America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 381 The severe cold from the underground of New York


Chelsea area.

As soon as Li Xuxian and Li Xinyu got into the car, they saw Abel picking up his mobile phone and making a call.

Alan, I remember over at Hud's Bay. The Newhouse family, had some land, right?

I understand. What's your suggestion?

Okay. I know what you mean. I'll think about it...

Ten minutes later, the two Li sisters looked at the man in the passenger seat and hung up the phone.

He looked at the traffic outside the car window with deep eyes, looking thoughtful.

They didn't dare to disturb him, they just sat back quietly and didn't speak.

Wait for the motorcade to return to 138 East 65th Street on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.

Li Xinyu and the others got out of the car at the door of the townhouse.

Abel hugged Li Xinyu and kissed her, then tucked the fallen hair between her ears back into place.

I have to do some errands. I won't go in just yet.

Li Xinyu nodded obediently. She watched her best friend's fiancé, her own boyfriend, get into the car and the convoy left.

She and her sister returned to 138 East 65th Street.

After entering the villa, Li Xinyu chatted with her sister.

Second sister. I think you seem to like that Ms. Anna Wintour just now.

Li Xuxian admitted generously:

Yes. Which fashion design student doesn't admire this person? She has grown from a little seamstress to the devil in the fashion industry step by step.

Li Xinyu has no need for fashion or anything like that.

Although she is emotional, her emotional direction is not in fashion or design.

This made Li Xinyu somewhat disapproving and said:

What kind of devil in the fashion industry... I think she looks the same in front of Abel as the founders of those small companies in Han Guo, and in front of our father and brother.

Li Xuxian was startled and decided to refute her sister's words. She didn't like her idol being belittled by her sister in this way.

But when Li Xuxian thought about it carefully, when Anna Wintour faced Abel just now, it could be said that it was really what Li Xinyu said.

When facing Abel, the so-called fashion devil is really no different from ordinary people.

Li Xuxian sighed, Let's not talk about it. Xinyu, I will go back tomorrow. Are you really not going back? What about this year's New Year? You didn't go back last year for the New Year. You spent last year's New Year in California with your eldest sister, right?

Han State also used a lunar calendar, and it was the Chinese lunar calendar.

Before 1999, the Han people used the lunar calendar, but at the official level, the Han people’s traditional Chinese New Year, which was the same as the Chinese Lunar New Year, was abolished.

After 1999, Han State resumed the Lunar New Year again, and the time was exactly the same as that in China.

It depends on the situation. Li Xinyu answered ambiguously.

Li Xuxian sighed inwardly and stopped asking further questions.

Abel's side, about half an hour later.

His convoy arrived around the wasteland near Hudson Bay.

It was the wasteland and empty land where he, Bloomberg, and the previous mayor and speaker of New York came to visit.

Surrounded by a large stretch of wasteland are many older and dilapidated Manhattan buildings.

If you look closely, you will find that there are a lot of vehicles in his convoy this time.

It was more than twice as much as when he was in Chelsea.

In fact, almost the entire Rock Security, the force operating in Manhattan, is here.

to ensure the safety of their boss.

In the wasteland, you can see the rows of high-rise buildings in Manhattan in the distance.

Behind is the Hudson Bay, with countless lighted tankers, cargo ships, and cruise ships traveling in the bay near the harbor, transporting various nutrients or tourists that this huge city needs.

There was a dark sky above his head, with no stars or moon visible, just darkness.

Occasionally there will be some aircraft lights piercing the night sky.

Surrounded by the motorcade, Abel opened the car window and saw the four King Kongs, David and Allen outside.

David walked over and said softly to his boss: They are here.

Let them come over. Abel said directly without getting out of the car.

David nodded and turned to look at Edward.

Edward nodded slightly to him, leaving Johnson and Lin behind, and took Lincoln outside in person.

After a while, Edward and Lincoln came with a group of Rock Security staff.

Several other people, who at first glance were not from Rock Security, were sent in.

Seeing those people approaching, Abel raised the car window directly.

At this time, looking from the outside, the Cadillac Monster in the dark has perfect bulletproof, anti-explosion and anti-biochemical privacy windows, blocking all sight and sound from the outside.

David Jones, Allen and others also avoided it in time.

David also got into the Cadillac Monster and sat in the passenger seat.

Five outsiders, under the watchful eyes of the rock security staff, came to Abel's closed car window.

Standing in front of the window of the Cadillac Monster, about two meters away.

The five people looked at each other, looking at each other, and from time to time looking at the elite-looking rock security staff around them, wondering what they were thinking.

At this time, Lincoln looked a bit like O'Neal and had a figure similar to O'Neal.

This big black man stood in front of five people and in front of the window of the Cadillac Monster.

The black bodyguard changed his giggling in front of his compatriots.

His face was serious, and even the English accent he spoke changed, becoming very much like the Italian accent when speaking English.

Even the sound that requires the vibrato R will be pronounced as an Italian vibrato instead of retroflex.

If not for his appearance, he looks like a pure black man.

Just listening to the voice, I thought it was an Italian immigrant who had just arrived from Sicily.

Gentlemen, although I know your identities. You also know my identity...but my boss doesn't know this.

Now, please introduce yourselves.

In the cold wind, in front of the Hudson Bay Wasteland.

The five guys in coats with serious faces looked at each other again in shock after hearing Lincoln's words.

Finally, one of the younger, middle-aged white men spoke softly:

Sir, I'm Frank Calley. It's an honor to stand here and talk to you.

After this guy introduced himself.

The soundproofing was perfect, and only through the wireless intercom worn by Lincoln, I heard Abel introduce himself in the car, and at the same time he also heard the soft introduction from David Jones in front:

Frank Cali Gambino. This family has amassed a lot of wealth through illegal activities such as illegally opening D sites, kidnapping, and selling laundry detergent.

In addition, they also control the terminal transportation business in New York City and New Jersey. They actually control the International Union of Mariners, which represents 65,000 seafarers.

That's why they've been preserved to this day.

Abel nodded, he had some impression of this last name.

At its peak, Gambino was as well-known in the United States as Ford and IBM.


Abel looked outside at the leaders of the five major underground gangs in New York like a monkey.

Lincoln, who was wearing a walkie-talkie, heard what his boss said.

The big black man had no expression on his face and looked at the other person on Frank Calley's left.

The man knew that this was what Lincoln meant by allowing himself to be introduced.

Joy Marciano Bonanno, sir, that's my name.

Similarly, David's gentle voice also sounded in the carriage——

The Bonanno family's internal fighting is very cruel. It used to be the most influential underground in New York, but after the internal fighting, it is no longer what it used to be.

This Joey Massino is said to be very powerful. It was he who ended the gang's infighting a few years ago.

Bonanno controlled many of the cheese, clothing, and funeral industries in New York City and New Jersey. The guilds in these industries also had tens of thousands of members. Like Gambino, they all relied on this trick to maintain their presence in New York. The presence.

Abel nodded slightly again and said expressionlessly: Next one.

Lincoln followed suit, and the remaining three powerful figures in the New York underground had to softly introduce themselves.

Amuso Lucches, sir, it's an honor to be here.

——The Lucchese family has extended its tentacles to the construction industry and waste disposal industry in New York. It is very powerful. There are approximately more than 1,000 formal members and more than 10,000 peripheral personnel with interests.

I am Charles V Luciano Genovese, sir.

——The Genovese family has absolute control over the largest wholesale fishery market in the United States. They are responsible for many of the New York Fisheries Guilds.

It's a pleasure to be here. Sir, my name is Sidro Colombo.

——The Colombo family, the youngest, started out as an olive oil seller. Now they control the largest number of cement and concrete workers and unions in New York.

The five outsiders have introduced themselves.

David Jones also softly explained the information he had obtained from someone he didn't know where, perhaps from the Smith Group, or simply from Lincoln.

After listening to these introductions, Abel did not speak.

Through the one-way privacy glass, he looked out the window at the five outsiders, illuminated by car lights and breathing white air in the cold wind.

It is these five guys who control almost the entire New York, nearly 70% of the underground forces.

And Abel came to see them today mostly because of his curiosity.

As a person born above the light and the stage, he is also a reborn person.

He is more or less curious about the legendary dark rat.

It ensures safety and you can look at them like mice.

When he had the chance, he would come and take a closer look at these rats.

Of course, he's not really that boring.

He was so bored that he used his influence to call these mice over for him to watch.

The reason why these people come here is also because of Manhattan's savior - after 911, many American newspapers reported on Abe Smith in this way, because he has always supported Manhattan and is a tycoon who leads by example to stick to Manhattan.

He, the bright Savior of Manhattan.

These rats in the shadows are needed.

Do him something that a savior of light would not be fit to do.

for example……

On some of the land in the Hudson Bay, it was time to renovate.

When you encounter someone who is unreasonable and does not follow the law.

When you only know a tough guy with fists and guns.

Then the mice can come out and talk reason to them.

That's what these people are for.

This is why Abel needs to use them.

As for calling them over and blowing the cold wind on this wasteland seaside.

That's really Abel's bad taste.

He wanted to see what the legendary New York underground boss looked like.

Now he has seen it.

I just feel that the image of these people is pretty consistent with what they look like in some Hollywood movies.

Have you seen The Godfather?

The appearance of Marlon Brando in the movie is basically based on the appearance of these people.

Even the movie The Godfather.

Many of the stories it tells are adapted from Sidro Colombo's ancestors.

Let's put it this way, Francis Ford Coppola, the great Hollywood director, dared to make this movie.

The reason is that this family itself is one of the investors in this movie.

Even Francis Ford Coppola himself was actually a peripheral member of this gang.

After the great director made this movie very successful and popular, it made the family famous.

The great director and his family members also naturally became honorary-level peripheral personnel from peripheral personnel.

The status is relatively high.

So to this day, why can the Coppola Gang in Hollywood be so violent?

It's because they are really a gang, honorary peripheral members of the Colombo family.

Throughout the history of Hollywood.

It was not until the mid-to-late 20th century that the situation in Hollywood became much better with the entry of big capital.

Before that, for a long time, Hollywood was actually living much like the Hong Kong film industry in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

After reading it freshly and satisfying my curiosity.

Abel finally said: Let's go. The rest will be left to you, Lincoln.

Transmit commands via radio.

With this order from him, two-thirds of the fleet of more than 30 Cadillacs of various models were set on fire.

In the bewildered eyes of the leaders of the five underground rats, these cars left one after another.

There were only five of them left at the scene, along with more than a dozen Rock Security work vehicles headed by Lincoln.

Don't be nervous.

Looking at the five people with swaying eyes, Lincoln smiled and said:

My boss has already met you. I will talk to you about the rest.

Looking at the fleet of cars going away, the five New York underground kings all turned their attention back to the big black man.

Didn't you agree before? Just do as you said before. Smith...

Sidro Colombo stopped before he could finish his words.

Because Lincoln had already taken out a heavy Mark XIX and pointed it at him.

This caused the five people to become commotion all of a sudden, before they could make any movements or words.

I heard Lincoln say: Forget everything about that gentleman. Otherwise you will regret it very much, and the price will be beyond your ability to bear.

Sidro Colombo only felt extremely ashamed in his heart, but his reason told him that this shame was nothing.

Just like this nigga said.

The price is absolutely unbearable for me, and neither can the Colombo family.

If the other party is ruthless, the five people present and the families behind them may not be able to bear it.

Sidro Colombo raised his hands and immediately apologized: I'm very sorry...I understand and I will never do it again!

Ha... Lincoln put away his Mark XIX, the legendary Magnum Eagle pistol.

In China, Chinese people prefer to call it the Desert Eagle.

For all related matters in the future, just contact me. Do you understand? Everything is your own action and has nothing to do with others.

Lincoln said with a smile: As long as everyone can do it, everything else will not be a problem.

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the five people to speak, Lincoln said to another rock security staff member next to him:

Give a few gentlemen a gift. Then let's go. Next is their work.

The staff member nodded, walked over and took out an envelope.

He took out a few pieces of paper from the envelope and handed them to the five underground men in New York.

One per person.

After taking it, Lincoln smiled again and said: That's it. Goodbye, everyone.

Soon, the last 10 or so work trucks of Rock Security also left in the darkness.

Almost as soon as their vehicle started, they left.

There were hundreds of people either driving cars or running directly over.

These people gathered around the Big Five and instantly divided into five queues. It can be said that they are clearly divided.

It's nothing. Quiet, quiet.

Sidro Colombo said immediately to his men.

The other four people also gave the same instructions to their people.

The top five underground figures in New York gathered together, each holding a piece of paper.

Ten million U.S. dollars...tsk, tsk, tsk, it's indeed him. This shot is too generous.

Charles V Luciano said, shaking the paper in his hand.

It wasn't paper at all, but a bearer Wells Fargo check.

The invoice is issued by the New York Heritage Conservancy.

If you trace it, you can trace the check to John Gunny, president of the New York Heritage Preservation Association.

As for why Mr. President wrote this check, it was to protect New York’s cultural heritage!

The papers in the hands of the other four people were also checks.

The amount is also 10 million US dollars, but the issuing bank and the issuer are different.

But they are all bearer, and as long as you hold it, you can go to the bank to withdraw money, or deposit a special check into your own account.

So professional. Joey Massino complained, It feels even more professional than us.

After all, he has money. Frank Calley said, Convert all his money into cash. If we all pile up together, we can be smashed to death.

So... what will everyone do? Sidro Colombo looked at everyone.

What else can be done?

Charles V Luciano Genovese put the check directly into his pocket and said:

Last year was a cold winter, and this year is a warm winter. This caused a bit of confusion in the flow of the Atlantic Ocean, which seriously affected the output of our fishing grounds this year. Members of the New York Fisheries Association, the income this year is not very good. We need to earn Some extra money.”

After finishing speaking, he waved his hands to several people and said, Goodbye, everyone. My workers are going to make money.

The figure of Charles V Luciano Genovese, and those who followed him, quickly disappeared into the darkness.

The other people didn't stop talking, because there was no need to exchange greetings.

Normally, everyone is a competitor.

After one person left first, the other four immediately followed.

What was left was a messy wasteland crushed by many humans and vehicles.

On the evening of December 18, 2001, around 11 p.m.

It's snowing lightly in Manhattan, and light snowflakes are falling on a small wasteland in front of Hudson Bay.

Tiny snowflakes bring the chill.

I wonder how many poor bugs there are in the wasteland, who can't survive even this mild winter.

Before the coming spring of next year, they will die in the cold.

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