Amnesia In Movie World

Chapter 9: attacked again

Seeing Ava being thrown out, Xie Zhi was not worried.

Because Xie Zhi, who was flying upside down, had already noticed people coming from the alley, a few people dressed as armed special forces.

And he also understands that a master like the Winter Soldier will naturally find out that someone has arrived, so throwing a child may seem scary, but it is actually a basic operation of a master, and there is no danger.

The screaming Ava was caught by a soldier, and quickly gave Ava an injection. At the same time, Xie Zhi also fell to the ground and slid a few meters away. There was also the sound of sudden braking from the alley behind Xie Zhi, and another soldier Appeared, now the two ends are blocked.

Followed by the Winter Soldier who jumped into the air and stomped over.

Xie Zhi rolled around to avoid the foot that crushed the concrete floor, took advantage of the momentum, and at the same time raised his right arm to cover his head. Immediately afterwards, he was hit on his arm a few times. gun!

From the corner of the eye, Xie Zhi saw the soldier holding Ava disappear, his right arm hurt a little, the Winter Soldier's attack came again, soldiers on both sides of the alley were pointing their guns at him, Xie Zhi really didn't even have time to catch his breath!

Xie Zhi's choice was to fight in close quarters. If the two were entangled, the soldiers on both sides would have scruples about shooting.

Xie Zhi, who had freed his hands at this time, could finally give it a go.

The Winter Soldier is fast, but thank you, faster!

No matter from which angle the Winter Soldier's fists and feet attack, Xie Zhi can always seal it with a more ingenious angle or push, slap or bump. Dare to shoot.

Then, while blocking, use elbows, shoulders, knees and other parts to fight back.

In an instant, the advantages of the two sides were reversed, and the Winter Soldier fell into a disadvantage and began to be beaten passively. Xie Zhi, who went all out, completely suppressed the Winter Soldier regardless of speed, strength or skill.

But he said that the Winter Soldier brought a lot of bits and pieces, including weapons under the nape of the neck, abdomen, waist, thighs, and combat boots. Xie Zhi interrupted the Winter Soldier's attempts to take weapons several times. Instead, Xie Zhi took advantage of the short Stalled, drew the opponent's pistol.

Clap clap! Raise your hand to the left side of the alley and count the shots, disabling the weapons of the soldiers at the entrance of the alley.

He hit the Winter Soldier's cheek with a backhanded elbow, knocking off his mask. At the same time, he let go, the pistol fell, and his right hand caught it. A head hammer hit the Winter Soldier's head, and his right arm was thrown out at the same time. Several shots were fired, and the soldiers at the alley on the right were also disarmed.

The Winter Soldier was knocked out of shape by a hammer, and the empty door was wide open. Of course, Xie Zhi would not let go of the opportunity, let go of the pistol, his fists moved like the wind, and punched dozens of punches in a second! It's so fast it's hard to see!

And the Winter Soldier is like a sandbag in the shape of a human, completely unable to fight back. He was tottered by Xie Zhi, clinging to the wall...

When Xie Zhi withdrew his fist, the Winter Soldier had been knocked out, slipped against the wall and fell to the ground, his head was so swollen that he couldn't see his original appearance clearly.

"Don't tell me you beat me up, why don't you throw my child away! Your uncle!" Xie Zhi wiped off the nosebleed from the beating before, threw it on the ground, and pulled out the pistol from the Winter Soldier's thigh holster, He fired two shots at the military vehicle at the entrance of the alley behind him, scaring the soldiers who were trying to poke their heads back.

Picking up the backpack that was knocked down before, Xie Zhi rushed a few steps, stepped on the wall and ran a few steps on the wall, jumped up suddenly, and when he jumped out of the alley, he was more than seven meters above the ground. In the air, the soldiers who were covered by cats behind the car could be seen at a glance. Xie Zhi pulled the trigger very fast, and took several shots, disabling their spare weapons.

When it fell, it kicked on a military vehicle, and it moved the vehicle sideways! Three soldiers hiding behind the car were directly knocked into the air!

The remaining seven or eight soldiers, Xie Zhi didn't make any effort, and quickly knocked down the remaining seven or eight soldiers.

"This is a normal elite soldier. That guy with long iron arms is a foul at all. He cheated!" Xie Zhi spat, but he didn't think he was exaggerating.

He looked up at the flying helicopter, and by virtue of his energy perception with Ava, he knew that Ava was on that helicopter right now.

Shaking his head helplessly, there is no chance now, and if he wants to save Ava, he has to make a plan.

In fact, Xie Zhi wasn’t sure if he was going to “rescue” him. After all, he was an official, so there was nothing wrong with catching them, but if the child lost him and the quantum phase transition happened… thinking about it, life would be worse than death.

"Leave here first." Xie Zhi ran out of errands, and with his speed, he could quickly disappear into the crowd.

At this time, Xie Zhi had the time to look at the right arm of the shot, and he found that the bullet hanging on the skin was not a normal bullet: "This is... anesthesia bomb, strange, I don't feel it, expired? Or... anesthetics Useless to me?"

Not long after Xie Zhi left, a large group of people arrived.

Claiming to be a government department, the scene was sealed off, and the comatose Winter Soldier and soldiers were taken away, including Xie Zhi's nosebleed samples.

On the other side, Xie Zhi solved the intersection of three detergent dealers, and the vehicle he left behind was being inspected by agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The inspection agent did not find that a few flying ants flew into the car and landed on the driver's seat...

two hours later.

Xie Zhi was walking alone on the road, so he changed into a different outfit.

At this time, he had already left the city, and with his ability, it was not difficult to go out of the city alone.

And his target direction is where Ava is. Although it is far away, this kind of energy connection is similar to navigation, and he can arrive sooner or later.

Occasionally, there were cars passing by, and Xie Zhi didn't take a ride, until a heavy container truck drove by, UU Reading Xie Zhi rushed forward and jumped on it.

Just lying on the container, it was considered a ride.

Xie Zhi looked at the sky, thinking, thinking about the past two days, thinking about how to save Ava, it is not a joke to fight against the secret service...

Thinking about it, he felt something was wrong, as if someone was staring at him.

Sitting up suddenly, he glanced around.

As a result, apart from the heavy truck under him, there were no other vehicles around, and there were no helicopters in the sky.

"It can't be a high-altitude reconnaissance plane, right?" Xie Zhi stood up and shook his head: "Impossible, if I can even feel a high-altitude reconnaissance plane, then I'm a god. It's like someone is staring at me, haunted?"

While wondering, he casually blasted away a few flying insects that were circling around him.

Suddenly, he felt something crawling on his calf, and bit himself.

When I lowered my head, I found that there were many ants on the shoes, and they were climbing up. They were quite big, about three centimeters long.

Pulling up his trousers, he saw an ant was biting non-stop, and new ants were crawling onto his leg and biting him one after another.

"The ants also came to trouble me." Xie Zhi sighed.

Although being bitten constantly, these little things couldn't break through Xie Zhi's skin, so it wasn't painful, but it was still itchy.

Just as he was about to slap these little things to death, Xie Zhi was hit on the chin by something, and when he tilted his head from the hit, he caught a glimpse of a small black shadow measured in millimeters out of the corner of his eye.

And that little black shadow made Xie Zhi wonder if he was hallucinating, without him, it seemed that it vaguely looked like a... person! ?


Winter Soldier: I was beaten up, and I need to recommend collections to restore blood...

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