many futures types.

For example, Abel loved to play in foreign exchange futures in the early days, and now he occasionally invests in foreign exchange futures. It was invented by Leo Melamed, an economist and financial tycoon.

As for Alan Greenspan, he is the current chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve.

This committee has an abbreviation, and everyone prefers to call it the Federal Reserve.

It can be said that these three are among the living Oilers. Basically, it is their third most important presence in the financial field.

Even Soros cannot stand on an equal footing in front of these three people.

And now Abel did it.

Does it mean that Abel’s status has surpassed Soros’s?

It’s not that…

The most important reason why Abel can make them pay so much attention is that some kind of merger between the Smith Consortium and the Texas Consortium has begun to occur.

Due to the lack of a financial core, the Texas consortium has been severely lacking in blood-forming capabilities.

It's okay when there's a war, but if there's no war and there's peace, it's all over.

As for the Smith Consortium, it has risen too quickly and its members are basically in the financial field.

In terms of military, industry, energy or other aspects, it cannot be said to be almost nothing, but with only one Pacific Energy Company, it can only be said to be better than nothing.

One is strong in finance and the other is strong in industry. The combination of the two parties, even if it is not a complete merger, is just an in-depth cooperation.

The status of both parties in this country will suddenly be greatly improved.

After the merger or in-depth cooperation, this consortium can suddenly become an enhanced version of the California consortium.

The ordinary version of the California Consortium can compete with Morgan \u0026 Rockefeller.

The enhanced version of this consortium will not be too different if not equal.

The Oilers were aware of this and were not allowed to taint this aspect from beginning to end.

They smelled it and gathered around.

If we can cooperate deeply with the merged Smith \u0026 Texas consortium, or if we can succeed internally.

For the Oilers, it means that they can be in addition to the already extremely powerful finance and media.

Once again a more terrifying support point was obtained.

If it really succeeds, it will all be used by them.

It is not impossible for the Oil Man to truly become the master of this country.

Instead of being like now, I can generally only work as an accountant and financial manager.

Later, the reception ended.

After Abel left the scene, he sat in the Cadillac Monster, surrounded by little Laura and Li Xinyu, and he gradually figured it all out.


After I figure it out.

In the carriage, Abel couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

These intrigues are really not his strong point.

But he brought it all on himself.

It was him who set the goal too high from the beginning.

I want this and that, I want it big and complete.

Okay now, this is equivalent to practicing too many cheats for various attributes.

Now all kinds of inexplicable internal forces began to collide inside his body.

If one is not maintained well, it will really explode and die.

But we have come this far, and now we can only keep going.

It is equivalent to continuing to practice magical skills.

Or create your own magical skill and become a super master who connects ancient and modern times and is invincible in the world.

Either he gets mad in the middle of the journey, which can lead to a complete loss of life, or a serious injury to his muscles and bones.

Seeing him sighing, little Laura, who had let him sit in the middle without knowing it just now, didn't think too much.

The girl's little hand touched her lover's rarely frowned eyebrow, It's rare that something can make you so distressed. This is the first time I've seen you like this.

Little Laura's voice, and her little cold hands coming in from the outside.

Pull Abel's spirit and attention from his thoughts back to reality.

He looked at the caring eyes of little Laura and Li Xinyu in the warm carriage.

Abel subconsciously opened his hands, hugged the two of them, and answered softly:

I'm thinking about some troublesome things. I regret it a bit.

Watching him naturally hold himself and his best friend in his arms.

And my best friend took it for granted at first, but after she saw him, she looked a little panicked.

Little Laura already had doubts at this time.

But at this time, she naturally chose to comfort her man first.

What can make you regret? Little Laura said softly:

Maybe I can't help you with anything. But maybe you can talk to me and it might make you feel better.

Many people do feel better after telling others about their concerns.

But Abel was obviously not this kind of person. He shook his head with a smile, leaned over and kissed little Laura.

Then the movements are natural and skillful, trying to catch the rain and dew, just like in Korea.

After kissing the elder sister, kiss the younger sister, or after kissing the younger sister, kiss the elder sister.

After kissing little Laura, he wanted to kiss Li Xinyu's beautiful face.

It was only when he was halfway through the kiss that he suddenly realized

Ha ha--

Abel laughed and let go of Li Xinyu's hand.

Sorry, we almost kissed you. Sorry, I was abrupt.

Li Xinyu, who was startled by him just now and worried about being discovered by little Laura, breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Xinyu immediately said: It's okay, but I won't allow it next time!

Oh oh oh, of course.

Seeing the two of them acting there, little Laura's beautiful and slender eyebrows were already raised.

She wasn't sure at first.

But now, little Laura is certain.

There must be something wrong with my man and my best friend!

Now there are only two chapters and more than 10,000 words updated every day. Because I need to save the manuscript, so as not to interrupt the update for a few days after the sun comes out... I feel that it is fast. We have broken through from single digits to 70+80+ in the past two days, and we are not far away from triple digits. It feels like it will be with me next week at most. So in order to save the manuscript, I can only slow down a little during this period.

Once I save enough manuscripts that will be updated for 10 days, it will be normal.

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