America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 395 Smith’s Daily Life

The executives of Smith Media met to discuss the box office of Spider-Man.

Spider-Man was released on January 1, 2002, and today, January 14, 2002, there is only 12 hours left between two weeks.

The box office results for the 13 days and 12 hours it was released have naturally been released.

This movie, which Smith Media had high hopes for, lived up to Smith Media's dedication to it.

The North American box office of Abel's version of Spider-Man on its first day of release was approximately US$53 million.

This figure is more than 2.5 million US dollars higher than the 50.5 million US dollars earned by Harry Potter (Episode 1: And the Philosopher's Stone), which topped last year's North American box office rankings.

Since the film's release, the North American box office has exceeded US$456 million, and the global box office has exceeded US$790 million.

There is no doubt that this is an excellent result.

It has far surpassed the achievements of this film at the same time.

There are two reasons. One is that it was released earlier.

It was released on January 1, less than three months before September 11 last year.

Americans' fears in this regard have not yet been fully released, and many people long for superheroes to save themselves.

Spider-Man arrives at this moment.

Another reason is that the MGM version of Spider-Man received more attention, with a shooting cost of nearly $200 million.

The conditions in all aspects, especially the computer special effects, are even better than the original version.

Its box office sales are better than the original version, which is normal.

For example, last year's box office champion Harry Potter only exceeded US$600 million at the box office after two weeks of release.

According to the current trend of Spider-Man, most entertainment media believe that its global box office will definitely exceed 1 billion US dollars.

Because its release cycle has only gone through 1/4 at most.

Hollywood's big-budget films are released in first-class theaters for about a month.

It will not disappear immediately after a month, but will continue to be shown in second-category theaters.

Of course, even if it is a big production, if it is too bad and the box office is too bad, it will only be finished in two or three weeks.

The blockbusters like last year's Harry Potter Part 1 were released in a first-class theater for almost 4 months.

But later on, the film schedule and attendance rate became lower and lower, and the producer's income proportion became smaller and smaller.

The most powerful one is Titanic, which was shown in North American cinemas for more than a year the same year it was released.

These are the perks that only blockbusters can have.

If it is a low-cost film, such as an independent film, it is often difficult to even enter mainstream theaters.

If you enter, the cycle is generally very short.

This also leads to the fact that the independent films that can be produced are generally of very good quality.

...Spider-Man is clearly not over yet.

MGM Tower, in the conference room.

Abel talked eloquently in front of everyone:

The publicity work cannot stop. The contracts for advertisements released in newspapers and subways will continue to be signed. Everyone, whether it is MGM or Smith Media, they need a good start now. We can even make a little less money for this, you understand me What do you mean?

All MGM film executives, led by Robert Iger, nodded.

More than a year has passed since Abel acquired MGM Film Group.

He successfully acquired MGM movies in September 2000.

MGM has released many movies over such a long period of time.

But those are all MGM film groups. The films they accumulated previously were mainly small and medium-sized investment films.

Spider-Man is the first time Abel accepted MGM.

The first complete, large-scale film independently produced and distributed by MGM Films.

What's more, the IP and copyright of this movie were stolen from Sony by Abel's tricks.

If this fails, it will probably become a joke among the upper echelons of Hollywood...

Fortunately, it seems that Abel's robbery was very successful.

Just with the current results, Spider-Man has allowed Abel to recover all his costs.

Then it’s all about profits.

Not to mention that Spider-Man's performance is excellent.

For the above reasons alone, Spider-Man will definitely be taken seriously.

Now, coupled with its excellent box office performance, MGM has made a lot of money for the first time since it came into Abel's hands.

Of course they will take Robert Egger seriously.

As for the film promotion and marketing practice system, the industry has already had a set of standards.

Whether in the past or in the future, North America will mainly focus on television advertising and traditional print media.

This is the main propaganda position on the American side.

In these two places, generally how much money is invested will produce the same results.

The bosses are now saying that they can make less money and make a better start.

The approach of MGM movies is also very simple.

It is nothing more than increasing publicity funds, and at the same time giving some profit to theaters, allowing them to increase the proportion of Spider-Man films in the schedule and gain higher exposure opportunities.

Spider-Man was the main focus of this brief meeting.

The meeting lasted only twenty minutes in total, and soon most of the film group executives dispersed.

Only Robert Iger, the rotating CEO of Smith Media, and the CEO of MGM Film Group are left.

Has work started on Part 2 and Part 3 of Spider-Man?

Already ready. Shooting is expected to start on February 1st. Robert Egger replied:

Because it is two consecutive filmings, the cycle this time will be longer. The shooting cycle is more than 6 months. The post-production of the second part will be completed in half a year, and it will be released early next year.

Abel nodded and asked again: In addition to the second and third parts of Spider-Man, preparations for other movies in the superhero universe series should also begin. Dark Horse Comics has many good IPs.

Robert Egger nodded respectfully, It's already started. The company will shoot four movies this year with an investment of more than 100 million US dollars. Dark Horse Comics' Space Force 2, Alien vs. Predator and Hellboy have already started to develop projects.


Abel suddenly remembered something, I remember that the comic copyright of Granny in Disguise is also owned by Dark Horse Comics?


Is it possible to bring Jim Carrey back to film a new version of The Man in Disguise?

Robert Egger frowned and thought for a moment, It's difficult. But if you want, I'll give it a try.

In 1994, the movie The Man in Disguise made Jim Carrey, an unknown fourth- and fifth-tier starlet, suddenly become one of the kings of comedy in the United States.

But then Transfiguration 2 did not appear, and only a poor imitator Modern appeared.

The reason is that after The Transformers, Jim Carrey's movie schedule is very full.

At the same time, Jim Carrey also began to get tired of filming the sequel because of the sequel to Planet 2.

New Line Films was filming The Man in Disguise, but they couldn't handle Jim Carrey, so in the end they had no choice but to let it go.

In front of Robert Egger, if MGM Film Group wants to shoot The Man in Disguise 2.

The first is the copyright issue - this is the best solution, because even if it is adapted beyond recognition, the comic copyright of Granny in Disguise is still in the hands of Dark Horse Comics.

Just make some compromises and fight a lawsuit.

Getting the copyright back is not difficult.

The really difficult thing is to bring Jim Carrey back. Most people know that this movie can be successful only because of two people-the director and the actor.

It was the director who adapted the original work, which was full of ketchup, into this absurd comedy.

It's Jim Carrey's special acting ability that makes this movie so great.

The director's words are very easy to deal with, and the style is determined, and it is easy to find the director.

If that doesn't work, just bring back the original director Russell.

Even Jim Carrey himself said that if he were to remake The Man in Disguise, he would only collaborate with the original actor Russell.

The key lies in the guy named Jim Carrey.

Fortunately, MGM Film Group is not a little guy like New Line.

Jim Carrey's box office performance has also been poor for several consecutive years, and it is not as brilliant as it was in the mid-1990s.

Robert Iger felt that he was at least 60 to 70% sure about bringing in Jim Carrey.

Abel left the MGM Tower around 10 a.m.

A large number of screened reporters gathered at the entrance of the MGM Tower.

As soon as Abel came out, he was arranged by the rock security staff.

Reporters came in droves.

...Mr. Smith, I wonder what you think about Mr. Shopes' press conference not long ago?

Shops said you were ignoring California Pacific Electric's interests. Until now, you haven't stood up and said a word for the company. Is he questioning you?

Mr. Smith. What do you think of what happened to Pacific Electric in California?

Mr. Smith, there are media reports...


Faced with numerous reporters, they asked questions one after another.

Abel remained indifferent until he reached the door of the Cadillac Monster before he stopped.

His handsome face was expressionless as he spoke into the nearest microphone: My response is, we'll see.

After he finished speaking, he didn't wait for the reporters' follow-up questions and got into the car directly.

The Cadillac Monster, escorted by the motorcade, also slowly started to leave the MGM Tower.

In the carriage.

Enter the co-pilot.

David whispered, Everything is going on, sir.

Abel smiled and nodded, about to speak.

On David's side, his cell phone was ringing.

It's David Stern, sir, David Jones said.

The cell phone that rang was Abel's No. 2 cell phone.

That is, a business phone.

It is generally either in David or Edward.

The only thing Abel always carries with him is his own personal mobile phone.

Apart from his woman and family, the only people who can get through to his personal mobile phone are those friends with whom he has good relationships.

For example, Buffett, Bloomberg and several others.

David Stern, the president of the NBA, is obviously not at this level.

Answer it. Abel said directly.

He remembered that at the end of last year, he called a group of celebrities.

I originally planned to go to Madison Square Garden to watch an NBA game.

Supporting your own Rockets team can also be regarded as giving face to David Stern.

The only thing to blame is those idiots over in Han State for doing such a thing.

He had to go over to express his presence and give Li Fuzhen a powerful boost.

So much so that he didn't even see the Rockets-Knicks game.

It also made all the American entertainment superstars who rushed to the stadium excitedly, only to find that he was not there at all, and they were very disappointed.

Even more disappointed are probably the top executives of the NBA.

Hello, Mr. Stern.

Abel heard David answer the phone.

Oh, I understand what you mean. I will tell Mr. Smith. But whether he can go or not depends on what he wants.

You're welcome. Goodbye then, Mr. Stern.

David quickly hung up the phone, turned to look at Abel and said, BOSS, David Stern hopes you can attend this year's NBA All-Star Game.

Abel raised his eyebrows, not angry at David Stern's request.

Mainly because it was Abel who took the initiative to release the dove when he was in New York last time.

That game, because I heard that Abel was going.

It is said that David Stern's side, that is, the NBA, even spent more than 2 million US dollars on advertising that day.

He vigorously publicized the fact that Abel was going to watch the game and expanded his popularity.

At the same time, in terms of security work at the stadium, they also cooperate with Rock Security.

Hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent.

It can be said that it gave Abel a lot of face.

But in the end...Abel didn't go, he let go of David Stern and the NBA.

Of course David Stern didn't dare to say anything, but it was Abel who took the blame first.

And David Jones has said that Dayao and the Rockets, who are not very famous now, enjoy star whistle treatment in the current NBA...

After thinking about it, Abel said: Forget it about the All-Star Game. What games are the Rockets playing recently? Are there any games in Los Angeles?

David is indeed a master steward of everything, and he actually understands such little things.

Currently there is none.

Abel then said: Then ask David Stern if the Rockets can come to Los Angeles for a game recently. Then I will go and watch.

David Jones thought to himself, isn’t this trying to force someone to do something difficult?

The NBA and other commercial sports leagues always have their game schedules planned in advance.

Temporary modifications are very, very minimal.

It is too obvious to modify it now.

I don’t know if the NBA is willing to make changes.

But David doesn't care if David Stern's job is hard.

He is only responsible for everything about his boss.

A few hours later, around 4pm.

Are you okay? Let's go swimming--

Manhattan Beach, in a villa.

Abel heard Anne's voice coming from behind him, turned around and saw Anne bathed in the sun, wearing a black lace-up Abi Ajiani, generously showing off her long tui, showing off her proud figure. One hand made a shelter over her slightly squinted beautiful eyes to block the sun, and she walked over quickly holding a DV in the other hand.

Okay, it's all done.

Abel closed his phone and handed his business phone to Tony next to him.

He smiled and put his arms around her slender white waist, caressing her up and down, and exchanged some oral sex with Annie who was giving her pussy.

After the tender intimacy, the two walked hand in hand down the boardwalk towards the private beach.

I shouldn't have pretended to be X yesterday. The new coronavirus is really a cure-all. I guess I was hit because the antigen hasn’t arrived yet. The fever didn't come up either. But I had a headache, my throat started to hurt instead of itching, and I kept wanting to vomit, and I was afraid of the cold... The key point is that my wife was at the worst point, and I felt like I was going to die. TMD I haven’t deposited the manuscript yet, it’s over, there are only 4,000 words left today.

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