America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 398 The Powerful Donkey

The United States is surrounded by sea on three sides, namely the east coast, west coast and south coast.

The East Coast is the traditional Great Lakes region, dominated by New York, and was originally the most prosperous and developed region in the United States.

The South Coast is the area around Miami and New Orleans.

The West Coast usually refers to the three states of California, Oregon and Washington.

In a broad sense, it also includes Alaska and Hawaii.

The climate here generally is Mediterranean.

The Mediterranean climate is characterized by habitually bright sunshine in winter.

Like the Eurasian continent. When winter comes, there are often a lot of people from Northern Europe flocking to the Mediterranean.

It's because living things always prefer warmth to cold. Because in the winter in Europe, the Mediterranean is not too cold, and they have gone through the winter.

In the United States, when winter comes, many people from the East Coast head to the West Coast and South Coast.

More people went to Hawaii, while some stayed in California.

However, in the winter in California, the temperature occasionally reaches around 30 degrees during the day. But the sea water here is often very cold in winter and is not suitable for going into the sea.

If Americans want to go into the water in the winter and are not required to go abroad, it is naturally better to go to Hawaii, Miami or several US-controlled areas in the Caribbean.

But if you just need beaches and sunshine, California can still satisfy it.

On a day with bright sunshine and a gentle breeze from the sea.

The same Jessica number as the Annie number that Abel gave to Anne on Christmas Day.

On the waters of Los Angeles, we gathered with dozens of other yachts of various sizes.

When Jerry Brown was among the yachts.

On the largest flagship, Abel was welcomed aboard with a smile, and when he saw Jessica beside Abel.

One of the biggest local snakes in California was stunned for a moment.

But he reacted quickly, and soon he laughed naturally and gave Abel a big hug, Oh, welcome to the Mighty Donkey, dear Mr. Smith!!

Oh, is this the famous Mighty Donkey? She is so beautiful. Good afternoon, Mr. Brown.

Abel responded with a smile.

That's right, Abel is not simply going out to sea with Jessica today.

This time he went to sea and accepted invitations from two people.

One was Jerry Brown, and the other was Richard Gephardt, whom he had met several times but was not familiar with.

Abel met Richard Gephardt twice in the White House and once last year at Smith Capital’s year-end reception.

Richard Gephardt is the current House Minority Leader.

The current minority party in the House of Representatives is the Donkey Party. In other words, Richard Gephardt is one of the leaders of the Donkey Party.

Jerry Brown is also one of the Donkey Party bosses, but he is just a local prince, the most powerful kind.

The two donkey gang bosses invited Abel without saying what the purpose was. They just asked Abel to go out to sea together.

Abel thought about it and agreed.

This is the scene where he went out to sea on a yacht today and came here.

And the real name of this large yacht surrounded by other yachts is not The Mighty Donkey.

The powerful donkey is its nickname, and its name is Danzihao.

It's just people in the industry who like to call it a powerful donkey.

Corresponding to its nickname, it is the symbol of victory of its old enemy.

It is said that they are tools for senior figures of their respective parties to travel to sea and socialize.

Only by climbing to a certain position within his party can he hope to be invited.

Of course, even if they are not insiders of their party. But as long as you have enough status or are useful, you can also receive such an invitation.

For example, this is Abel in front of me.

He is a senior member of the Xiang Party. Although he has never held any position within the party, due to family reasons, he joined the youth branch of the Xiang Party when he was in middle school and paid fees every year.

It’s been almost ten years now.

He is even the current boss among the elephant party bosses and the son-in-law of the Bush family.

But he was still invited by the Donkey Party to visit the powerful Donkey.

To put it bluntly, he is as rich as he is. Unless there is a natural conflict of interest, the elephant and the donkey will frantically woo him.

The elephant doesn't do much, that's because he is the elephant.

His father has already begun to enter the middle level and move towards the top.

He is an elephant that is difficult to jump out no matter how hard he jumps. He is a natural elephant who considers himself one of his own.

The donkey should have been hostile to him.


Who told him that he has new media giants like Smith Media under his command, and he is one of the giants on Wall Street.

At the same time, he also holds a large amount of shares in Internet giants.

The Internet itself is the political achievement of the Donkey Party, and it is the future pillar they envision!

The first two forces have always been the fundamentals that Donkey strives to win over.

Just like the party's basic base has always been energy, military and heavy industry.

There is also a very important Internet.

Therefore, due to his status as a senior Elephant Party member, the Donkey Party member should have been more repulsive to him and hostile to Abel.

She has always been very tolerant towards him.

That's why.

What's more, this is a time when the elephant is strong and the donkey is weak, but there is still a tacit understanding between the two parties.

Naturally, the donkeys would not have any great hostility towards Abel.

This is why Abel felt free to accept the invitation from Richard Gephardt and Jerry Brown and go to sea to participate.

If this happens in more than ten years, the two factions will begin to separate.

Then Abel would never accept such an invitation.

The devil knows what the donkey will do in the future.

At about 11 o'clock in the morning, we were on the deck of the yacht Mighty Donkey.

Abel smiled and hugged Richard Gephardt again.

Jerry Brown also politely shook hands with Jessica, who was extremely reserved and looked very nervous.

Even though she has been Abel's woman for almost two years, she has seen more big scenes than in parallel time and space.

But at this moment, on such an occasion, seeing such a big shot in a country, they are all big shots in Hollywood... no, they are big shots that everyone in the entertainment industry needs to look up to.

If Abel wasn't around at this time, Jessica felt that she would be very useless, her legs would be weak, and she would just lie on the ground.

A person's background and experience since childhood determine his/her vision.

She has been the daughter of a small businessman since she was a child. When she grew up, she dreamed of being a star. She suddenly came into contact with such a figure from the entertainment industry.

Nervousness is inevitable because they don't know how to face these big figures who appear in big national news.

It would be much better if it were Ikana, Paris and the others.

They may be nervous, but they have absolutely no problem with how to contact and receive them.

If it were people from Peggy and Laura's background, they probably wouldn't even be nervous.

Nothing else, except that compared to the former, they had been used to seeing guests of this status at home since they were children.

Abel didn't know Jessica's nervousness. He himself didn't have any nervousness at all.

Maybe it would have happened in the few months after he was reborn.

After he becomes wealthy and undergoes rapid transformation under the stimulation of capital.

Even when his net worth was only a few hundred million dollars, with a time traveler mentality and talent at his disposal, he already had a God's perspective mentality where he was not nervous about meeting anyone.

Of course, he had that kind of mentality in that situation at that time, and it was somewhat inflated...

Mr. Gephardt, I think if we want to go to sea at this time, it would be better for us to go to Hawaii.

Abel smiled and hugged Richard Gephardt's shoulders. The old guy was very tall, probably 1.9 meters, a little shorter than him.

Or the Caribbean is also good. Off the coast of California in winter, the beach is not bad. But the sea water is very cold.

Richard Gephardt, an old man half a century old, did not show any anger at being treated like this by such a young man.

This is not because he is well-educated, but in his eyes, Abel's young age is no longer important.

What matters is Abel’s identity, wealth and influence!

Oh... Actually, if it were up to me to decide. I would rather go to the Bay Area and find a golf course to play golf. Richard Gephardt said to Abel with a smile.

But I didn't initiate this gathering, so there's nothing we can do about it.

It's not you, that's Mr. Brown?

No. Jerry Brown had already come up.

Two old men, both over sixty years old, surrounded young Abel in the middle, as if he was the core.

It was called by another gentleman. It's a gathering of many friends. We thought you were one of our most distinguished guests, Mr. Smith, so we invited you.

Jerry Brown said.

Richard Gephard smiled and nodded slightly.

Abel shrugged, wondering if two old men were still playing mysteries? Labor and management have even seen Rockefeller, Morgan, the California consortium, and the Texas consortium.

There are also contact information for several of the Oilers' top bosses.

Just make a phone call and you can have a party with her in a minute.

Who else is there on the Donkey Party side?

He smiled and stopped mentioning this, followed the two old men across the deck and walked into the yacht.

They quickly passed through a corridor hung with various beautiful paintings and decorations, and entered a large living room on the huge yacht.

There were many people in the big living room. Abel glanced over and found that there were at least thirty or forty men and women, more men than women.

And he immediately saw the core of the crowd, a few old men and women surrounded in the middle.

Two old men and an old woman walked briskly towards him after he came in.

Before the other party could get closer, Jessica, who was behind Abel, Jerry Brown, and Richard Gephart, had already whispered in surprise:

Oh, my God! Koliton! Shinari!

No wonder Jessica loses her composure in front of so many people.

Because they were smiling, the three people who walked over quickly were none other than others.

Whose two of them are household names to everyone in the United States?

Isn't that Colliton, who is praised as the best civilian commander in the history of the United States, with public praise and evaluation comparable to Lincoln and Kennedy, and his equally famous wife Shinari! !

Jessica could still hold back when meeting big names like Richard Gephardt and Jerry Brown.

It can be seen that Jessica couldn't help but scream when she saw such a legendary couple.

I saw Colliton wearing his signature smile. After walking over, he didn’t even look at Jessica. Instead, he smiled directly at Abel and stretched out his hand:

Hello, Mr. Smith. My name is William Jefferson Colliton.

Abel raised his eyebrows, smiled and shook hands with him:

It seems that you are the initiator of the party and the one who invited me. It's very mysterious, Mr. Colliton. Hello, I am Abel Smith.

Hahaha~ Colliton laughed. His temperament was cheerful and natural, and he looked very energetic, much better than George's aura.

I'm sorry, we didn't deliberately keep it secret. But Jerry said it would be a surprise for you. I don't think it will be a surprise to see me. After all, it is already 2002, not 2000, and not 1993.


Abel looked at Jerry Brown meaningfully, and the old fox smiled kindly at him as always.

Abel could only say: Of course there are surprises. After all, you are one of the Americans I admire most.

Abel's words are somewhat sincere.

Colliton, let alone his contribution to the United States during his administration.

Just his superficial life experience is enough to be called a legend.

A father died before he was born, a pregnant mother remarried to a middle class, she could shake hands with Kennedy and take photos when she was 16-17 years old, became governor in her thirties, and became commander-in-chief at 46 years old.

On the face of it, this is pretty cool.

But reality... that's another story.

But this didn't stop Abel from truly admiring him.

At least when it comes to being an American leader and politician, Colliton has achieved the ultimate.

Colliton smiled and let go of Abel's hand.

Standing behind him is his wife Shinari.

This... is also a legend.

Abel also shook hands with her and said with a smile: Hello, Mrs. Colliton.

Hello, Mr. Smith. Xinari's old face smiled like a flower. It can be seen that she should have been a beautiful woman when she was young, but now she is an old woman.

She held Abel's hand, as if she wanted to say something else.

But Abel had already turned to the side, another old white man.

Ha, hello, Mr. Schultz... He let go of Xinari's hand that was reluctant to let go, and shook hands with the old white man:

I'm Abe Smith. Nice to see you here.

Delin Schultz smiled and shook hands with Abel. He is the chairman of the National Committee of the Donkey Party, the leader of the Donkey Party, and the real core of the Donkey Party.

The leader and the whip are different. There are two whip donkey parties, one in the House of Representatives and one in the Senate.

Like Richard Gephardt, he is the House Whip of the Donkey Party, and the other Senate Whip is LeCover Jones.

The same is true for the Xiang Party. However, sometimes the party leader will directly act as the party whip.

The power of a party leader is sometimes very great, sometimes very small, and it mainly depends on his personal ability and influence.

Schultz is relatively moderate.

After shaking hands with Schultz, Abel looked behind them with a smile and saw everyone in the living room looking at him with a smile.

What surprised him a little was that he saw a few big shots from the Xiang Party among these people.

There are also some whose positions are more like those of the Party’s wealth tycoons.

Abel took a deep breath.

He vaguely understood that today might be a gathering of some kind.

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