An Assassin's Anthem

Chapter 23 - Remnants

Riley yawned and looked up at the sky. A cloud floated in front of the moon, dimming the ground. A wave of cold seemed to come with it.

He shivered and searched the area. It was quiet—too quiet. He carefully listened for birds and bugs, but none chirped. The hair on his arms rose.

As the feeling of unease grew, he jumped onto a wagon and searched, peering out into the dark. The sound of one of the merchant’s snoring hit his ears. Is that what made them quiet?

With a sigh, he jumped down and focused on the puddle, willing it into his control. The water began pulling together, forming a ball. He willed it to take a frozen state, spending a trickle of mana. Ice crystals began latticing through it.

He pushed, and it shifted, becoming a block of ice. Turning away from it, he searched the horizon once more. The lone sounds were from the fire and snoring merchant.

“This is boring,” Wayne said with a yawn as he walked up. “I can’t even see anything that isn’t next to the fire.”

“It’s getting worse.” Riley jumped back onto the wagon. He looked up at the cloud cover and then back at the meadow.

Wayne shivered and looked back at the fire. “If it rains, I’m hiding under a wagon.” He walked over and tossed on another log.

Riley chuckled. “Me, too. It drives off all the animals anyways.” He jumped down and walked over to the fire.

Wayne grinned. “Let’s go hunting! You said we could once it was dark. It’s dark!” He gestured out to the lightly illuminated trees and meadow.

“You just said that you couldn’t see,” Riley countered with a chuckle.

“We could try to lure something over.”

“Like what?” Riley frowned. Something’s out there. I can’t keep ignoring it. He searched again.

Wayne shrugged. “Maybe a wolf or fox or something? We could kill it and sell it.”

“Let me see if I notice anything out there. Give me a minute.” Riley slowly walked through the damp grass.

The night was still. The fire crackled, and a man snored. Riley moved through the meadow and looked out toward the river. Moonlight bounced off the dark water.

The glow of something vibrant orange appeared and then vanished. Dread grabbed Riley’s throat. Fear and adrenaline coursed through him.

Turning, Riley bolted back toward the camp. A chilly breeze hit. He used Ambush instantly, sprinting towards the camp.

“Find it?” Wayne asked.

Riley raced past and shook his father. “Dad!” he hissed.

Roger snapped awake to see his son with a worried look. “What?”

“There’s something out there with high stealth, extremely high stealth.” Riley shivered and turned back to look. “I think it’s a remnant.”

Roger vaulted off the ground and spun while grabbing the sword at his side. He searched. A burst of icy wind spread through the area. The fire faltered.

“Wraith!” Roger yelled.

Condemn it. Riley pulled out an arrow. He nocked it in his bow and fed his spirit into the arrow, forming a small layer of ice on the arrow. Then he waited.

The orange form flickered into view. Riley fired, sending the arrow out into the night. The form vanished, and the arrow went right through it.

Riley swallowed and stashed his bow, grabbing his sword instead.

The living shadow appeared with another burst of icy wind. Its black hands hardened into a physical form. Roger spun and slashed, his blade clipping the phantasmal humanoid creature. It ripped downward, tearing through armor and flesh. The metallic scent of blood filled the air.

Riley spun and slashed, cutting through the remnant of some lost spirit. Ice formed along the blade, and the creature vanished.

With a burst of icy wind, it appeared behind Roger and clawed. Black fingers ripped into flesh. Roger spun and slashed. The spirit replied in kind, its claws ripping and tearing flesh.

Riley embraced his mana and triggered Psychic Spike. The wraith went white as the spell hit. Riley slashed, willing more magic into his blade.

Roger tore into it, sending streams of smoke into the air. It vanished and appeared, ripping into Roger’s side.

Blood spattered on the ground. Roger screamed, and Riley panicked, pulling on his magic and willing it to make a weapon that could hurt the thing.

Icy daggers appeared in his hands. Riley stabbed and slashed, ripping out smoke. A spear slammed into it. Another guard hacked into it with an axe.

The creature wailed. Its echoing cry ripped through the air.

Riley staggered. The sound reverberated through his head. He screamed and dropped to his knees.

Pushing Riley away, Roger grabbed the two dropped weapons. With the ice daggers in hand, he began slashing at the creature in a fury, triggering nearly every skill he had.

The wraith staggered. White ribbons of essence floated away from it. The spirit opened its mouth to wail again, and then it exploded in a burst of energy that rippled through the air and set the world to silence.

Riley blinked at the white. It slowly faded as people started to move. Looking down, he saw a red streak in the white.

Blinking his vision back, he looked down to see three long cuts in his arm. Then he looked up at his dad. Horror filled him.

Roger’s armor was in pieces. He wobbled on his feet. Blood poured from countless gashes. It pooled around his feet, and he slumped to the ground.

Riley grabbed his bag and ripped out a potion. Dashing forward, he shoved another guard out of the way and poured it down his dad’s throat.

“Easy boy,” the guard said. “There’s nothing --”

Riley growled at him and pulled out another potion. He dumped it down his dad’s throat and waited. “Gods, I ask a favor. Don’t take him on this day. Please, I need his guidance. Allow him now to stay.”

His eyes watered. He watched and prayed that it was enough.

The blood stopped flowing. Riley choked back a sob. Then relief hit. He watched his father’s body slowly knit back together.

“Condemnation,” a guard whispered. “What level was that thing?”

“A-tier,” another replied.

Riley reached out and wiped the blood from his father’s mouth.

Roger opened his eyes and saw Riley. He smiled painfully. “Thanks.”

Riley grabbed his waterskin and poured a little down his throat.

“Gods,” Wayne whispered as he staggered over. “That’s what they are like?”

Riley nodded and reached into his bag. Pulling out a bandage, he tied it around his arm and shivered. His adrenaline vanished, leaving an icy chill that lingered through his body. He watched his breath billow out in a cloud.

“Come near the fire,” Marta ordered as she approached. “It’ll help.”

Guards gently grabbed Roger and moved him closer to the fire. Riley staggered over, his legs shaking as he walked.

Roger sighed and leaned against a log. “Help me stitch this tomorrow?”

“Sure,” Riley said with a shiver. “Gods. What level was it?”

“At least B-tier,” Marta said as she studied Roger. “How?”

“I have good blades.” Then he patted Riley’s shoulder. “Nice use of your magic.”

“Thanks,” Riley said.

“How bad did it get you?” Roger asked, eyeing Riley’s arm.

“I just need some time,” Riley replied, not wanting to waste another potion.

“Make sure it stays clean.” Roger studied the bandage.

Riley nodded and pulled up his notifications.

You have assisted in killing a level 683 wraith. No experience was earned due to exhaustion.

Riley minimized it and heard crickets. Relief spread through him. He yawned and scratched his face, wincing as he felt stubble.

“Get some sleep,” Roger said softly. “Nothing will be out after that.”

Riley nodded, lay down near the flames, and drifted off to sleep.


Riley yawned and forced himself up from the hard plank the next morning. He looked down at his bandaged arm. I should be certain. Carefully unwrapping it, he grimaced and conjured a little water, washing off the dirt and dried blood.

He carefully wrapped it and conjured another small amount, rinsing off his face.

Thunder rolled through the air. Riley looked up at the bank of clouds. Not again. No more rain. He groaned and checked his notifications.

[Activity experience granted to Assassin, Bard, Ranger, and Spell Thief.]

[Spell Thief has advanced 16 → 17!]

Pulling up his cowl, Riley willed it away and helped Helga hook up the horses.

Finishing, he pulled out his jerky and ate it while the first drops fell, spattering on the ground. Groans erupted from the camp. This seemed to encourage the rain, which increased its ferocity. Riley just looked at it numbly. Here we go again.

Roger walked up and handed him some old bread. “Looks like crummy weather.”

Riley nodded. “Did you heal alright?”

“Not even a scar, thanks to that potion, but my clothing.” Roger gestured to the pile in his arms.

Riley grabbed it and then took the needles and thread. He jumped on the wagon and started stitching, knitting things back together. “You’ll need new armor even if this sort of holds it together.”

“Aye,” Roger said with a sigh. “I hate wraiths.” He studied Riley’s arm. “Did you clean it?”

“Yes, I washed it and the bandage.”

“Keep an eye on it.”

Riley continued stitching the armor while the wagon rolled forward. The rain drummed out an increasingly loud song, peppering everything nearby.

“Let’s resume some training,” Helga said chipperly. “Before it gets too loud to talk at all.” She began lecturing anew as the rain slowly increased in fury.

Minutes turned to hours, and the rain became a downpour.

Riley Milvsky

Level: 44

XP: 40813

Bard (C)

Level: 25

Inspiring Song F Bolster your allies with magic and music. Strength and Move Speed increased by 1 for one minute. Costs five Bardic Inspiration and impacts allies within ten meters. The radius of influence expands by one meter for each additional inspiration spent.

Psychic Spike F Wield your mana to cause psychic damage to a target. Cost varies based on allocation.

Manipulate Water F Manipulate the water around you. Cost varies based on amount.

Assassin (C)

Level: 25 + 12

Assume Disguise S +30 charisma. Enhance your current disguise by altering your displayed information and taking on the disguised form. Grants +5 levels to the assigned class. Perception and Insight suffer -250 levels against your disguise and -50 levels against your deception or stealth. Penalty applied: Gods’ Oversight.

Dancer's Form B +10 speed. +2 levels to assigned class. You may use a charge of inspiration to boost your movement speed by an additional 5 for a minute.

Death's Cloak A Slain enemies will grant experience to your base level and active classes. +3 levels to the assigned class. Perception and insight suffer -25 levels against you. Penalty applied: Covenant.

Ambush B +10 speed. +2 levels to the assigned class. Costs one stamina to use. On use, you teleport to a shadow within 20 meters. Penalty applied: Covenant.

Ranger (C)

Level: 24

Predatory Sight E Your perception and insight are boosted by 5. This boost is not reduced by low light or no light.

Pretty E Your appearance is better, but it could be even grander. Use 1 mana to get a little help from Beauty! (Upgrade me again!) Penalty applied: Unequippable. Beauty may alter your appearance at her whim.

Spell Thief (C) Level: 17 Inactive.

Dexterity: 174

Strength: 88

Speed: 81

Intelligence: 88

Charisma: 143

Stamina: 149

Mana: 162

Inspiration: 69

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