An actress in our midst! (web version)

63 – Serious talk!

“I’m surprised you’re taking the initiative,” Sarah said. “Very unlike you. Are you sure the trial didn’t do anything to your mind?”

Jessica rolled her eyes. “Well, it’s only fair, isn’t it? If anyone deserves to know, they do.” She shrugged before glancing at the four girls. “But I’m not sure why you all are also coming. You will have to leave the room before I tell them anything, you know that right?”

“That’s fine,” Iris – Pretty Frost, apparently – said. “We have something to discuss with Max in private as well, so we’ll just stay in his room in the meantime.”

“With me…?” Max asked, confused.

“Don’t worry, it’s nothing bad,” Erika assured him.

“Hmm? What’s it about?”

Sarah clicked her tongue three times in a mocking tone while shaking her head. “You have your secrets, we have ours.”

Jessica’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Oh-ho? You think you can hide things from me? Foolish girls! I will figure out what your conspiracy is about in no time! Mark my words!”

With that, they made it to Max’s home and made their way in.

“Mom! I’m home! I brought some friends!” Max called, his voice softer than usual. He’d been watching some voice training videos Nicole had recommended and had gotten pretty good at it. He didn’t need to cringe at his own voice anymore, which was nice.

“We’re in the living room!” a woman’s voice called back.

The party took off their shoes and made it to the living room. As soon as they entered, the two women – Max’s moms – greeted them.

“Oh my! It’s you girls again. It’s good to see you!” Green Mom greeted. “And who’s your other friend?” She looked at the non-magical girl.

“This is the friend I told you about, Jessica,” Max introduced her.

“Ah, Jessica. It’s nice finally meeting you. We’ve heard so much about you,” Blue Mom said, joining the conversation. “Thanks for being Max’s friend.”

Jessica gave a wry smile. “No problem. Nice to meet you too.” She coughed into her hand. “Anyway… There’s actually a reason why I’m here other than meeting you two.”

“Hmm? What is it then?” Blue Mom’s smile never disappeared.

“Let me introduce myself again. My name is Jessica,” she said, taking two steps away from the group. “Also known as –” A surge of dark magic burst out of her and surrounded her for a moment before a menacing figure in a dark dress holding a demonic spear emerged. “-- Tepes, the enchantress.”

She didn’t actually need to do that, Max noted. She had simply utilized her pocket dimension to swap out her clothes and bring out the spear; the cloud of dark magic only served as a convenient smoke screen. And also, it added to the cool factor, as Jessica liked to say.

Max tended to agree. After all, it was like an imitation of the magical girl transformation.

Both Moms froze as their eyes opened wide.

Their eyes quickly scanned the grinning figure of a demon general in front of them, before flicking to the side and finding Max and the magical girls unfazed. Or rather, Sarah seemed to be rolling her eyes.

“Nice… to meet you…” Blue Mom finally said.

Sarah punched Tepes in the shoulder. “Enough with the theatrics.”

“Hey! You’re ruining my epic entrance!” Tepes whined, but obediently put away her spear and changed back her clothes, becoming Jessica once more.

“A general,” Green Mom murmured before seeming to realize something and raising her voice. “Wait! That means you know Salem, right?!” Hope sparkled in her eyes. “Is she…?”

“Ah, yup…” Jessica nodded. “Salem is your friend Sally.” She sighed. “That’s what I’m here to talk about, actually. I figured you deserved to know the whole truth.”

The two Moms grimaced at the confirmation and then set their jaws, ready for whatever they would be told.

“Well, uh… How about we sit down?” Jessica gestured at the sofas. “It’s a long story, and it’s not like we’re in a rush.”

Blue Mom relaxed a bit and forced a smile onto her face. “You’re right. I’ll make us some tea. Make yourselves comfortable, everyone.”

“Oh, no. It will be just me and the two of you. Everyone else, shoo!” Jessica motioned with her hand.

Blue Mom tensed all over again.

“Don’t worry Mom,” Max reassured her. “The others just wanted to talk to me and… They actually can’t listen in because it’s dangerous…?” Max looked at Jessica for confirmation.

“Something like that.” Jessica nodded. “The magical girls cannot know. It’s an infohazard for them.”

Green Mom frowned at that. “In that case, we…”

“You’re not magical girls anymore.” Jessica shrugged. “So you’re all good.”

“Alright, then…” Blue Mom said, still unsure.

“We’ll be in my room,” Max said before the group split up, leaving Jessica and Moms in the living room while the rest headed to Max’s room.

Max felt a minute surge of magic and guessed Jessica had erected an anti-eavesdrop barrier. Max did the same as the five settled inside his room, just to practice. Sarah took his chair, Nicole and Erika sat on the bed, Iris leaned on the window sill while Max stayed by his wardrobe.

“So… what is this about?” Max asked, looking from one girl to the other.

The girls exchanged a quick look before all their eyes landed on Iris. She gave a slow nod.

“I’ll cut to the chase, I suppose,” Iris started. “As you probably know, the magical girls’ powers are based on the four seasons.”

Max nodded. He had known for a long time.

“I still find it a bit strange, considering some parts of the world have a different number of seasons,” Nicole mused. “But maybe that has something to do with the fifth weapon?”

Max thought for a second before replying. “I… don’t actually know. Jessica has been hiding much of the research from us since she’s become a general.”

“I see…” Nicole replied with a disappointed nod.

Iris then sighed. “Either way. The fact is, we draw our powers from the seasons and depending on the time of year, we can be stronger or weaker. For example, it’s autumn now, so Spark is at her strongest while Bloom is at her weakest, and then both Flame and Frost somewhere in between.”

Max nodded again. It made sense.

“Or at least, that’s how it should be. But it is not.”

Max blinked. “It’s not?”

“No…” Iris grimaced. “Back in the summer, I should have been at my weakest – which I was – but as summer ended and autumn started, I should have slowly gained my powers back.” Iris looked straight into Max’s eyes. “I did not. It’s the exact opposite. I’ve only been getting weaker and weaker.” Iris sighed.

“That…” Max started, before remembering something. “You’re losing your attunement,” he realized.

“Yeah… probably,” Iris admitted. “Before it’s completely lost, though, I wanted to pass on the torch.” She then chuckled. “You know, I’m still from the second generation. I should have passed it a long time ago. I’m getting old now…” Sarah looked at her, deadpan. “For a magical girl, is what I mean. I’m not really even a girl anymore. I’m a woman now.”

There was a moment of silence as a somber feeling permeated the room.

Nicole was the one who broke it.

“Ah… I get it… You mentioned getting yourself a boyfriend back in June, right?”

Iris blinked. “Well… yes? What does that have to do with anything?”

Nicole simply smiled and gave a nod of understanding. “You’re a woman now, not a girl anymore.”

Iris widened her eyes.

Another moment of silence, before everyone else seemed to have figured out what Nicole meant and their faces went bright red.

“Oh! Ah, er… congrats?” Erika fumbled her words. “I-I mean…”

Anyway!” Iris shouted. “Back to the topic at hand!”

Judging from her evil grin, Sarah probably wanted to say something, but let it slide for the moment. Max guessed she was already preparing to tease her after this.

Then he blinked as a thought entered his mind.

Wait. Is that the condition for losing the attunement?

“I am losing my attunement. And I need a successor,” Iris said, looking straight into Max’s eyes.

That completely interrupted his thoughts with a startle.

“I want that successor to be you, Max.”

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