Amnesia In Movie World

Chapter 2: uncle angel

The police bell rang loudly in the police station. Some people were unconscious, some screamed while covering their bleeding hands, and there was a curly-haired fat Hispanic man shouting loudly, who seemed to be the leader of the police station.

"Bastard! Damn bastard! What are you doing in a daze!? Hurry up and chase after him!"

"Chief, I suggest you think again." A middle-aged police officer approached and said in a low voice.

The director narrowed his eyes and said angrily: "What do you mean? A **** knocked out five S.H.I.E.L.D. agents! There are so many of my police officers, and then ran away swaggeringly!? In my police station! My territory ! What do you want me to think about?"

"Boss, look at my gun."

"You'd better not play tricks on me!"

"Well, I checked my gun, and other people's guns, and the guy, fired eleven shots, and every one of them... hit our barrel, or rather, went into the chamber .I was lucky my gun didn't explode because I was afraid that it would run out of bullets when it went off. The other guys were not so lucky. I swear to God I have never seen this kind of shooting! Never heard of it !"

"This joke is not funny!" The chief's eyes widened.

"Boss! I don't joke about this kind of thing, that guy...he's showing mercy! He's moving like a ghost! We couldn't even aim at him, and he fired a few random shots in such a fast movement, just Shot a bullet into our gun! He could have killed us all with just one muzzle tilt! He didn't.

That guy was a good baby before S.H.I.E.L.D. and I swear to God I could keep my hair if my 3 kids were half as good as he was, but now S.H.I.E.L.D. **** off that freak and it's S.H.I.E.L.D. trouble.

So...Boss, we're just the police, the police in Argentina, this monster, leave it to the agents, we're paid by the Argentine government, the Argentine people, not S.H.I.E.L.D. "

"You are a poor policeman, you should run for president."

"I will think about it."

"Okay, you're right, but...the appearance still needs to be done, understand what I mean?"

"Understood, boss, I'll have someone draw up a wanted warrant, and then I'll say hello to my brothers."


"S.H.I.E.L.D. can really cure me?"

The one who spoke was a little Hispanic girl, who looked about six or seven years old, holding a teddy bear in her arms. Her name is Ava, Ava Starr.

At this time, she was in a driving black car, and the person sitting with her in the back seat was a black middle-aged man. The man's name is Bill, Bill Foster, and he's a scientist, a scientist who works for S.H.I.E.L.D. In the driver's and co-pilot's seats, there are two men in black suits, they are agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Bill gently stroked the little girl's hair, and said with a smile, "Yes, S.H.I.E.L.D. can do it, and we will cure your... your disease."

The little girl blinked her eyes and said, "But that uncle angel, as soon as he touches me, I'll be fine. Why?"

Answering the child's questions made Bill a little embarrassed, so he could only reluctantly come: "Uncle Angel? Well, first of all, it was a coincidence. At present, your seizures are random and uncontrollable. It just happened when he met you. Now, your body is stable. So... he is not important. Besides, he is not an angel, he, he, he has no wings."

Ava shook her head: "No, I can feel it, it's him who made me feel better. Also, I prayed, and he appeared, of course he is Uncle Angel!"

Bill smiled and responded casually: "Ava, are you sure?"

Ava nodded vigorously: "Yeah!"

"Well, let's be more specific."

"I prayed, God, please help me, and then Uncle Angel appeared, and he was luminous!"

"Well, that's not what I'm talking about, I'm saying, he touched you and how you felt at the time."

"That's, that's, uh... I have that in me, that..."

"Quantum energy."

"That's it, cool and bright."

"It's quantum energy."

"Cold death can be bright."

"Okay, you go on."

"He also has it in his body, but it's not the same as mine, but his... can light up, make mine light up, change... I don't know how to say it, anyway, it's better, it's not uncomfortable anymore."

Bill was a little stunned, and said in surprise: "Ava, do you really feel the energy in his body?"

"You don't believe me?" Ava said displeased.

"Of course I believe, if... um, so this is... stable! He can make your molecular imbalance stable! Terminate your quantum phase transition state!" Bill's eyes brightened, and he smiled: "It seems that he is very important, We need him."


Ava screamed, and saw a lot of double images of her hands suddenly appeared, as if there were a few more hands, disappearing and appearing at times, and they were nothingness, they could pass through real objects and overlap together, but they did not affect each other, such as , her hand went through the teddy bear but couldn't pick it up. Her hand, as if it didn't exist, could be seen again.

Bill hurriedly comforted: "Don't panic Ava, try it, you can control it."

Ava panicked: "No, this time, no!"

"It's okay for the first few times, you are a brave and good girl, you can do it."

"'s different this time! I'm so uncomfortable!"

Xie Zhi hurriedly walked in the bustling market, and when he passed the clothes and hats stall, he took a baseball cap and put it on his head, and took out a hundred dollars from his wallet to pay the bill: "You don't need to look for it."

The stall owner blew a kiss happily, and UU Reading said in Spanish: "The generous rich man."

Xie Zhi also muttered in Spanish: "Thank you, Mr. John Garrett."

Seeing a young man with curly hair sitting on a motorcycle, Xie Zhi walked over.

"Your car was commandeered by S.H.I.E.L.D.." He handed Agent John all the money in his wallet.

"Man, this money is not enough, I have a new car!"

Xie Zhi pushed the young man away, and at the same time threw the S.H.I.E.L.D. certificate on the young man: "Go to S.H.E.L.D. for the rest."

After all, drive away.

Bill is still trying to appease: "Ava, calm down, you can do it, believe in yourself."

Ava pouted and shook her head violently: "I'm so uncomfortable! I want Uncle Angel! God, let Uncle Angel help me, Ava is so uncomfortable..."

Bill is a scientist without children. Coaxing children is really not his strong point, and he feels overwhelmed.

"Ava! First, you have to believe in science. Second, angels have wings. Third, even if they have wings, it doesn't prove that they are angels. They may be Victoria's Secret models..." (Victoria's Secret Angel appeared in 1999, little change it.)

However, Ava simply ignored Bill's words.

And everyone doesn't know that the original historical process of this world has changed because of one more person. At least, the orphan Ava, who lost her father and mother, has changed in the object of her heart...

Bill had no choice but to say, "Okay, let's go back and find the suspect first!"

"Huh?" Ava suddenly stopped, and then said with eyes full of hope: "The prayer has been fulfilled! Uncle Angel is here!"


"Uncle Angel is here! I can feel it! It's bright! Soon! It's getting closer!"

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