America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 417 Children’s Future

I agree with Mr. Smith.

Faced with Abel's gaze, Davis Brown was the first among the five old men to speak.

A 6.9% stake in General Dynamics can only bring us hundreds of millions of dollars in dividends every year.

Apart from this little money, Davis Brown said, this little share has brought us no other benefits. Those Virginians, they are very hostile to us.

In the U.S. military-industrial complex, the West and South have a strong voice.

Two of the representatives are the California consortium and the Texas consortium.

Due to publicity reasons, these two consortiums are even considered by ordinary people to be symbols of the military-industrial complex.

But in fact, the workers in the military-industrial complex and the forces in the eastern United States also occupy a large share.

This community of interests is spread throughout the United States.

This is where its power lies.

Because it symbolizes the interests of everyone.

General Dynamics, ranked sixth in the same industry in the world, belongs to the eastern sphere of influence.

Its headquarters is in Baltimore, Virginia, which is the home of traditional East Coast giants such as Rockefeller and Morgan.

I agree too.

Rodriguez McKison, who had always had a good relationship with Davis Brown, also said:

We spent a lot of effort to obtain this 6.9% stake. But until now, it has not been of much use to us.

There is an opportunity to use it to exchange for a better, possible future. I think it is an investment, and I agree.

Two of the five old guys agreed.

Among the remaining three people.

Martin Elkins was hesitant, and Delin Richardson watched Martin's reaction.

Liam H.L. Hunter of the Hunter family whispered at this time:

I agree too. The reason I agree is that I am optimistic about the future development of Gulfstream Aerospace.

It has its own aircraft production company. It has its own patented technology, as well as its own customer reputation and customer base. If it can get it, it may not make money, but it will definitely not lose money.

Out of the 5 people, I saw three people voting in favor.

Martin Elkins was no longer silent, nodded and said:

Then this time, just do as you say, Mr. Smith.

That's what I mean too. As soon as Martin spoke, Delin Richardson followed suit.

Believe me.

Abel looked at the five core figures of the Texas consortium and said, You will not be disappointed.

As long as these 5 people agree.

Then Abel can use the 6.9% General Dynamics shares held by Hughes Aircraft Company.

Use these shares in exchange, plus other resources, to obtain as much of General Dynamics' shares in Gulfstream Aerospace as possible.

This kind of capital operation is of course left to the financial core of each major consortium.

Nowadays, most of the management rights and financial core of the Texas consortium have been handed over to Abel.

Naturally, Abel was responsible for this aspect of work.

After settling the matter, Abel spoke again:

First National Bank of Dallas, First City National Bank of Houston, Republic National Bank of Dallas and Texas Commerce Bank.

There are still three insurance companies that will be merged and reorganized with Pacific Commercial Bank in the future.

Everyone is here today, and I would like to ask your opinion. That is what is a better name for the merged financial group.

As soon as Abel's voice fell, Martin Elkins spoke first.

I think Bank of Texas is a good name, and that's a good name.

Davis Brown hesitated and did not speak.

This matter is actually a small matter, just a name.

No matter what it ends up being called, it will always be the financial center of the Texas Conglomerate.

Even with a Texas name. It cannot change Abel’s influence and control over it in the future.

Whether it is called the Bank of Texas or the Bank of New York, the essence cannot be changed.

Liam H.L. Hunter spoke softly:

I think Pacific Bank is a very good name. After all, the Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world. Using the name of Texas or other Texas areas may make bank customers outside Texas feel some discomfort. It makes people think it’s a regional bank.”

The Texas consortium is willing to hand over its banks and insurance companies to Abel for reorganization and merger.

In addition to exchanging shares in Abel's core industries such as Smith Capital and Pacific Commercial Bank.

Contractually, there are of course some additional requirements.

There is some gambling content in the contract.

The content of the bet is that the reorganized financial group must break through its original positioning as a regional bank within a certain period of time in terms of commercial banks.

The original Texas banks had always had their bulk of business in Texas.

At most it radiates to two or three other surrounding states, making it an out-and-out regional bank.

The Texas consortium hopes that after Abel takes over, they can make them bigger and change this situation.

This is also the reason why the Texas Consortium is willing to merge with Abel.

How about Smith Bank? Abel suddenly smiled and said, I think this name is better.

of course.

Before the old guys could question, Abel smiled and explained:

The reason I wanted to take this name was not because my last name is Smith.

As we all know, Smith is the most popular surname in the United States. At least one out of every 100 Americans has the surname Smith.

This is a very popular surname. Using it as the name of our banking group can make the largest number of Americans identify with it.

Smiths with at least 2 million yuan will be more willing to deposit their money in our Smith Bank when they choose to deposit.

Of course. At this point, Abel paused, looked at the others, and continued with a smile:

You could also use the names Johnson Bank, or Williams Bank, Brown Bank, Jones Bank.

After listening to Abel's words, the five old men fell silent.

First, this is Abel's opinion.

Secondly, what Abel said makes sense to some extent.

Who has the surname Smith? It is indeed the number one surname in the United States.

About 1% of Americans have this surname.

Next came Johnson and Williams, as well as Brown, Jones and the like.

Name a popular bank with the most American surnames.

This reason is barely tenable.

The thing is… Abel’s last name is Smith too.

If this name were used, outsiders would definitely think it was Abel's bank at first glance.

Even if in fact, Abel did occupy the largest part, he also had absolute dominance.

Forget it about Williams, Brown and all that.

Liam H.L. Hunter said softly.

There are already too many banks with these two names.

Especially Brown Bank. There are at least dozens of Brown Banks, large and small, across the United States.

It seems that people with this surname especially like to open banks.

I vote for Smith's Bank. Liam H.L. Hunter said simply.

The remaining four old men of the Texas Consortium couldn't help but look at the patriarch of the Hunter family.

Among them, Liam has always been the one who talks the least and goes with the flow.

For more than a decade, Liam has kept a low profile.

Usually they just agree, rarely like today, they talk a lot.

This is related to the strength of the Hunter family.

But today, Liam's performance was obviously a little active.

Davis Brown took a deep look at Liam.

The patriarch of the Bailang family also spoke softly:

I agree, Smith's Bank is a good name. If it were me, I would put my money in it.

I agree too. After Davis agreed, Rodriguez McKison once again showed his friendship with the Brown family.

Among the Big Five of the Texas consortium, Davis Brown and Rodriguez McKison are obviously on the same side.

Martin Elkins and Delin Richardson have a relatively good relationship.

Liam H.L. Hunter may not belong to either camp, or he may be a centrist.

But now suddenly an Abel is inserted.

Liam H.L. Hunter’s behavior today was obviously a bit abnormal.

Davis and the others can detect it, and so can Abel.

Then it's settled. Abel said with a smile: The name of the merged banking group will be American Smith Financial Group!

After settling these two matters, Abel talked with the five old men about other matters.

It's almost the same as these two things.

It seems important, but in fact it's not that important.

The five old guys also had dinner at Abel's mansion in Houston.

Abel gave them a banquet.

This can be regarded as a high-level dinner within the reorganized Texas Consortium.

After dinner, the old men said goodbye and left.

After sending them away, Abel was planning to go to the back to enjoy the beautiful little canary he had raised.

He saw that among the five old men, Liam H.L. Hunter's motorcade suddenly turned back.

Standing on the balcony on the second floor of the main hall of the mansion, watching the Hunter family's motorcade.

Abel chuckled and whispered: Our Mr. Hunter obviously has some ideas.

Beside him stood his personal bodyguard Edward, as well as Alan Baker and David Jones.

Hearing what the boss said, this sentence is related to business. Edward always ignored it.

The head of the security department of Rock Security and Abel's bodyguard captain. He knows his boss's affairs very clearly.

Edward only cared about Abel's security work and some daily life matters.

Edward was not responsible for other things, and Edward had always turned a deaf ear to them.

His smart approach was one of the reasons why Abel was willing to trust him and reuse him.

When it comes to business, Alan Baker and David have to speak up.

The leader of the Smith Intelligence Group said softly:

The situation of the Hunter family has not been very good in recent years. The oil crisis is just around the corner. The sugar industry has been severely invaded by Cargill. Mr. Hunter has an idea, which may be related to this aspect.

BOSS. David said with a smile: Mr. Liam H.L. Hunter and his youngest son, Mr. Luke Hunter, passed the interview at the end of last year and successfully entered the Pacific Commercial Bank, which is now the Greater Los Angeles Bank. Regional Orange County, Senior Manager, Commercial Lending, Pacific Commercial Bank Branch.”

Edward and Allen, these two people represent security and business respectively, and are the two people Abel trusts the most.

As for David Jones, his area of ​​responsibility is wider and broader.

On a smaller scale, what kind of chef or what kind of tableware should be used for Alia Smith’s birthday party since childhood.

Larger ones, such as Smith Capital’s investment operations and so on.

David Jones has access to all of these.

If Abel, he was the ancient emperor of China.

Of these three people, one is the captain of the Ouchi guard, the other is the supervisor of Huangzhuang and Huangdian, and the last one is Li Lianying, Liu Jin, Wei Zhongxian and the like.

Okay. I understand. Abel said softly: Then let me see our Mr. Hunter, what exactly does he want to do. By the way, tell me some more things about the Hunter family, David .”

With a smile on his face, Liam H.L. Hunter, who was about to leave and return to Abel, once again welcomed him into the main hall of the villa.

Did you leave something behind?

Abel asked with concern.

Ah... that's right.

One of the most well-known figures in the southern United States.

The patriarch of the Hunter family, once the richest family in the United States, smiled and said:

I left some suggestions for you, Mr. Smith.


Abel raised his eyebrows, What kind of advice? I very much hope to hear it.

First City National Bank of Houston, and three insurance companies, each with a 3% stake.

Tennico's 2% stake, Texas Instruments' 5% stake.

I hope to hand over these shares to Mr. Smith.

Liam H.L. Hunter looked at Abel seriously and whispered his suggestion.

After saying this suggestion, Abel's expression did not change on the surface.

But my heart was very excited.

The reason is simple, if you can get these shares.

That means that I have stronger control over the core industry of the Texas Consortium.

This means that his attack on the Texas consortium can go more smoothly.

I have to say. Abel retracted his smile and looked at Liam H.L. Hunter seriously.

Mr. Hunter, these suggestions of yours are very, very, very, very attractive to me!

In order to emphasize his interest, Abel used multiple very words.

This made Liam H.L. Hunter burst into laughter.

Ah...then it seems that my suggestion is very effective. Liam said.

Very effective. Abel affirmed.

Cash or shares are both acceptable.

He told Liam H.L. Hunter: In addition, after the reorganization of Smith Financial Group, Mr. Luke Hunter will be invited to be one of the group presidents.

And. Abel looked at Liam H.L. Hunter and continued:

I heard that Luke's wife gave birth to a boy some time ago. Oh, this is a good thing. I just gave birth to a daughter some time ago. Maybe we can let them be friends since childhood?

Liam H.L. Hunter was stunned. The old man thought for a while, feeling a little confused.

He had not heard that the daughter of the Shrub family had given birth during this period.

Isn’t Laura Bush only 17?

That old guy Herbert couldn't possibly let her get pregnant out of wedlock, right?

Suddenly, Liam had a lightbulb moment.

The old guy thought of the handsome young man in front of him at the end of last year. One of his mistresses gave birth to a daughter.

The illegitimate daughter was his first child, and it is said that she was even recognized by the Smith family.

Even the legendary Shrub family reluctantly nodded in approval in private.

Because this incident was so outrageous, it is still a bit of a joke among the upper-class families in Texas.

As for the Shrub family, they didn't attach much importance to the family's own fortune, and relied on various marriage alliances to get to the top from the beginning.

If it were any other truly wealthy family in Texas, they would definitely not let this matter go as lightly as the Bush family did.

It's so outrageous to even let an illegitimate daughter have a surname and middle name.

Let your first grandson marry an illegitimate daughter?

Even if it hasn’t been determined yet, it will still be more than ten years from now.

Liam H.L. Hunter still had some hesitation in his heart.

But when Liam looked at Abel's calm and serious expression, the old guy gritted his teeth and said, Oh! Of course. Children should know more friends when they are young, right?

Haha—— Abel laughed.

Liam didn't want his first grandson to marry an illegitimate daughter.

Abel didn't want to give his daughter away so early.

This is just a bait and an attitude thrown out by Abel.

It was used to show his approach to Liam H.L. Hunter.

It's a kind of speaking skill.

Because in fact, neither party's rhetoric meant to confirm the marriage.

The child is still so young and there are too many variables in the future.

Of course.

If the children are almost grown, the status of the two families will not change much.

When the children grow up, marriage may happen.

In this regard, Abel is very open-minded.

He even supports it personally.

The reason is simple.

After all, Abel had so many fertile fields, and he loved farming so much.

The fields were fertile and he plowed them diligently.

The seeds are of good quality and can cost hundreds of millions each time you sow them.

It's strange that he didn't have many children after that.

He has more children, and as a father, of course he hopes that they will have a better future and life.

Marriage is a good choice.

What's more, marriage is also very suitable for maintaining relationships with other allies.

This is just like the princes and princesses of ancient China.

Except for the wives of direct heirs, who are more sophisticated.

The spouses of other children can be used by the emperor to exchange the loyalty of his subjects, win over generals, or negotiate peace with neighboring countries, etc.

Little Alia was Abel's first child, and Abel doted on and loved her, and rightly so.

But little Alia was born in such a family, and it can be said that she was born with a diamond spoon in her mouth.

As long as Abel doesn't fall, little Alia will enjoy the best things in the world from childhood to adulthood.

In exchange, it is natural to lose the freedom to choose a spouse.

If only you could choose.

I believe that 99.999999999% of men and women on this planet

They are all willing to trade their freedom in choosing a mate in exchange for the life that only 0.00000001% of people can enjoy.

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