America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 384 It’s really just Christmas

A good and powerful biological clock allowed Abel to wake up after only two hours of sleep.

When he woke up, next to him was Charlize, who was sleeping soundly.

Little Alia's mother has been in trouble for a long time. The fighting ability last night was so strong that if it were a normal man, he would probably be knocked to the ground today.

It was an abnormal man like Abel who, in turn, made it impossible for her to get off.

She probably wouldn't wake up before noon.

Abel stretched out his hand and weighed it on little Alia's grain warehouse.

It has gotten bigger, but only a little.

He smiled and kissed the sleeping Charlize on the face.

Abel then entered the bathroom in the bedroom, washed up and left the main house.

After going downstairs, he originally wanted to go outside, but then he remembered that his daughter was next door.

This feeling was quite strange, and he turned around and entered the baby's room.

In the baby room, the two caregivers from last night had been replaced by two others.

Seeing their master appear, they both stood up cautiously.

Abel nodded to them and walked over to look at his daughter.

The little one is still sleeping and sleeps soundly after drinking milk powder.

Poor baby.

Maybe how long her father has been here.

She may have to drink milk powder for how long.

Blame her mother.

In terms of food output, it is really average.

Abel felt that maybe Li Xinyu's output might be very impressive in the future.

Maybe you can feed three or four at a time, but not necessarily.

It is said that biological sisters are generally very similar due to genetic factors.

Wait a few months until Li Fuzhen gives birth.

Perhaps we can use the eldest sister's output to infer Li Xinyu's.

Oh, and there's a heavyweight boss.

Ikana is more magnificent than Li Xinyu.

The time when she and Li Fuzhen gave birth should not be far apart.

Abel felt that perhaps the output of the few of them could take care of their children and themselves at the same time.

For people like Charlize who were unsatisfactory, he still hoped for less.

Nutritionists and scientists have said that breastfeeding is the best!

With this thought, he happily left the nursery.

When he came to the Smith Farm Villa, the central family living room.

Alex and his wife, as well as Alexander and his wife, were already in the living room.

Mom and grandma, both very happy to see him, came to hug and kiss his face.

Father and grandfather behave much more calmly than men. Alexander just nodded to him and said hello, in a typical dad way.

Grandpa said that they should kiss each other more often. The grandfather and grandson smiled and said a few more words.

The family had breakfast happily.

Emily and Aaliyah talked about calling Charlize.

Abel pushed her away. Abel said that little Aaliyah made a fuss for a long time last night, and Charlize took care of her until she went to bed in the morning, so she wouldn't get up so early.

But don’t worry, this is very normal for new mothers during infancy.

Emily and Arya had both given birth to children and knew about the situation Abel was talking about.

The two didn't say anything more, but after breakfast, they went to see their granddaughter/great-granddaughter together.

The three men of the Smith family, after several discussions.

The final decision was unanimous, in the best of Angsa tradition.

Grandpa, father, and grandson went to cut down a small tree to use as the family Christmas tree tonight.

This tradition exists in many countries in the European and American world.

Most of them cut down trees on Christmas Eve, or two days before Christmas Eve.

The most famous tree-cutting boss should be Washington, the Falling Cherry Axe.

The story of the cherry tree and the hatchet has been told all over the world.

And Abel felt that if this story was true, then the reason why the father of the Father of America was so talkative at that time was.

Most likely it was because Washington had an ax in his hand and he didn't.

Abel didn't come back until midnight last night, and the two old men wanted to wait for him to come back to do the job, so they didn't cut down the tree in advance.

Then go cut down a small tree today.

Fortunately, it's only Christmas morning and there's still time.

The grandfather, grandson, father and son arrived at the large garage of the farm villa.

Parked in the garage were several brand-new Ford F150 and F350 trucks that had never been driven at first glance, as well as two Chevrolet trucks and a Cadillac Escalade SUV.

The three walls of the garage are covered with tools and various accessories, just like a modern workshop.

In the United States, this is considered standard among middle-class families with independent small villas.

This is especially true in the Southern states and many central states, the traditionally conservative areas of the United States, or the so-called red-neck states.

This group of people is very capable and is actually the real backbone of this country.

When these people are almost gone, the United States will no longer be the country that once had the ability to oppress the world.

After arriving at the place, Alex stopped working. Instructing his son and grandson, he kept taking tools off the wall.

Necessary tools such as chainsaws, axes, pull ropes, and pulleys were all placed on the largest Ford F350 pickup truck.

Abel looked at it and found that it was one of the several pickup trucks he bought when he came back last year.

It has a 10.2-liter V-type 8-cylinder diesel engine and a 6-speed automatic transmission. It is 6 meters long, 2.6 meters wide and 2 meters high. The vehicle weighs more than 3 tons.

After getting enough tools, Alexander drove, Abel sat in the passenger seat, and Alex sat in the back.

As the pickup truck drove out of the garage, seven or eight off-road vehicles and pickup trucks of various types surrounded it.

Those are the staff of Rock Security, who will follow the Smith family into the mountain later.

Although it is only a hill, it is also within the limits of Smith Farm.

But it will also be far away from the core area of ​​​​the Smith Farm, and all the security measures required by Abel will naturally be in place.

...Hey. Boy, now I think your personal security is even more exaggerated than George's.

Looking at the cars following and the personnel who looked elite at first sight, Alex joked with his grandson in the back car.

Abel shrugged:

Nonsense, at most 1/4. When George travels, at least dozens of Secret Service staff will follow him. There are also more than 200 ClA and FlA maneuvering and deploying nearby, waiting for orders. I can't compare.

Um... Alex said, Okay. But then again, your company is doing very well in Afghanistan!

After this year's September 11th incident.

In the name of revenge, the United States launched a battle, which began on October 7.

At the beginning of last month, after contacting George.

Texas-based Rock Security Company, hired by the Pentagon of the United States, also entered the war zone as an accompanying auxiliary special combat military personnel.

On the 10th of last month, the battle of Mazar-i-Sharif began.

The PMC department of Rock Security Company is also involved.

As an auxiliary combatant, his performance in street fighting was even better than that of the regular army.

After the battle, the Rock Security PMC department, officially nicknamed Giant, received awards from relevant parties.

Benefits reflected in other aspects are that Pacific Supermarket Company's share of military supplies has increased slightly.

In the carnival feast of the military, industrial, and complex people throughout the United States.

Rock Security and Pacific Supermarkets also took a small piece of the pie.

This little bit of soup is almost an order worth more than 400 million US dollars.

The profit can be more than 200 million US dollars, more than 50% of the profit.

No wonder the United States will fight this battle for 20 years and cost trillions of dollars.

It doesn't matter whether the enemy is strong or not.

The important thing is that everyone is happy when they can make money.

This is the essence of this battle.

I won't get involved too deeply. Abel answered his grandfather's words softly:

My giants. The stage where they will perform in the future will be the wider Africa and South America. In Afghanistan, it is just an experience for them, a bloody experience. Killing some people will make others more capable. Have fighting spirit.

Seeing my grandson say it easily, there are actually many cruel truths in it.

It's like talking about what to eat today.

The standard of cold-bloodedness is almost the same as those capitalists and serious customers that Alex is familiar with and understands.

Alex felt happy and a little bit sad at the same time——

He was a kind-hearted kid who loved to draw, but he became like this after going to New York for two years.

The Big Apple is indeed both heaven and hell.

It is a paradise for demons and a hell for angels.

Alex is a little uncomfortable with his grandson being so cold-blooded.

But tell Alex rationally, for himself, for Alexander, or for the Smith family.

Abel's appearance is actually the most correct!

Alex's ability is not weak. If he had poor ability, his friendship would not be as broad as it is exaggerated.

Even Herbert, a man who never did anything unnecessary, could tell that he valued Alex.

Alex's weak heart is that he can't act like a true Ansa.

He couldn't do it to the extent that Herbert did.

His son, Alexander, was otherwise very unlike him. But in this respect, almost exactly like him...

That's why in Alex's father's generation, the Smith family was little more than a shrub.

But when it comes to Alex's generation, his ability is obviously no worse than Herbert.

But the Bush family has soared to the sky, and the Smith family is still staying there.

The characters of Alex and his son are the root of all this.

Fortunately, now there is finally an Abel.

Thinking this, Alex sighed, and then said:

Okay. From now on, Smith has the final say. I'm old anyway.

When he said this hand over power words, Alexander and Abel in front did not react much.

Alexander never valued these things. Abel had already obtained everything that was more powerful than the Smith family.

The little background of the Smith family is of little help to him now.

On the contrary, his appearance and rise gave the Smith family the opportunity to rise to the top of the country.

From this point of view, Abel cannot be regarded as the N generation.

Abel is the first generation to create a new Smith family.

The father, son, grandfather and grandson, mainly Abel, were chatting with Alex.

A convoy of pickup trucks and off-road vehicles had already driven outside the woods.

Although the roads along the way were not very easy, the chassis of the Ford F350 was heavy and tall enough.

This kind of vehicle itself is a tool vehicle, and it is mainly designed to travel on such bad roads.

So whether it's a bumpy road or a climb, it's a piece of cake for it.

There is no road in the woods, and we have to climb a mountain for a while.

A few people were left here to watch the car, while the others went up the mountain.

The three of them, grandfather and grandson, have all changed into scratch-resistant outdoor clothing. The fabric is absolutely strong and wear-resistant. They have also put on hiking boots. Although the color is rustic, they are strong and safe. They all wear anti-cut tactical gloves on their hands. Allows fingers to move more flexibly.

Obviously, you can ask the bodyguards to help get the corresponding equipment.

But the three members of the Smith family regarded this tree-cutting activity as a family parent-child activity.

You can take everything you can from the pickup truck.

Abel put the rope on his back, picked up the electric saw, and other tools in the bag, such as two dust shields, which he would need to bring when he saw the tree later.

Of course, a pair of work glasses means that the goggles are already worn on the forehead, and the strap of the goggles is already fixed on the forehead. If you are cutting a tree for a while, you are afraid that dust or tree foam produced by sawing the tree will get into your eyes.

Alexander looks taller and stronger than his son. After a year of living in the city, it is obvious that his father's top red-necked demeanor has not changed.

Alexander carried more and heavier things than Abel.

Abel's physique is actually much better than his, and he is stronger in terms of weight-bearing.

But Abel knew that his father was very face-conscious in this regard, so he left this opportunity to show off in front of him.

Even Alex had a shotgun in one hand and a hiking pole in the other.

Although Edward and the others don't need to carry tools.

But one or two of them also took out shotguns, guns and other weapons.

After all, it's a forest, and no one knows if any wild beasts will escape.

Cattle and sheep on farms are the favorite poached prey of coyotes. Coyotes that harm farms have threatened the life safety of farm residents in southern and central states.

On top of the coyotes, there are the more dangerous gray wolves, and possibly bears and even cougars.

In short, if you bring the corresponding equipment, you will never go wrong.

When the three members of the Smith family saw the preparations for rock security, they no longer had any worries and walked into the woods together.

The lush trees are very lush. The big trees are arranged neatly and orderly according to the species. The trees are very thick and towering. Many trees are even older than Abel. With more trees, the air is naturally fresh and incomparable.

Alex started talking to Abel about another topic.

This time I'm talking about little Laura.

Laura Bush will only turn 17 next year. My child, you can live a free life for another three years. After three years, you will have to restrain yourself a little.

Abel's love interest is well known to everyone in the United States. Smith even knows his own affairs.

The family's farm still has one of Abel's mistresses, and even an illegitimate daughter.

Abel shrugged and refused to discuss the issue with his grandfather.

Fortunately for Alexander, Alex and the Bush family are very traditional old Ansa in this regard.

They attach great importance to family and family, and despise or even hate extramarital affairs.

This kind of traditional family rarely gets divorced and rarely keeps a mistress outside.

But... that doesn't stop them from calling those high-end escorts who cost hundreds or thousands of dollars.

It seems that as long as you don't raise a third party and just play high-end escorts occasionally.

That's not cheating or violating tradition for them.

Red flags do not fall down at home, and colorful flags are not displayed outside the home, but those that are used for one-time purposes do not count as colorful flags.

There are very few people like Abel. Only the magic sect in Utah would do this openly.

If it weren't for Momen in the United States, it would be too unconventional.

He was looked down upon and looked down upon by other beings. With Abel's character, he is probably a high-ranking member of the Demon Sect now.

Seeing that Abel wouldn't tell him this, Alex didn't bother to care.

Mainly because Alex also knew that it was useless to take care of it himself.

After all, Abel is not the second or third generation. It is the Smith family that relies on him to have its current ecological niche.

Not the other way around, Abel relied on the Smith family.

What happens next is simple.

Pick the tree, cut it down with a chainsaw, trim it with an ax, move it to the pickup truck, and go down the mountain and go home.

After moving the small tree into the living room, Charlize, who had a red face, Emily, Aaliyah, and Abel took the prepared decorations and started hanging them up.

Alexander was there to help deliver things and direct.

Alex smiled and stared at little Aria who was resting and sleeping in the crib most of the time.

The old man told Abel not to play around, and he would stop playing after two or three years.

But it's also hard to dislike an illegitimate daughter who has the blood of the Smith family.

In his own heart, the old man even hopes that there will be more children like little Alia, the better.

It is best if both men and women have them, and if there are more than a dozen, even better.

In this way, it is possible to join the top family class in the United States.

But the Smith family, like most traditional American families, celebrates Christmas with its own characteristics.

While the Smith family was enjoying themselves and preparing for Christmas tonight.

California, west side of Los Angeles.

Located north of Santa Monica Beach, one of the most famous beaches in Los Angeles, Malibu Beach, No. 25252 Malibu Road, Malibu City.

This is a 7,361-square-foot, 5-bedroom, 6-bathroom, top-of-the-line ocean view house, priced at over $8 million.

A few days ago, Hollywood second-tier star Anne Hathaway announced that she bought this place and gave it to her family as her family's residence on the West Coast.

When Abel was decorating the Christmas tree.

No. 25252 on the beach in Malibu is also doing similar activities.

But soon Annie and her family were called out and called to the private beach outside the villa.

Annie looked at the other party in confusion.

The person who called her and her family out was Jin Na, her most trusted female bodyguard.

Look over there. As Anne and her family watched, Jinna pointed to the calm sea today.

Looking from a distance, Anne saw a beautiful white yacht parked outside the safe waters.

It was too far away and I could only see the yacht, but not the details.

There is also a small speedboat rushing over here through the waves at a very fast speed.

Within a minute or two, the small speedboat washed directly onto the beach, and two people got off.

One wears a life jacket and a swimming ring, and is responsible for driving a small speedboat. It is a standard marine lifeguard uniform.

The other one Anne knew, she recognized as a man who seemed to be named Alan Baker.

He worked for Abel, and Anne remembered him as one of his important men.

Only Alan Baker is seen, watched by the Hathaway family. Smiling, she came to Anne and said, Merry Christmas, Miss Hathaway. I am a temporary employee of American Express Company. Here is your Christmas gift. Please sign for it.

Anne looked at the other party curiously and handed her a signature form. She looked at the other party carefully, and then looked at the small speedboat that ran aground on the beach.

Anne took the signature form and asked curiously: Where is the gift?

“You’ll know it when you sign it.”

Alan smiles when he appears as a temporary employee of American Express and helps his boss deliver Christmas gifts.

Anne trusts Jinna very much and knows Alan.

She nodded, without hesitation, and signed her name on the signature form under the curious gaze of her family members.

After signing, she handed the thing back to Allen, So... I have signed for it, where is my gift?

Allen smiled and took the signature form, then pointed to the ship in the distance outside the safe waters.

Please allow me to introduce you to the Riva Ego 68 parked there. It is your Christmas gift this year.

It was built by Riva, a shipyard in La Spezia. It is equipped with a pair of 1,550 horsepower 12V MAN engines, with a top speed of 38 knots and a cruising speed of 34 knots.

If you are interested, I will be happy to introduce some of its data to you. Of course, if you can go to it, it will be more intuitive for you and your family.

After all... this is a precious gift worth $11 million.

As Allen's voice sounded, Annie and her family members couldn't help but widen their eyes.

Alan Baker makes a temporary guest appearance at American Express, a senior travel services associate, when he introduces Annie's Christmas gifts to her family.

Allen's colleagues were not idle either.

Like Abel's shadow David Jones, he is in different places at the same time.

In a bush manor outside Austin, Texas, little Laura was given a Christmas gift from her boyfriend.

One of the presidents of Smith Capital, Mr. Melio, was also in California at this time.

Allen was on the beach in Malibu and Melio was over in Santa Barbara.

The president of Smith Capital, on behalf of Ikana and the father of the child in her best friend’s belly, sent them Christmas gifts.

In addition to Allen, Melio, and David, Abel's close subordinates like Levine, Ovitz, and others all had this kind of guest appearance today.

They came as American Express staff to deliver Christmas gifts to many beautiful ladies.

And the givers of these gifts ultimately have only one name.

The name is Abel Smith.

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