America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 456 Undercurrent and Herbert’s Education

year 2002,

April 7th.

399 Park Avenue, New York, USA.

This is the headquarters of the first Citibank in the United States.

Since 1998, it merged with Travelers Group to form Citigroup.

First Citibank has become the world's largest comprehensive financial services company and one of the top ten financial groups in the United States.

Jimmy, one of the presidents of Citibank Group and head of the market trading department, is one of the giants on Wall Street. He is now like many other big players in the international financial world.

Pay close attention to the eye-catching trends in the US dollar/yen market in the international market.

As the currencies of the two countries with the most powerful economies in the world.

This currency pair has always been the currency pair that has the most people hedging, speculating, and betting on in the foreign exchange market.

On weekdays, it gathers hundreds of billions of dollars in bets almost every moment.

Now, the water volume in this capital pool has exceeded trillions of dollars.

The big players, institutions, and retail investors who are paying attention to this market all already know the reason why so much money is gathered here.

It is the new investment god Abel Smith, and the New Texas Consortium led by him.

In the fight against the huge old financial hegemony composed of the East Coast consortium of the United States headed by Morgan and Rockefeller.

This news spread everywhere through certain channels a few days ago.

However, the strange thing is that there is no report on this in any major mainstream news in the world, or financial news in major countries.

This is a very strange thing.

After all, even some small players and retail investors in China who engage in foreign exchange trading.

At this moment, they didn't know through which secret channels they heard about this important market situation.

This important market intelligence has made them extremely excited. They have been exclaiming in various forums, post bars and other places in their country that it is really a life worth seeing the financial war between the two major conglomerates in the United States.

Many people are placing bets, spending their life savings, and even entering the market when selling cars or houses.

These leeks made similar decisions to most of the leeks in the world.

Even small retail investors in the industry can receive information.

However, there is not even a single piece of news reported by experts in global public opinion and public media.

If this is not weird, then there will be nothing weird in the financial market.

Jimmy from Citibank thinks this is understandable.

He felt that this strange situation occurred because the US authorities came forward.

The U.S. authorities don’t like the outside world, or in other words, they don’t want global public opinion to know that the two most powerful forces in the United States are engaged in internal fighting.

This is not in the overall national interest of the United States.

So even if the consortium in the United States fights life and death, even the industry knows about it.

But in terms of public opinion and news reports that face the vast majority of people.

Not even a single report on this matter was allowed to appear.

And it was taken due to the strong power of the US authorities.

It does not allow news to appear publicly, and certainly not before mainstream global opinion.

At this moment, Citibank headquarters.

Jimmy looked at the USD/JPY plate and saw that more than 20 million positions had been gathered.

This amount of funds is too exaggerated.

Even the well-informed CEO of Citigroup is a little surprised.

This is the level of a world war!

Jimmy couldn't help but sigh, then turned to the assistant next to him and said:

Go long, Neon, Morgan, and Rockefeller have united. Even Smith can't hold it back. If we bet more now, we can cut more of Smith's flesh later! Add another hundred thousand hands!

The assistant nodded quickly, turned around and ordered Citibank's traders to add another 100,000 lots to Citibank's 450,000 long position, going long USD/JPY.

The first Citigroup position was completed, or in other words, they chose to go off the field and beat the lost dog together.

During this period, too many people have paid attention to this matter.

And since the day before yesterday, Neonman officially cooperated with Morgan and Rockefeller.

Those who were watching the battle and wavering in their positions also made their choices.

For example, Slade Wilson of the California consortium made the choice to temporarily stand aside and watch.

And now Jimmy of Citibank has made the choice to hammer Smith together at the end of the game, and follow Rockefeller and Morgan to cut the flesh of the Texans!

In fact, it was not just Jimmy from Citibank who made this choice.

Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Lehman Brothers, UBS, Deutsche Bank, and even Credit Bank of Moscow... there are too many financial players who have chosen the same approach as Jimmy.

This is mainly because most Wall Street elites now know about the contradiction between Abel and Rockefeller and others.

The conversation took place in the Morgenthau Manor between Abel, Rockefeller, and Morgen.

It has long been spread throughout the upper echelons of the United States through inexplicable channels.

After the upper-class elites of the United States, including some Texans, confirmed the authenticity of this intelligence.

Almost all Americans are sighing and surprised by Abel Smith's boldness.

Surprised that he dared to challenge Rockefeller and the others and seek an important seat on the Federal Advisory Committee.

You know, in the eyes of many Americans.

The seats on this committee are often the real masters behind the scenes in the United States.

So when most of the American elites knew this news.

Everyone, including Texans, almost unanimously believed that Morgan and Rockefeller would not tolerate the Texans' demands to expand the status of the commission.

I didn’t look at Californians. I’ve been wanting to do this kind of thing for decades.

Hasn't it been done yet?

Things that even the more powerful Californians couldn't do.

A newly minted Texan wants to do just that.

It would be big news if Morgan and Rockefeller agreed.

So since that time, everyone has felt that Smith, who has been unfailingly successful in the United States for the past two years, will definitely suffer a big loss this time.

Morgan and Rockefeller would definitely kill a chicken to scare other people, so as to warn others not to think nonsense.

Sure enough, Smith's big loss is now right in front of him.

Just above the USD/JPY exchange rate event!

Many players on Wall Street and internationally dared to stand up and face Abel Smith this time.

At least half of the reason lies here.

It was because of the conflict between Abel, Rockefeller and Morgan!

Therefore, since April 5, Neon, Rockefeller, and Morgan began to unite.

The USD/JPY situation has begun to turn sharply downward from its previous swinging equilibrium state.

The bullish forces are extremely arrogant.

The bears were so beaten down that they looked like they were just gasping for air.

This is what happened to the currency pair USD/JPY.

It even led to an unpleasant gathering within the New Texas Consortium.

One group was led by Davis Brown, and another group was led by Martin Elkins.

There was a violent conflict between the two parties at the party.

The latter accused Davis at the party, believing that Davis had led the Texas consortium into this unfavorable situation.

Of course Davis did not admit it.

They believed that Martin and others also voted in favor of the merger with Smith.

Without the approval of families like the Elkins, this would not be the case today.

Anyway, the two sides had a heated argument, and it was said that they even started fighting in Austin's Bush Manor.

Therefore, Texans are full of martial virtue.

Even the core bosses of the consortium can act like rednecks if they disagree.

The commotion within the Texans quickly spread.

A large number of financial players who paid attention to this incident all received the news quickly because they were paying close attention to the Texans.

As the center of this financial crisis, Abel certainly received these messages.

Are they really fighting? I remember Davis, this old guy, almost 80, right? Martin Elkins seems to be only in his sixties, he can't beat Davis? That's really bad.

Siloso Beach, Singapore.

Since arriving in this small Southeast Asian country, Abel has hardly moved anywhere.

When Herbert, who was far away in Austin, called him.

Abel was holding a satellite phone and lying lazily under the coconut trees on the beautiful beach.

Martin's health is not very good. He just had an operation a while ago. Davis hunts at least two or three times a month, and his health is much better. Of course Martin can't beat him...

The voice of former U.S. Commander Herbert came from the satellite phone's microphone.

This gentleman didn't seem to be nervous about the fact that Abel was now being targeted by Rockefeller and Morgan, and was being killed to scare the monkeys.

His voice was as calm and gentle as ever, and his tone towards Abel remained unchanged.

It was like having an intimate conversation with a close nephew.


Abel asked with a smile: Honestly, are you nervous about me? You know that your most promising grandson-in-law seems to be in bad luck now. The Shrub family's investment this time may also be in vain. .

Hearing what Abel said, Herbert was silent for more than ten seconds.

Then the former commander-in-chief said: You guy... I don't know whether I should tell you the truth or say something hypocritical. In some ways, you are too much like Alex. Okay, then I will tell you the truth. Bar.


Of course there is tension. But definitely not too nervous. The reason is very simple, because you know, I am more than just little Laura. I have many granddaughters...

Herbert said softly: That's all I said. I believe you, a smart little guy, have understood it.

Of course Abel understood.

It was Abel's turn to be silent for a moment.

Okay. Then Abel said softly:

I won't say more. I just want to tell you, Herbert. My little Laura will definitely be the woman with the highest external status in the Bush family.

Before Hebert could say anything else, Abel said softly:

I'm still a little busy here, so I'll hang up first.

Yes. Herbert only had time to respond before Abel hung up the phone.

Austin, Bush Manor.

Herbert handed the satellite phone to his eldest grandson, George Prescott.

In front of the old man stood his second son, Florida Governor Jeb, who was home for a vacation.

There is also Marvin Pierce, chairman of the Bush Oil Company, Herbert's fourth son, and the youngest of the Bush brothers.

As well as other members of the younger generation of the Bush family except Laura Bush.

The leader is little Laura's eldest cousin, Jeb's son George Prescott.

Glancing at his eldest grandson who was holding a satellite phone, Herbert looked around at his grandsons and granddaughters.

Then the old patriarch of the Shrub family smiled and said gently:

Can anyone tell me what we should do now, what should the bush do now?

Holding the satellite phone in his hand, George Prescott, the son of Jeb Shrub, who had just listened to the whole conversation between his grandfather and the young man who actually made him jealous but did not dare to show it at all. He opened his mouth and wanted to speak.

But in the end, he forcibly controlled his desire to speak.

George Prescott remembers his father teaching him.

As an official guest, no matter when and where, even when you are living on Simmons with your wife, you must be careful in your words and deeds.

Caution and caution are the basic qualities of an excellent guest at all times.

George Prescott said nothing.

Of course, no one among the other fifth-generation members of the Bush family who had not even entered society yet dared to speak.

Herbert waited for dozens of seconds and saw that none of the grandchildren spoke.

The old man looked disappointed and shook his head.

Seeing my grandfather like this.

Noella, Jeb's daughter and cousin of little Laura, couldn't help but look at her brother, George Prescott.

He dared not say anything to George Prescott.

The other cousins ​​were all silent.

In this situation, Noela was actually afraid.

But she thought of little Laura's proud look over the past year or so.

Noela couldn’t help gritting her teeth and said:

I think we should make some preparations in advance.

Oh? Herbert looked at his second son's daughter noncommittally, Noella, tell me, what kind of preparations should we make in advance?

I saw my grandfather listening to what he said.

Noela was a little excited. She rarely received so many people's attention at home.

It was rare for my grandfather to look at me like this.

This prevented her from noticing that her father's eyebrows wrinkled slightly after she spoke.

Obviously, everyone is now saying that Morgan and Rockefeller are going to target Smith. Even Grandpa Elkins and the others are very dissatisfied with Abel Smith.

Abel Smith's smooth sailing is over. In order to avoid being implicated by him, we'd better make some preparations in advance.

As for how to prepare in advance.

Let Noella say it, she couldn’t tell it herself.

Being able to say these words in front of my father and grandfather.

After racking her brains, Noela came up with the content that she felt was the most stable.

In fact, Noela didn't have any information on what kind of advance preparation should be made.

However, Herbert nodded, and then looked at the other grandchildren.

This time Herbert asked:

Noella has expressed her opinion, which is very good. The Shrub family is where it is today thanks to the joint efforts of family members.

Now I hope that besides Noella, you can also tell me what you think. Well, Jenna. You are the person closest to Abel besides little Laura. What do you think?

Herbert's roll call drew everyone's attention to Jenna Shrub.

As the twin daughters of the commander-in-chief of the United States, Jenna and Barbara were Abel's playmates when they were young.

Being looked at like this by everyone, especially the elders, made Jenna feel extremely stressed.

I... She really didn't want to speak, but knew it was impossible not to speak, so Jenna carefully said softly:

I think we should consider the thoughts of Third Uncle and Little Laura. Especially Little Laura, her opinion is the most important...

I don't think so. Noela said:

This is about family marriage and the future of the family. I feel that including me and little Laura, Jenna and Barbara, our opinions are not important. What is important is what your grandfather, uncle, and father think. !”

After he finished speaking, his grandfather still had a smile on his face.

Noela cheered up and wanted to keep up her efforts.

She felt that she would be able to shine in the family today.

My grandfather must have taken a liking to me now, instead of doting on little Laura!

She still wanted to speak, but before the sound came out, she was interrupted by her father Jeb.

Noella, you have said enough. Jenna has said it too. George, you are the elder brother. Tell me what you think.

Jeb directly transferred everyone's attention to George Prescott, the eldest brother of the fifth generation Bush.

Within the family, George Prescott is now known as George Jr.

And Big George is naturally his uncle, the bush who lives in the white house.

At this time, little George actually didn't want to speak.

Because he had been observing for a long time, but still could not see what his grandfather and father were thinking.

But now they are all named by their father.

Even if he didn’t want to speak, George Prescott had no choice but to bite the bullet and whisper:

I don't think our opinions matter. What matters is what Grandpa, Uncle, and Dad, Uncle Neal, and Uncle Marvin think.

Jeb was a little disappointed with his son's completely devoid of nutrition, which could be said to be extremely cautious.

The governor of Florida looked at his father, Herbert, and saw Herbert sigh.


The bush patriarch said softly:

When I was your age, Prescott, I had already finished World War II. At that time, I was on the sea and in the wilderness of Texas, following the exploration team looking for oil day and night.

Those days were so hard. At the worst time, there were more than thirty people in our exploration team, but we only had 6 bottles of water left. I drank my own urine twice later because I was really thirsty at sea. There’s no fresh water.”

Do you know what urine smells like? I know it's bitter, salty, and has a strong smell of horse fleas... That's the second memory I don't want to recall.

Many people in the family know the memory that Herbert No. 1 doesn't want to recall.

Those are all the psychological shadow of the bush patriarch.

For this reason, no one in the entire bush family dares to eat sashimi food...


Herbert looked at his eldest grandson. Although his expression was gentle, what he said made little George's heart sink:

Resign as Youth Representative Chairman. I will call Abel and ask him to find you a job with the exploration team in his energy company.

What do you think? Jeb.

Herbert looked at his second son.

Jeb smiled bitterly, and then became gentle again:

I think your suggestion, father, is very good, and I believe Prescott will be very happy with it.

George Prescott said to himself, I'm not happy about it at all.

The National Youth Representative Chairman of the National Elephant Party does not work well, but works for Abel. It seems that he will go to the wild to endure hardships.

Little George, who had been pampered since childhood, didn't want to experience that kind of life at all.

But this was the decision of both my grandfather and my father.

George Prescott dared not resist at all.

The eldest grandson of the Shrub family could only smile and respond to his grandfather and father:

Grandpa, please believe me, I will not let you down! Because I also want to get out of the greenhouse. I believe that will make me stronger.

Noela next to her was a little confused as she watched the conversation between her brother and the elders.

It's obviously not a good thing, but is Smith going to be unlucky when talking about it?

Will little Laura, who is engaged to Smith, also suffer the same misfortune?

Why did he suddenly let his brother resign from such an important position?

She really couldn't understand.

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