America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 403 The man who created the trend

When Zipperton left the white house with a smile on his face and became the former commander-in-chief of the United States.

All Americans applauded him.

Because during his tenure as the commander-in-chief of the United States, he achieved a financial surplus that was rare for previous commanders-in-chief.

To put it simply, other generals will have fiscal deficits during their term of office.

This is true for most of the American leaders.

During Zipperton's tenure, when he retired, not only was there no deficit, but there was a slight surplus.

This situation has allowed Zipperton to enjoy a lot of praise.

Many people say that he is a very successful American leader.

It was also during his tenure that the United States became the first in the world and had no competitors in the world. Zipperton really that powerful?

In fact, Zipperton can achieve a slight fiscal surplus in the United States.

His proportion of credit is definitely not as large as imagined.

Because at that time, it would have been anyone else to serve as the two-term commander-in-chief of the United States.

They can all do what Zipperton did to make America's finances easier.

The reason is also very simple. No matter who becomes the commander-in-chief, let the United States eat such a large piece of corpse, the corpse of the real world's second best.

He can greatly supplement and satisfy the economy of the United States, and even the entire West!

What really allowed the United States to achieve great economic development and achieve fiscal surpluses in the 1990s.

It's not about who is the leader, but the fall of the red bear and the emergence of the Internet.

Both of these things have little to do with Zipperton.

Let’s talk about the red bear first. Its fall was the final result of decades of painstaking resistance by the entire Western world, plus the red bear’s own suicide attempt.

Secondly, the Internet industry has already begun to take shape as early as the 1960s. The first American leader to strongly promote it was the actor leader Mr. Gen Lee.

By the time Zipperton came on stage, both of these things had come naturally.

Anyone in office can easily make them.

If Zipper was given a Chinese-style posthumous title, he should be Mei Xiangzong.

A leader who has spent his entire life sitting back and reaping the benefits, enjoying the best eight years in American history.

When Zipperton's Mexiangzong retired, George was elected as the 43rd General Commander of the United States.

The Internet, which has allowed the United States' GDP to grow rapidly for nearly a decade, has become a bubble and burst.

Everyone knew that what greeted George was not just flowers and applause, but also a serious crisis.

How to solve economic problems has become an important task for the new owner of the White House.

Since April 2000, the U.S. economy has been in recession, with consumption shrinking, unemployment increasing, industrial manufacturing hollowing out, financial markets experiencing violent turmoil, and Nasdaq suffering numerous losses...

Many Big Mac companies that are symbols of the U.S. economy are also struggling and falling to the bottom.

Among a series of economic challenges, the continued rise in unemployment is a major problem at present.

But when George first came on stage, he was a rubber stamp.

He was just a spokesperson promoted by the military-industrial complex by chance.

In order to appease people's unemployment sentiment and boost market confidence, George has repeatedly emphasized that his main focus after taking office is to strive for more job opportunities for the people.

Well, basically every American commander has a similar declaration.

The magic wand in George's hand is the economic recovery plan known as the George New Deal, which has been the focus of attention since he came to power.

The entire plan and theory of George's New Deal had been announced to the public before he came to power.

George and his staff pursued a hybrid economic policy (that is, a combination of Keynesianism and liberalism).

In order to deal with the sharp economic slowdown, George plans to adopt the Keynesian anti-crisis concept and stimulate the economy through government intervention.

In particular, major tax cuts will be used to increase consumer spending and business investment and stimulate economic growth.

At the same time, George's government will also implement the concept of liberalism, play a market regulatory role under normal economic conditions, and reduce the role of the government.

The simplest and crudest approach here is to reduce taxes massively.

It is similar to quantitative easing, the same economic drug.

However, in order to successfully pass Congress, compromise and exchanges between multiple parties are needed to finally achieve the goal.

In the early days, George's government was just a rubber stamp.

Of course, any of his strategies will not be approved.

To put it bluntly, fortunately, the September 11th incident happened.

After successfully launching the war abroad, George is now even more prosperous at home. After all, the U.S. military has not yet fallen into a quagmire on the battlefield.

George and his team also turned their attention to domestic economic issues in the United States for the first time.

The Federal Reserve's first attempt at the U.S. version of quantitative easing was their first effort.

There is also this tour of various states across the country, which is the beginning of the George administration's attempt to curb the economic decline and boost public confidence.

However, everything that happened in parallel time and space proved that George and his team were scum in the economic field.

It's not even as good as the sea view at the back.

The U.S. economy really began to decline on George's watch.

The trigger for the most serious economic crisis in the history of the capital world was created by George and his team...

And Abel, who already regards the United States as his base, really doesn’t want this to happen.

Although Abel knows that the overall decline of the U.S. economy does not lie with any individual or group.

Rather, it is the inevitable result of the pursuit of interests by the entire American capitalist class, and even capitalists around the world.

Abel also knew that there was no way he could prevent this situation from happening.

Because that would be an enemy to all capitalists in the United States.

Abel is not Master Luo, so he will not go against all American capitalists for the future of the United States, and ultimately burn himself and his family.

What Abel wants to do is to seek sufficient benefits for himself in the slow but inevitable decline of the United States.

Now in front of George and his team, what Abel has to do is to speak for his own interests.

In front of everyone in the white room, Abel took a sip of coffee.

He leaned forward and put the coffee cup back on the table, looked at everyone and smiled lightly:

Here, I would like to provide you with a suggestion. That is, maybe White House can incorporate new energy into the economic stimulus plan.

The new Treasury Secretary, John Snow, knows exactly why he was appointed to this position.

He was grateful to Abel and asked in a very flattering manner:

Excuse me, Mr. Smith, what is new energy?

Abel nodded, smiled and said, Good question.

Since it is a new energy source, of course it can be called a new energy source only when it shows different characteristics when compared with old fossil energy sources, such as oil.

As Abel spoke, he looked at George, Dear George, maybe you can take out my plan and show it to everyone.

George smiled and nodded. He clapped his hands.

His chief of staff, Freddie Ford, came up with some information to distribute.

When the senior officials in the White House began to read the plan that Abel had provided to George as early as Christmas.

Abel continued:

I believe that developing new energy sources, reducing dependence on oil, and adopting supportive policies under the current U.S. economic situation will not only give birth to a new energy industry, but also create millions of jobs in the United States while strengthening the U.S. economy. energy security.”

This can avoid the impact of the international oil crisis on the U.S. economy to a certain extent.

Maybe it won't have an immediate impact through large-scale infrastructure construction, or through increasing tax rebates or tax cuts to stimulate investment and consumption, but economic recovery can't happen overnight, can it?!

The most important thing is that we can take a multi-pronged approach. We can rebate taxes, reduce taxes, or continue to implement other economic stimulus plans at the same time. There is no direct conflict between these.

More importantly, it is up to the Xiang Party to promote this clean energy. This is also a slap in the face of the Donkey Party, which prides itself on environmental protection and opposes the excessive development of petroleum energy every day.

Compared with the huge tax rebate plan, which may cost trillions of dollars or at least hundreds of billions of dollars, the new energy plan will not cost more than 50 billion U.S. dollars in the first few years.

But once it succeeds, it will allow the United States to have a new advantageous industry. The stimulus and help to the economy can be said to be visible to the naked eye.


Abel tried to slow down his tone.

Use language skills tuned by special expert masters to persuade George and his administration.

A businessman from China later said, On the wind, even pigs can fly.

When other people start a business, they go for the limelight.

And Abel is now trying to create a trend, create a new track, a new industry and a new industrial chain.

That's right, what he, George and the White House team are discussing this time is the issue of new energy vehicles.

Abel's Tesla company needs to develop rapidly. Can the new energy industry chain in the United States he plans to emerge as early as possible?

The official support from the federal government is definitely a key part.

Why are new energy vehicles in future generations able to overwhelm fuel vehicles?

Is it because new energy vehicles have new energy and good technology?


The most important thing for it to be able to achieve this level is the tacit support from the United States and China, as well as a certain degree of suppression of the big countries that use old fuel vehicles.

Let’s put it this way, new energy vehicles were purely products of positive policy from the beginning.

Originally, it was part of the numerous economic stimulus plans launched by the Guanhai team in the United States during the Guanhai era in order to cope with the economic crisis and improve public confidence.

Who would have thought that it would actually succeed later.

Abel's approach was directly copied from the Georgian era.

By lobbying the White House to come forward to support this policy, this track was created almost seven or eight years in advance.

He has been planning this for a long time, starting from the time he founded Tesla.

It’s been almost two years now.

George was a rubber stamp before, and he didn't force the other person to help him.

Now that George is in power, it is the time when he has the power to do away with the bastard.

Seizing this suitable opportunity, Abel naturally took it personally.

Looking at the senior officials in the white house who were looking down at the white house reading the plan, Abel, who had been talking for several minutes, finally stopped.

He looked at George, but George smiled and waved to him, Let them take a look and then discuss it. Let's go to the back and chat without disturbing them.

Abel nodded and walked towards George.

But he saw George waving to his chief of staff Freddy Ford, Freddy, come here too...

The chief of staff nodded, followed Abel, and turned to another room with George.

After the three people disappeared, the new Finance Minister John Snow raised his head and looked at the direction in which the three people left.

John Snow took a deep breath and continued to read the new energy plan that Kiabo's advisory group had spent nearly a year writing.

In the hotel corridor.

As he walked towards his destination, George said casually:

Freddy, do you think Abel's suggestion is feasible? The new energy plan, oh, it seems to have nothing to do with us digging for oil!

As George's most important confidant, Freddie Ford has actually seen this plan a long time ago.

The plan mainly lists various parameters of new energy technologies and various green energy concepts that can make environmental protection organizations collectively climax.

It can even be completely open to the public, and no one can find any fault with it.

Anyone who dares to say it is not environmentally friendly is polluting the environment!

But Freddie knew that what George was asking was not what was in the plan.

What George is concerned about is the part that is not listed in the new energy plan provided by Abel.

It does look very feasible. The key is that the upfront cost is not high.

Freddie Ford tried to give George advice in as innocuous terms as possible.

Maybe you can give it a try. If it succeeds, then under your watch, you will create a brand new industry for the United States. A high-quality industrial chain that may provide hundreds of thousands of jobs.

Come on. Abel suddenly spoke, walking in the corridor and saying with a smile:

George, didn't I say that? Don't worry, those energy guys, they will support us.

Look at the confident Abel and Freddie Ford's performance.

George had already made a decision in his heart.

The current commander-in-chief of the United States smiled and said:

Okay. Just like you said. If your new energy plan really goes well, then everyone has just replaced oil with another mineral deposit. They haven't even changed the industry. They really don't The General Assembly objected.”

Abel shrugged.

The new energy plan implemented by the United States.

In later generations, Germany and Neon, two opponents with little strength at all, will be excluded.

Its biggest opponents come from within the United States.

Because new energy, new energy, its name seems to be opposite to the old petroleum energy and other industries.

In addition, from the beginning, it was still an economic policy advocated by the Donkey Party.

The energy giants who support the Elephant Party will naturally oppose its promotion and emergence.

As the leader of the Elephant Party, George would be most afraid of the opposition of the energy giants behind him if he were to push it.

Those are some of George's financial backers.

Fortunately, Abel had already considered this concern for George.

Abel's approach was simple and crude.

Abel plans to draw those energy giants directly into his camp.

We are not asking them to engage in new energy with us, but to do business directly at the source.

That is, everyone works together to mine.

Anyway, at most it is just replacing oil ore with lithium ore.

Make arrangements in advance, share the benefits equally, and get more for yourself.

This is what Abel did.

While chatting, the three of them walked into another room in the hotel.

This is also a small conference room.

After entering the conference room, George lay loosely on the sofa.

He smiled and said: Relax here and wait for them to read the plan. Freddy, I am not afraid to tell you directly that I have planned to implement Abel's new energy plan. As early as Christmas, he had already Convinced me!”

Freddy Ford felt relieved, and he was thankful that his position in the corridor was also inclined to support Abel's new energy plan.

The chief of staff of the White House smiled and said:

It is indeed a good economic stimulus package. Simple and affordable, with small upfront investment.

The two people who were having a conversation noticed that after entering the house, Abel walked to the window and looked out the window.

What's the matter?

George jumped up from the sofa, walked curiously to Abel, and looked out the window like him.

Outside the window is a small square in the hotel, which is full of military and police officers.

They are all George's security personnel.

George. Abel suddenly said softly:

You always maintain such intensity of security work. It's okay now, but after a while, the Donkey Party will definitely use this to make trouble.

Freddy Ford also walked behind the two big guys, nodded and said:

This is indeed a problem. We have plans to end our efforts in this area in six months.

George, who was in charge of the White House, made the security work of the White House and the commander-in-chief even stricter and more exaggerated after September 11 than during World War II.

On the surface, this is to prepare for KB attacks.

But in reality, one’s own family knows their own affairs.

George is making a fuss about this to boost his approval ratings.

At the same time, it was just to express to the outside world the tough attitude of George’s government towards KBFZ.

But doing this all the time won’t work. Because of 9/11, the Donkey Party dare not come out to talk.

But there is also a midterm election this year.

When the mid-term elections begin, George's approach in this regard will definitely be attacked by the Donkey Party, which will be very detrimental to George and the Elephant Party.

According to Freddy Ford and George's ideas, this level of security work will be canceled in a month or two.

The security of the White House and George will return to normal conditions.

I have an idea. Abel suddenly turned around and looked at George.

Huh? George looked at him doubtfully, What do you think?

I don't know if it will work. But if it is done well, I think it will greatly promote this year's midterm elections.

Abel said softly.

Hearing what Abel said so powerfully, Freddy Ford and George became curious.

What kind of idea? It actually has such an effect? ​​Abel, tell me quickly. George asked.

Freddy Ford looked at Abel too.

Abel smiled and whispered an idea that came to him just now.

George frowned and thought hard. He was wondering whether Abel's method was really a good one.


Freddie Ford gave an excited high-five.

Mr. Smith's idea is very good!! If it can be implemented smoothly, it can be exchanged for a very good situation at a very low cost!

Abel shrugged. To be honest, he was now curious about what would happen if his idea was implemented smoothly.

What role can it play and what consequences will it have.

Seems... not bad?

This is his own feeling.

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