Amnesia In Movie World

Chapter 6: practical teaching

"Hi, my name is Xie Zhi."

Xie Zhi was sitting on a folding chair, and on the folding chair opposite him was a middle-aged white man who was a bit bald.

At this time, they were in a windowless room, which was a little damp, and the interior tone was cold under the reflection of the old cold light.

"I will give you all my money! I have a wife and children! Please let me go, please!" the middle-aged white man begged bitterly.

"Well, Mr. Almi, although I don't know if this is your real name, let's call it that first, it's just a title. Do you smoke?" Xie Zhi said, taking out his cigarette case and gesturing at the other party.

"No thanks, I don't smoke."

"Whatever." Xie Zhi lit a cigarette and said, "Mr. Almi, I know you are a spy..."

"No, no, sir, you must be mistaken, I'm just an insurance seller..."

"Shhhhh..." Xie Zhi made a silent gesture and said with a smile: "Don't deny it too quickly, let me make a statement first, I will torture you, but don't worry, I don't ask who you work for, I don't ask you Which organization you belong to, don’t ask what secrets you got, don’t ask what you planned.”

Almi looked blank: "Sir, I don't understand what you mean."

Xie Zhi waved his hand indifferently: "You will understand, I am not very good at torture, I am still learning, but trust me, I can always get what I want. Don't worry, everyone I tortured is alive and well, There are no sequelae of physical health, even psychological problems."

"Please, let me go, I have a family..."

Xie Zhi interrupted: "What I want is very simple, just tell me... your skills, about reconnaissance, counter-reconnaissance, safe house, escape route, hiding yourself, opening doors and picking locks, etc. In short, what a professional spy should do The skills you have mastered, as well as the way of thinking of spies, as long as you teach me, everything is fine."


"I suggest you teach me, it will make you less trouble, you are not the first one to teach me, and you will not be the last one. Moreover, you can teach me fake ones, dig a hole for me, no problem , learning requires practice, for those who are eager to learn, they may not remember the correct questions, but they will definitely remember if they are wrong.”

"Are you... a lunatic?"

"Maybe." Xie Xie curled his lips and pointed to his own head: "Sometimes I also doubt, I am afraid that my brain is really not normal, really, I feel that I am getting more and more perverted, or It's sick. It can't be helped, the experiments I did are a little too...overdone."


"Huh?" Xie Zhi's memory of memories was recalled by Ava, yes, the previous scene was a fragment of his incomplete memory.

"I want to pee."

"Hmm... Hold on for a while, we'll be there soon."

At this moment, Xie Zhi and Ai Wa were sitting on the same bus. Ai Wa looked like a boy now. Both of them had changed their clothes. Both Xie Zhi and Ai Wa were wearing hats and glasses, which were flat. The style is very rustic, these are bought on the road of Xie Zhi. Xie Zhi was still carrying a black travel bag. Bill's suitcase was thrown away by him before, and Ava was also carrying a children's backpack.

The car stopped, Xie Zhi got out of the car with Ava in his arms, like a father and son.

After finding a public restroom, the two entered the men's restroom.

"Ava, can you take off your pants and pee yourself?"

Ava felt underestimated: "Ava is seven years old, she has already peed herself!"

"Ava is awesome, let's go in." Xie Zhi opened the door of the cubicle and let Ava go to the cubicle for convenience, while he searched for the cleaning tools in the public toilet, found a bottle of disinfectant in the tube, and put it away in his sleeve.

When the two of them walked out of the public toilet, Xie Zhi hung the disinfectant upside down and sprinkled the disinfectant while walking.

"Uncle, what did you spill? It smells so bad."

"Disinfectant can interfere with the sense of smell of police dogs and help us buy more time."

Throwing the bottle into the trash can, Xie Zhi looked at Ava and raised his eyebrows: "Ava, do you want to learn something?"

"Okay, okay, are you as good as the uncle? Well, is it difficult?"

"I don't know if it's difficult or not, but it doesn't matter, as much as you learn, can use it in the future. I remember an old...grandpa said that he didn't expect that what he learned twenty years ago, in Twenty years later, it helped him a lot, the future is unknowable, and there is no harm in learning more."

"Ava needs to learn."

"Okay, let's start with what uncle is looking for. Uncle is looking for transportation. This is very important. Transportation can save time, allow us to rest, hide our whereabouts, and buy time..."

While walking and teaching, Xie Zhi stopped in front of a car with a very common style. After making sure that there was no surveillance around and there were few people around, he squatted down and quickly removed the license plate and stuffed it into Ava's small schoolbag.

"... There were very few surveillance cameras in the 1990s, but you have to be careful. Fortunately, the surveillance arrangements are regular, and you can avoid them if you find them. Surveillance can't capture our faces...well, good, there's a parking lot here, let's go...borrow a car."

Entered the parking lot, luckily, Xie Zhi found the same model car as the car with the license plate before, quickly opened the door lock with the unlocker, after getting in the car, he fiddled with it, started the car, and did not forget to tell Ai on the way. The baby explained.

Finally, after changing the license plate, he started the car and left.

"... Even if the license plate is changed, it is just to buy time. It will be a matter of time before it is discovered. Ava, you remember, no matter what we do, as long as we do it, there will be traces. So this car, the time we use It must not exceed eight hours, and the routine of changing the license plate cannot be used three times in a row..."

"... If we want to be completely safe, we can only use the time difference. If our safe time exceeds 72 hours, UU Reading will increase the difficulty of finding us by ten times, or even dozens of times..."

"...In the future, as long as we don't make mistakes, leave this country, and then I will go for plastic surgery, you will grow up and have a new identity. After a few years, we will be completely safe..."

"...The problem now is how to spend seventy-two hours safely. Now all the ways to leave the city must be strictly guarded, and the characteristics of us are too obvious, even if it is disguised, it will be the focus of attention object..."

"...Although it is equally dangerous to stay in the city, the manpower of agents and police is limited after all. In such a big city, it was still in the 1990s, and there was not so much surveillance. We still have a chance..."

"So... Ava, how much do you remember?"

Ava said: "I remember it all."

"Remember everything? Tell me about it."

As a result, Ava repeated it verbatim, which surprised Xie Zhi: "Wow, Ava, your memory is really good."

"Hey." Ava was very happy to be praised.

The child's biological father is a scientist, so...hereditary? Born with good brains? Thanks for guessing.

"Okay, uncle wants to reward Ava, are you hungry? What do you want to eat?"

"Not hungry yet."

"That's right, it's not dusk yet, so... How about going to the movies? After the movie, I just went to eat."


No one would have thought that a wanted criminal would still be in the mood to take his children to the movies.

And this wanted criminal didn't expect that it wasn't just agents and police who came to arrest him...

Ava: "Ava wants to grow up, wants tickets, wants to collect, Ava is very good, okay."

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