Amnesia In Movie World

Chapter 18: What the **** is a nine-headed snake

The best thing about ants is their sense of smell. This is what Xie Zhi values. Using pheromones to track targets is comparable to police dogs.

Another thing is positioning. Ant itself does not have a positioning function, but Xie Zhi can perceive the position of the ant after establishing contact with the ant, and this enables positioning.

Using this ability, Xie Zhi can perceive the three-dimensional topographic map constructed by the position of the ant colony. It is not visual, but a form in consciousness. It is like a new perception in addition to the five senses. Using vision and hearing as examples, I saw You just see it, you hear it, you don’t need to study.

Therefore, it doesn’t matter if the ants don’t know human creations, but when the line extends to a huge object, then the position is almost inseparable. At that time, Xie Zhi can confirm it himself, or if there is enough time, he can let the ant colony crawl all over the place. Objects, forming a three-dimensional image to let Xie Zhi confirm what it is.

But Xie Zhi sensed that Ava was deep underground, so the manor villa must be a cover-up building, obviously there is a base underground.

What surprised Xie Zhi was that although Ava was staying in one area, the little girl was not motionless. She was running around in one area. The strange thing was that Ava's movement speed was super fast. The speed of a year-old child, not even that of a normal human being.

Just as he was wondering, he saw a helicopter fly to the manor and land on the tarmac.

After the plane came to a complete stop, a short-haired white man in a dark windbreaker came down, carrying a briefcase, and walked straight to the villa.

Xie Zhi guessed that this person was a high-level person, at least his status was not low, so he simply flew towards the man in the windbreaker with a few flying ants, and sneaked in by the way.

The flying ants took Xie Zhi to the hem of the windbreaker man's windbreaker, got into the inside, and probed to observe.

The man in the windbreaker walked all the way, and the people he met on the way saluted one after another. Xie knew that he had never seen the salute gesture before.

Interestingly, all the saluting people also shouted a slogan: "Long live Hydra!"

Xie Zhi couldn't help being startled: "What the **** is Hydra? Isn't this the territory of SHIELD? Is it a subordinate department?"

Following the "Long Live Hydra" all the way, Xie Zhi shook his head: "This tone and slogan are not like normal official organizations, but a bit... heretical, but it doesn't look like a religion. What are you doing?" ?”

The man in the windbreaker walked to a wall, the wall receded, and an elevator was hidden inside.

Xie Zhi entered the elevator with him, all the way down, the elevator stopped after a few minutes, obviously the distance was not short.

Until the man in the windbreaker entered a room, Xie Zhi saw an acquaintance, the guy who fought with him to **** the child was the Winter Soldier.

At this time, the Winter Soldier was sitting on the metal seat, his hands and feet were fixed by machine buckles, his face was expressionless, and he looked like he had lost his mind.

There are also several men in white coats in the room, who seem to be scientific researchers, and a man in a suit with a mustache, who looks like a leader.

Everyone saluted and shouted "One Dragon", the man in the windbreaker walked up to the Winter Soldier, bent over to look at it, and said: "The Winter Soldier has never missed a shot, the opponent is very powerful."

The man in the windbreaker spoke English, but Xie Zhi could tell that it was Russian-flavored English, and this man was probably an old Russian.

The man in the windbreaker asked, "What's the specific situation?"

Mustache replied respectfully: "He was hit **** the head. With the Winter Soldier's fighting ability, it is difficult to knock him out, but that man did it..."

"That's not what I asked." The man in the trench coat pointed at the Winter Soldier and said, "How is he doing?"

"Well... After waking up, there were signs of memory recovery, and there was a slight loss of control, so I could only continue to brainwash."

"Brainwashing?" Xie Zhi heard the words and said to himself: "Is the iron arm involuntary? What memory recovery is there... Then he is artificially caused amnesia?"

The man in the windbreaker nodded, and his tone became much more relaxed: "It's okay, it's not serious. Why didn't you send it back to the Siberian base?"

"Not long ago, according to the information sent back from S.H.I.E.L.D., there is some kind of supernatural connection between the girl and the man. There is a high possibility that the other party can find this place. The base needs the assistance of the Winter Soldier."

Xie Zhi was slightly stunned, how did they know? Maybe it was Ava who told the S.H.I.E.L.D. people before. But S.H.I.E.L.D. can send information to Hydra, this relationship is strong enough, so who is whose superior?

The man in the windbreaker frowned slightly: "The Winter Soldier lost last time, are you sure you can win this time?"

Mustache smiled: "Maybe we can't win, but we have prepared a trap. As long as the man dares to come to this island, he won't be able to leave."

"But this is only a third-level base after all. The level of defense force is too low. Why not transfer to a first-level base?"

Mustache explained: "Because the girl used her ability after waking up, we can't get in touch with her, and there is nothing we can do about her at present. Fortunately, the child is not yet familiar with her ability, and she lost control herself. So even though she couldn't be taken away, she couldn't control her ability to escape by herself. The trouble is, we thought that hunger and thirst would curb her ability, but even though she fell into a coma, her ability is still activated by itself. It has been more than thirty hours , she has no sign of waking up."

Xie Zhi heard this, and his fists creaked and creaked: "These grandchildren are doing evil, UU reading Ai Wa... well, now is not the time to be impulsive, listen again, and you will make a new one later. Count together!"

"A child..." The man in the windbreaker said displeasedly, "If it takes longer, I'm afraid we will lose this weapon."

"It's a pity, but that man still has a chance. According to intelligence analysis, he is not the kind of person who gives up easily. He also attaches great importance to the child, and 90% of them may find him. And he seems to have the ability to restrain the child's ability, Can't be sure yet, but we found a drop of his blood in a blood sample recovered from the scene..."

Speaking of this, Mustache's eyeballs widened, and he gestured exaggeratedly with his hands: "His cells contain two energy bodies! After comparing with the girl's blood sample, it can be confirmed that one is quantum energy, but the two manifest in different forms." , the girl is fused with the cell and the nature is active, he is contained in the cell but the nature is stable, so it is very likely that he can stabilize the girl's situation!

It's a pity that it may be due to the separation from the body. The two energies dissipate quickly, and we don't know anything about the other energy at present.

But the man's cell test results were stronger than the Winter Soldier! The Winter Soldier is beyond the limits of human beings, and that man is even more exaggerated. He is very likely to be fearless of viruses and germs, and his body is super strong! Live longer! He is a treasure! It's a pity that the sample is too small..."

Xie Zhixin said: "Two types of energy? I obviously have three types of energy, maybe...the third type exists in a different form and cannot be observed? Well, at least I know that my body is in good shape, huh? There seems to be a second half of the sentence... It tastes delicious, yes."

I heard Mustache continue: "As long as we catch that man and control him like a brainwashed Winter Soldier, it will be equivalent to controlling that girl. In this way, we will have a second and a third Winter Soldier! A more powerful Winter Soldier Soldiers! Hydra will have stronger weapons!"

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