America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 467 The main culprit of the neon economic downturn

The next morning.

Sunlight shines through the high windowsill into the master bedroom of the old English castle.

The specially designed classical-style windows with the function of removing ultraviolet rays are reflected on Abel's face after being refracted by the high-tech glass.

This made Abel couldn't help but open his eyes and wake up from a deep and comfortable sleep.


Gently exhale the stale morning breath.

Abel has now completely adapted to this body.

This body only needs to sleep 3 to 5 hours a day to ensure a strong body with sufficient energy for the day and does not even need a lunch break.

For a long time, Abel felt that apart from his financial talent, which seemed like a plug-in.

As a reborn person, this body is his most important cheat.

The body is the capital of revolution. Only when you have sufficient capital in this area can you be more successful than others.

Like Sima Yi, during the most brilliant period of the Three Kingdoms, his personal abilities could only be considered mediocre.

But he was very capable of surviving, and he survived Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang, and a large number of outstanding people.

In the post-Three Kingdoms era, he was the most powerful one.

Then it worked.

Modern society, let alone other aspects.

Those who are successful in business are mostly energetic people.

Abel felt that if he didn't have such a strong body.

No matter how rich or powerful you are.

If you play with women like this, your body will be completely drained over time.

When I get older, I will really look into the sky and shed tears.

It’s not like now, where you can barely tie even if you hit 25.

One VS three, of course it is out of the question.

Abel believes that just this exaggerated physique puts him beyond 99.999% of humans in the world.

Well...the reason why is not 100%.

It's because there are still some monsters and weirdos in the human group, which are very exaggerated in some aspects.

For example, at the end of Tsarist Russia, Rasputin, the demon monk who partly led to the decline of Tsarist Russia, probably had the same physique as Abel.

In his early years, this guy was just a rogue boy. In his middle age, he didn't know where he learned some messy things like hypnosis and witchcraft.

By chance, he saved the life of the tsar's youngest son.

This made Rasputin suddenly a popular figure in the Tsar's court.

In the following years, Rasputin lived happily at court.

Not to mention his influence on the current situation and political governance in Tsarist Russia.

I only mention Rasputin’s experience among the nobles and senior officials of Tsarist Russia at that time——

It is said that at that time, more than 1/3 of the female nobles and ladies of the entire Tsarist Russia, including the queen, had an affair with him...

It is also said that this person has superhuman abilities in some aspects...

In the end, maybe someone refused to wear a hat.

Or maybe someone wanted to save the palace that was disastered by Rasputin.

Several nobles stood up.

One of the nobles, Yusupov, organized the remaining people to invite Rasputin to his home for cakes in the name of his wife.

Why didn't the nobleman invite him himself instead of using his wife's name?

Obviously, Rasputin could be deceived only in the name of his wife.

Why could his wife call Rasputin over?

Tsk tsk tsk, Rasputin may have a surname of Wang and live next door to him.

The nobles put poison in the cakes and wine they gave Rasputin.

However, what is unexpected is that Rasputin survived unscathed after eating eight pieces of pastries and a bottle of wine.

In desperation, Yusupov had no choice but to stand up and fired a shot at Rasputin, hitting his vitals directly.

Just when everyone thought Rasputin fell to the ground and died.

Rasputin suddenly jumped up, grabbed Yusupov's neck, cursed, and then quickly ran out of the room.

Then he was shot three times by another nobleman who followed him.

One of the shots hit him squarely in the forehead, but he woke up again a few minutes later.

In the end, Yusupov hit his head hard with a dumbbell to make him pass out, and then threw him into the river.

It is said that Rasputin struggled for eight minutes in the cold river before finally dying.

With abundant capital, he had access to 1/3 of the noble women of Tsarist Russia, possibly including the queen at the time...

Xiaoqiang's vitality may be similar to that of hypnosis.

Abel didn't believe in this kind of thing in the real world without supernatural power.

And when he himself has such a physique, now Abel is already wondering, maybe Rasputin, maybe his own kind?

It's just that this reborn person may be uneducated and ignorant of history.

After rebirth, Kong You had a strong body and weak hypnotic abilities, but he ended up dead in the cold ice.


He gently patted Monica Cruz, who was closest to him.

The sister of this Spanish national treasure goddess.

She looks exactly like her sister and has a very good figure.

The key is that despite her inexperience, she is just as willing to learn and dedicated as Penelope.

He shook his head and smiled, then stood up directly from Simmons.

After a simple wash, I looked at the sunshine outside.

Put on a set of unbranded tailor-made high-end sportswear.

Abel ran for about half an hour on the beautiful lawn of Strawberry Hill Villa.

Around 8:30 in the morning, Abel, who had changed clothes and showered, sat in the sunny glass restaurant of Strawberry Hill Villa.

At the dinner table, Abel looked at the newspapers, which mainly contained reports about his arrival in the UK.

Some super financier, some neon man predator or something like that.

However, the tone was less polite than that in the newspapers a few days ago.

In today's newspapers, his tone is obviously much more harmonious and fair.

Abel guessed that this might be related to Neon's Ministry of Foreign Affairs starting to reduce related funding.

After all, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ funds are limited and are mainly used to maintain Neon’s international image.

Expenditures to maintain the craftsmanship spirit of Neon people and other aspects of better image.

This is very expensive. After all, you can't spend all your money on smearing Abel.

In addition, the Neon people actually understand that this kind of slander against Abel is actually of little use.

Besides, they didn't dare to go too far.

Anyway, Abel is one of their American dads too.

If you piss off your American dad, the Tokyo District Prosecutors Office will not only investigate Yu Hayami...

By the time we finished breakfast, it was already around nine o'clock.

Abel didn't stop any longer. He got into the Cadillac Monster and the motorcade set off towards London's Financial Street.

The original Smith Capital (UK), now the UK branch of Smith Financial Group.

Abel stood in front of the LCD TV wall, looking at the London stock market, which had opened and the numbers were constantly beating.

All down, yes, a down day.

But in reality, this is just the trough before the economy recovers.

Mr. Chairman, the latest forecast from the International Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development is that the neon economy will shrink by about 1.3% and 1.2% in the second and third quarters of this year, and will continue to decline throughout next year. The economies of the United States and the Eurozone next year will will also decline respectively.”

Especially in Europe, since the new century, economic growth has been chronically weak. Although the euro zone has been formed, it cannot escape the fate of falling into economic recession. In Brussels, figures released by Eurostat this morning showed that the euro The economies of the 15 countries in the region shrank again by 0.2% in the second quarter.

In the first quarter of this year, the Eurozone economy has declined. It is generally believed that if the economy shrinks for two consecutive quarters, it can be regarded as entering a recession. This is also the first time that the Eurozone has fallen into an economic recession since its establishment. If compared with the same period last year Although the Eurozone economy improved slightly in the third quarter, it was still lower than the growth in the second quarter.

Abel still maintained his posture of looking at the LCD wall without looking back, listening to the latest news reported by Jess, CEO of Smith Financial Group Europe.

Having said that, during these economic downturns, Abel himself also helped in them.

Mainly in the neon area.

Originally, neon was basically similar to the economic recession in Europe and the United States.

Quarterly recessions are probably around 0.2%-0.5%.

Maybe neon is even better, because compared to Europeans and Americans, people from East Asian monster houses tend to have more curls.

For late-developing countries, in many cases rolling is really the only way out.

If you don’t roll it, it’s probably from India, Africa, and Latin America.

Don't say that Western countries can still live a good life without curling up.

First of all, the elites in Western countries are actually more involved than anyone else.

It’s just ordinary people who don’t roll up, because most ordinary civilians in Western countries can’t climb up no matter how they roll up.

Secondly, when their ancestors from Western countries went out to sea to rob, they got caught more severely than anyone else.

There are still so many people going to sea in an era when they know that only half of them will die if they go to sea. What is this if it's not a roll?

If you want to live a good life, latecomers must rely on writing.

Of course, the premise is that when you roll like crazy, you can enjoy the results you get from rolling.

At the end of the roll, if the results and gains are all given to the boss and exchanged for a Porsche for a Ferrari, then the roll is nothing.

Now, Neon's economic recession data is far behind the United States and Europe.

Here, the US dollar/yen exchange rate incident that broke out a while ago contributed at least half of the credit...

The short-term drastic changes in the Japanese yen exchange rate have affected the neon economy, which mainly relies on exports.

Coupled with a large amount of foreign exchange losses, even the Neon people with strong capital are a bit exhausted this time.

According to this post-war statistics, Abel spent almost a month building a position and made a profit of approximately US$70 billion.

The key is that Morgan and Rockefeller are not good at it either.

The flesh they cut on Neon Man was definitely no less than Abel, only more.

Abel guessed that it might be around hundreds of billions of dollars.

Because compared to Abel, who has insufficient conditions, Morgan and the others are not only cutting the flesh of Neon people in the international foreign exchange market.

They also shorted Neon's stock market, making money at both ends, much more ruthlessly than Abel.

When these are added up and viewed in macroeconomic terms, Neon, which was originally in better shape, fell into an economic recession that was greater than that of Europe and the United States.

Thinking of this, Abel couldn't help shaking his head and laughing:

It seems that everyone has little confidence in the future economic situation. It is clearly shown on the market, haha. Is this really the case? Jess.

No... Jace shook his head slightly, Actually, the situation is not so pessimistic, but actually more optimistic.

According to the Bank of England meeting minutes we obtained, the central bank is expected to further relax monetary policy in the coming months and continue to significantly cut interest rates to stimulate the British economy.

In fact, there must be a lot of central banks around the world with similar wishes. First of all, Neon, France, Germany, and even our US Federal Reserve are already blowing the wind.

Our analysts have concluded that the collective actions of these banks can dispel investor fears to a certain extent. The global economy will stop the pace of recession at the beginning of next year or the end of this year. Coupled with the inflation rate is declining, the global economy will usher in a wave of recovery in the future.

According to data released by the Confederation of British Industry this morning, British manufacturing orders increased slightly in March, and expectations for future output are the most optimistic in the past 30 months.

The rising demand for metals from the automotive industry has greatly contributed to the rebound in metal prices, which will put pressure on mining stocks.

Bank stocks will also be the biggest winners in the future. News from the US headquarters said that JPMorgan Chase Securities will raise its income outlook for the British banking industry before the US stock market opens, and will also raise the targets for some banks. Stock price expectations.”

After listening to Jess's report.

Abel turned around and looked at Jace with a slight smile on his face and said:

It seems that the present is bad, but the future should be good? Well, this judgment is basically in line with my judgment. I think you will not miss these opportunities.

The global economy has indeed been relatively weak in the past few years.

When George came into power, the economic data were, honestly, terrible.

At that time, many people said that a new economic crisis was coming.

In fact, this economic crisis was already coming.

Only a dozen years ago, Americans led Europeans and devoured the plump red bear carcasses.

That wave makes Westerners eat to their fullest.

The super financial crisis that was supposed to break out in the 1990s, or even a Great Depression-level disaster, was postponed.

But that's just a delay.

The economic recession in the past few years means that the time has come again.

It's just that the Americans and major economic powers have introduced various measures to rescue the market.

Before myocardial failure, vigorous cardiotonic injections can still have some effect.

In a parallel time and space, the Great Depression-level financial crisis was postponed for several years.

It was not until a few years later that the subprime mortgage crisis broke out in the United States, igniting the fuse and leading to the 2008 financial crisis.

From a macro perspective, the financial crisis in 2008 started out almost the same as the Great Depression.

It even seems more serious.

At that time, Americans were also extremely pessimistic, and countless people jumped off Wall Street buildings.

Back then, the rabbit saved an American's life.

What China did at that time was actually mainly to save themselves.

And it was precisely after experiencing that wave that China, which had released a lot of water, had enough pools and capacity to attract a large number of foreign investment, laying the foundation for its future rise.

In other words, on the one hand, it saved the life of the United States and allowed the U.S. economy to survive for more than ten years.

But on the other hand, China has also laid a very important foundation for its own rise.

There are pros and cons, mixed pros and cons.

Seeing the other party nodding, Abel smiled with satisfaction and said, How's it going in France?

In fact, in Europe, the layout of Smith Financial Group and Smith Media is currently mainly in the United Kingdom and France.

There is a little bit in Italy, a little bit in Germany, but not anywhere else.

Both France's Paris stock market CAC40 index and Germany's Frankfurt stock market DAX index are falling, with a decline of about 1%. The short-term data is not good, but the long-term is also promising.

Haha, those guys at Vivendi can also make a fortune.

As for Vivendi Group, Abel coveting them is no longer a day and a half thing.

He would very much like to annex the French giant if he could.

But this is difficult, because Vivendi's status in France is similar to that of China's large state-owned enterprises.

In the past, it was simply a French state-owned enterprise.

Its shareholding is very dispersed, with the French and Paris houses also holding large shares.

It is now considered Abel's largest collaborator in Europe.

Well...if you include Universal in the United States, it is also one of Abel's collaborators in the United States.

Abel has been acquiring its shares, but Vivendi is listed in Paris, London and New York at the same time.

Even stocks are so scattered, it is extremely difficult to fully grasp them.

Before the time comes, even Abel can only hide his ambitions for this French business partner.

Has the legal team arrived?

Abel asked as he walked towards the conference room.

It's already here. Representatives from BMW and the Volkswagen Group are on their way. They will be here in about 20 minutes.

Abel turned to look at his head of the European branch, nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile:

I like your meticulousness. I didn't choose the wrong person. Jace, do a good job, I see it all.

Jace just smiled and followed Abel step by step.

Unlike David Mellon, who was born into a wealthy family, Jess’s family background was ordinary and could only be considered middle-class.

In terms of personal abilities, Jess is actually better than David.

But now David has a higher status. He is one of the presidents of the parent company and the CEO of Smith Capital headquarters.

Jess had some ideas about this, but he also knew that he would not be able to compete with David Mellon in a short period of time.

Jess knew that even though his boss looked like a carefree person, he was actually a very affectionate person.

When it comes to women, if his boss likes them, he will never let them go.

If you don't like playing, you have to keep it up. It has a strong collecting habit.

When treating subordinates, as long as their abilities are up to standard, even if they are not outstanding, the boss will still trust them.

David Mellon was one of the earliest heroes of Conglong, if not one.

Just from this point alone, Jace knew that he couldn't compare.

As long as David didn't make too big a mistake, Jess knew that he would probably just have to be the second-in-command.

The group of people waited and walked to the door of the conference room.

Jess quickened his pace and helped Abel open the door first.


After Abel said with a slight smile, he saw six people in the conference room who had stood up to greet him.

The leader is Timmy Owen, a barrister at Clifford Chance, the law firm he mainly cooperates with in the UK or Europe.

And Abel's personal lawyer, who is tall, has deep facial features, and elegant temperament. He wears a white short coat and short skirt suit. He looks very capable at this time.

Anne is a twin sister with different father and mother.

Good morning, Timmy, I have to trouble you again today.

With a warm smile like sunshine on his face, Abel hugged Timmy Owen.

The other party also laughed and said: Haha, serving you is my job.

Abel smiled and let go of the hug, then shook hands with the others.

When it finally came to Aymo Alamuddin, the latter had a bit of resentment on her face, but she still gave him a warm and affectionate greeting.

I changed it three times, so it looks a little watery.

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