An Assassin's Anthem

Chapter 43 - A Prince's Offer

The sun rose, lighting up the academy, which was decorated in a layer of frost. It sparkled in the crisp Monday morning air, and a bell tolled.

Riley jerked out of bed and wiped her face. She looked over at the bard book that she’d been reading. Well, that was sloppy. With a groan, she hoisted herself out of bed and stashed the book.

[Activity experience granted to Assassin, Bard, Ranger, Spell Thief, and Noble.]

[Assassin has advanced: 104 → 105!]

[Bard has advanced: 104 → 105!]

[Ranger has advanced: 104 → 105!]

[Spell Thief has advanced: 104 → 105!]

[Noble has advanced: 68 → 70!]

Picking up three crystals, she channeled them inward.

[Your base level has advanced: 120 → 126!]

The power flooded through her. Gasping, she carefully placed the board back, grabbed her robe, and shuffled off to the bath, sinking into it with little care about her surroundings.

Emma burst from the water and laughed. “Up late?”

“Reading,” Riley replied, dunking her face in the water and washing off any dirt.

Emma moved closer. “Rumors are spreading about you since you’ve been leveling.”

“What rumors?” Riley asked, grabbing a comb and running it through her blue hair.

“That you have connections to criminals, and you’ll be weak because you didn’t earn it.”

Riley shrugged. That worked for her. She attacked the tangles in her hair, trying to untangle them. Maybe I should cut this.

[Don’t you dare! ~Beauty]

“But Beauty it is endless.

It’s growing everywhere.

Tangles form, and it’s a mess.

So much work for hair!” Riley tugged at the snarl.

“You should start braiding it at night,” Emma said, chuckling. “I can help.”

“Thanks.” Riley dunked her hair in the water and carefully broke through the tangle. Looking up, she saw other girls entering and blushed.

“You should stop using crystals you didn’t earn,” one girl said, wading into the water. “It’ll hurt your classes and skills. You won’t be able to advance or combine them.”

“Thanks. I’ll keep it in mind.” Riley ran the comb through her hair once more and walked out of the bath, using a little mana to dry herself. Grabbing her robe, she dressed and walked into her room.

Turning toward her mirror, she used Pretty and watched her hair pull up into a ponytail. She chuckled and looked at her desk. Where’d that come from? She reached down and grabbed the parcel wrapped in paper and string. She untied it and removed the paper, revealing a book entitled A Guide to the Elven Tongue.

Picking it up, she smiled. Althea got me a book. She flipped it open and saw a note written on the cover.


I hope that this book finds you well. Know that your family cares deeply about you and is extremely excited to meet you. Be very careful, and never forget that we care. There are better places to live, even if you wish to be human.

I also wanted you to have this necklace. Your mother had one just like it, and I’m certain she would have liked for you to have one of your own.


Riley shut the book and looked under it, finding a silver necklace with a willow tree forged on the small pendant. She picked it up and placed it around her neck, tucking it under her shirt.

Thanks, Althea. With a wide smile, she took the book and hid it under the floorboard.

Finally, she grabbed her bag and left her room, walking down the hall and stopping at Emma’s room. She knocked and poked her head in.

“You’re so fast,” Emma said, grabbing a brush.

“Beauty helped,” Riley chuckled. “Did you have fun yesterday? I saw you flirting with Travis.”

Emma smiled. “Yes. He was nice and will be a good mayor, though he has to serve in the military.”

Riley nodded. “Of course.” She walked inside.

“Riley? Are you really just using crystals from others?” Lin asked nervously.

“No.” Riley shrugged. “But I don’t care what they think.” She tied Lin’s dress.

Walking over, she tied Emma’s and gave them each an approving smile. They grabbed their bags. Riley turned and headed for the door, leaving their cramped room behind and walking out into the cold.

A coating of frost covered the nearby buildings. The academy’s windows were decorated with glistening white spirals. Riley’s breath billowed, and she tucked in her arms. Should have brought a cloak. Moving quickly, she darted down the slick, frost-covered stone, racing up to the door and letting out a burst of warm air.

Walking inside the warm building, she wiped her feet on a rug near the door and headed down the polished wood hall, glancing at the nearby paintings while she walked.

Entering the dining room, she moved to an unoccupied table and sat on the padded, wooden chair. Smiling at the two who joined her, she turned and grinning at the servant. “Omelet and toast in the pocket,” Riley said with a wink.

The servant’s smile crooked up. “My lady?”

“One in the pocket,” Riley said, signaling they could take an extra one for themself.

The servant smiled and nodded. Riley turned to her two friends. “Order what you want?”

“Same for me,” Emma said.

“Me too,” Lin added.

The servant walked away, her dress swishing. Riley turned her focus to the rest of the room. Various students sat around the tables, chatting about the tournaments, their progress, and other news. Riley listened passively, learning random bits of gossip about the prince and princess, who seemed to dominate the conversations.

Riley turned back to the table and contemplated pulling out a book. The servant walked up and placed their plates down.

The smell of warm eggs and salted pork drifted upward. Riley’s mouth watered. She picked up her silverware, and a shadow settled on the table. She looked up. “Hello, Randal.”

Randal held out his hand. “Let’s put the past in the past, agreed?”

Riley reached out and shook it. “Deal.”

He sat and ordered his breakfast, looking at the other two at the table. “Are you competent fighters? I need a better group.”

Lin smiled. “I’m the best.”

“Spar at lunch? Just to test?” Randal asked.

“Sure.” Lin smiled and resumed eating.

Riley listened to a wave of noise that rippled through the room. Students started discussing skills and ideal grouping. A few started shouting while they fought over groups.

A magus walked forward and rang a bell. The students went quiet. He cleared his throat. “I see that group arrangement is being debated. There are some rules. First, we will be following any requests from the palace. Second, we will assign groups to test skills and aid everyone involved. Any duels should be done with supervision. The midterm and end-of-term tournaments have been scheduled. For those who wish to participate, know that we reward the winners. Now for the winner of the first expedition.” He frowned and looked at his paper. “It seems that the longest-lasting group refused to audit progress. So, we shall go with the next. Princess Lily and team, congratulations. You will receive a perfect F-tier crystal for pushing the furthest and clearing the first level.”

The magus walked through the students and handed them each a crystal.

Riley joined the students, who were clapping. The magus walked back to the front of the room, and a bell rang, warning everyone of class time.

Riley stood and headed toward class with the rest of the students. An arm reached out and linked with her. Riley turned and painted a smile on her face.

Princess Lily smiled. “Hello, Riley. You’re sitting by me today. We need to chat.” Her vibrant red dress and vibrant red hair bounced as she walked.

Riley followed. “Chat, princess?”

“Yes. I think it’s time for that,” Lily said, walking alongside her to class.

Turning, Riley walked into the warm room. The hearth flickered in the back, and the students headed to the various desks.

Lily pulled her to a desk in the enchanting classroom. Magus Victoria walked in and moved to the front of the class. She rifled through papers and pulled out a piece of chalk.

Riley looked down at the block of wood and etching tool. It looks like a narrow chisel. She studied the metal.

Lily leaned closer. “My brother is up to something, and while he’s clever, he’s not clever enough. I know it’s you. You’re joining my group this Friday.” She grinned.

Riley plastered on a smile. “Pardon, Princess? Are you —“

“Don’t,” Lily said, her smile dropping away. A burst of warm air flickered through the room. “You’re either with me or against me,” she stated firmly. “And you are —”

“Enough,” Timothy said, walking over. He held out his hand. “Come, Lady Riley. Let’s find you a different seat.”

Riley grimaced, and time seemed to stand still. She looked at the two. The prince is easier. Standing up, Riley made her choice, following the prince to a seat across the room.

The princess glowered. Her emotions caused her magic to flare, sending off another heat wave. “Don’t do this, Riley. You will —“

“Princess, there will be no threats to other nobility,” the magus interrupted, frowning at the group. “Those are the king’s orders.” She turned. “Now, let us begin. Today, we’ll practice etching enchantments using a special acid. This is how you will create your focus.”

Riley sat beside Dwight and looked at the vial on her desk. Grabbing the etching tool, she gingerly carved runes on the wood block.

A gust of wind slammed into the building. Riley looked up. Several others did the same, looking out to see a courier skid to a halt in front of the palace.

“Just a draft,” the magus called. “Back to work.”

Riley resumed practicing, ensuring that each symbol was perfect. Then she pulled out a knife and set it on the table.

The magus stood and walked over. “It’s a little early, but if you are confident, go ahead.”

Riley channeled her mana into the ink. It glowed a vibrant, dark blue. She picked up the tool and carefully traced the runes onto the knife’s blade. The ink sunk into the metal, leaving behind a blue stain.

Finishing off the last of the ink, she pulled out her crystal and looked up at the Magus.

Magus Victoria pulled out a pair of glasses. Runes lit across them, and she studied. She reached down and pointed out the flaws: places where the ink hadn’t sunk evenly into the metal and where there were slight gaps.

Riley slumped and put her crystal away.

“It will work, but it will cost double to triple what it should cost to use the enchantment,” Victoria finished, stowing her spectacles and looking around the students, who had huddled over to watch.

“Three dimensions,” Riley said softly, hitting her forehead.

“Indeed. A good practice lesson.” The magus walked back to the front of the room. She spun. “It would aid if you would pass it among the others. I trust that I don’t need to warn anyone that misuse of the knife will result in expulsion.” She picked up an inkwell and walked it to Riley’s desk.

Riley handed it to Dwight. He examined it and passed it on.

Riley resumed her practice, paying closer attention to the amount of ink that was being applied to the block of wood.

The knife traveled around the room and returned to her desk. Riley sheathed it and turned back to her practice.

Moments later, the bell rang, and the students walked out of the classroom and toward the dining room.

“Sit with us,” Dwight said.

Riley followed them to a table in the back and took a seat. She looked over at the prince. “Before this goes further, I need to know what you are offering.”

The prince smiled, ran his hand through his red hair, and leaned forward. “Riley, get me to level two hundred and fifty by the end of term, and I’ll give you a duchy.” He paused and met her gaze. “I expect loyalty as well.”

Riley looked into his brown eyes and nodded. “I agree. A duchy,” she said with a nod. Grandma will love that. She paused a moment, feeling the necklace around her neck. Do I want to stay here?

Timothy smiled. “You’ll eat with us. Inform me if she causes an issue, and welcome to the team.” He smiled and gestured to the nearby servant. “We’ll have the finest venison.”

The servant nodded and walked away, her black-and-white uniform weaving through the students. Riley watched her and then looked back at the prince. “What is the plan?”

“Not here. We’ll have a chat in the palace,” Timothy said and turned to the others.

Riley looked over at the black-haired boy, who was scowling at the princess. What’s his deal?

“I can’t believe they got the first floor by burning the town down,” Kamal groaned. “We should have done the same.”

“They burned it down?” Riley asked. Her guilt at the theft snuffing out.

“Yes,” Kamal said with a nod. “Said it didn’t matter. They weren’t real. In fairness, she’s right, and it let them clear the first floor with ease.”

“Maybe next time.” Timothy sighed. “I didn’t want a murderer class.”

Dwight frowned. “How much does it take? Could you burn it down without getting it? We debated it.” He looked at Riley. She shrugged back.

“No one really knows how much it matters,” Timothy said. “Long term, burning down every village will cause you problems.”

Riley looked over and watched the approaching servants. They placed down the plates, filled glasses, and walked away. Riley picked up her fork and started eating.

Riley Milvsky

Level: 126

Bard (C)

Level: 105

Rousing Song E Bolster your allies or agitate your enemies with magic and music. Strength and Move Speed increased or decreased for one minute. Costs five Bardic Inspiration and impacts creatures within ten meters. The radius of influence expands by one meter for each additional inspiration spent.

Psychic Strike E Wield your mana to cause psychic damage to a target. Cost varies based on allocation.

Control Water E Manipulate the water around you. Cost varies based on amount.

Assassin (C)

Level: 105 + 12

Assume Disguise S +30 charisma. Enhance your current disguise by altering your displayed information and taking on the disguised form. Grants +5 levels to the assigned class. Perception and Insight suffer -250 levels against your disguise and -50 levels against your deception or stealth. Penalty applied: Gods’ Oversight.

Dancer's Form B +10 speed. +2 levels to assigned class. You may use a charge of inspiration to boost your movement speed by an additional 5 for a minute.

Death's Cloak A Slain enemies will grant experience to your base level and active classes. +3 levels to the assigned class. Perception and insight suffer -25 levels against you. Penalty applied: Covenant.

Ambush B +10 speed. +2 levels to the assigned class. Costs one stamina to use. On use, you teleport to a shadow within 20 meters. Penalty applied: Covenant.

Ranger (C)

Level: 105

Predatory Sight E Your perception and insight are boosted by 5. This boost is not reduced by low light or no light.

Manipulate Storm E Attempt to control or augment elements of a storm. Cost varies.

Ice Blade E Conjure a weapon made of ice. Costs two to twenty mana depending on blade durability.

Pretty E Your appearance is better, but it could be even grander. Use 1 mana to get a little help from Beauty! (Upgrade me again!) Penalty applied: Unequippable. Beauty may alter your appearance at her whim.

Spell Thief (C) Level: 105 Inactive.

Noble (F)

Level: 70 Inactive.

- -

Bolstering Presence F +1 Strength to all your subjects or to any allies within 10 meters.

Dexterity 579

Strength 252

Speed 242

Intelligence 252

Charisma 387

Stamina 474

Mana 567

Inspiration 231

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