An Assassin's Anthem

Chapter 25 - Insert Song Here

A quiet fell upon the inn. The fire crackled, and the guards searched the room, dripping water onto the floor.

Riley didn’t miss a beat. Darting up, he started mopping, cleaning the dripping water around the guards.

A guard pulled off her helmet. “We need to see the paperwork.” Then she stared at Riley, who reached up and vigorously wiped her face with his rag, drying it off.

“You can’t come and sully our inn. What are you thinking?” Riley scolded and rubbed the rag across her cheeks and brow. “There. Now you can go.” He turned to the next one, reaching out with the rag.

“I’m good,” a guard said, laughing and holding out his hand.

“I’ll have to ask you to drip near the door unless you’ll let me dry you off here,” Riley replied, brandishing the rag at the rest of the guards. “I can get you ale. Three sil a mug.”

The guard rolled his eyes. “That’s extortion.”

Riley scoffed. “Nonsense. It’s heated and has unique spices.”

The guard stared. “How are you not setting off my insight?”

“Because I’m not lying,” Riley said with a grin. “Care for some? It’s very good, house special.”

The guard wiped the water off his brown leather armor. “Two sil.”

“Three,” Riley said cheerily. “There’s a storm. Shipments are delayed, and merchants are in peril. The roads are being washed away, and --”

“You win,” another guard said, handing over three sil. “Make it warm.”

“Of course, sir,” Riley said as he held out his hand.

Several guards reluctantly offered coins. With a growing smile, Riley got their drinks and returned.

Handing over the tin mugs that were filled high, he looked over and saw the other guard examining all the papers.

“Aren’t you supposed to do that at the gate?” Riley asked.

The guard chuckled. “We’d usually do it at the gate, but the rain.”

“I can’t blame you. Listen to it,” Riley said with a chuckle as it surged, filling the room with a loud roar.

“Why are you working in an inn with those classes?” a guard asked. He studied Riley and shook the water from his arm.

“Just helping out some friends during this busy time.” Riley grabbed the mop and began cleaning up the mess at their feet. “Apologies, trying to keep the mud low.”

“You’re certainly diligent,” the guard said with a chuckle.

“Thank you.” Riley grinned and decided to learn more about the place. “Are there any new rumors? What of the mayor? I heard that he was out drinking last week!”

“The lady, probably,” another guard muttered.

Riley nodded and winked. “Of course. And did you hear about that shipment?” he probed.

“Supplies from the north, most likely.” The guard sipped from his tin mug and then studied the group of people inside.

“What about the goblins? I heard there were thousands!” Riley said as he probed further.

“I’m sure that they sent someone from the knight’s guild,” a guard said as he took a rag and wiped water off himself. “They likely handled it.”

Riley nodded, stashed the mop, and ran to the tables. Gathering the empties, he resumed selling, frowning as the orders dried up.

He looked around the busy tavern and saw why. Several patrons were dozing in a drunk stupor. Members of the caravan were busy with the guards.

Riley sighed. Guess that’s all I’ll get for now. He headed into the kitchen. “I think they’re tapped.” He looked over at the barrels of ale that had been uncorked.

“Wiped them out,” the woman said with a chuckle. “Two barrels. How much?”

Riley pulled out a bulging coin purse and set it down. He watched as the woman began counting, giving him one in forty.

Taking his cut, he smiled at the innkeeper. “Thanks!”

“Thank you. I do mean it. Stop by anytime, and send that sister of yours.”

Riley saluted and headed back out. Several looked up, eying the purse at his side.

Keeping a hand on it, he took a seat next to his dad and yawned while listening to the rain. “When are we leaving?”

“As soon as the storm lets up,” Roger said, extending his hand with a wry smile.

Mask up, Riley thought as he scowled. “No way, old man. I earned those!”

“Simon,” Roger said with a stern expression. “You know that the family needs this. We have debts.”

Scowling, Riley looked up at him in feigned anger. “They aren’t my debts!”

“Don’t make a scene,” Roger hissed.

Riley placed the coins on the table and crossed his arms, huffing loudly. Then he took a seat and glared.

Roger reached over and tapped out a message. “Doing better?”

Riley flashed a signal. “Yes. Thanks.”

“I’m sorry, Simon, it’s the way of things.” Roger studied his son.

Riley scowled. The onlookers looked at Roger and then looked away, drifting off into their conversations.

Riley lay his head on the table. The warm hearth blazed. The voices and rain pelted out a low drone. His eyelids grew heavy, and he let himself slip away.


Riley woke with a start, feeling someone tap on his back. He blinked and looked up. The roar of the rain had faded.

“We’re going to get ready,” Roger said while stretching.

Riley nodded and looked around the room. I’m bored. And Hassan has another mayor I can rob. He winked. “I’ll relieve myself, and we’ll go.”

Roger rubbed his brow and shook his head. “Do I want to know?” he whispered.

“I’m just scouting. I’d never dare take anything.” Riley winked, vaulted up, tossed on his cloak, and ran to the door.

Ducking out into the rain, Riley ran down the wet cobblestone streets, dodging through the throngs of damp people who’d capitalized on the lull in the rain.

Riley ignored them and raced past shops with elaborate signs mounted out front. Turning next to a large inn, he dodged into the alley and snuck behind some empty barrels.

Crouching behind one, he triggered Assume Disguise. “Servant for the mayor.”

Riley felt his attire shift. He looked down to see a fancy-looking suit. He reached up and felt a bald head. His throat started to swell. A shiver rolled down his spine. He grimaced and forced himself forward.

[Were you hoping for something else? ~Disguise]

“I don’t really understand it all. It doesn’t feel like me. Still, I wear a mask and send my thanks to thee,” Riley prayed back as he opened the door.

[Lesson learned then. Trust us. ~Beauty]

Riley blushed and willed it away. Is this for using an old identity instead of just trusting them? He mused on it and walked out of the alley, heading toward the center of town.

The nearby shops and cottages were soaked. A light sprinkle drizzled on the wooden structures, and people moved swiftly down the streets.

Riley did the same, running down the streets and walking up to the gate around the manor.

A guard studied him. “Papers?”

Riley reached for his bag while preparing to run. He opened it and pulled out a certificate. It can do this? Realization struck Riley in that moment. They would have made papers for the caravan.

He handed the papers over. The guard studied them and then studied him. Sensing nothing, he handed the papers back and then gestured. “Go ahead.”

“Thank you, sir,” Riley said, giving a slight bow. Then he walked swiftly up the road, detouring down a small path to the servant’s entrance. Walking up to it, he pulled the wooden door open and walked inside to a pantry.

Ignoring the food, he silently crept to the main hall and looked down the hallways. Seeing no one, he stood and walked down the hall, searching the rooms as he walked past them.

Avoiding the front and the room filled with chatter, Riley sighed and then climbed the staircase, moving gently to prevent any squeaks or squawks.

He climbed to the top and circled through another hall of polished wood. Paintings lined the walls, and an ornate rug lay there. Riley studied the layout while gently checking the doors, all of which were locked. Which would have his office? Riley debated it and studied the rug, looking for more traffic.

Feeling it, he sighed. It’s worn. This won’t work. Standing, he chose one at random and crept up to it.

Pulling out lock picks, he felt the springs jiggling as he carefully pushed the first pin into place. Moving to the next, he repeated it and heard the lock click.

Smiling, he gently opened the door and saw shelves, so he opened it wider and crept inside.

A smile spread across his face. Books lined the shelves. He walked forward and looked at the paper on the desk.


Your payment is late to House Mishra. If you wish for your daughter to attend the academy…

Riley skimmed the rest of the letter. He looked back at the shelves, and the guilt grew. Is this who I am? A thief who is stealing some girl’s future? His stomach sunk. He looked at his hands. A master of disguise who robs and steals?

Shaking his head, he turned away from the books. No. Not this noble. She doesn't deserve that fate either. He turned and headed for the door.

It creaked open, revealing a girl with long black hair and a tiny nose. She gasped. “Who are you? How did you --”

“Matthew,” Riley said, bowing. “I do apologize, Miss. I must have entered the wrong room.”

“You shouldn’t be up here at all,” the girl replied with a growing frown.

Emma (50). Earth Mage (45). Water Mage (45).

Riley smiled and bowed deeply. “I apologize. I got turned around.”

“I’ll need to take you to the guards,” the girl said. “Guards!” she shouted.

Riley used Ambush and appeared outside. He triggered it again and again, blinking through the city like a blurred shadow in the rain.

Walking to the wall, Riley used Assume Disguise, swapped back, and jogged over to the caravan.

Roger glanced up and then laughed. “Problem?”

“No,” Riley sighed. “Decided against it.”

“That’s new.” Roger quirked a brow.

“We need better nobles. I can’t be as bad as them.”

Roger patted him on the back, walked forward, and checked the horse’s bridle.

Riley walked over to a wagon and aided Helga with her final preparations.

Then he jumped in the wagon. “Think we’ll get time again?”

Helga shook her head. “Unlikely. It’s too hard to see with all the puddles.” She glanced up. “And it’s still sprinkling.”

Riley looked up at the clouds. “Just don’t let it pour again.”

Riley Milvsky

Level: 44

XP: 40813

Bard (C)

Level: 25

Inspiring Song F Bolster your allies with magic and music. Strength and Move Speed increased by 1 for one minute. Costs five Bardic Inspiration and impacts allies within ten meters. The radius of influence expands by one meter for each additional inspiration spent.

Psychic Spike F Wield your mana to cause psychic damage to a target. Cost varies based on allocation.

Manipulate Water F Manipulate the water around you. Cost varies based on amount.

Assassin (C)

Level: 25 + 12

Assume Disguise S +30 charisma. Enhance your current disguise by altering your displayed information and taking on the disguised form. Grants +5 levels to the assigned class. Perception and Insight suffer -250 levels against your disguise and -50 levels against your deception or stealth. Penalty applied: Gods’ Oversight.

Dancer's Form B +10 speed. +2 levels to assigned class. You may use a charge of inspiration to boost your movement speed by an additional 5 for a minute.

Death's Cloak A Slain enemies will grant experience to your base level and active classes. +3 levels to the assigned class. Perception and insight suffer -25 levels against you. Penalty applied: Covenant.

Ambush B +10 speed. +2 levels to the assigned class. Costs one stamina to use. On use, you teleport to a shadow within 20 meters. Penalty applied: Covenant.

Ranger (C)

Level: 24

Predatory Sight E Your perception and insight are boosted by 5. This boost is not reduced by low light or no light.

Pretty E Your appearance is better, but it could be even grander. Use 1 mana to get a little help from Beauty! (Upgrade me again!) Penalty applied: Unequippable. Beauty may alter your appearance at her whim.

Spell Thief (C) Level: 17 Inactive.

Dexterity: 174

Strength: 88

Speed: 81

Intelligence: 88

Charisma: 143

Stamina: 149

Mana: 162

Inspiration: 69

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