America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 419 Do you want to choose a concubine?

Most Americans actually don't care about news like the birth of new consortiums or the demise of old consortiums.

Because these things are too far away from the lives of most ordinary people.

From birth, every American has received an education based on social Darwin and capital supremacy.

Changes at the top of major financial groups, or changing to another financial group, will affect their lives.

This kind of thing, for them.

It’s not as important as tomorrow’s price increase of 15 cents for all the bread from the bakery that I often buy at home.

The reason why this merger between the Texas Consortium and the Smith Group has attracted so much attention is.

First, there are many Abels and the media that the Texas consortium cannot influence, or is difficult to influence.

The owners behind them are somewhat worried because of the emergence of the Texas \u0026 Smith Consortium.

On the front, there aren't many ways to deal with it.

The men on both sides were interested in having a concubine, and it could even be said that Abel himself was from a Texas conglomerate.

Because the Smith family also has a little share of Tannico Company.

Many of Tannico's oil pipelines passing through Tarrant County have the support and participation of the Smith family.

It’s just that there’s not much of it, it’s only worth two to three million dollars.

This is also why the people from the Texas consortium accepted Abel so quickly.

From the perspective of both parties, everyone is their own person.

It was only because of some misunderstandings and Abel's insistence that they didn't get together at the beginning.

But after all, they are their own people, and the Lone Star State is famous for its internal cliques.

Cooperation is just a matter of time.

This is why Abel is making trouble in New York, but almost no other consortium really contacts him.

If the people from the Texas consortium wanted to accept him, other consortiums themselves would have to let go and murmur.

The Texas consortium, or the Smith family, has become stronger on both sides.

After the two sides started this matter, it became an unstoppable torrent.

Other consortiums who have opinions or concerns about this.

Some of them chose to give Abel and the Texas consortium eye drops.

That’s why so many large media outlets have appeared, talking about this matter in endless articles and sending many front-page headlines about this matter.

There are so many headlines, even if ordinary people don't want to read them, as long as they come into contact with newspapers, they will see them more or less.

And this news is another reason why ordinary Americans pay attention to it.

It's because one of the core figures in the news is Abel Smith.

Ever since the federal government used him as a new beacon, there has been too much news about Abel.

But apart from being a playboy, Abel has always had a very good personal image.

It's the kind that no matter how hard you look for it, you can't find any evidence or black spots.

This makes many ordinary Americans feel that he is a bit of a casual fan.

He is the most talked-about super-rich man in the United States.

Because of these two reasons, the news of the merger of the two consortiums has been popular in the American news media for more than a week.

Fortunately, there will be a period of indifference for things like hot news.

Just like the war between Silky Chicken and Wooly Siberian Hamster in 2022 in parallel time and space.

In the beginning, in the first month.

The media in most major countries around the world are full of news about this war.

However, wait until the freshness and timeliness of the news wears off.

In addition to these two countries, there are also relevant stakeholders.

How many people still care about this war?

Very few.

Unless there is a big event like Moscow being captured or Kiev being defeated.

Otherwise, not many people would care except ordinary people outside these two countries.

The same goes for this news about Abel and the Texas Consortium.

Probably within a week or so, except for some noise on the internet.

Since its inception, the vast majority of American media, which have been written in their genes to favor the new and dislike the old, no longer report on this major event that will actually affect tens of millions of Americans.

Everyone's focus is once again on what a certain Hollywood star wears when attending a certain occasion.

Or what kind of dazzling results a certain superstar from the four major leagues achieved in a certain game, etc.

In this country, which was the first country to promote entertainment till death and Naitou music.

This kind of interesting news can attract the most people to understand and read.

But although most ordinary people no longer pay attention to this matter.

But most of the American elites and upper-class people are still very concerned about this matter.

The emergence of a new consortium may challenge the old order at the same time.

For upper-class elites, it often means new opportunities.

Just like 10 days later, February 22, 2002.

In the banquet hall on the 18th floor of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in Midtown Manhattan, New York.

At a banquet hosted by New York City Mayor Bloomberg.

There are still people discussing Abel.

Amanda of the Hearst family in New York and her own cousin Lydia.

Tonight, follow the chairman of the Hearst Group, one of the core figures of the Hearst family, and their cousin William Corn Hearst to participate in this gathering of New York's upper class.

At a party, when everyone is shaking their cups and plates.

Amanda was talking quietly to her cousin.

...Look at uncle.

She secretly pointed at her uncle, who was chatting and laughing with Mayor Bloomberg not far away, even holding hands.

In the past, he would not have been so close to that person. In the past, he also told me that he disliked this Oil man.

Keep your voice down. Lidya was startled. It was inappropriate to say such words in this situation.

It would be troublesome if it was heard! !

Okay... Amanda was very courageous, but she was not mentally retarded.

Just now I just watched my uncle William treat Bloomberg so well that he seemed to be a bit flattering.

This New York socialite, who is a bit fierce, can speak out and express her feelings.

Look over there.

Amanda no longer commented on her uncle and Mr. Mayor.

She pointed to another corner of the banquet hall.

There, there was the former famous socialite in New York, the father of the famous other people's daughter Ikana..., New York real estate developer and television businessman D. Ted Lerner.

He was holding a glass of red wine, surrounded by many people, and looked like he was talking and laughing in a lively manner.

See, my cousin no longer discusses sensitive people, but talks about other people.

Lydia whispered: What's wrong? Mr. Ted Lerner seems to be very popular.

Very popular... haha. Amanda sneered, and then said:

Lidya, it's not like you don't know how this gentleman was in our circle before.

In the past, unless it was a banquet held by himself. Otherwise, when have you ever seen so many people surrounding him at other people's banquets? What I saw was that he was surrounding others!!

Lydia was speechless.

Because Amanda didn't talk nonsense.

D. Ted Lerner, a wealthy New York man, used to be very famous in the media and among ordinary people.

Arguably one of the most well-known rich men in New York.

But that's because Ted Lerner, in addition to being a real estate businessman, is also a successful television businessman.

This gentleman is very good at marketing himself and has given himself the image of a successful businessman.

As long as you don't check his past bankruptcy experience and just look at his performance on TV and shows, Ted Lerner is one of the famous rich people in New York.

In reality?

In the wealthy circles of New York, a long time from the past to the future.

Ted Lerner has always been a bit player, a nouveau riche character who was excluded from the mainstream wealthy families.

In a banquet of this level.

In the past, Ted Lerner was the kind of fringe guy who would go around with a glass of wine and strike up conversations with other people.

What now?

Now Ted Lerner is surrounded by a lot of people at Bloomberg's banquet.

These people are not small people yet.

Many are also general managers of banks, the real big shots in New York.

This kind of treatment, even for William Hearst, can only be enjoyed under certain special circumstances that require the media.

Is it because Ted Lerner himself is great?

Amanda and Lydia knew otherwise.

They all also know the reason why Ted Lerner is enjoying this kind of treatment at this moment.

Just because you know why.

Amanda was acting a little aggrieved at this moment.

Looking at Lydia who was silent, Amanda looked at her uncle again.

She looked around, and after making sure no one was safe, she couldn't help but whisper again:

Look at my uncle's appearance... If he hadn't stopped me at this time last year, then he wouldn't have to treat Mr. Bloomberg like this now.


Lydia wanted to say that even if her uncle didn't stop you last year.

Sister, you will definitely succeed and get the position of the head wife?

Lidya felt that there was a high probability that it would not work.

If her uncle hadn't stopped her last year, she thought her cousin would be just like Ikana and Paris.

It's probably impossible to be a real wife, she's probably just a mistress... or one of them.

Let the past be bygones. Time cannot be turned back.

Lydia whispered: What we have to do now is to look to the future.

The future? I haven't given up on the future either. Amanda said directly:

One step ahead, even a few steps, is nothing. Just watch, Lydia. Laura Bush can only be proud now, and I will be proud in the future.

Lydia felt that her cousin was already a little bit crazy on Abel's side.

She wanted to change the subject. But at this time, the banquet hall of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel suddenly fell silent.

New York's upper class people were originally a bit noisy.

Everyone felt as if someone had pressed the mute button on the remote control.

All fell silent.

Lydia and Amanda, of course, also noticed this.

They followed everyone's gaze and looked in the direction of the elevator hall where their backs were turned just now.

There, at the beautiful entrance door of the hotel elevator hall, three people walked in.

Isn't the leader the one who was discussed in a low voice by at least 2/3 of the people at this banquet tonight?


Amanda gave a small yelp of surprise.

Her cry was somewhat obvious in the quiet banquet hall.

It's a bit rude and not ladylike enough.

Fortunately, at this time, everyone's attention was basically attracted by Abel, who came in from the door with a smile.

It's Mr. Smith!

He's back from Texas! I didn't expect him to come tonight. What a surprise.

Oh, Mr. Smith is here. His friendship with Mr. Bloomberg is indeed very close!

Hey, that's the big takeaway tonight. It's the first time I've seen Mr. Smith in person. He looks more like a model or a Hollywood star than a super rich guy.


Many people started talking quietly.

And tonight, the host of this banquet, the current mayor of New York, Mr. Bloomberg, has already had a happy face and walked quickly to the door.

Hey! Bad guy, didn't you say you were going to Los Angeles for another half month and didn't come back until March? You didn't even tell me that you came back early!

Bloomberg laughed and said loudly as he walked.

Abel smiled and hugged him, and then said after they separated:

It was originally planned to be like this. Last year, New York wasn't that cold until March.

But this year is relatively warm. The weather forecast says that starting from mid-February, there is little chance of snow in New York.

I left New York for almost two months and I missed it so much. So I came back.

Bloomberg gave him a kiss and said, No matter what you say, you have a point.

Abel smiled in response to this small gesture and patted Bloomberg on the shoulder.

Last month, Abel directed and acted in an attack.

Bloomberg is a partner who has passed the test very well.

On the night of Abel's accident.

After receiving the news, Bloomberg rushed to Smith Tower as soon as possible.

When Soros, Sullivanston and others waiting in New York arrived later, they were in a small meeting within the Smith Department.

Abel was very satisfied with Bloomberg’s stance and speech.

Compared with Buffett's performance later, Abel praised it.

Maybe Bloomberg may be acting a bit.

But in that test, among the partners within the Smith Department, Bloomberg scored the most points.

So today Abel came back from Texas. Before he got off the plane and went home, he heard that Bloomberg was hosting a banquet.

It happened to be the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, and he was on his way back to the Smith Tower.

He chose to stop midway and come up to take a look.

Greeted by Bloomberg.

Abel smiled and walked towards the middle of the banquet hall.

Many people gathered around.

Those who dared to take the initiative to surround him all had high status in New York.

Or maybe they feel that their status in New York is not low, and they belong to the real upper-class social elite in New York.

Like the sisters' uncle, William Hearst.

There were also a few Wall Street people, and Ted Lerner, who had broken away from his own inner circle and joined in.

Good evening everyone. I hope my arrival will not disturb your enjoyment.

Abel said with a smile.

Naturally, everyone was talking politely and politely.

After greetings, Abel patted one of his father-in-law, who was not much shorter than him.

Hey, Ted. I heard you want to buy out the U.S. broadcast rights to Miss World for the next ten years? That's not going to be easy.

Ted Lerner is 190cm tall, which is really not much shorter than Abel.

Enjoyed the most intimate treatment from Abel except Bloomberg.

The old man laughed loudly, so loudly that the entire banquet hall could hear it.

In fact, this guy probably just wants everyone to hear it.

He wanted everyone to see the intimacy between him and Abel.

Of course it's not easy. If it were too easy, I wouldn't be interested!

But for me, it's not really difficult. Is it difficult? I believe those British people will agree for the sake of fragrant Franklin. No one knows what the British want better than me!

Ted Lerner is the head of Miss Universe, USA section.

From 1995 to now, beauty pageants are one of Ikana’s father’s businesses.

Looking at the current situation, the old man wants to expand this business.

He already has Miss Universe, and now he wants to win Miss World.

Pure blonde lover of big waves.

Abel smiled and said: You're right, the British only care about money. Let's give it a try. How about letting Smith Media broadcast it?

Ted Lerner doesn't have his own television station.

He is a TV businessman, to be precise, a TV program businessman.

His business model is to cooperate with some TV stations and film companies.

After the program is filmed, the program is sold to television stations for broadcast.

Earn TV broadcast fees and copyright fees.

There are many TV program dealers like this in Europe and the United States.

Although TV stations will receive a lot of profits from these TV program merchants.

But at the same time, the existence of these TV businessmen can also correspondingly reduce the investment risks of the TV stations themselves.

Cooperation is beneficial to both parties, which is why this model is so popular.

Needless to say? This is of course a sure thing. Ted Lerner said decisively.

This is not what Ted Lerner said to please his cheap son-in-law.

Because of Smith Media, it is one of the newly emerged super media giants.

In many aspects, it is far inferior to other old giants.

Just because I am a newcomer, in many ways.

Smith Media is much more generous to its collaborators than other media groups.

Even without Ikana's relationship.

By cooperating with Smith Media, Ted Lerner can also get more benefits than cooperating with other TV stations.

What's more, with Ikana's relationship, Ted Lerner felt even more at ease.

Okay. Abel said with a smile: If you can really get it, I will be willing to be a judge or an audience guest in the finals or something.

All Ted Lerner can get is the US portion of Miss World.

Just like the Miss Universe USA competition.

The Miss World finals are held at the end of the year.

The Miss World USA competition is held in May and June.

That time period also happened to be the day when Ikana was almost finished giving birth.

Abel felt that giving her father a big thumbs up would also give her and her children some face in the future.

Hearing Abel say this, Ted Lerner's face lit up.

The old man didn't hide his good mood at this moment at all.

The old man knew that, based on what Abel said, the organizers of the Miss World contest would most likely hand over the American part to him.

The world's richest man appears at the Miss World competition.

What a gimmick!

Ted Lerner felt that he was asking to move this year's finals from Nigeria to the United States.

As long as Abel also appears in the finals.

The organizer of Sister Shi will most likely agree.

Oh, no problem. Absolutely no problem... The old man even winked at Abel, And Miss Universe, do you want to come too? Miss Youth America will be elected in April. If you come, this year's contestants, The quality will be unprecedentedly high!!”

Miss Teen USA is the winner of the Miss Universe USA competition and the beauty who represents the United States in the Miss Universe finals.

This old guy...

Abel felt that the expression on Ted Lerner's face at this moment was like saying - [Come on, come and choose, it's your choice! 】

If Ikana agrees and I happen to be free, that's not impossible.

Abel responded with a smile.

Uh... Ted Lerner hesitated.

The old man felt that his daughter would agree.

But if his daughter agrees, then he can't mess around with Abel.

How can the father-in-law choose a concubine for his son-in-law?

Even if my son-in-law is happy, I am happy too.

But the daughter will most likely not be happy.

Now that I can hug Abel's big moon, the biggest reason is still because of my daughter.

Ted Lerner still has this self-awareness.

Let's see it then. Ted Lerner could only say politely.

During the conversation between the two of them, they did not shy away from the people next to them.

Bloomberg listened with a smile.

William Hearst was smiling like everyone else.

But in everyone's heart, they were all envious of the treatment Ted Lerner was enjoying at this moment.

At this moment, William felt a lot of regret in his heart.

One of the powerful people in Hearst regretted why he did not support his niece in taking the initiative the year before last.

I regret that not only did I not support Amanda last year, but I also blocked her initiative...

Regret, I regret it very much now.

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