An actress in our midst! (web version)

61 – Poaching!

“Sooo, our club is doing the first play of the school year,” Jessica casually mentioned.

“Yeah? What are you doing?” Sarah asked.

Cody – who had joined them all at the table – fought down a grin, already knowing where this was going.

“We’re doing a contemporary piece. Something about the magical girls and all that.” Jessica eyed Erika. “I was wondering if you wanted to help out with it.”

“Huh…?” The girls blinked. “About u-- About the magical girls? What would you need our help with?”

“Ah, well, I was thinking it would be pretty funny if the magical girls were played by you three! Erika especially would fit the Pretty Flame’s role perfectly!” Jessica grinned.

The girls were stunned for a second.

“... Are you serious?” Sarah finally asked. “You want us… to play the magical girls?”

“Yup!” Jessica beamed.

They exchanged a look, each feeling more incredulous than the other.

“Nah, sorry,” Sarah replied. “As… interesting as it would be, I would have to regularly come to the drama club, but I already have my archery club.”

Nicole nodded. “Same. I have my book club and… sorry, but I’m not that comfortable performing a play in front of people like that.”

Jessica nodded in understanding and heads all turned to Erika.

“Err… Well…”

Erika had gone to the track and field club last year for a while, but eventually had quit and instead ran in her free time. Now, though? She didn’t go to any clubs, so she didn’t have a convenient excuse.

“Come on! It’s gonna be fun!” Jessica gave her an innocuous smile, which definitely set off alarm bells for her.

“I… I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Erika finally replied.

“Aww…” Jessica visibly wilted, pointing her big sad puppy eyes at her food, and poking it with her fork. “It would have been so much fun… We could safely hang out after school without pretending to kill each other too…” she muttered.

Of course, they all knew this was a manipulative act as well.

But it didn’t change how effective it was.

“I… ugh… okay, fine. I’m gonna try it,” Erika relented.

“Yay! Awesome!” An innocent smile full of excitement appeared on Jessica’s face.

The alarm bells rang ever louder, but Erika couldn’t bring herself to back out now.

“No promises though. If it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t work out, alright?” Erika added, to at least have some safety net.

“Of course!” Jessica beamed.

Erika still felt suspicious, but let it go for the time being.

Cody, in the meantime, noted that Jessica pointedly hadn’t mentioned what the play would be about or that she would be playing Tepes.

He couldn’t help but shake his head.

“Anyway… Max, have you decided on a club yet?” Sarah changed the subject.

“Umm, not yet. I’m not really sure what I want to do,” Max mumbled with a shrug. “And I don’t think I have time for a club either.”

“Nonsense!” Jessica exclaimed. “All of us except Erika are in a club too! Maybe you could try the drama club, how about that?”

“Umm, I don’t know…”

“I mean, you can always quit if you don’t like it there, right? And if you do end up enjoying it, you can stay,” Cody tried to encourage his fellow minion.

“Well… alright. I’ll try it then.”

“Great!” Jessica grinned.

There was a lull in the conversation as the group continued to eat their lunch.

“By the way,” Sarah eventually broke the silence. “We met your dad the other day.” She eyed Jessica, cautiously watching for her reaction.

Jessica scowled imperceptibly.

“Yeah? What about him?”

“We got a good punch in, but he was stronger than we thought. We didn’t manage to hold him…”

“Well, that happens,” Jessica replied whilst shrugging. Her casual behavior fooled nobody.

“Anyway… Speaking of touring other clubs, why doesn’t Cody visit the archery club again?” Sarah decided to change the subject.

“Eh, well, it’s true I’ve been struggling a bit with my bow… You know what? Sure, I can do that,” Cody agreed. “But we’re probably gonna be busy in the drama club with the new play and all that.”

“Whenever you have time,” Sarah said with a smirk.

Cody grinned back.

Jessica looked between the two, wondering just when they had become such close friends.

“Well, that just leaves you, Jessica,” Nicole piped up. “Want to visit the book club?”

“Ehh… Probably not.” Jessica frowned. “I’m gonna be extra busy with the drama club since I have the main role and all that,” she casually mentioned.

“Oh? You do? Wait, I thought you wanted us to play the magical girls. What’s the main role if not one of them?” Erika asked.

Jessica gave her an evil smirk. “Tepes, the enchantress.”

The three girls ceased all motion for a moment.

Then Sarah scoffed. “Of course, you’re playing Tepes. What did I even expect?” She then blinked as realization dawned. “Wait, is that why you wanted us to play the magical girls?”

Jessica’s grin widened.

“You little shit. I should have known there was more to it.” Sarah faux-glared at her, but everyone could see the mischievous grin on her face.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea…?” Erika wore a concerned frown.

“Probably not, to be honest,” Jessica admitted. “But, oh, it’s going to be so funny! I mean, who better to play the role of Tepes and the magical girls than us?”

Sarah snorted and shook her head.

The conversation gradually turned to school work and strategies to entice the first years to join their respective clubs.

Cody noted that Jessica still hadn’t mentioned what the play would be about. Erika was in for a big surprise after classes.

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