America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 414: The chaebol’s son “hopes his father will become the leader”

On the afternoon of January 29th.

In the Texas House of Representatives, the new speaker was finally successfully elected after three votes.

The new Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives is Mr. Alexander Smith, a state representative and county commissioner from Tarrant County.

At the State House, Mr. Alexander Smith resigned from his position as Tarrant County Sheriff according to procedure and was sworn in as the new Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives.

Since then, the impeachment crisis in the Texas House of Representatives that occurred in mid-January this year has come to an end.

On the way out of the Texas State Capitol.

Inside the cabin of the Cadillac Monster.

Alexander was a very traditional Texas farmer two years ago and is now the Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives. Alexander couldn't help but say:

I'm just getting used to living in Fort Worth, and now I'm about to move to Austin. Seriously, I hate the hypocrisy of Austin.

Come on.

In the passenger seat in front, Abel looked back at his mother Emily, who was sitting next to Alexander with a smile, and then said to his father Alexander with a smile:

I don't know how many people will not be able to complete the journey you have walked in the past year and a half in a lifetime. My dear dad, don't be obedient when you get an advantage.

Hearing his son's rude reply, Alexander snorted, but he wasn't angry.

Alexander himself actually knew very well that he didn't know how many people would envy him after such an experience.

All of his achievements were brought about by the only son in front of him.

Otherwise, if it were you, you might have to struggle from a young age until now to experience this kind of power.

It's just possible.

But now, he has done almost nothing.

Just because of his son, he easily became one of the top four in Texas.

Among all the political elites in the United States, I don’t know how many people will envy me, even to the point of yelling at me.

Thinking of this, even Alexander, who originally had no interest in power or governance, became confused.

At this time, he couldn't help but feel a little ambitious.

For male creatures, power is really the best stimulant in many cases.

A county chief, and the county chief of Tarrant, where he was born and raised.

Alexander didn't feel much excitement or accomplishment.

It should be said that the feeling of novelty is more.

But now his identity has become the Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives.

This is a role that can be considered a big shot in the United States.

Even Alexander, who is indifferent to fame and wealth, is finding it difficult to remain calm at this moment.

Emily, who was listening to the conversation between father and son, couldn't help but whisper: But... Alexander, are you qualified for the job?

This is indeed a problem.

Not the same as being Tarrant County Sheriff.

The Smith family has taken root in Tarrant County for nearly two hundred years.

Connections and in-laws, even if the family is not prosperous, are spread throughout Tarrant.

With this relationship, there is also Abel, who is prospering outside.

And the huge pressure from the Bush family because of Abel.

Even if Alexander was in Tarrant County, he would do nothing.

You can also stay in the position of Sheriff and stay there firmly.

If you want to do something, it will be easier overall because of these factors.

But now the stage has been moved from Tarrant, the hometown of the Smith family, to Austin, the most complicated place in Texas.

Even if Abel's power is still there, the Bush family can still be close at hand to support him.

But whether Alexander can be the Speaker of the House of Representatives in Texas really needs a big nickname.

The place where Alexander has always shown his abilities has always been Smith Farm.

One year as Sheriff of Tarrant County.

At most, it just made Alexander familiar with the corresponding rules and procedures.

As a wife, Emily, who can be regarded as coming from a wealthy family in Kansas, it is normal to have such worries.

Alexander opened his mouth, wanting to tell his wife not to worry.

He just opened his mouth, but the words haven't come out yet.

He had already heard his son say: Dear mother, don't worry about this. Who do you think is more capable between father and George?


Emily didn't know how to answer.

Let’s just say George Shrub has outstanding abilities…

Emily has actually known George Bush for a long time.

The Smith family has indeed always had contacts with the Bush family.

Because of Alex's relationship with Herbert.

Especially when George was the general manager of the Texas Rangers, he would go to Smith Farm once or twice a month.

Because the home and training ground of the Texas Rangers is in Tarrant County.

At that time, Alex was a shareholder of the Rangers and one of the founders.

The relationship between the two parties is very good.

In Emily's opinion.

While serving as general manager of the Texas Rangers, and George before that.

No matter what aspect, he is not as good as his husband.

This was how she really saw it.

But she thought that George Shrub was inferior to her husband in every aspect.

But a few years ago, he easily became the governor of Texas.

Even last year, he actually became the commander-in-chief of the United States of America.

Everyone has come to the surface, the highest position an American man can reach.

At this time, let Emily say that George is not as good as her husband in terms of ability.

She couldn't continue.

Seeing his mother's reaction, Abel smiled.

Emily's reaction is also the normal reaction of many Texans, or Americans, to George Bush.

Say something rude.

George has a good personality, and if his abilities are convenient, he might be considered passable at the moment.

Without his family, and most importantly without his father.

Few people can believe that George Bush can become the commander-in-chief of the United States.

George Bush became the commander-in-chief. Even now, many people in Texas still think it is magical.

Compared with most of the past commander-in-chief who have shone brightly and been the stars of governance from beginning to end.

The fact that George can take office really makes many people confused.

But reality is like this. Literary and artistic works need to talk about logic, but most of the time it is not available.

George's ability to become the commander-in-chief is already magical in the eyes of many Americans.

But if you are an American today, you know the real estate and television businessman who is very obscure in New York.

If he becomes the commander-in-chief of the United States in more than ten years, they will definitely feel even more magical.

Because compared to him, George at least came from a wealthy and upright family.

Before becoming the commander-in-chief, he also served as governor for several years.

Even if the ability is not enough, I still have relevant experience.

But in the reality of parallel time and space, such magical things happen.

What's even more magical is that on important occasions, you can be ready to hold back a big one anytime and anywhere.

So remember.

Literary and artistic works need to be logical. At the very least, they need their readers to think that they are logical.

Reality is not needed because reality has no readers.

So don't worry, mom. Abel comforted Emily:

As long as nothing happens to your precious son, your dear husband's position will only become more stable, or he will rise higher and higher. This is the reality, our United States, and the reality of this world.

Emily is not really a stupid farmer's wife.

She is also a top student who graduated from Rice University, and her family background is not bad.

It was just the simple life of a farmer that kept her from having to think about these things for decades.

In the past year, I have mainly been managing the farm, and have not yet entered the status of a serious official's wife.

After hearing what her son said now, Emily also understood.

Okay. Abel's mother nodded, What George Bush can do. Then I believe my husband can do it too.

She looked at Alexander sweetly, her eyes full of emotion.

Oh, my love... Alexander hugged his wife directly.

Looking at his parents who were starting to spoil him, Abel smiled and shook his head, withdrew his gaze and sat down in the passenger seat.

Looking ahead at the wide streets of Austin

Abel was thinking——

Herbert Bush could make his son the commander-in-chief of the United States.

Then why can't I, Abel Smith, let my father accomplish this achievement?

Compared to the Shrub family, what the Smith family lacks today is just the foundation.

But in terms of resources, Abel felt that he was not inferior to the Shrub family now.

My father became the speaker of the Texas House of Representatives.

Abel felt that for him, this was the crucial step for Alexander to truly take forward his plan.

It was the beginning of Alexander stepping out of the small place of Tarrant County and onto a broader stage.

The next step, Alexander needs to plan, is the identity of a member of Congress, or even a senator!

Or you can consider letting your father become the governor.

Of course, there is no way to be the governor of Texas for the time being.

Rick Perry's background is too strong and his abilities are also very strong.

The Bush family relies on him very much, and the Smith family will also become good friends with him in the future.

If you compete with this guy, it's easy for both sides to lose.

But... Texas is not the only conservative state in the United States!

For example, the neighboring state of Kansas is also a deep red conservative state.

The Bush family is there and has some influence.

And Indiana, which is also a deep red state now.

More importantly, it is the fourth most influential place after Texas, California and New York.

By working with one of the Indiana state senators.

The top three local newspapers in sales are now owned by Smith Newspaper Group.

This alone has the greatest advantage in local public opinion.

Why was the Donkey Party later able to defeat the Elephant Party steadily?

One of the reasons is that the Donkey Party relies on the Internet to occupy the vast majority of public opinion!

And Alexander is only in his 50s now, two years younger than George.

After hanging around in Texas or other places in the United States for a few more years and accumulating enough information.

It's not impossible to try to push upward again.

Just like what I said to my parents just now.

The most important thing for George to become the leader of the United States is his father and family.

Whether Alexander can go that far, the most important thing is whether his son has the ability to support him.

The most important key, in the end, everything still has to come back to yourself.


In the passenger seat of the Cadillac Monster, Abel exhaled a breath.

Abel knew that what he had to do next was to adjust the staff around his father.

Among Alexander's staff, Dwayne was the first person Abel thought of.

As a former Tarrant County councilman, Dewayne has been working diligently by his father's side for more than a year.

Without Dwayne, Alexander would never have been so comfortable in the position of Sheriff of Tarrant County.

But Dwayne is really incompetent. He is a guy who cannot even be re-elected as a Tarrant County Council member.

If my father's chief of staff was only in Tarrant County, it would still be useful.

Once you get to Austin, you can no longer use it.

A few days ago, Abel had started to ask Smith to start looking for suitable staff for Alexander.

This step of work is critical.

This is also the reason why George can generally do quite well in the position of commander-in-chief of the United States.

Many of George Bush's staff were members of the team when Herbert lived in the White House.

Most are experienced, capable, and trustworthy.

It is not that easy for Alexander to have the same staff team.

Fortunately, my father is now just the speaker of the Texas House of Representatives.

In Abel's plan.

He and his father have almost several years of hard work that can be used to form the Smith family's own team.

Even if there are occasional mistakes, they are within an acceptable level.

Naturally, Alexander's feelings must also be taken into consideration here.

After all, he is his father, and his role has always been above his own.

If he arranges the whole process now, Abel is also worried that the old guy will have a rebellious mentality.

Anyway, this aspect of work will not be too easy.

After all, it involves Masaharu, the dirtiest thing since the birth of mankind.

It needs to consider all aspects, far more than business and other aspects.

Take it step by step.

First of all, it is to let my father pass the hurdle at the end of this year.

Because according to the time, the end of 2002, during the national mid-term elections in the United States.

Texas, like many other states in the United States, will also take advantage of the midterm elections to hold intrastate elections.

Rick Perry will seek re-election at the end of this year, rather than simply and easily succeeding George.

His father's position as a member of the House of Representatives was because he replaced the unlucky Mark Jerlin.

The position of the unlucky guy will also be re-elected this year, and Alexander replaced the unlucky guy.

Naturally, it became Alexander who was going to be re-elected.

If he fails to be re-elected by then, he will also lose his position as County Sheriff Tarrant.

Then my father will become a joke in Texas...

Of course, this rarely happens.

Unless he suddenly loses his influence before the end of this year.

Thinking of this, Abel already knew what to do next.

In the next few days, Abel stayed with his parents in Austin.

Alexander and his wife will need to stay in Austin permanently from now on.

Becoming Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives, Alexander became one of Texas' stars.

Emily also couldn't manage Smith Farm like she did in Tarrant County.

Many times, Austin needs Emily to accompany Alexander to some occasions.

First lady culture is very important in the official arena of the United States.

Emily is going back to take over the work of Smith Farm and hand over the management of the family farm to someone she can trust.

The two are based in Austin, and the most important thing is of course the issue of where to live.

This is very easy to solve, not to mention Abel's New Starting Real Estate Company.

Even the Smith family owns properties here.

The family lives in Austin and has a small villa southeast of the city center. Alex and his wife come here to stay for two or three months every year.

The parents can live directly with the grandfather and grandmother.

The sparsely populated Smith family has always had good family relations and is not afraid of living together.

After finishing some trivial matters.

On February 5, 2002, George Bush, the commander-in-chief of the United States, boarded Air Force 1 for a high-level diplomatic visit to the country on the other side of the Pacific.

Abel also boarded the Smith, taking off from Austin-Bergstrom International Airport.

one hour later.

The Smith landed at Houston Herbert Bush Intercontinental Airport, 37 kilometers away from downtown Houston.

The influence of the Bush family in Houston can be seen from the name of the airport.

This airport also mainly provides air services to the Houston metropolitan area.

It is the largest airport in the city of Houston and the second largest and busiest airport in Texas after Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport.

When Abel and his party were waiting, they walked out of the terminal building.

Outside the building, there were a large number of media reporters who were already waiting eagerly.

Don't get me wrong, these reporters are not paparazzi or entertainment media reporters.

Most of the paparazzi are mainly in Los Angeles and New York, making a living in these two largest and second largest cities in the United States.

Outside the terminal building of Houston Herbert Bush Intercontinental Airport, the media reporters waiting for Abel were all specially dispatched by large media companies that ranked among the top in the world.

Like the local Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Fortune, etc. in the United States.

For example, the British Times and The Guardian, the neon cabinet's Asahi Shimbun and Domai Shimbun, the French Le Monde, the Swiss Neue Züricher Zeitung, the German Bild and so on.

When they ran here, they naturally received the news in advance.

This rumor was spread by Abel and the people from the Texas Consortium.

That's what Abe Smith will be in Houston these days.

We have carried out business cooperation on mergers, acquisitions, etc. with many giant companies such as Hughes Aircraft, Lin-Temco-Vought Company, Tennico Company, First City National Bank of Houston, etc.

If these things are true, this cooperation may even have some impact on many aspects around the world.

For example, since then, the world's richest man has mainly focused on finance and media.

He will become one of the major shareholders of the largest military and fire chief in the world.

Maybe even becoming one of the dominant ones is not a given.

This is already a super big deal for many small countries.

For these reasons, there are a large number of journalists from large media.

You can even find some that are neither Neon Cabinet nor Hanguo’s Asian Reporter.

They come from China.

The stakes are high and the field is a bit sensitive.

Even the Oriental People's Newspaper, which has never paid much attention to American business news, sent a special reporter today.

Now these reporters saw Abel and his team coming out of the airport terminal building, which they were deliberately allowed to see.

Even the airport security, the local Houston police department, and Rock Security personnel were prepared.

The reporters were still a little staggered by the crazy excitement.

For a time, countless questions, accompanied by a sea of ​​flashlights and camera shutters, were thrown at Abel Smith like crazy.

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