An Assassin's Anthem

Chapter 101 - Oaths

Riley woke and looked around the stone room. An eerie quiet hung in the air of the fort. She looked over at her two guards. “Why’s it so quiet?”

“They retreated in the night and are constructing a better fort,” a guard said, smiling.

“Is that bad?” Riley asked, sitting up and stretching.

“No. It’s expected. They were hoping for a rapid victory and didn’t get it.”

Riley looked down and triggered Pretty. Getting rid of the dirt is way too handy. Her nightgown shifted to a white and brown skirt and shirt. That’s new. She looked at her notifications.

[Your base level has advanced: 297 → 301!]

[Assassin (C) has advanced: 200 → 202!]

[Bard (C) has advanced: 200 → 202!]

[Ranger (C) has advanced: 225 → 227!]

[Spell Thief (B) has advanced: 200 → 202!]

[Noble (D) has advanced: 257 → 258!]

[Infiltrator (E) has advanced: 82 → 87!]

[Alchemist (E) has advanced: 140 → 142!]

[921 people have sworn loyalty to you. This bond will break if you fail in your noble duties.]

She smiled. Where’s Dad? I need some crystals. Pausing, she looked back. What? Who is swearing loyalty to me?

The door swung open, and Roger walked inside.

Travis followed him and gestured. The two guards left, and he shut the door. “Good morning, Lady Riley, and congratulations on level three hundred.”

“Thanks.” Riley looked at both. “What’s going on?”

“I felt like I should be here,” Travis said, sighing. “The palace sent you a letter. They’ve requested that you take the knight’s oath.”

Condemnation. She masked her expression and nodded.

“You also need to be aware that your barony is failing to meet the required war contributions. Your wages are forfeit until it’s paid.”

Of course, they are. Riley crossed her arms. “What do knights usually get paid?”

“It depends on the skill set.” Travis handed her a letter. “One more piece of bad news. Seeker Lucas has called off the betrothal.”

Riley considered. She sighed. “He didn’t wish the debt?”

“Correct,” Roger said, walking over to her. “Are you doing alright?”

“Not really. I’m risking my life and going more in debt for it.” Riley shook her head and looked at her dad. We could run. Dodge around the front, maybe sneak through it.

“Read the letter,” Travis said with a sympathetic look. “I am sorry about this, and I hope it offers some explanation.”

Riley looked at the heavy parchment. I already know the explanation. They’re terrible. She broke the wax seal.

Dear Lady Riley,

It is regrettable that we could not have this conversation in person. As you know, we have specific requests for all nobles and anyone who pushes past level three hundred.

As you do not currently have a position, we will ask you to perform the oath of the knights. Such oaths include a vow to fulfill all knightly commands and to give complete loyalty to the royal family at the cost of all your levels should you fail in them. In return, you will be granted the royal auras and a weekly stipend of two nobles. With these, you may purchase additional dungeon runs up to S-tier.

Your family debt is regrettable. If you continue in your noteworthy service, we will discuss the long-term plan to forgive the debt while considering the ideal station for you.

~King Titus

She looked up and felt a cold rage spread through her body. You offer nothing and pretend it is a choice. Her eyes flickered to the knight in the room, and she forced a smile. I’ll need to leave because I’m not taking that oath.

“Bad news, I take it?” Travis asked.

“No, no,” Riley lied. “Our king is generous.”

Roger walked over, and she handed him the letter. His eyes quickly took in the words.

“Right.” Travis sighed and sat in a nearby chair. “Now, before Roger does something rash, I need to talk to you. What do you know about me?”

“Rash, sir?” Riley feigned.

Travis ignored her. “I’ve had an oath since the yule ball during the academy. It has been nearly twenty years.” He whistled softly. “Of course, I was eager then. It meant that I’d be a knight. And for me, that was as good as it would get.”

He paused and looked at Riley. “I took it and happily made my way through the rest of the academy. Then, I set out on the king’s orders and noticed something. The pay was enough to push me through the remainder of C-tier, but it quickly began to falter. The price of each run increased, and my pay did not. Instead, the king and queen slowly offered additional runs over time, which worked for me. Of course, that’s when Shorove started pushing, and it all went to shit.”

Riley moved closer to her father. “Sir?”

“I’m hoping we can be candid, Lady Riley. I am S-tier. We knights see things that others can’t. No, I don’t know your auras, but they are strong, very strong. That’s obvious. And I know you have a disguise ability.” Travis looked up at her. “But I made my oath to you, and I’m not here to betray you and lose everything.”

Roger stepped forward. “Travis?”

“Calm down, Roger.” Travis placed his hands on his head. “My surname is Keller.”

Riley paused. “Keller? Where’d I hear that?” She frowned and searched.

Travis looked at her. “The duchy that fell. The territory that was lost. My family died, and I inherited their debt.” He looked at her. “Every dungeon run only put me further into debt. Getting to S-tier meant I was shackled for the rest of my life.” He smiled. “Or it would have, except nobles don’t know oaths. Not really. They think they do, but they don’t.”

“Travis?” Roger asked, relaxing slightly. “What are you saying?”

“I need you both to keep a secret. The secret we all carry.” Travis looked at both of them. “When you agree and your oath breaks, hide it. Don’t go get our families killed.”

Riley frowned. “You’re saying that you broke it?”

“No. They did. The royals do it often. We’re debating how long yours will last.” Travis chuckled softly. “To be blunt, I did not expect it to last this long.”

Roger frowned. “How can we trust you?”

Travis smiled. “May the gods strip me of my power if I have lied to Lady Riley about my oaths.”

[Travis Keller’s Oath has been strengthened. May you trust him as much as he trusts you.]

Riley gasped. “What?”

“I mean it, Lady Riley,” Travis said. “If I meant to ensnare you, it would break.” He stood. “I need you to keep this quiet.”

“They break?” Riley asked. “How?”

Travis nodded. “The gods judge, and they don’t favor abusers of the oaths. I remember when I was debating inwardly about my inherited debt. It wasn’t fair that I’d kept it while losing the kingdom As soon as I thought that, the oath broke. Of course, I panicked. The king had to know, and a new notification appeared. It asked me if I wanted to remove, alter, or keep it.” Travis chuckled. “And I altered terms and prepared to run but spoke with a friend before I did. That’s when I learned this lesson. Now, it’s nothing more than a suggestion after being broken over and over. Your viewpoint matters more than you realize.”

“So if I view this as coerced?” Riley asked, her eyes widening.

“Then it’s up to the gods to interpret, and they do not favor the side who’d kill you.”

Roger studied him. “How do you hide this from the seekers?”

“Hide what? My oath exists.” Travis smiled. “Every knight has had it break at least once. Sometimes, it breaks multiple times in a single day. I assume that is when they are discussing some fool plan.”

“Why not report it?” Riley asked.

“And get murdered?” Travis shook his head. “If the king thought the highest ranks were no longer in his control, he would not stay loyal. He failed to stay loyal while believing we had no choice.”

“Why tell me this?” Riley asked.

Travis smiled and leaned forward. “Because I want to go with you when you leave. Most of us do.”

Riley frowned. “Why?”

“Because you haven’t been disloyal to us.” Travis smiled. “Most nobles and the royals are a burden to deal with. You’d make a good duchess. So, we swore loyalty.”

Roger frowned. “How can I believe this?”

“It’s easy, Roger. You and I have fought side by side. Why do you think they didn’t send you a letter? If they knew the truth about you, I’d be demanding an oath from you with an execution order.”

Roger paused and nodded. “The soldiers?”

“Think you are a knight and made an oath. We’re inclined to keep it that way. Of course, it would also be disloyal to Lady Riley. We’d get a warning.”

Riley studied the man. He seems sincere. She paused and considered asking the gods. Would they tell me this?

[He’s correct, and you look great! ~Beauty]

Riley smiled and looked at her father. “I trust him.”

Roger handed him the letter.

Travis skimmed it and nodded. “A familiar tale. One that has happened to all knights tied to a noble family.” He handed it back. “So, Lady Riley. I need you to give your oath. And I need you to leave it to the gods if they have fulfilled their side.” He handed her another piece of parchment.

Riley rapidly skimmed it, and the door swung open. “I, Riley Mivsky, now make an oath with the royals. May they strive to fulfill their promised obligations while I obey and execute the will of the royal family. My loyalty is to them and only them.”

Riley paused, rage flooding through her. My loyalty is to the gods.

“Continue,” Travis said sternly.

“May the gods strip me of my power if I fail in my oath.” Riley frowned. And strip theirs if they fail it.

[Knightly Oath formed with the Niland Royal Family.]

[Titus’s Knightly Presence applied. +50 strength, +50 speed, +50 dexterity, +50 stamina.]

[Lisa’s Inspiring Presence applied. +1 stamina every thirty minutes, +1 mana every thirty minutes, +10 mana, +10 stamina.]

[Gods’ Judgment: Niland Royal Oath was deemed coerced and has broken. You may remove the oath, alter the oath, or keep the oath.

Approved alterations:

- Like for like: Remove the penalty for breaking the oath.

- Like for like: Loyalty to others is allowed.

- Divine Intervention: The gods will overrides the royal will.

- Coercion: Loyalty to you is required -or- Loyalty clause is removed.

- Terms Not Kept (x2): You may end this contract at any time.]

Riley’s frown faded. “I want all the alterations with no loyalty clause.”

[Riley’s Knightly Oath:

- You vow to fulfill the royal commands as long as they do not violate the will of the gods.

- They will grant you access to their auras.

- They will grant you two nobles a week.


Riley frowned again. That’s not fair. They could send me to my death, and their auras are terrible.

[Gods’ Judgment: Oath deemed has broken. You may remove the oath, alter the oath, or keep the oath.

Approved alterations:

- Like for like: You will strive to execute the royal commands if possible.


Riley accepted it and smiled upward.

“Thank you for your aid today.

And for teaching me these things.

May my oaths be better,

Not a lock that they must spring.”

Smiling, she looked up at Travis and nodded.

“Congratulations, Knight Riley,” Ivan said, poking his head in with a smile.

“Thank you.”

Nicole walked inside and chuckled. “Congratulations. Sorry about Lucas.”

“Thanks. And I understand.”

Roger tapped on her back. “Any issues?”

“No. The terms got altered.” Riley hugged him and put on her mask. “Exciting, isn’t it? I need some crystals.”

Roger nodded and closed the door. He pulled out crystals.

Riley sat on the bed and took one. She brought it to her chest.

[Predatory Sight (D) → Predatory Sight (C). +1 level to the assigned class. Your perception and insight are boosted by 30. This boost is not reduced by low light or no light. You may use 1 stamina to double this effect for ten seconds.]

Riley smiled and looked around the room.

[Pretty next! ~Beauty]

Chuckling, Riley took the next one and brought it to her chest.

[Pretty (D) → Pretty (C). Use a mana to get Beauty’s help! She may provide it anyway. Oh, and you’ll stand out in a crowd! After all, everyone knows a Beauty.]

Almost instantly, Riley felt a mana drain away. Blue hair grew down to her chin. She looked over and reached up, feeling it between her fingers. It’s back.

Roger chuckled and held out another. Riley took it and pulled it inward.

[Conjure Potion (D) → Conjure Potion (C). +1 to assigned class. Conjure a potion that you understand. You may add an additional minor healing effect to any potion. Cost varies based on the potion and potion duration.]

“Something good?” Travis asked.

“A little surprising. Apparently, all the healing potions impacted my skill. That’s my secondary effect.”

“A good one,” Roger said, handing her another crystal.

Riley looked at her skills. Control Water won’t change. Will the others? I didn’t do a lot with them. She brought the crystal to her chest and gently felt to see if Dominating Presence would react. To her surprise, it sucked it up greedily.

[Dominating Presence (D) → Dominating Presence (C): +1 level to the assigned class. Enemies within 100 meters of you lose 20 strength, 20 dexterity, and 20 speed. You may expend bardic inspiration to increase the effect.]

Reaching out, she took the crystal from her father and brought it to her chest. Let’s see if this one works.

[Empowering Presence (D) → Empowering Presence (C): +1 level to the assigned class. Allies within 100 meters of you gain 20 strength, 20 dexterity, and 20 speed. You may expend bardic inspiration to increase the effect.]

Pulling up another, she tried to will it into the others and failed. I didn’t do enough with them. She looked up. “That’s all my skills.”

Roger handed her four more crystals. “Your class.”

Riley grimaced. “You sure?”

“Yes.” Roger nodded. “Upgrade assassin and reset it.”

“Should I use infiltrator?”

Roger paused and shook his head.

Riley willed the crystals inward, sending the coursing energy to her assassin class.

[Assassin (C) has advanced: 202 → 302!]

Willing herself inward, she reset it, willing all the progress to rebuild itself in a stronger form. Her eyes glowed, and she felt a wave of energy ripple outward. It churned and grew, the structure shifting before coalescing once more.

[Assassin (C) 302 → Psionic Assassin (B) 2. +1 dexterity, +1 movement speed, +2 mana per level, and +1 stamina per level. -2 Insight and Perception penalty applied to others per level.

You may use 10 mana to go invisible for 10 seconds. Attacks and spells will cause the invisibility to fade; Spirit Blades do not break the invisibility. -250 insight and perception to observers while you are invisible.

Grants one skill slot while active.]

[Your base level has advanced: 301 → 316!]

Riley struggled to keep her eyes open as the energy churned through her. I forgot you get experience for class resets.

Roger propped her up. “Give it a moment. It’ll pass.” She leaned against her father, and the churning slowed.

Looking at her class, she stared at it, shock spreading through her. I get invisibility and mana? A grin spread across her face.

“Care to share?” Roger asked with a growing smile.

Riley looked at Travis. “I can trust you, right?”

“On my oath, Riley.” Travis smiled.

“I got Psionic Assassin. It lets me go invisible if I use mana, and I get mana now.”

Travis chuckled. “I’m not surprised. When was the last time you killed someone without involving psychic magic?”

Riley opened her mouth and closed it. She blushed.

Roger pulled her into a hug. “Wait for it to level before you use it.”

“We’ll try to get you some dungeon runs. If we can take the lost ground, that should be easy.”

Riley nodded and swapped in Ranger. “I understand.” She stood and toward the door. “Let’s conquer some forts.”

Nicole stopped her. “I have a plan that I think will work quite well.” She grinned mischievously at the group.

Riley Milvsky

Level: 316

Bard (C)

Level: 202 + 4

Dominating Presence C +1 level to the assigned class. Enemies within 100 meters of you lose 20 strength, 20 dexterity, and 20 speed. You may expend bardic inspiration to increase the effect.

Control Water E Manipulate the water around you. Cost varies based on amount.

Restoring Presence B +2 to the assigned class. Subjects regain 1% stamina and 1% mana every 30 minutes; their healing is augmented by 50%. Allies within 100 meters count as subjects. You know of injuries and may use mana to heal allies within fifty meters. You may use inspiration to expand and increase the effect.

Empowering Presence C Your subjects gain +20 strength, +20 dexterity, and +20 movement speed; allies within twenty meters count as subjects. You may use Bardic Inspiration to temporarily boost the range and the effect.

Ranger (C)

Level: 227 + 12

Assume Disguise S +30 charisma. Enhance your current disguise by altering your displayed information and taking on the disguised form. Grants +5 levels to the assigned class. Perception and Insight suffer -250 levels against your disguise and -50 levels against your deception or stealth. Penalty applied: Gods’ Oversight.

Momentous Tempo B +10 speed. This boost will increase to up to +100 for every ten seconds you are in motion. Slowing in any way will reduce the effect. +2 levels to assigned class. You may use a charge of inspiration to boost your movement speed by an additional 10 for a minute.

Death's Cloak A Slain enemies will grant experience to your base level and active classes. +3 levels to the assigned class. Perception and insight suffer -25 levels against you. Penalty applied: Covenant.

Ambush B +10 speed. +2 levels to the assigned class. Costs one stamina to use. On use, you teleport to a shadow within 20 meters. Penalty applied: Covenant.

Spell Thief(B)

Level: 200 + 2

Predatory Sight C +1 level to the assigned class. Your perception and insight are boosted by 30. This boost is not reduced by low light or no light. You may use 1 stamina to double this effect for ten seconds.

Spirit Blade C +1 level to assigned class. Manifest an ethereal blade of psychic energy that will vanish after thirty seconds or six seconds after being thrown. Costs one stamina or one mana to manifest a blade.

Pretty C Use a mana to get Beauty’s help! She may provide it anyway. Oh, and you’ll stand out in a crowd! After all, everyone knows a Beauty.

Music's Lute - You may summon this lute from the heavens. It will return to the heavens when you will it away.

Psionic Assassin(B) Level: 2 Inactive.

Noble (D)

Level: 257 Inactive.

Enchanter (F)

Level: 63 Inactive.

Alchemist (D)

Level: 140 Inactive.

Infiltrator (E)

Level: 82 Inactive.

- -

Psionic Storm C +1 to the assigned class. Conjure a storm of void or psychic energy. Variable cost.

Conjure Storm D Manipulate or conjure up a storm. Mana cost varies.

Conjure Potion C +1 to assigned class. Conjure a potion that you understand. You may add an additional minor healing effect to any potion. Cost varies based on the potion and potion duration.

Dexterity 1241

Strength 604

Speed 455

Intelligence 804

Charisma 836

Stamina 839

Mana 1443

Inspiration 504

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