America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 430 Exchange of Interests and Shamelessness

In the office, I looked at Bloomberg’s sincere and serious expression.

After calming down, Abel finally smiled.

Bloomberg is a smart guy, a very smart smart guy.

This is Abel’s inner evaluation of Bloomberg at this time.

Just like Bloomberg thought.

Abel spent so much effort to push this oil man into position.

In addition to the relationship with the Hudson Bay City Bay Plaza, does Abel have nothing to seek?

How can this be!

Just for the Hudson Bay City Plaza, even if there is no Bloomberg and someone else takes over as mayor, Abel can still find ways to promote it.

At most, it is slower, and a lot of effort and money can be saved.

There is no reason to support Bloomberg’s election other than City Square.

It was also because Abel knew that in addition to being a smart man, the old guy in front of him was also a guy with no position.

Before becoming the candidate of the Elephant Party this year, Bloomberg was a major donor to the Donkey Party.

The donors of the Donkey Party, or the interest organizations it represents behind it, have always been media, finance, and the newly born Internet.

The traditional forces of the party generally include energy, industry, and agriculture.

Most of the media and financial giants naturally like to side with the Donkey Party.

People like Abel are both financial tycoons and media oligarchs, but there are very few who stand with the party.

This is also the reason why the Donkey Party has never been hostile to him.

Because of his two identities, the Donkey Party has never given up its efforts to bring him over.

As a media tycoon, Bloomberg has always been a donkey in the past.

Many years ago, this guy was seeking the Donkey Party's candidate position as mayor of New York City, but he never succeeded.

He failed several internal elections.

Until the year before last, this guy realized that the Elephant Party had no successor in New York.

He began to contact the Xiang Party, and the two sides hit it off.

This guy did not hesitate to abandon the donkey for the elephant, jumping from the donkey party to the elephant party.

With the support of the Xiang Party, he became the current mayor.

In parallel time and space, this guy was elected mayor of New York City for two consecutive terms with the support of the Elephant Party.

Before the third New York election, he found that the Elephant Party was losing ground in New York.

The Pandora's Box released by the Donkey Party changed the entire United States in just a few years.

New York is changing, too.

At that time, this guy decisively jumped from the Elephant Party back to the Donkey Party, and was successfully elected mayor of New York City again.

This allowed him to serve as mayor of New York City for an unprecedented three terms.

Later, he had to give up because he really couldn't choose the big boss within the Donkey Party.

Otherwise, it is estimated that he can be re-elected for one term.

Maybe he felt targeted by the Donkey Party.

After that, this guy jumped back to the Elephant Party and announced that he would participate in the 2016 leadership election.

But at that time, the United States was already in the era of identity politics due to Lao Ao's chaos.

Bloomberg's jumping left and right made both parties unhappy, and he lost directly when it came to the internal affairs.

This made Bloomberg so angry that he jumped back to the Donkey Party again. As a result, Bloomberg was an elitist and was not favored by voters at all.

Bloomberg failed again.

Bloomberg's behavior makes many people feel ashamed of him.

There are also many people in the Xiang Party and the Donkey Party who don't like his approach.

Even in the era when donkeys and elephants were as close as one family, there was no such thing as him being so addicted to jumping left and right.

What's more, it's an era of hostility and confrontation between donkeys and elephants.

But Bloomberg’s approach made Abel understand one thing.

That is, this person is a pure profit animal, a real wallflower.

Who can make him benefit, who can make him get what he wants.

So who is Bloomberg?

Bloomberg’s political stance is “nothing.”

He has no such thing at all. All he has is his own and Bloomberg’s position.

To put it simply, if you have a girl, you are a mother.

Whoever gives him a girl to drink is his dear mother.

There is no such thing as an oil man, a donkey or an elephant.

Many people hate people with this kind of personality, including Abel.

But Abel knew that his personality was most useful to him.

If Bloomberg really has his own political stance, then Abel would have to consider whether to use this person.

Unlike now, as long as you can be the mother with a female wife, you don't have to worry about Bloomberg's betrayal.

These words are rough, but the theory is not rough at all.

As for Bloomberg's problem at this time, Smith Think Group has already provided Abel with multiple plans.

At this time, Abel smiled and said: Okay, then I will just say a few words.

Bloomberg laughed and said, I'd love to hear it!

I think... Abel said:

I want to be secure in this position, and I want to still be sitting here in four years. First of all, dear Michael, you cannot be the same as the previous mayors.


The previous mayors, they were almost cut out of the same mold. Michael, you can't do this.

What exactly do you think I should do?

Bloomberg stared at Abel seriously, looking at himself, the big financier and the core figure of a powerful consortium.

For example, first reduce the government's expenses. This will help you gain a good reputation among ordinary people.

Bloomberg nodded. His own think tank had also provided similar advice for the approach Abel mentioned.

As the largest city in the United States, New York has a developed economy and a large population. Most importantly, it is extremely wealthy.

New York City’s various municipal expenditures are a staggering amount.

Just one city, New York spends more on municipal government every year than many small states in the United States.

States like North Carolina, Kentucky, and Alabama, in many cases, in many places, as a state, they cannot compare to New York as a city.

It's very difficult, and there will be a lot of opposition, Bloomberg said.

New York City is spending a lot of money. It’s not that the previous mayors didn’t know about this problem, and it’s not that no one wants to change it.

But this kind of thing is just like the redundant officials and soldiers in the last years of the ancient Chinese dynasties.

An interest group has been formed within it, and it is a place where many people draw their blood.

If you want to reform, you must first deal with these people.

It's not about cutting across the board, you can target certain areas. For example... you can first order the cancellation of most of New York's city-owned vehicles and reduce spending in this area.

Abel said softly.

Bloomberg was stunned, then smiled and said: A very good idea!

Also, it doesn't mean that you are actually going to cut expenses and offend people. What you have to do is let the people or voters know that you are doing this.

Abel said softly:

For example, as the mayor of the largest city in the United States, you own countless luxury cars and sports cars. But you yourself take the subway to and from get off work every day. I believe that after knowing this, everyone will like you.

Bloomberg frowned.

Commute to get off work every day by subway?

The bird-like appearance of the New York subway is famous all over the world.

More than 30% of New York's crime incidents occur in the subway system, which is about to turn 100 years old.

Let him, a billionaire, commute to get off work in such a super dangerous thing?

Do you need to bring dozens or hundreds of bodyguards with you every day?

Seeing Bloomberg's hesitation, Abel laughed.

As far as I know, the New York subway has a shuttle bus called the security train, which does not have passengers on it. It patrols the underground of New York every day to check the safety of the subway system.

As the mayor, I sit on the security train and check the subway safety for every New Yorker every day, so that I can pass through and go to work.

If I were a New York citizen, I would be very touched after knowing this.

Bloomberg suddenly became enlightened and laughed:

Oh, indeed. This is my obligation as mayor. I will ensure the safety of every New Yorker.

Bloomberg got it.

He understood that Abel didn't really want him to do anything that would benefit the people of New York.

All he has to do is make New Yorkers think that he is benefiting New Yorkers and citizens by doing this.

Just do this.

That's roughly it. Other aspects, such as environmental management, promoting healthy eating among citizens, charity and donation activities, etc., not to mention these conventional ones.

Bloomberg nodded, but after listening for so long, he never heard what he really wanted to hear.

He came over to ask Abel this question. Did he really want Abel to tell him how to govern the city?

Not really.

What he really wants to know is what kind of benefit exchange Abel needs.

Let's put it this way, by asking this question, Bloomberg actually wants to know what Abel wants to get.

This is Bloomberg's response to Abel's efforts in pushing himself to the position of mayor of New York City.

Just like after George moved into the white house, it only took him two months.

Just like appointing 38 powerful people who helped him during the election campaign as US envoys to 38 countries.

Clearly marked prices and exchange of benefits are one of the basic principles of American politics.

If you can't do that, then you are a bad businessman and will make everyone stay away from you.

Besides these. My friend, do you have any other ideas, or...

Bloomberg's voice trailed off: Request.

This means not talking about other things, no longer being tactful and hypocritical, and directly asking Abel what he wants.

Abel was silent.

For a moment, the only sound left in the entire office was the sound of two people breathing.

For dozens of seconds, the two of them didn't speak, just looked at each other.

Until Bloomberg, he almost felt a little uncomfortable.

I don't like Roland at the Transportation Authority. His family has been sitting here for decades.

I have a new energy company in California. No later than next year or the next year at the earliest, it will launch a zero-pollution new energy and environment-friendly car. It is a unique product in the world.

At the end of this year, Miss Laura Bush will become the CEO of a new company called Healthy Eating.

Also, let me tell you something good. I plan to establish the Smith Charitable Foundation next month.

Do you understand what I'm saying? Dear Michael.


Bloomberg patted his thigh, finally showing a relaxed expression on his face.

My man, you should have said these things!


Abel shook his head helplessly, Then you should ask me what I want as soon as you come up. Instead of asking me how I should govern New York.

Well, my fault. I wasn't honest enough. I admit my mistake. Bloomberg said with a smile.

The originally sluggish atmosphere became gentle under the smiles of the two people.

Bloomberg didn’t stay at Smith Tower long.

After determining the partner's requirements.

The mayor of New York left quickly.

Send him out of his office, sit back in his boss chair, and continue working.

until noon.

In Abel's office, the palace-style arch-style curtains hang low on both sides, making it impossible to see the inside of the house from the outside in front of the special bulletproof floor-to-ceiling windows.

After lunch, Abel admired the bustling streets of Manhattan in spring.

In the bathroom behind him, there was the sound of violent coughing and retching, followed by the sound of water running. are such a bastard!

Amanda walked out of the bathroom, wearing a light blue Chanel and Hermès OL suit. Her fair and pretty face was still flushed.

After washing, her beautiful face was covered with water drops.

In the bathroom just now, she not only washed off the makeup on her face, but also the tears in the corners of her eyes and the things Abel gave her were gone.


Abel looked back at Amanda, who had charming eyes, and said haha:

You asked for this. Would you like to try office XX? This is not what you, an intern in the content department of a subsidiary company, should say to the chairman of the headquarters!

Just now, Amanda, as an intern in the content department of Smith Media, was ordered by Michael Levin, the president of the media group, to bring some materials to the chairman of the headquarters for review.

Abel was a little surprised by her arrival, but he could accept it.

He knows Michael Levine and should know Amanda's identity.

Abel didn't say much, and asked Amanda to bring the information, open it and read it.

Before reading two pages, I heard Amanda, who was wearing a beautiful OL suit, say those words.

Abel naturally took action without hesitation.

Hmph - I said that, but you can't do that.

Amanda said angrily in a low voice:

This is an unethical workplace rule and is harassment!

Abel found it interesting to see her pretending to be angry.

This girl, like Liv, is also a trickster.

Abel was vicious, stretched out his hand to pinch Amanda's chin, lifted her up, looked into each other's eyes, and said:

Then I tell you as the chairman of the group company, this is the unspoken rule of Smith Group. Also, your chairman will also tell you that starting from today, one of your work tasks is to come up and give it to him at noon every day. Take a shower and remember to practice well. Just like at home, your teeth hurt me a little.

Amanda pouted.

You guys really have the ability to conquer the world! Are you particularly excited when you see me making a fool of myself? Don't lie to me, I saw that look and expression in your eyes.

Her beautiful green eyes squinted: I think Laura Bush often kneels in front of you and does this, right? Oh, and there are those Ikana, Paris and the like.

Abel: ()

It was said that it was the center of things.

Let me ask you, what man doesn't want to see a noble lady from an upper-class society kneeling in front of him, doing that kind of thing in a gesture of extreme surrender?

Seeing him like this, Amanda pouted again, Lidya is indeed right. Looking at your expression, I was right.

Hearing what Amanda said, Abel's eyes showed surprise and he asked curiously:

Lidya is right. Did you tell her such a thing? What else did she say?

Giggle...yes, I have told her a lot about our affairs. Lidya is now my adviser in this regard!

Abel was silent for a moment, if Amanda hadn't said it herself.

He didn't even know that Lydia, who seemed introverted and easily shy, could advise Amanda on such a matter...

Also, can you say this to your sisters?

Well, Abel suddenly discovered that this kind of thing is normal among American women.

Amanda's revelations continue.

Lydia also told me that the way you looked at her was like the way a woman looks when she sees jewelry.

Abel was surprised: What kind of look?

Flickering, greedy and possessive.

Amanda held Abel's waist and walked around to Abel, with a playful smile on her face, and reached out to touch Abel's handsome face.

Lidya is very smart, but I'm just a man. It's very normal to admire a woman's gaze.

And... After finishing speaking, Abel paused and then said again:

Many times I feel that two is better than one, what do you think?

Amanda was stunned and had not yet reacted.

I heard him say greedily: Ikana, there is Paris. The relationship between Anne Hathaway and Jessica Alba is getting better and better. Not to mention those Hollywood girls, and Isa's company Those angel babies. Do you know what I mean, my dear Amanda?

Of course Amanda understood, and her anger surged as she saw him taking it for granted.

Gritting her teeth, Miss Hester said: You are so shameless!!

Sometimes, shamelessness can be regarded as one of my mottos. Regarding my words, I think Mr. William Randolph Hearst must have agreed very much.

Amanda was speechless.

Because the last sentence of Abel was actually the motto and code of conduct of her great-grandfather, or to be precise, her great-grandfather, the founder of the Hearst family, William Randolph Hearst.

Never mind how tall and traditional the current Hearst family packages itself.

But in that Gilded Age, journalist William Randolph Hearst was known as the golden writer. He was famous throughout the United States for his shamelessness.

The shocking headlines of China UC in later generations were masterfully used by William Randolph Hearst more than 100 years ago.

Amanda’s great-grandfather was the founder of headline-grabbing and pornographic news that shocked the world’s press...

There is a term in the modern newspaper industry called yellow journalism, which refers specifically to the sensational reporting of news. The content of these reports is mostly sensational, focusing on crime news and social scandals.

Porn, violence, conflict, etc. are common topics.

William Randolph Hearst, a newspaper magnate in the early 20th century, is regarded as one of the founders and master of yellow journalism.

In the beginning, the Hearst family got its start in the tabloid world through the shamelessness of William Randolph Hearst.

Faced with William Randolph Hearst's attack, even Joseph Pulitzer, the founder of the highest prize in journalism, was helpless.

Amanda, this ancestor, also served as a member of the U.S. Congress and even influenced the course of world history.

At the end of the 19th century, Hearst used his newspapers to vigorously encourage the United States to go to war with Spain.

During the Spanish-American War, he personally led a team to the battlefield for interviews and showed great enthusiasm.

Historians believe that Hearst contributed indispensably to the outbreak of the Spanish-American War.

The crazy factor in the Hearst family's genes comes from this.

At this time, Abel took out William Randolph Hearst's motto and blocked Amanda's mouth.

Even if one of them is talking about shamelessness in men and women, the other is talking about shamelessness in behavior.

Amanda was still speechless.

Go to work, Miss Hurst. Don't forget who you are.

Seeing her like this, Abel asked her to calm down. He would not spoil her, You are an intern now. Miss intern, please don't forget your job.

Yes, he ate her.

But Abel would not let Amanda indulge freely.

Rather, because of his personality and family genes.

He would only tighten his supervision over her.

It's a bundle, not a typo, a bundle of restraints.

If Amanda thought that with that kind of relationship, she could do that, then she was wrong.

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