America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 465 Smith’s Golden Age

No matter what, it will take two hours to wait for the two European goddesses to come thousands of miles away.

There was no way Abel could stay in the bathtub for two hours.

After he finished the phone call, he got up not long after.

In the bathroom, he got dressed under the service of two beautiful maids who were not much worse than Penélope Cruz and Sophie Marceau in terms of appearance.

Some novice friends will say that since these maids are not much worse than Sophie Marceau and others.

They can be selected, and in terms of appearance and figure quality, they can be better and better than female celebrities.

Even in terms of personality, personal abilities and hobbies, we can select and cultivate them.

Why would Abel prefer to choose women like Sophie Marceau who are more difficult and less easy to control?

In fact, Abel thought so at the beginning.

After he left Texas and went to New York, he soon became rich and free.

In the first few months, he had more fun than anyone else.

In just a few months, he has actually come into contact with all the beautiful women.

But to be honest, he got tired of it pretty quickly.

Basically all men are like this, no matter how beautiful they are, they are beautiful goddesses.

After a long time, you will get tired of it.

Later, he accidentally came into contact with Anne Hathaway in New York.

And later Jessica Alba.

Abel discovered that women with status, such as female celebrities.

Another example is ladies, or women he had feelings for in his past life.

They will make him less bored and give him a greater sense of accomplishment.

Even these women, in terms of appearance and figure, are often not as good as those unknown amateurs.

But at Abel's current stage, he no longer plays with the appearance and figure of a woman.

What he values ​​more is their identity and characteristics.

Female celebrities have a superior status in front of their fans.

Celebrities are unattainable in front of ordinary people.

These are their characteristics, and this is what attracts Abel to them now.

Of course, the prerequisite for attracting him is ultimately the appearance and figure.

If you don't look good or have a bad figure, no matter how special your status is, he won't be able to do anything about it.

To put it simply, the higher the status, the more special the woman, and at least the beautiful woman, has the ability to attract Abel.

If she was simply beautiful and in good shape, then to Abel now, she would be nothing more than a beautiful doll.

It's okay to try new flavors occasionally, but there's no need to collect them.

That's why he prefers female stars in Hollywood.

Because he likes to see them glamorous and flattering themselves.

The ensuing sense of conquest and achievement made him value it even more.

Because of this, Abel rarely eats grass on the edge of the nest.

Even if the maids, maids, and female secretaries who work around him are beautiful and charming, he rarely touches them.

A large part of it is because of this reason.

Gather yourself and walk out of the master bathroom.

In the master's living room, the housekeeper Joanna and two other beautiful maids were waiting quietly.

When Abel walked up to him, Joanna gave an elegant salute, a standard European classical aristocratic butler's ceremony.

She said: Mr. Smith, Mr. Walker and Mr. Abramovich have been waiting in the west living room for a long time.

One Kensington Palace Gardens is very large, with several drawing rooms alone.

The larger ones include the main hall, the east living room and the west living room.

The latter, that is, the west living room is adjacent to the courtyard of the manor, and has a better view.

When Abel receives guests here, he usually arranges them in the west living room.

Abel smiled and nodded: I'll go over and see them now. Is there anyone else besides these two?

There were two guests from Germany who also wanted to visit you. But because these two guests were reported to have some conflicts with you in the news, I did not let them in. If you want to see them, Master, half Within hours, I can have them appear in front of you.”

Joanna said clearly.

Abel raised his eyebrows.

Guest from Germany?

There is also conflict.

No need to think about it, Abel knew it, probably from BMW and Volkswagen Group.

It's most likely the two in front, who seem to be named Byrd and John.

Vickers Group and Rolls-Royce, since they have the support of Americans.

The British, in a profitable situation, decisively overturned their previous cooperation with the Germans.

Start cheating and resort to litigation.

The lawsuit was held in England, and the verdict was certainly not favorable to the Germans.

The Germans finally had no choice but to turn to Rolls-Royce's brother company, Rolls-Royce, which owns the dominant rights to the Rolls-Royce trademark.

Rolls-Royce has used too many BMW engine patents, and it also has German shares.

It naturally stood up for the Germans and threatened Rolls-Royce Motor Cars into submission.

Rolls-Royce and Vickers Group were stunned.

I found the initiator of all this, the Americans.

Americans have some advantages over the Germans, or any other non-Americans - shamelessness, and the advantage of being a gangster.

With the White House order, the markets of BMW and Volkswagen Group in the United States have been affected to a certain extent.

If it weren't for the fact that there are many allies of these two group companies in the United States, it would probably be difficult for them to be kind this time.

But now the investigation into them in the United States is still going through the procedures.

It seems tough, but not as tough as Americans. These Germans are starting to be soft again.

I don't see them, at least not now. Madam, you did a good job.

Abel said with a smile.

Joanna smiled and saluted, responding to Abel's compliment.

after a little while.

Abel walked into the warm and bright west living room.

Furry bear oligarch Roman Abramovich,

and David Delany Walker, the U.S. ambassador to Britain.

The two stood up in the living room and smiled at Abel.

Good evening, Roman, and David.

Abel smiled and greeted them, and the two of them immediately responded to Abel.

After the pleasantries were exchanged, David Delany Walker began to talk about the main topic.

Oh, Abel, you are truly the most promise-keeping person I have ever seen in the world. I don't know what to say anymore. I can only promise that whenever you need it in the future, I will do my best!!

David Delany Walker said very sincerely.

Let this distant relative of the Bush family look like this.

It was because of the American envoy to Britain, who had received the transfer order not long ago.

After some time, he will return to the United States and serve as acting director of the Office of the National Intelligence Agency.

The National Intelligence Agency, also known as DIA, is the most mysterious department among the U.S. intelligence agencies. Its specific personnel and budget are unknown to the outside world.

The former chief of staff took office last year following George. He suffered a serious illness a while ago and was paralyzed and unable to perform his duties.

As a distant relative of the Bush family, David Delany Walker worked hard.

Finally with someone's support, George nodded.

This fringe member of the Walker family became acting director.

Generally speaking, as long as the commander-in-chief is still in office, there will be no replacement.

Any senior U.S. executive position with the word agent in it will generally be converted into a real actual position.

The Grand Commander-in-Chief has greater flexibility in the appointment, transfer, salary, performance appraisal, and dismissal of senior civil servants who hold senior civil servant positions, and is not subject to the restrictions of general civil service laws.

Oh, I just said a few words. The most important thing is that David is qualified for this position. That's why George will let you take on this responsibility.

Abel said with a smile.

What he said is very good, and David Delany Walker certainly knows that the reality is not like this at all.

The United States has been a country since its birth. None of its positions of power are obtained by ability.

The most typical example is the group of elites who founded the United States.

Almost all of them came from slave-owning families, factory-owner families, or wealthy businessman families.

No one has really climbed up from the ordinary civilian class.

The tone of the founding of the country is just like this, so don't blame future generations for imitating it.

You must know that in the founding declaration of the United States, all people are created equal.

It definitely does not include Indians, blacks, Asians, or even lower-class whites.

The everyone of that era only refers to the elite.

From beginning to end, the United States has focused on elite governance.

And how to quickly measure elites?

Bloodline, connections.

Of course, there are still some lucky people and strong people who can break through this ceiling restriction and reach the position of everyone.

Before the Gilded Age, it was gold mining;

During the Gilded Age, we basically relied on oil and railroads;

After the Gilded Age, it became more diverse.

Now, Wall Street and the Internet are considered an outlet.

And David Delany Walker is undoubtedly among the everyone in this elite.

With his pedigree and connections, David can rise to the top, which is in line with American rules.


Is it important? Of course it matters sometimes.

But if you don’t want to climb to the top of the ceiling.

A lot of times, ability in America, that really doesn't matter at all.

A typical example is little Laura and her uncle.

To be honest, George's ability can only be the CEO of a small company at most.

David Delany Walker was actually showing his loyalty to Abel at this moment.

Because Walker knew that his position was obtained by Abel.

Even after George left the White House, he wanted to start over and start from scratch.

A big financial backer like Abel is also a person who can determine his future.

With this kind of relationship at this time, David Delany Walker naturally wanted to please Abel.

From Abel's perspective, it's actually time to need someone like David Delany Walker.

In the past, Abel used to spread money and become a cash cow for others to gain support and help from those people.

But Abel also knew that this kind of support and help was sometimes unstable.

So now, he began to cultivate such people himself.

He began to act as a financial sponsor for some people and directly supported some people.

This relationship is like the relationship between Peng Zhu and the Koch brothers in the future in parallel time and space.

It is similar to the relationship between guests and benefactors during the Warring States Period in ancient China.

When needed, even roosters, dogs, and thieves can provide great help to their benefactors.

David Delany Walker is the rooster-crowding-dog-robber whom Abel trained.

David Delany Walker expressed his loyalty.

Abel chatted with Abu again.

Since the last meeting in London, this guy has stated in the media many times that he has a good relationship with Abel.

In many ways, Abramovich was imitating Abel when he was in England.

For example, just at the end of last year, Abramovich purchased Chelsea Club at a sky-high price.

This incident was called the official arrival of the football gold dollar era by the British and European media.

Following behind was Abel.

Abel has a good impression of him, and this guy has a high emotional intelligence.

After going back and forth, he actually became one of Abel's friends in the UK.

Similar to the relationship between Abel and Prince Walid, the god of desert stocks.

Roman, your investment in Chelsea is more generous than my investment in Manchester United. Abel said with a smile.

Abel doesn’t remember how much money Abel spent on Chelsea in the parallel time and space.

But in this time and space, Abramovich spent 170 million pounds to buy Chelsea.

Regardless of how much money Abramovich spent, it was much less than Abel spent on Manchester United.

But compared to Abu, Abel didn’t spend much money.

Because the Manchester United Red Devils are indeed worth so much money, and they can even earn it back for Abel very quickly.

At this time, Chelsea is not worth so much money at all...

Before Abel acquired Manchester United, Chelsea's market value was less than 100 million pounds.

Not long after Abel acquired Manchester United, Abramovich's purchase price for Chelsea nearly doubled.

A pure fool.

What's more, on Abel's side, except for helping Manchester United renovate the stadium, he didn't have to spend a dime on other aspects.

The Red Devils' strong earning power is coupled with Ferguson's star-making ability. In a parallel time and space, Manchester United can be sucked up while becoming the top club.

Chelsea is different. Without Abramovich, Chelsea is a mess in the Premier League.

I want money but no money, I want results but no results, and I almost don’t even have a stadium anymore.

In this time and space, after Abramovich spent 170 million pounds to acquire Chelsea last year, he has invested nearly 400 million pounds in Chelsea in more than half a year.

All this money added up is enough for Abel to buy Manchester United.

Because I love football. I think my Chelsea will definitely become a strong team in the Premier League!

Roman Abramovich said like a fan.

In fact, only the bear oligarch himself is clear.

Is it really because he likes football that he spends so much money on Chelsea?

In fact, he just wanted to pay the protection fee and at the same time hope to have sex with Abel.

Including the more than 100 million he invested in the F1 team, it can be said that it is all because of this purpose.

The fur bears of this era are impressed by European and American PUAs from top to bottom, but they themselves are so proud that they are moving forward...

They always thought that good results would come out, that one day the European and American goddesses would change their minds and accept them.

It can be said that everyone from Ajin and Abu to ordinary people in the Bear Country thinks this way.

This is true even when facing Europe. Facing the more powerful Americans, Tian will naturally be even more powerful.

It's just that Americans are quite rough. In order to make an enemy out to make money, they often don't give Mao Xiong a chance.

Looking at Abel's appearance, Abel smiled and said nothing.

Abramovich continued:

In a few days, there will be a match between Chelsea and Manchester United. Chelsea lost last time, but I believe we will win it back this time. I will be there in person to encourage you, Abel, I wonder if you are interested in watching it. ?”

Abel really didn’t know that Manchester United had already competed with Chelsea.

He couldn't care less about this kind of thing, just like he does about the Houston Rockets.

His past feelings, coupled with a man's mentality of buying toys, made him buy these teams.

But after thinking about it, Abel agreed to Abu's invitation.

If I have nothing to do by then, I should be there to support.

It’s not that Abu was so proud, he invited Abel, and Abel went.

Instead, the Smith Brain suggested that Abel occasionally appear in these games that ordinary people pay close attention to.

Look familiar.

This will be helpful to create Abel's character and increase the favorability of ordinary people towards him.

Just like Musk has become the world's richest man and is still highly active on Twitter.

Those are all personality settings, all designed to enhance the favor of ordinary people while maintaining their own popularity.

Abramovich was overjoyed and chatted a few more words.

Seeing that it was almost time, the furry bear oligarch was reluctant to leave and took the initiative to say goodbye to David Delany Walker.

They wanted to stay a little longer.

But I was afraid that if I stayed too long, it would be unsightly to annoy Abel.

So might as well leave.

As soon as the two of them left, Edward walked up to Abel and whispered in the boss's ear:

BOSS, Ms. Sophie Marceau and Ms. Penélope Cruz are here. Ms. Cruz also brought another person, her sister, her biological sister.

Abel raised his eyebrows and smiled calmly: Let them in.

He remembered Penelope's sister, who seemed to be very good-looking too.

At the same time, Sophie and the others arrived at No. 1 Kensington Palace Gardens.

I also saw Abu and David Delany Walker leaving in the car.

David Delany Walker was unknown to them.

But Abu, a furry bear oligarch who has been spending a lot of money in Europe recently.

They've seen it on the news many times.

Wow, that looks like Roman Abramovich! I heard he spent 120 million pounds and bought a house here.

In the carriage, Monica Cruz whispered.

At this time, the vehicle they were traveling in had already parked in the parking space in front of the courtyard at No. 1 Kensington Palace Gardens.

It's not a big deal even for him. You know, the richest man in the world lives here!

Monica's sister said proudly.

Sophie Marceau said nothing. She put down the European Observer in her hand and got out of the car first.

French Kiss thought to himself:

[What is buying a house for £120 million? You know, that guy made 60 billion euros in just a few days this time! 】

Monica Cruz and Penelope Cruz quickly got out of the car.

When Monica came down, she accidentally turned over the European Observer that Sophie had left behind.

On the opened page of the magazine, it was written in French:

[...Only during the USD/JPY storm in late March and early April 2002, Abel Smith made more than 60 billion euros in profits in the international financial capital market...]

[...In the past, the capital market was dominated by Rothschild, Morgan, and Rockefeller. Later, Peter Lynch, Buffett, and Soros came to dominate. 】

[From now on, this era belongs to Smith. It belongs to the golden age of Abel Smith...]

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