An Assassin's Anthem

Chapter 47 - Moving Pieces

Riley dashed down the chasm, vaulting over stones like a fleeing rabbit. Another roar burned through the air.

“Is that a full-grown dragon?” Dwight asked with wide eyes.

“Run!” Timothy barked, vaulting over stones.

The dragon circled. Its wings flapped, sending gusts of wind down into the cavern. Nope. Riley used Ambush, flicking like a racing courier and leaping into the entrance.

“Shit!” Timothy yelled.

Text flashed into Riley’s vision. She ignored it and turned back to watch. The boys sprinted and leapt. The world was bathed in flame. Hair burned. Clothing burned, and they slammed into the entrance.

Screaming, they pulled out potions and drank. Riley sprinted over to Luiz, pulled his potion out, and poured it down his throat. He coughed and vanished.

Riley watched each do the same. She pulled up the text.

[Your base level has advanced: 157 → 161!]

[Reward: Cook(F): +1 dexterity per level. Grants one skill slot while active.][Level 2 Cleared: Pick base experience, class experience, the new skill “Inspiring Presence (D),” or an E-tier skill to upgrade.]

Riley vetoed the skill upgrade. She’d get that soon enough, and combining skills was better. Then, she debated between the skill and base experience. I got more than my share of crystals and all the kill experience. Pushing ahead will just make enemies, and I’ll pass out. She picked the skill.

[Inspiring Presence (D) - Subjects regain 1 stamina and 1 mana every hour. Allies within fifty meters count as subjects. You may temporarily expand the range by 15 meters for each bardic inspiration spent. Compatible Classes: Bard & Noble.]

Riley smiled and adjusted her disguise, making it look like she’d taken the experience before stepping forward and appearing in the temple.

She looked around the pews. The three boys were sitting in the first pew while a priest fussed over them. Looks like Luiz and Dwight are going to be bald for a bit. She winced. “Are you alright?”

“Gods, that was terrifying,” Dwight said. “Where’d it even come from?”

Riley shrugged. I can’t believe I missed it. She walked forward and opened her bag, showing it to the priest. Pulling out the five found crystals, she split them, taking one and placing the rest on the table. The boys came and took them.

The priest looked through each of the remaining crystals and looked up. “Vow that you don’t have any hidden.”

“I only have the crystals attuned to me along with that single one.” She gestured at the bag.

The priest turned and nodded. “She only has hers.” He walked over and jotted it down. “Impressive showing. Though do be careful going so deep.”

Kamal stood and stretched. “That fire hurt.”

“First time I was warm, though,” Luiz said with a chuckle. He focused on the bag with the loot.

The rest of the group did too. Riley walked over and studied the bag. There were half a dozen imbued weapons. While valuable, she could let those slide. Reaching in, she looked at the other items and gasped.

[Weathered Spellbook - This resilient spellbook can act as a focus for copied spells. It is impervious to water damage.]

Reaching down, she picked up the worn book and pulled it close. She spun and glared at the prince. Fury filled her like a growing storm, and she contemplated stabbing him.

“Calm down, Riley,” Timothy said, raising his hands. “I’ve already decided. You can keep the book.”

Riley’s fury slowly faded. “Thank you,” she forced the words out and walked away. Rotten bugger. He’s still taking something from everyone… Well, almost everyone. She sat, looked at the book, and calmed down.

Timothy stood, walked over, and handed out one to each of them. “I know there are others, but we do need them. There is a war. You know that.” He paused. “And don’t pretend like you wouldn’t do the same.”

Riley didn’t argue. She’d already stolen the shoes. She studied the ragged group.

“Congratulations on clearing the second level,” the priest said with a smile.

“We went the furthest, right?” Dwight asked.

The priest chuckled. “Of course. A few burned all their magic to attack the kobolds, but no one spent the night to get more. They said it was too cold.”

“It was freezing,” Dwight affirmed, walking over and taking the sword. He sheathed it with a grin.

Riley nodded and looked at the group. “Are we ready to go?”

Timothy walked up and frowned. “Riley, take the skill next time. You’re pulling ahead. We’ll have one or possibly two more at E-tier, so plan accordingly.”

Riley masked her emotions and nodded while doing mental math. The others collected their gear and headed for the door. Their adrenaline had faded, and all looked haggard.

Riley followed. I’ll do math later. She walked out of the temple and headed to the stables, taking the reins of the horse she’d ridden the day prior.

Tossing on the blanket, she jumped onto its back.

“Be careful out there,” a guard said. “We can get an escort if you wish to wait for another ten minutes.”

“Wait,” Timothy ordered, looking at her.

Riley sighed and dropped off the horse. She patted it while she waited.

Dwight walked over. “You really are a little reckless. We couldn’t believe it when we saw you down there extinguishing their fires. You could have died.”

Riley blushed. “It was a little reckless. I’ll admit that.” She patted the horse and looked at the small encampment with its six simple buildings and large picket. Its purpose was single: to protect the temple and place of power. That showed. The barracks were small, and there were no other amenities around. It was all focused around the temple.

Growing bored, she peered into her purse and counted the crystals.

[1 perfect D-tier crystals]

[3 D-tier crystals]

[3 perfect E-tier crystals]

[7 E-tier crystals]

[1 E-tier unattuned crystals]

She smiled and tightened her purse. That’s almost enough for D-tier. She patted the horse happily while watching the log barracks.

Guards filed out of the building. They saddled horses and get ready for the trek back.

After another minute, she vaulted onto the back of the horse, and the group shot off toward the academy.

Riley leaned against the horse, letting it run and yawning while they galloped down the dirt road. I need a nap. She let her thoughts drift while the horses galloped down the road.

The fields blurred around the group, and the capital came into view with the palace sitting on the hill. The large stone palace towered over the city, sunlight glinting off the windows and banners hanging loosely from its balconies.

Turning, Riley looked at the massive wall surrounding all the cottages and buildings inside. She smiled and rode up to the back entrance.

Entering the gate, the group wrapped back and forth up the steep incline, eventually passing through another gate that opened into the palace grounds.

Riding up to the corral, Riley dismounted and looked longingly for her dorm. Finally. She turned to wave, and several students raced up.

“Prince Timothy!” the student shouted, barreling up with several following.

Riley groaned inwardly. All she wanted was some sleep, and there was no way this was good. A half-dozen students raced forward to talk to him.

“Baron Mishra and his son were killed,” the first shouted, not wanting to miss his chance.

Riley’s blood ran cold. She shivered. Hassan? He killed them? She turned toward the prince.

“When?” Timothy asked, handing the reins to a guard.

“Yesterday morning. Hassan was taken by the seekers the moment he got back.” The boy puffed out his chest.

“And he’s innocent! Someone else did it,” another student finished.

Shock hit Riley instantly. There’s no way that is true. She frowned. How did he trick it?

“Innocent?” Timothy asked.

“Innocent,” the boy said. “He said he went to the guild to clear up debts. No other contracts were made apart from the first one, and that one didn’t mention his family at all.”

Riley frowned. How did he cheat that? He had to have made an agreement. She sighed. All she wanted was a nap, but she needed to visit the guild.

Timothy walked toward the palace, and Riley jogged for her dorm. She walked inside, stashed her crystals, and headed back out.

Waving at the guards, she entered the city and dashed into an alley. “Street urchin!” She triggered Assume Disguise and bolted down the streets, dashing down alleys and roads, heading straight for the poor part of the city.

She ran past the shops and cottages, leaping over garbage and refuse before skidding to a stop in front of the worn cottage.

Looking around, she spotted the lookout and waltzed up, waving to the young boy.

“You aren’t supposed to see me,” the boy said, chuckling.

Riley grinned and handed him a sil. “Good to see you. Can I ask you about the woman here? Is she nice?”

The boy nodded. “She’s nice to us.” He leaned closer. “She smuggled in a deer for us.” He grinned and rubbed his stomach.

“What about the nobles?” Riley asked.

“We stay away from them. It’s too risky.” The boy shook his head.

Riley nodded sympathetically. “You take care of yourself, alright?”

“I will.” He grinned at her and ran off.

Riley chuckled. She walked over to the cottage, knocked, and walked inside.

Sitting down, she knocked on the table and contemplated this new wrinkle. They helped Hassan kill his family. And they did it without getting him caught. A shiver rolled down her spine, and her eyes went wide. No, they did far worse. They just showed everyone that there are ways to make this happen. She groaned and turned.

The door swung open, and two figures walked inside.

Riley looked at the cowled man in surprise. “Dad?”

“Hello, Riley. Interesting disguise.” Roger winked and took a seat.

“I told you she’d come here as soon as she got back,” Althea said, sitting at the table.

Riley turned to her. “How did you do it? Why did you do it?”

Althea smiled. “One question at a time, dear. And that is a private matter. If you wish the information, you’ll need to pay.”

Riley scowled at her. She looked at her dad. “Did you know about this? And her?”

“No, I didn’t know what you’re talking about.” Roger shook his head and looked over. “What did you do, Althea?”

“Aided a noble. So, Riley. Do you wish to make a contract with me?” Althea asked, leaning forward with a growing smile.

“What’s the price?” Riley asked. “You said that you were a friend.” She huffed and crossed her arms.

“I am a friend, and the cost is minor. You will not choose to stay here until you’ve met with the elven nations. That is it.” Althea smiled at her.

Riley looked at her in confusion. “Why does it even matter to you?”

“You have family there,” Althea replied. “They want to talk to you.”

Make sense. Riley nodded. “Fine, I agree to your terms. Why do it?”

“This nation is full of issues. It was time to start cleaning,” Althea said bluntly.

“And how did he avoid detection?” Riley asked.

“Oh, that is simple. We made no contract.” Althea winked. “He gave me an opening, and I took it. He never contracted us to do it. I just gave him his wish. Now we see what he does with it.”

Riley slumped. “But don’t you see what you’ve done by killing a noble so openly?” She wiped a streak of dust off the table.

“Opened the gate for others?” Althea asked. “Come now, Riley, you’re an assassin and a bright girl. Do you really think that gate would have stayed shut? Everyone saw your group. The prince is pushing ahead, and the princess will act if she hasn’t already. Don’t be foolish if you wish to stay alive.” She paused and leaned forward again. “Though we could take you to the elven nations now if you’d prefer. Just say the word. That would be safer.”

“It will escalate,” Riley whispered, looking up. “Innocents will die. We don’t do that.”

“Indeed, we do not. That doesn’t mean they will not. Don’t let them blind you, Riley. As soon as you entered that dungeon, the gate was unlocked. You made the first move by helping the prince advance beyond his sister. I simply moved the next piece.”

Riley winced. That was likely true. “Why help Hassan, though?” she asked. Realization slammed into her moments later. “Who else had a contract for him?”

“There she is, the clever girl I’ve heard about.” Althea grinned. “There are contracts from many nobles; do you want some? There are several contracts for foes of the prince.”

Riley let out a long breath. “I can’t make that run.”

“Get a courier class or get another movement skill. That means you need to run more and spend some crystals. Or you could get it in a place of power, but that would require you to travel a large stretch of ground.” Althea placed two contracts on the table. “Consider these. They’re close.”

Riley reached down and picked them up. Two were for mayors, and one was for a group of thieves that had popped up. She looked up. “Am I ready?”

“You’re ready for those,” Althea said. “I can accompany you if you’d like. Remember, ours is not to kill wantonly. Nor are we hired blades. If you don’t feel right about it, walk away. Do some investigating and ask the gods.”

Riley took the contracts, carefully folding them and hiding them in her ragged attire. Then she turned to her father. “Can I trust Althea?”

Althea winced as if she’d been stabbed. She spun toward Roger.

“You can trust her,” Roger said, studying his daughter. “She won’t hurt you. Why ask?”

“I wanted some advice about skills and classes,” Riley said. “I got a new skill: Inspiring Presence. And I was wondering if I should sacrifice noble?”

Roger stroked his chin. “You—“

“If I may,” Althea interrupted. “Let’s start with classes. I’d advise leaving Noble until you get it to at least C-tier. You could then consider sacrificing it to Bard or simply keep it. As for any minor class that you aren’t going to use? I’d sacrifice it to Noble. They won’t give much and may harm your others.”

Riley nodded and turned inward, willing Cook into Noble. The class swirled away, streaming out into a gold ribbon that flooded into the class.

[Noble has advanced: 80 → 115!]

[Noble(F) has advanced to Noble (E). - +1 Charisma per level. +1 Intelligence per level.]

That’s a nice little boost. She looked up and blushed. The two were both looking at her. Althea had a raised brow.

“I sacrificed Cook,” Riley said, chuckling softly.

“A good option,” Althea said. “It will probably seem silly to keep feeding common classes to Noble, but I would unless it’s something for your other classes.” She paused. “As for skills, you can combine the presence skills, but it will reduce the effect in a major way. There is also another option. I’ll get you a book.” Althea smiled.

“What option?” Riley asked.

“There is one other class that builds with them: Bard. You can merge Empowering Presence with Rousing Song, for example. Then you can equip it as a Bard. I’d advise it for those. They are quite compatible.”

Riley looked at the skills. “What would it give?”

“It will split Rousing Song but create something even better.” Althea grinned. “If you have two crystals, you could try it. We’ll watch over you.”

Riley shook her head. “I didn’t bring crystals with me.”

Althea turned. “Roger? Do you mind? This is important.”

Roger frowned. “I’ll be back in a moment.” He walked out the door.

Riley studied the elf. “How do you know my dad?”

“I moved here three years ago. Naturally, I met anyone here very quickly. Your father was one of them. Though he did not tell me about your mother or you.” Althea huffed and shook her head.

Riley frowned. “What? There has to be more.”

“Yes. He inquired about locations that were friendly toward half-elves. I heard about it and contacted him.” Althea smiled. “While I can see what was hidden now, it’s apparent that he was searching for a spot for you. We met and discussed. Then he told me of some half-elves that he had found. I aided them. Though he clearly kept one of them secret.” She looked at Riley.

“Oh. That makes sense,” Riley said, nodding to herself.

“He also has a good reputation in the guild,” Althea continued. “And then he asked me to watch over you while at school. Of course, I agreed. I’m happy to look after the daughter of a friend.”

“Are you a spy?” Riley asked.

Althea winked. “What do you think?” She spun as the door opened.

Roger walked inside and handed two crystals to Riley.

“Is this good advice, Dad?” Riley asked him.

“I’d trust her. I don’t know the ideal path for either class, and she is likely older than any human in this kingdom.” Roger shrugged. “So, she likely does.”

“I’m not that old,” Althea protested. “But I am aware of this.”

Riley studied the elf once more. The gods will stop it if it’s a horrible idea. She pulled the crystals to her chest.

“Will the song to split, Riley,” Althea said, reaching across the table. “That’s important. Combining it will be a mistake. It’s not worth the price.”

Riley nodded and focused on her skills, willing the song to split apart again while merging the other two.

Energy surged out from the crystals, crackling through her like lightning. The skills swirled like a growing storm, melting and forming anew, building into two new skills.

[Bolstering Presence (F) + Rousing Song (E) → Empowering Presence (D) and Dominating Song (D) ]

[Empowering Presence (D) - Your subjects gain +3 strength, +3 dexterity, and +3 movement speed; allies within 20 meters count as subjects. You may use Bardic Inspiration to temporarily boost the range and the effect.]

[Dominating Song (D) - Use 30 mana to reduce nearby enemy strength, dexterity, and movement speed by 3. This effect extends 20 meters, and the radius of influence expands by 1 meter for each inspiration spent.]

Riley stared at the first one. “What?” she whispered. She stared at Althea. “How strong is the boost? I have more than two hundred inspiration.”

Althea smiled. “There is a reason that this kingdom bans bards, my dear. Most kingdoms do.”

“So they can stay in power,” Riley said. It was obvious just looking at it. Giving even a small boost across your territory would matter greatly for each new generation. She paused and looked at Althea. “Do the elves ban bards?”

“We did. It was a mistake.” Althea shook her head. “We’ve found a better path but are struggling to get forgiveness from Music.”

“What can I combine with Dominating Song?” Riley asked.

Althea smiled. “Dominating Presence is ideal. I’ll get you a book.”

“Thanks.” Riley looked at the skill. That is wild. Our nobles could be making everyone stronger. She blinked and looked at her father. “I have more skills than I can slot. Any advice?”

Roger stretched. “You should reach D-tier in a week or two. I’d wait and combine them if you wish. Otherwise, start doing research.”

“Do you have specific ones in mind?” Althea asked.

“I have Manipulate Storm. Do I try to push that? I might be able to get druid—“

“You aren’t a druid, dear,” Althea interrupted. She smiled sympathetically and shook her head. “Candidly, I expect that path is a dead end for you.”

Riley frowned. “It is?”

“Yes. Your magic is revealed by your classes. Spell Thief and Bard are your paths.” Althea stood and walked over to the other side of the table, sitting next to her. “Spell Thief is a psychic class. You can scavenge other skills, like Manipulate Storm. But it will struggle to grow beyond the typical Ranger skills. As to Bard? That’s versatile and suffers for it, candidly.”

“Suffers?” Riley asked.

“The skills dead end sooner. That portion of its reputation is true. That’s why it’s best to focus on another class and use both. I’d advise psychic magic and your presence.”

“Oh,” Riley said, looking at her skills. “So, psychic magic is what I’ll be good at?”

“Yes,” Althea paused. “I’m uncertain of the ideal combinations for Spell Thief. It’s tricky to acquire that class. I’ll try to get a book.”

“Thanks.” Riley smiled at her and turned back to her father. “How was the front?”

“The conflict is growing. Soldiers are amassing,” Roger replied. He turned and took the outstretched contract from Althea, read it, and sighed. “Another?”

“Yes. We have some rogue tyrants who have reached A-tier. Go squash them,” Althea replied. “The pay is good.”

Riley stood, walked over, and hugged her father. “Be safe. I need to get back.”

“You, too. Run if needed,” Roger whispered, patting her back.

Riley released him and turned back towards the academy. Sleep sounded amazing. She could investigate things later. She stepped forward and was jerked into a hug.

Althea smiled and pulled her close. “Get some rest, and be safe. Buy a healing potion or two.” She handed Riley a small bag of gold.

Riley hugged her back. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome. And I expect you to honor your debt. You owe them a visit. Come to me if you need advice or other potions.”

“Thanks.” Riley released her hug and headed back to the school; her only mission was a nap. She walked out the door. It clattered shut behind her.


Roger turned back to the elven woman. “What game are you playing?”

Althea spun toward him. “Do you wish to pay the price of information? It’s a steep one. You will take Riley to the elven lands immediately.”

“I can’t do that.” Roger glared at her.

Althea shrugged. “Then you won’t get an answer.” She pulled out parchment and a quill.

“You could earn favor by telling me,” Roger said with a growing frown.

Althea shook her head. “No. Some secrets belong to the elves. If she travels there or becomes one, then we will talk.”

Roger frowned. “Keep her safe.” He turned and walked out the door.

Althea pulled out ink and dipped the quill in it. She carefully wrote out a message.


The first tree falls. Operation on schedule.

Sapling guidance provided and observed. Working on both. Reports are promising. Vetoing any rash action.


With a smile on her face, she walked outside to deliver her letter.

Riley Milvsky

Level: 161

Bard (C)

Level: 110

Dominating Song D Use 30 mana to reduce nearby enemy strength, dexterity, and movement speed by 3. This effect extends 20meters, and the radius of influence expands by 1 meter for each inspiration spent.

Psychic Strike E Wield your mana to cause psychic damage to a target. Cost varies based on allocation.

Control Water E Manipulate the water around you. Cost varies based on amount.

Assassin (C)

Level: 110 + 12

Assume Disguise S +30 charisma. Enhance your current disguise by altering your displayed information and taking on the disguised form. Grants +5 levels to the assigned class. Perception and Insight suffer -250 levels against your disguise and -50 levels against your deception or stealth. Penalty applied: Gods’ Oversight.

Dancer's Form B +10 speed. +2 levels to assigned class. You may use a charge of inspiration to boost your movement speed by an additional 5 for a minute.

Death's Cloak A Slain enemies will grant experience to your base level and active classes. +3 levels to the assigned class. Perception and insight suffer -25 levels against you. Penalty applied: Covenant.

Ambush B +10 speed. +2 levels to the assigned class. Costs one stamina to use. On use, you teleport to a shadow within 20 meters. Penalty applied: Covenant.

Ranger (C)

Level: 110

Predatory Sight E Your perception and insight are boosted by 5. This boost is not reduced by low light or no light.

Manipulate Storm E Attempt to control or augment elements of a storm. Cost varies.

Ice Blade E Conjure a weapon made of ice. Costs 2 to 20 mana depending on blade durability.

Pretty E Your appearance is better, but it could be even grander. Use 1 mana to get a little help from Beauty! (Upgrade me again!) Penalty applied: Unequippable. Beauty may alter your appearance at her whim.

Spell Thief (C) Level: 110 Inactive.

Noble (E)

Level: 115 Inactive.

- -

Empowering Presence E Your subjects gain +3 strength, +3 dexterity, and +3 movement speed; allies within 20 meters count as subjects. You may use Bardic Inspiration to temporarily boost the range and the effect.

Inspiring presence D Your subjects regain 1 stamina and 1 mana every hour. Allies within fifty meters count as subjects. You may temporarily expand the range by 15 meters for each bardic inspiration spent.

Dexterity 664

Strength 322

Speed 252

Intelligence 322

Charisma 462

Stamina 554

Mana 652

Inspiration 271

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