America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 462: Magical places and strange people

The history of human development is also the history of wealth accumulation.

Human beings continue to create wealth, and wealth also drives human progress.

However, in the tunnel of time, there is also some wealth that stays in place for various reasons.

They are either buried deep underground, deliberately hidden, or secretly collected, becoming mysterious treasures.

Discovering a treasure by accident is probably the dream of all humans.

Hunting for treasure has always been something that can excite anyone.

The Boeing 747 wide-body passenger plane named Smith finally arrived at its destination after several hours of flight.

The plane landed slowly at Indira Gandhi International Airport.

The Indira Gandhi International Airport in Sange mainly serves its capital New Delhi.

It is also one of the country's major airports and the second busiest in South Asia.

Outside the airport, people from Rock Security and the Smith Family Office had been here a few days in advance.

They had already purchased or rented the vehicles that Abel might need when he came here.

Every time Abel traveled, he went to a place he had never been before.

The staff of Rock Security and the people from the Smith Family Office will go there a few days in advance to arrange everything.

Even sometimes, Abel goes to a place on a whim and no one makes preparations first.

Most of the time it doesn't really matter.

As long as the place Abel wants to go to is not Shankara, but a relatively famous city in the world.

The preparation is also easy to do.

Don't forget, he is now the chairman of American Express.

American Express has merged into Smith Financial Group.

After hundreds of years of operation, American Express's high-end brand travel services have already spread to major cities in various countries around the world.

The prestigious American Express Black Card, the reason why it is so famous, is due to the hard work of American Express in this area.

Ordinary rich people can get high-quality services provided by American Express as long as they are willing to spend money.

Abel is the owner of American Express, and he is also willing to spend money.

The service he can get is naturally the highest level of service that American Express can provide.

Outside the airport's senior VIP guest channel.

A fleet of 19 cars has been waiting for a long time.

To be honest, Abel didn't want to come to India.

In his mind, this ghost place has always been associated with being dirty, messy, and poor.

The security and sanitation conditions are prohibitive.

If it weren't for the temple and the treasures inside, he would never have come.

Because although there is a huge population and a huge market here.

But because Sange has a very different business environment from mainstream countries in the world, this place is a foreign business desert...

Seriously, other than finance. Abel had no interest in any business in this country.

Such a business does not want to build a good business environment and serve businessmen well, so as to expand investment attraction, thereby bringing employment opportunities to Chinese people and promoting national economic development.

It is a country where foreign businessmen will be fined as long as they establish themselves here.

If any foreign businessman entered, he would have to consider the possibility of entering without returning.

Even American giants like Coca-Cola, Microsoft, and General Motors can be fined here to the point of doubting their lives.

I don’t know that those construction companies in China in later generations, with these examples before them, actually dare to help the third brother build things...

After the construction is completed, of course, all the money will be lost, and the remaining payment will not even be collected.

Just because I was suspicious of the security issues here, I visited India when traveling.

Abel chose to bring more security personnel, as well as logistics personnel.

It is precisely because of this that his fleet this time will reach an exaggerated number of 19 cars.

Including the Cadillac monster in the Boeing 747 hangar, he prepared a fleet of 20 vehicles in total.

Abel and little Laura woke up and got into his Cadillac Monster.

The bodyguards who came with the plane got into other cars behind.

The convoy started slowly and left the Indira Gandhi International Airport.

Although this airport is very close to Delhi, it mainly serves the capital New Delhi and is located 23 kilometers south of New Delhi.

The road conditions in other places in Sange are basically very bad.

Fortunately, this section of the road leading to New Delhi somewhat symbolizes the face of their country. So the trim is pretty good.

While looking at the scenery outside the window, Abel and little Laura chatted some gossip.

The car soon entered New Delhi city.

New Delhi is a typical radial city. The city is centered on Murath Square, and the city streets extend in radiating and spider-like shapes in all directions.

The magnificent building complex is mostly concentrated near the south of the city center.

The Yamuna River, a tributary of the Ganges, flows slowly from the east of the city, and on the other side of the river is the vast Ganges plain.

The convoy arrived at a wealthy area in New Delhi called Berala District.

This place is located in west New Delhi and is considered one of the most expensive residential areas in India.

There are many luxury villas and high-end apartments.

Land prices and housing prices in this area are relatively high, and most of the residents are high-end individuals such as wealthy Indians and foreign embassies.

After passing several independent villas, the convoy turned into a green forest.

Passing by several fenced-in houses, we stopped in front of a mansion consisting of a townhouse and a detached house.

The door was quickly opened and cars filed in.

The mansion is surrounded by dense woods, with a mountain not far behind and a private courtyard in front of the independent house.

This mansion occupies a large area with lush lawns and vegetation.

The attached villa has a white exterior wall and a total of eight bedrooms and 11 bathrooms.

The rich man of the third brother is very Westernized and highly admires European and American culture.

The party culture that is particularly popular in the United States and Europe is also very popular among the Indian elite.

Therefore, when designing and constructing the houses of the wealthy here, many of the design styles of bathrooms in the United States were referenced.

As a result, the luxury houses here usually have many bathrooms.

Arrived at destination.

Abel breathed a sigh of relief. Because I came all the way, even though New Delhi is the capital of the third brother.

But now in 2002, the dirt, mess, and badness along the way can really be seen with the naked eye.

Even little Laura frowned.

Don't go out casually. Stay for two days at most and then leave. Abel had to say to little Laura.

Little Laura nodded, and she went to decorate the room.

Abel stayed in the living room, watching Edward and David come over to report.

David first said:

The preparations for Plan B have gone very smoothly. American Express has a very good foundation here. Through cooperation with a number of local tourism companies, a joint venture has been established.

This joint venture will focus on the temple tourism culture with Indian characteristics. In order to cover up, it has already negotiated with many neglected abandoned temple managers in India, Padmanaba Swami The temple was on the list.”

A joint venture company was established to invest and take over the Padmanabha Swamy Temple in the name of investing in tourist attractions.

This is Plan B prepared by Abel.

In order to prevent this plan from arousing the suspicion of the three brothers.

Of course, this travel company cannot go straight to the Padmanabhaswamy Temple as soon as it comes up.

Covering up is necessary.

Therefore, we selected a number of temples similar to Padmanabhaswamy Temple, which are relatively remote and abandoned, but have some historical value for cooperation.

There are really not many temples with similar positioning in India.

It's easy to breed devout believers in this damn place. The material output is extremely rich, and the previous rulers especially liked to build temples.

First, the rulers themselves were religious. Secondly, here, the temple can indeed appease the people and increase the happiness of believers.

If you don't have a good life in this life, just practice and hope to have a better life in the next life.

As time goes by, all over India, there are various large-scale temples everywhere.

These temples have accumulated huge amounts of wealth in the past.

It's just that most of the temple wealth was stolen by the British during the 190 years of colonial rule of the Great Yin Empire.

Only a few slip through the net, such as the Padmanabhaswamy Temple.

You will come forward tomorrow to sign contracts with those Indian travel companies.

After the contract was signed, the joint venture company was formally established. We are mainly responsible for funding, repairing and maintaining those temples. Subsequent management work, as well as local public relations work, will be handed over to our local partners.

This is why Abel came here in person.

With the world's richest man coming forward, the local travel companies will be more willing to contribute.

And this cooperation model is clearly a trap for the Indians.

They spend money and effort to maintain it, but then leave it to local people to manage it.

Isn't this telling Brother Three that the enemy is here, so he should greet him quickly?

But who is the one being taken advantage of? Who can tell this kind of thing clearly?

There is no doubt that as long as this cooperation model is achieved.

Then Padmanabhaswamy Temple will become the first place to receive repairs and maintenance.

After this place is renovated and maintained, it is unknown whether the cooperation between the two parties can continue.

Abel nodded, indicating that he understood, and then looked at Edward next to David.

Edward immediately said softly:

Preparations have been made. As long as we can enter the temple openly, we can start our work.

Abel smiled and nodded again, Then go. I hope that the rich country of Bharat will not disappoint my expectations.

Abel arrived in New Delhi in the morning.

After two hours of rest, although he had a bad impression of this place.

But he still took little Laura with him, planning to go out and experience the exotic scenery.

Worried about public security issues, he and little Laura naturally went out with strength in numbers.

A convoy of numerous vehicles slowly drove out of the clean and beautiful Berala district.

As soon as you leave this wealthy area of ​​New Delhi, you enter the real India.

Looking at the scenery outside the car window, Abel felt that India was definitely a good place physically.

In most areas here, rain and heat basically occur in the same season.

what does that mean?

This means that this place has unique advantages in agriculture, which is the most basic need of feeding humans.

In this place, the land is really fertile, and the weather and rain are very suitable for agricultural development.

This is why the population here could be so large before industrialization came.

But this place is also very evil.

Basically, no matter which ethnic group enters this area, it seems that they will eventually develop a lazy ethnic character.

There is no way, in this place, unless there is a rare cold wave.

Otherwise, no matter how cold you are, you won’t be able to freeze to death.

And the land is so fertile that if you just throw some seeds in, you can have enough to eat.

And because the weather is hot, humans consume less calories and are less likely to go hungry.

Putting all the conditions together, this place has better weather and land than the primitive races in the rain forest.

Many Chinese people once imagined that this land could be obtained by ancient China.

It will definitely develop into something like this.

Regarding this, Abel doesn't think so.

There are many ethnic groups entering this area, most of them are fierce at first, and there are also some hard-working ethnic groups.

But no matter which ethnic group, as long as you enter this place.

Hundreds of years later, as time passes.

Almost every ethnic group that enters will eventually change its character.

In the end, they all became Third Brother.

This is true for the local native ethnic groups, and the ethnic groups that entered later.

Basically everyone is like this.

The local native ethnic groups are like this, and it can be said that this is their national character.

But this is true for everyone who comes in, so you really can’t blame these ethnic groups.

It would be true that in ancient times, this place was taken over by China.

Over time, the Chinese people living here will most likely be assimilated.

Become the third brother of Huazhong...

It can only be said that this place is too good, too suitable for human survival, and too easy to raise useless people.

In the end, all the ethnic groups that entered and developed here became like this bird.

So from a regional perspective, this place is really good.

Therefore, even with the special ethnic character of Third Brother, even in later generations, compared with most other regions in the world.

The development here is really good.

Abel felt that if it were this place, after the advent of modern industry.

If a real strong man can be born from the sky and can complete a series of reforms.

Honestly, there's so much potential here.

Maybe even more exaggerated than China.

However, history has no ifs.

There are no real tough men here, only non-violent non-cooperation.

The so-called Holy Bear, who relies on his hunger strike, has become a local figure.

It seems natural that the entire ethnic group's character would be bent like that.

The soil and water support the people.

Not to mention the weird Indians.

If we only look at the tourist attractions of a country with ancient culture, New Delhi is still very good.

There is a guided tour arranged by Express Company, one at noon and one in the afternoon.

Abel and little Laura stayed in the safety of the motorcade.

Along the way, we visited the Red Fort, Qutb Minar, Jama Green Temple, Humayun’s Tomb, Baha’i Lotus Temple and other places in New Delhi.

In the evening, we planned to return to New Delhi city.

Passing through India Gate in Delhi, Abel and little Laura, like other tourists, chose to stop and enjoy the scenery.

There are two India Gates in India, the other one is located in Mumbai.

As a prominent landmark of Delhi, India Gate is located on the Rajpath, from which many important roads radiate outwards.

This place can be regarded as the most famous political landmark in modern India, and it is also equivalent to the monument of India.

Many foreign tourists who come here will basically come here.

The convoy stopped here, and the rock security staff made preparations.

Abel and little Laura got out of the car.

The location where the two of them were at this moment was not far or near from the Indian Gate.

You can not only enjoy this famous local attraction, but also ensure your own safety.

Abel didn't find anything interesting in all this.

He prefers natural beauty to these man-made structures.

He likes the sun and the beach, and the beautiful girls running on the beach.

The premises must all be natural, not man-made.

After all, beautiful women can often be artificially created.

To be honest, Abel has little interest in these Indian-style ancient or modern buildings.

But little Laura likes it very much. European and American girls like them all seem to be quite curious about India.

In their imagination, this seems to be a representative of the mysterious Eastern culture.

Like now, Abel was standing behind her.

Little Laura took a camera and took pictures everywhere in the area.

From time to time, David was asked to come over to help and take photos of her and Abel.

Just as the two were hugging each other, with India Dumen behind them, they asked David to help take pictures.

Edward, who was in charge of security today, walked over to the two of them.

BOSS, there is a local who wants to see you.

Edward said softly as soon as he came up.

Seeing that there was something serious, little Laura obediently took her camera and, surrounded by several female bodyguards, walked to the side to take pictures.

Locals looking for me? I don't know anyone here. Do you have a name? Who is it?

He said his name was Mukesh Ambani.

“Mukesh Ambani?”

Abel read the name and felt it sounded familiar.

David next to him softly explained his boss’s doubts:

Mukesh Ambani is the richest man in India. His Ambani family is known as the Rockefellers of India and is one of the most influential financial groups in India. His private The assets of the Reliance Group reached a peak of 4% of India’s GDP.”


Abel remembered.

Isn’t this the 27-story super mansion built in the Mumbai area?

This mansion has been ranked among the top ten luxury homes in the world countless times?

He wants to see himself?

After thinking about it, Abel did not refuse.

Invite him over.

A few minutes later, Mukesh Ambani, who looked white but had dark skin and was a typical South Asian, walked over with a smile on his face.

Oh, Mr. Smith, it's really you!! Hello, hello, I'm Mukesh Ambani, I'm so happy to meet you!!

In such a hot weather, in the evening, Mukesh Ambani was still wearing a suit and ties, and he looked very hot.

In contrast, Abel, who mainly wanted to travel, was dressed very casually at the moment.

With a smile, Abel reached out and gently shook hands with the richest man in India, who spoke very standard English.

Hello Mr. Ambani. Nice to meet you, I'm Abel Smith.

The English spoken by ordinary Indians often has a strong curry flavor.

Mukesh doesn't know how to do it, he has probably practiced it.

The two had never met before, but Mukesh was very familiar with them.

The local richest man was very enthusiastic as soon as he came up, and he invited Abel to chat with him in various ways.

Finally, his purpose was revealed. He wanted to invite Abel to a banquet held by the Ambani family.

Mr. Smith, this is a grand banquet prepared for you. Welcome the world's richest man to beautiful India.

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